966 research outputs found

    Asymptotics of self-similar solutions to coagulation equations with product kernel

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    We consider mass-conserving self-similar solutions for Smoluchowski's coagulation equation with kernel K(Ο,η)=(Οη)λK(\xi,\eta)= (\xi \eta)^{\lambda} with λ∈(0,1/2)\lambda \in (0,1/2). It is known that such self-similar solutions g(x)g(x) satisfy that x−1+2λg(x)x^{-1+2\lambda} g(x) is bounded above and below as x→0x \to 0. In this paper we describe in detail via formal asymptotics the qualitative behavior of a suitably rescaled function h(x)=hλx−1+2λg(x)h(x)=h_{\lambda} x^{-1+2\lambda} g(x) in the limit λ→0\lambda \to 0. It turns out that h∌1+Cxλ/2cos⁥(λlog⁥x)h \sim 1+ C x^{\lambda/2} \cos(\sqrt{\lambda} \log x) as x→0x \to 0. As xx becomes larger hh develops peaks of height 1/λ1/\lambda that are separated by large regions where hh is small. Finally, hh converges to zero exponentially fast as x→∞x \to \infty. Our analysis is based on different approximations of a nonlocal operator, that reduces the original equation in certain regimes to a system of ODE

    Self-Similarity for Ballistic Aggregation Equation

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    We consider ballistic aggregation equation for gases in which each particle is iden- ti?ed either by its mass and impulsion or by its sole impulsion. For the constant aggregation rate we prove existence of self-similar solutions as well as convergence to the self-similarity for generic solutions. For some classes of mass and/or impulsion dependent rates we are also able to estimate the large time decay of some moments of generic solutions or to build some new classes of self-similar solutions

    Efectos de la frecuencia de incendios sobre las cargas de combustible en los bosques de pino-encino de la provincia de Madrean

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    Loadings of downed woody fuels in pine-oak forests of the Madrean Province are heavier on sites in southeastern Arizona with low fire frequencies and lower on sites in northeastern Sonora, Mexico, with high fire frequencies. Low fire frequencies in southeastern Arizona are attributed largely to past land uses and the fire suppression policies of land management agencies in the United States. Ecologists and land managers interested in reintroducing fire into these forests to reduce fuel loadings and meet other land management objectives could use information about fuel buildups in their planning efforts. Quantifying these fuel loadings could also be useful in improving fire behavior models for the forests

    Self-similar chain conformations in polymer gels

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    We use molecular dynamics simulations to study the swelling of randomly end-cross-linked polymer networks in good solvent conditions. We find that the equilibrium degree of swelling saturates at Q_eq = N_e**(3/5) for mean strand lengths N_s exceeding the melt entanglement length N_e. The internal structure of the network strands in the swollen state is characterized by a new exponent nu=0.72. Our findings are in contradiction to de Gennes' c*-theorem, which predicts Q_eq proportional N_s**(4/5) and nu=0.588. We present a simple Flory argument for a self-similar structure of mutually interpenetrating network strands, which yields nu=7/10 and otherwise recovers the classical Flory-Rehner theory. In particular, Q_eq = N_e**(3/5), if N_e is used as effective strand length.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, 3 Figure

    Parallel Excluded Volume Tempering for Polymer Melts

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    We have developed a technique to accelerate the acquisition of effectively uncorrelated configurations for off-lattice models of dense polymer melts which makes use of both parallel tempering and large scale Monte Carlo moves. The method is based upon simulating a set of systems in parallel, each of which has a slightly different repulsive core potential, such that a thermodynamic path from full excluded volume to an ideal gas of random walks is generated. While each system is run with standard stochastic dynamics, resulting in an NVT ensemble, we implement the parallel tempering through stochastic swaps between the configurations of adjacent potentials, and the large scale Monte Carlo moves through attempted pivot and translation moves which reach a realistic acceptance probability as the limit of the ideal gas of random walks is approached. Compared to pure stochastic dynamics, this results in an increased efficiency even for a system of chains as short as N=60N = 60 monomers, however at this chain length the large scale Monte Carlo moves were ineffective. For even longer chains the speedup becomes substantial, as observed from preliminary data for N=200N = 200

    Partial domain wall partition functions

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    We consider six-vertex model configurations on an n-by-N lattice, n =< N, that satisfy a variation on domain wall boundary conditions that we define and call "partial domain wall boundary conditions". We obtain two expressions for the corresponding "partial domain wall partition function", as an (N-by-N)-determinant and as an (n-by-n)-determinant. The latter was first obtained by I Kostov. We show that the two determinants are equal, as expected from the fact that they are partition functions of the same object, that each is a discrete KP tau-function, and, recalling that these determinants represent tree-level structure constants in N=4 SYM, we show that introducing 1-loop corrections, as proposed by N Gromov and P Vieira, preserves the determinant structure.Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX. This version, which appeared in JHEP, has an abbreviated abstract and some minor stylistic change

    ABJ(M) Chiral Primary Three-Point Function at Two-loops

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    This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY 4.0), which permits any use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.archiveprefix: arXiv primaryclass: hep-th reportnumber: QMUL-PH-14-10 slaccitation: %%CITATION = ARXIV:1404.1117;%%archiveprefix: arXiv primaryclass: hep-th reportnumber: QMUL-PH-14-10 slaccitation: %%CITATION = ARXIV:1404.1117;%%archiveprefix: arXiv primaryclass: hep-th reportnumber: QMUL-PH-14-10 slaccitation: %%CITATION = ARXIV:1404.1117;%%Article funded by SCOAP

    Axisymmetric pulse recycling and motion in bulk semiconductors

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    The Kroemer model for the Gunn effect in a circular geometry (Corbino disks) has been numerically solved. The results have been interpreted by means of asymptotic calculations. Above a certain onset dc voltage bias, axisymmetric pulses of the electric field are periodically shed by an inner circular cathode. These pulses decay as they move towards the outer anode, which they may not reach. As a pulse advances, the external current increases continuously until a new pulse is generated. Then the current abruptly decreases, in agreement with existing experimental results. Depending on the bias, more complex patterns with multiple pulse shedding are possible.Comment: 8 pages, 15 figure
