45 research outputs found

    Severe risk for Stewart\u27s disease

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    Stewart\u27s disease of corn, also known as Stewart\u27s wilt, is caused by the bacterium Pantoea stewartii. The 2000 growing season is predicted to be a very severe year for this disease, largely because of six successive winters with above-average monthly temperatures that have favored the survival of the insect vector for this disease, the corn flea beetle (Chaetocnema pulicaria). There are commonly two stages to the disease. Initially, leaf lesions that are off-green to yellow extend along the leaf veins, followed by mild-to-severe early seedling blight symptoms

    Advancing agricultural research using machine learning algorithms

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    Rising global population and climate change realities dictate that agricultural productivity must be accelerated. Results from current traditional research approaches are difficult to extrapolate to all possible fields because they are dependent on specific soil types, weather conditions, and background management combinations that are not applicable nor translatable to all farms. A method that accurately evaluates the effectiveness of infinite cropping system interactions (involving multiple management practices) to increase maize and soybean yield across the US does not exist. Here, we utilize extensive databases and artificial intelligence algorithms and show that complex interactions, which cannot be evaluated in replicated trials, are associated with large crop yield variability and thus, potential for substantial yield increases. Our approach can accelerate agricultural research, identify sustainable practices, and help overcome future food demands

    Dissecting the Economic Impact of Soybean Diseases in the United States over Two Decades

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    Soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) is an economically important commodity for United States agriculture. Nonetheless, the profitability of soybean production has been negatively impacted by soybean diseases. The economic impacts of 23 common soybean diseases were estimated in 28 soybean-producing states in the U.S., from 1996 to 2016 (the entire data set consisted of 13,524 data points). Estimated losses were investigated using a variety of statistical approaches. The main effects of state, year, pre- and post-discovery of soybean rust, region, and zones based on yield, harvest area, and production, were significant on “total economic loss” as a function of diseases. Across states and years, the soybean cyst nematode, charcoal rot, and seedling diseases were the most economically damaging diseases while soybean rust, bacterial blight, and southern blight were the least economically damaging. A significantly greater mean loss (51%) was observed in states/years after the discovery of soybean rust (2004 to 2016) compared to the pre-discovery (1996 to 2003). From 1996 to 2016, the total estimated economic loss due to soybean diseases in the U.S. was 95.48billion,with95.48 billion, with 80.89 billion and 14.59billionaccountingforthenorthernandsouthernU.S.losses,respectively.Overtheentiretimeperiod,theaverageannualeconomiclossduetosoybeandiseasesintheU.S.reachednearly14.59 billion accounting for the northern and southern U.S. losses, respectively. Over the entire time period, the average annual economic loss due to soybean diseases in the U.S. reached nearly 4.55 billion, with approximately 85% of the losses occurring in the northern U.S. Low yield/harvest/production zones had significantly lower mean economic losses due to diseases in comparison to high yield/harvest/production zones. This observation was further bolstered by the observed positive linear correlation of mean soybean yield loss (in each state, due to all diseases considered in this study, across 21 years) with the mean state wide soybean production (MT), mean soybean yield (kg ha-1), and mean soybean harvest area (ha). Results of this investigation provide useful insights into how research, policy, and educational efforts should be prioritized in soybean disease management

    Perceptions of Midwestern Crop Advisors and Growers on Foliar Fungicide Adoption and Use in Maize

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    Foliar fungicide use in hybrid maize in the United States was rare before 2000. The decade from 2000 to 2010 saw foliar fungicides increasingly applied to maize in the absence of appreciable disease pressure, a practice seemingly at odds with integrated pest management philosophy. Yet, it is commonly believed that growers do not employ management strategies unless there are perceived benefits. Maize (corn) growers (CGs) and certified crop advisors (CCAs) across four Midwestern states (Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, and Wisconsin) were surveyed to better understand their practices, values and perceptions concerning the use of foliar fungicides during 2005 to 2009. The survey results demonstrated the rapid rise in maize foliar fungicide applications from 2000 through 2008, with 84% of CGs who sprayed having used a foliar fungicide in maize production for the very first time during 2005 to 2009. During 2005 to 2009, 73% of CCAs had recommended using a foliar fungicide, but only 35% of CGs sprayed. Perceived yield gains, conditional on having sprayed, were above the break-even point on average. However, negative yield responses were also observed by almost half of CCAs and a quarter of CGs. Hybrid disease resistance was a more important factor to economically successful maize production than foliar fungicides. Diseases as a yield-limiting factor were more important to CGs than CCAs. As a group, CGs were not as embracing of foliar fungicide as were CCAs, and remained more conservative about the perceived benefits to yield

    Modeling the Relationship Between Estimated Fungicide Use and Disease-Associated Yield Losses of Soybean in the United States I: Foliar Fungicides vs Foliar Diseases

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    Fungicide use in the United States to manage soybean diseases has increased in recent years. The ability of fungicides to reduce disease-associated yield losses varies greatly depending on multiple factors. Nonetheless, historical data are useful to understand the broad sense and long-term trends related to fungicide use practices. In the current study, the relationship between estimated soybean yield losses due to selected foliar diseases and foliar fungicide use was investigated using annual data from 28 soybean growing states over the period of 2005 to 2015. For national and regional (southern and northern United States) scale data, mixed effects modeling was performed considering fungicide use as a fixed and state and year as random factors to generate generalized R2 values for marginal (R2GLMM(m); contains only fixed effects) and conditional (R2GLMM(c); contains fixed and random effects) models. Similar analyses were performed considering soybean production data to see how fungicide use affected production. Analyses at both national and regional scales showed that R2GLMM(m) values were significantly smaller compared to R2GLMM(c) values. The large difference between R2 values for conditional and marginal models indicated that the variation of yield loss as well as production were predominantly explained by the state and year rather than the fungicide use, revealing the general lack of fit between fungicide use and yield loss/production at national and regional scales. Therefore, regression models were fitted across states and years to examine their importance in combination with fungicide use on yield loss or yield. In the majority of cases, the relationship was nonsignificant. However, the relationship between soybean yield and fungicide use was significant and positive for majority of the years in the study. Results suggest that foliar fungicides conferred yield benefits in most of the years in the study. Furthermore, the year-dependent usefulness of foliar fungicides in mitigating soybean yield losses suggested the possible influence of temporally fluctuating abiotic factors on the effectiveness of foliar fungicides and/or target disease occurrence and associated loss magnitudes

    Meta-Analysis of Yield Response of Hybrid Field Corn to Foliar Fungicides in the U.S. Corn Belt

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    The use of foliar fungicides on field corn has increased greatly over the past 5 years in the United States in an attempt to increase yields, despite limited evidence that use of the fungicides is consistently profitable. To assess the value of using fungicides in grain corn production, random-effects meta-analyses were performed on results from foliar fungicide experiments conducted during 2002 to 2009 in 14 states across the United States to determine the mean yield response to the fungicides azoxystrobin, pyraclostrobin, propiconazole + trifloxystrobin, and propiconazole + azoxystrobin. For all fungicides, the yield difference between treated and nontreated plots was highly variable among studies. All four fungicides resulted in a significant mean yield increase relative to the nontreated plots (P \u3c 0.05). Mean yield difference was highest for propiconazole + trifloxystrobin (390 kg/ha), followed by propiconazole + azoxystrobin (331 kg/ha) and pyraclostrobin (256 kg/ha), and lowest for azoxystrobin (230 kg/ha). Baseline yield (mean yield in the nontreated plots) had a significant effect on yield for propiconazole + azoxystrobin (P \u3c 0.05), whereas baseline foliar disease severity (mean severity in the nontreated plots) significantly affected the yield response to pyraclostrobin, propiconazole + trifloxystrobin, and propiconazole + azoxystrobin but not to azoxystrobin. Mean yield difference was generally higher in the lowest yield and higher disease severity categories than in the highest yield and lower disease categories. The probability of failing to recover the fungicide application cost (ploss) also was estimated for a range of grain corn prices and application costs. At the 10-year average corn grain price of 0.12/kg(0.12/kg (2.97/bushel) and application costs of $40 to 95/ha, ploss for disease severity \u3c5% was 0.55 to 0.98 for pyraclostrobin, 0.62 to 0.93 for propiconazole + trifloxystrobin, 0.58 to 0.89 for propiconazole + azoxystrobin, and 0.91 to 0.99 for azoxystrobin. When disease severity was \u3e5%, the corresponding probabilities were 0.36 to 95, 0.25 to 0.69, 0.25 to 0.64, and 0.37 to 0.98 for the four fungicides. In conclusion, the high ploss values found in most scenarios suggest that the use of these foliar fungicides is unlikely to be profitable when foliar disease severity is low and yield expectation is high

    Neonicotinoid seed treatments of soybean provide negligible benefits to US farmers

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    Neonicotinoids are the most widely used insecticides worldwide and are typically deployed as seed treatments (hereafter NST) in many grain and oilseed crops, including soybeans. However, there is a surprising dearth of information regarding NST effectiveness in increasing soybean seed yield, and most published data suggest weak, or inconsistent yield benefit. The US is the key soybean-producing nation worldwide and this work includes soybean yield data from 194 randomized and replicated field studies conducted specifically to evaluate the effect of NSTs on soybean seed yield at sites within 14 states from 2006 through 2017. Here we show that across the principal soybean-growing region of the country, there are negligible and management-specific yield benefits attributed to NSTs. Across the entire region, the maximum observed yield benefits due to fungicide (FST = fungicide seed treatment) + neonicotinoid use (FST + NST) reached 0.13 Mg/ha. Across the entire region, combinations of management practices affected the effectiveness of FST + N ST to increase yield but benefits were minimal ranging between 0.01 to 0.22 Mg/ha. Despite widespread use, this practice appears to have little benefit for most of soybean producers; across the entire region, a partial economic analysis further showed inconsistent evidence of a break-even cost of FST or FST + N ST. These results demonstrate that the current widespread prophylactic use of NST in the key soybean-producing areas of the US should be re-evaluated by producers and regulators alike

    Neonicotinoid seed treatments of soybean provide negligible benefits to US farmers

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    Neonicotinoids are the most widely used insecticides worldwide and are typically deployed as seed treatments (hereafter NST) in many grain and oilseed crops, including soybeans. However, there is a surprising dearth of information regarding NST effectiveness in increasing soybean seed yield, and most published data suggest weak, or inconsistent yield benefit. The US is the key soybean-producing nation worldwide and this work includes soybean yield data from 194 randomized and replicated field studies conducted specifically to evaluate the effect of NSTs on soybean seed yield at sites within 14 states from 2006 through 2017. Here we show that across the principal soybean-growing region of the country, there are negligible and management-specific yield benefits attributed to NSTs. Across the entire region, the maximum observed yield benefits due to fungicide (FST = fungicide seed treatment) + neonicotinoid use (FST + NST) reached 0.13 Mg/ha. Across the entire region, combinations of management practices affected the effectiveness of FST + N ST to increase yield but benefits were minimal ranging between 0.01 to 0.22 Mg/ha. Despite widespread use, this practice appears to have little benefit for most of soybean producers; across the entire region, a partial economic analysis further showed inconsistent evidence of a break-even cost of FST or FST + N ST. These results demonstrate that the current widespread prophylactic use of NST in the key soybean-producing areas of the US should be re-evaluated by producers and regulators alike

    Population Genomics Provide Insights into the Global Genetic Structure of \u3ci\u3eColletotrichum graminicola\u3c/i\u3e, the Causal Agent of Maize Anthracnose

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    Understanding the genetic diversity and mechanisms underlying genetic variation in pathogen populations is crucial to the development of effective control strategies. We investigated the genetic diversity and reproductive biology of Colletotrichum graminicola isolates which infect maize by sequencing the genomes of 108 isolates collected from 14 countries using restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RAD-seq) and wholegenome sequencing (WGS). Clustering analyses based on single-nucleotide polymorphisms revealed three genetic groups delimited by continental origin, compatible with short-dispersal of the pathogen and geographic subdivision. Intra- and intercontinental migration was observed between Europe and South America, likely associated with the movement of contaminated germplasm. Low clonality, evidence of genetic recombination, and high phenotypic diversity were detected. We show evidence that, although it is rare (possibly due to losses of sexual reproduction- and meiosis-associated genes) C. graminicola can undergo sexual recombination. Our results support the hypotheses that intra- and intercontinental pathogen migration and genetic recombination have great impacts on the C. graminicola population structure

    Population Genomics Provide Insights into the Global Genetic Structure of Colletotrichum graminicola, the Causal Agent of Maize Anthracnose

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    Understanding the genetic diversity and mechanisms underlying genetic variation in pathogen populations is crucial to the development of effective control strategies. We investigated the genetic diversity and reproductive biology of Colletotrichum graminicola isolates which infect maize by sequencing the genomes of 108 isolates collected from 14 countries using restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RAD-seq) and whole-genome sequencing (WGS). Clustering analyses based on single-nucleotide polymorphisms revealed three genetic groups delimited by continental origin, compatible with short-dispersal of the pathogen and geographic subdivision. Intra- and intercontinental migration was observed between Europe and South America, likely associated with the movement of contaminated germplasm. Low clonality, evidence of genetic recombination, and high phenotypic diversity were detected. We show evidence that, although it is rare (possibly due to losses of sexual reproduction- and meiosis-associated genes) C. graminicola can undergo sexual recombination. Our results support the hypotheses that intra- and intercontinental pathogen migration and genetic recombination have great impacts on the C. graminicola population structure. IMPORTANCE Plant pathogens cause significant reductions in yield and crop quality and cause enormous economic losses worldwide. Reducing these losses provides an obvious strategy to increase food production without further degrading natural ecosystems; however, this requires knowledge of the biology and evolution of the pathogens in agroecosystems. We employed a population genomics approach to investigate the genetic diversity and reproductive biology of the maize anthracnose pathogen (Colletotrichum graminicola) in 14 countries. We found that the populations are correlated with their geographical origin and that migration between countries is ongoing, possibly caused by the movement of infected plant material. This result has direct implications for disease management because migration can cause the movement of more virulent and/or fungicide-resistant genotypes. We conclude that genetic recombination is frequent (in contrast to the traditional view of C. graminicola being mainly asexual), which strongly impacts control measures and breeding programs aimed at controlling this disease.This research was supported by grants AGL2015-66362-R, RTI2018-093611-B-100, and PID2021-125349NB-100, funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN) of Spain AEI/10.13039/501100011033; and by grant SA165U13 funded by the Junta de Castilla y Léon. F.R. was supported by grant FJC2020-043351-I financed by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR. R.B. was supported by the postdoctoral program of USAL (Program II). F.B.C.-F. was supported by grant BES-2016-078373, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. S.B. was supported by a fellowship program from the regional government of Castilla y León. W.B. was supported by a productivity fellowship from the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq 307855/2019-8). Genome sequencing was funded by the UNC Microbiome Core, which is funded in part by the Center for Gastrointestinal Biology and Disease (CGIBD P30 DK034987) and the UNC Nutrition Obesity Research Center (NORC P30 DK056350). P.D.E. was partially supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Federal Appropriations under Project PEN04660 and accession no. 1016474.Peer reviewe