15 research outputs found

    Asset accumulation and transfer for old age : a study on Peruvian and Moroccan migration to Spain

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    Population ageing constitutes a major determinant of contemporary international migration, acting both as a push and pull factor in countries of origin and reception. From a micro-perspective, longevity, economic instability and migration are also affecting personal life as well as family organisation and solidarity. The aim of this paper is to focus on the strategies, in individual and family spheres, that migrants and their loved ones develop to accumulate and transfer assets, in order to respond to the demands of the elderly and counteract the uncertainties of advancing age. To capture this reality we conducted in-depth interviews and focus groups with Peruvian and Moroccan migrants in Spain, and with returnees and relatives in the two countries of origin between 2006 and 2010. Both cases demonstrate that country contexts, together with personal experiences and family relationships, determine where to stay, and with whom or with what to support oneself as one grows older. More recently, the economic crisis in Spain that is negatively influencing social and migration policies, reducing migrants’ economic gains, and placing new burdens on people’s shoulders, is affecting these asset accumulation and transfer activities for old age

    Care of older people in migration contexts: local and transnational arrangements between Peru and Spain

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    Care arrangements for the elderly are becoming a main social process in contemporary societies due to socio-political and lifestyle changes over the last few decades. The family and the State play a basic role in the construction of care systems and in the establishment of strategies to access care resources. In the present context of migration, these resources interact at a transnational level, challenging family and State migratory regimes. These new realities need the recognition of basic international social rights, as the experiences of Peruvians living in a migration context in Spain show

    Dual-career Spanish couples in Europe: work-family balance in childcare

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    The article explores the childcare arrangements made by Spanish migrants in Belgium, Germany and the United Kingdom. The research is based on semi-structured interviews conducted after an exploratory survey. The respondents, mostly women with university degrees, had engaged in intra-European mobility between the economic recession of 2008 and the health crisis of 2020. In the narratives, women in dual-career couples with young children reflect on how approaching work-family balance depends on receiving social, institutional and family support. In addition, gender expectations affect negotiations around the sharing of roles and responsibilities in different-sex couples. Interviewees underline that the gender divide persists or is even reinforced in relation to employment and technological change. Non-standard and -flexible jobs, little access to services or incompatible teleworking with children at home reveal the fragility of care and welfare regimes and, consequently, the limited ability of couples to find satisfaction in the search for a work–family balance.The article is derived from the research project “New intra-European mobilities: decisions about work, family and politics of ‘transmigrant’ Spaniards”, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (CSO2017-84618-P). The Institute for Social and Sustainable Development of the University of Cadiz (INDESS) and the University of Huelva have supported the translation of this article. We are thankful to the editors and anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva / CBU

    Participación política de los migrantes latinoamericanos en Andalucía : oportunidades y limitaciones

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    The main purpose of this article is to present the results of a research project on the political participation of Latin American migrants in Andalusia (mainly in the cities of Seville and Huelva). The project uses a broad concept of what political participation constitutes, including both civic practices and activities associated with conventional politics, and adopts a transnational perspective. It is based on 45 semi-structured interviews with politically active migrants and members of political parties and other institutions. The article highlights some of the main findings of the research, including the importance of taking into account migrants’ previous political experiences, as well as the role played by migrant associations in order to better understand their political practices.El objetivo de este artículo es presentar los resultados de un proyecto sobre la participación política de los migrantes latinoamericanos en Andalucía (fundamentalmente en las ciudades de Sevilla y Huelva). Partiendo de una concepción amplia de lo político que incluye tanto prácticas consideradas cívicas como las asociadas a la participación política más convencional, el estudio adopta una perspectiva transnacional y se basa en el análisis de 45 entrevistas semiestructuradas a migrantes con algún grado de implicación, así como a miembros y representantes de partidos políticos y otras instituciones. Entre los resultados principales se destaca la importancia de las experiencias políticas previas de los migrantes, así como el papel que juegan las asociaciones que los agrupan a la hora de analizar la participación política de éstos

    La situación social de los jóvenes en Andalucía

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    En este informe de investigación, ofrecemos una visión abierta de los jóvenes andaluces, una mirada amplia, que nos va a permitir a políticos y profesionales, concretar políticas y programas más ajustados a la realidad juvenil. Hemos constatado la diversidad y riqueza de este grupo amplio de personas que el estudio ha contemplado, desde los 14 a los 30 años, que comparten algunos hábitos pero que también son muy diferentes en su dependencia-autonomía, tipos de ocio que realizan, dedicación a estudios y/o trabajo, hábitos de salud, etc.Este trabajo es parte del proyecto de investigación titulado “Situación social e identidades de los jóvenes en Andalucía”. El proyecto se ha realizado en el Instituto de Estudios Sociales de Andalucía (IESA) del CSIC por iniciativa del Instituto Andaluz de la Juventud (IAJ), mediante un convenio de colaboración suscrito entre la Consejería de la Presidencia de la Junta de Andalucía y el IESA

    Migration, gender, and politics : the 2006 peruvian elections abroad

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    Emigrant support for 2006 Peruvian presidential candidate Lourdes Flores (the choice of the conservative Unidad Nacional coalition) was enough to win her the first electoral round abroad, but this tendency was not reflected in Peru. Data gathered dur- ing a 2006 study in Spain highlight the importance of gender and ideological reasons for understanding the electoral behavior of Peruvian migrants. Peruvian emigrant commu- nities have the potential to play a crucial role in Peruvian politics not only in electoral choices but also in the form of political “remittances” flowing through these increasingly influential transnational social spaces

    Securing the care and welfare of dependants transnationally : peruvians and spaniards in Spain. Working Paper Number WP404

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    The aim of this paper is to illustrate the growing interdependence between household strategies in Europe and those stemming from developing countries where international migration has become a main resource. In an attempt to reveal the forces underlying the match between the realities and expectations of an increasingly connected world population, I will compare the way that different families and individuals secure care and welfare for themselves and for their dependants. Drawing from a case study on Peruvians in Spain I will demonstrate, immigration is only a partial, and in the best of cases, non-global remedy for the need to care for dependants and to secure old-age pensions. Most Peruvians soon naturalize after settling in the country and eventually reunify their families who, in turn, hope to obtain the same social benefits for themselves. At the same time, the gap between dependants from migrant and non-migrant families are clearly widening both here and in their country of origin. Given the current dynamics, the process of externalizing care and welfare will result in people being replaced at whim, provided that other social arrangements, including a revision of gender roles, are not sought transnationally to resolve these issues

    How to explain diversity and variation in the external Peruvian vote

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    El voto peruano desde el exterior supuso una importante contribución a la formación de los sucesivos gobiernos en el Perú en la década 2006-2016. Pero se trata de una contribución poco analizada desde una perspectiva diacrónica y transnacional. En este artículo se busca aunar las aportaciones de los estudios generales sobre los factores condicionantes del voto externo con los análisis específicos sobre la influencia del contexto y distintas motivaciones en la elección presidencial peruana.The Peruvian vote from abroad was an important contribution in the formation of successive governments in Peru in the decade 2006-2016. However, it has not been sufficiently analyzed from a diachronic and transnational perspective. This article seeks to combine our knowledge from general studies on the conditioning factors of the external vote with specific analysis of the influence of the contextual conditions and differing motivations in the Peruvian presidential election