8 research outputs found

    Sistema de gestión ambiental a nivel empresarial

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    Environmental management system at corporate level Resumen La investigación se desarrolló de enero 2012 a julio del 2015, posibilitó la elaboración participativa de un sistema de gestión ambiental a partir de la evaluación del desempeño básico y ambiental de la Planta de Biopreparados Sucursal Laboratorios Biofarmacéuticos (LABIOFAM) Las Tunas, hasta la propuesta de acciones a implementar así como el sistema de indicadores ambientales para su seguimiento y control. Los resultados del diagnóstico de la entidad revelan la existencia de insuficiencias que limitan su evaluación y transformación en la proyección empresarial. La valoración del diseño del sistema de gestión ambiental evidencia su factibilidad, como alternativa a la necesidad de herramientas que contribuyan a la participación, evaluación, proyección y a la toma de decisiones de los actores decisores en la gestión de este proceso a nivel empresarial. Palabras clave: biopreparados; evaluación; indicadores; participativo; proyección. Abstract The research was carried out from January 2012 to July 2015, made possible the participatory elaboration of an environmental management system based on the evaluation of the basic and environmental performance of the Biopharmaceutical Laboratory Biopharmaceutical Plant (LABIOFAM) Las Tunas, up to the proposal of actions to be implemented as well as the system of environmental indicators for monitoring and control. The results of the entity's diagnosis reveal the existence of shortcomings that limit its evaluation and transformation in business projection. The evaluation of the design of the environmental management system shows its feasibility, as an alternative to the need for tools that contribute to the participation, evaluation, projection and decision making of the decision makers in the management of this process at the enterprise level. Keywords: bioprepared; evaluation; indicators, participatory, projection

    Factors Determining Food Safety in Cuban Municipalities: Limitations and Capacities for Chain Approach Management

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    The aim of this paper is to identify the most commonly recognized determining factors of food safety, according to the dimensions established at the municipal scale; and secondly, to assess the capacities and limitations for chain approach management, in Cuba. Various national and international related methods, laws, programs, and policies were examined. The documentary review resulted in the classification of 10 factors, including four dimensions: availability (4), access (3), stability (1), and food use (2). The most commonly recognized factors by 16 authors were, 1) income level, 2) food prices, 3) local food production, 4) basic sanitation. A 5th factor was included, according to the authors’ criteria about the characteristics of the Cuban scenario: seasonality of crops and food items. They were linked to the agro-food chain through examples derived from the implementation of business projects and initiatives. It was concluded that the factors that determined access in terms of consumer market demand top priority in terms of municipal development strategies and Management of Municipal Administrations. Meanwhile, the limitations to apply this approach are mainly the contradictions between sector and local development

    Factors Determining Food Safety in Cuban Municipalities: Limitations and Capacities for Chain Approach Management

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    The aim of this paper is to identify the most commonly recognized determining factors of food safety, according to the dimensions established at the municipal scale; and secondly, to assess the capacities and limitations for chain approach management, in Cuba. Various national and international related methods, laws, programs, and policies were examined. The documentary review resulted in the classification of 10 factors, including four dimensions: availability (4), access (3), stability (1), and food use (2). The most commonly recognized factors by 16 authors were, 1) income level, 2) food prices, 3) local food production, 4) basic sanitation. A 5th factor was included, according to the authors’ criteria about the characteristics of the Cuban scenario: seasonality of crops and food items. They were linked to the agro-food chain through examples derived from the implementation of business projects and initiatives. It was concluded that the factors that determined access in terms of consumer market demand top priority in terms of municipal development strategies and Management of Municipal Administrations. Meanwhile, the limitations to apply this approach are mainly the contradictions between sector and local development

    Factors Determining Food Safety in Cuban Municipalities: Limitations and Capacities for Chain Approach Management

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    The aim of this paper is to identify the most commonly recognized determining factors of food safety, according to the dimensions established at the municipal scale; and secondly, to assess the capacities and limitations for chain approach management, in Cuba. Various national and international related methods, laws, programs, and policies were examined. The documentary review resulted in the classification of 10 factors, including four dimensions: availability (4), access (3), stability (1), and food use (2). The most commonly recognized factors by 16 authors were, 1) income level, 2) food prices, 3) local food production, 4) basic sanitation. A 5th factor was included, according to the authors’ criteria about the characteristics of the Cuban scenario: seasonality of crops and food items. They were linked to the agro-food chain through examples derived from the implementation of business projects and initiatives. It was concluded that the factors that determined access in terms of consumer market demand top priority in terms of municipal development strategies and Management of Municipal Administrations. Meanwhile, the limitations to apply this approach are mainly the contradictions between sector and local development

    Sistema de gestión ambiental a nivel empresarial

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    La investigación se desarrolló de enero 2012 a julio del 2015, posibilitó la elaboración participativa de un sistema de gestión ambiental a partir de la evaluación del desempeño básico y ambiental de la Planta de Biopreparados Sucursal Laboratorios Biofarmacéuticos (LABIOFAM) Las Tunas, hasta la propuesta de acciones a implementar así como el sistema de indicadores ambientales para su seguimiento y control. Los resultados del diagnóstico de la entidad revelan la existencia de insuficiencias que limitan su evaluación y transformación en la proyección empresarial. La valoración del diseño del sistema de gestión ambiental evidencia su factibilidad, como alternativa a la necesidad de herramientas que contribuyan a la participación, evaluación, proyección y a la toma de decisiones de los actores decisores en la gestión de este proceso a nivel empresarial.The research was carried out from January 2012 to July 2015, made possible the participatory elaboration of an environmental management system based on the evaluation of the basic and environmental performance of the Biopharmaceutical Laboratory Biopharmaceutical Plant (LABIOFAM) Las Tunas, up to the proposal of actions to be implemented as well as the system of environmental indicators for monitoring and control. The results of the entity's diagnosis reveal the existence of shortcomings that limit its evaluation and transformation in business projection. The evaluation of the design of the environmental management system shows its feasibility, as an alternative to the need for tools that contribute to the participation, evaluation, projection and decision making of the decision makers in the management of this process at the enterprise level

    El uso del cultivo Vetiver (Chrysipogon Zizanioides) una alternativa para el desarrollo sostenible.

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    El desarrollo sostenible es posible a partir del adecuado manejo y/o explotación de recursos naturales, pero difícilmente se producirá de manera automática o espontánea. El fortalecimiento de las instituciones locales y la coordinación de los esfuerzos de todos los actores involucrados, son esenciales para lograr un proceso de desarrollo sostenible a partir de la utilización de los recursos naturales en los lugares que actualmente dependen de esta actividad económica. El objetivo del presente artículo es proponer el cultivo del vetiver como alternativa para favorecer la gestión del desarrollo sostenible en las comunidades, fundamentalmente en aquellas con problemas de índole ambiental, social y económico que amenazan su desarrollo sostenible, ya que en varios países se generalizan experiencias tendientes a articular las estrategias para el aprovechamiento sostenible de los recursos naturales. Dichas iniciativas se ven fortalecidas a partir de los conocimientos aportados por la investigación en el ámbito global, regional y local. Esto ha permitido mostrar el uso exitoso de la planta, como alternativa para la conservación y desarrollo de sistemas sostenibles (Soto, 2011).The sustainable development is possible from the appropriate handling and/or exploitation of natural resources, but difficultly takes place in an automatic or spontaneous way. The invigoration of the local institutions and the coordination of the efforts of all the involved actors, they are essential to achieve a process of sustainable development starting from the use of the natural resources in the places that at the moment depend of this economic activity. The objective of the present article proposing the cultivation of the vetiver like alternative to favor the administration of the sustainable development in the communities, fundamentally in those with environmental, social and economic nature problems that threaten their sustainable development, since in several countries experiences oriented are generalized to articulate the strategies for the sustainable use of the natural resources. These initiatives are strengthened starting from the knowledge contributed by the investigation in the global, regional and local environment. This has allowed showing the successful use of the plant, as alternative for the conservation and development of sustainable systems

    Acciones para favorecer la gestión del desarrollo sostenible a partir de la utilización del cultivo del Vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides, l. roberty): el caso de la Marroquina

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    The achievement of the sustainable development requires of investigations that keep in mind the territorial for to particularize and to propose alternatives directed to its administration at local level. The community The Marroquina of the State Yaracuy, Venezuela, presents environmental, social and economic multiple nature problems that they threaten its sustainable development and although diverse initiatives have begun that contribute to this purpose, they didn't achieve the reach, frequency and wanted transformation, in the inhabitants' benefit and its environment. For it was developed it the present investigation, which facilitated the elaboration participant of a plan of actions starting from the use of the cultivation of the vetiver like alternative to the administration of the sustainable development in happiness the community. For he left it of a diagnosis of the potentialities and inadequacies in the administration of the sustainable development and they intended the actions to implement. They were also used, empiric, theoretical methods and analysis matriciales in shops with the social actors. The valuation of the plan of actions evidence their feasibility for this community, as alternative to the necessity of tools directed to use the cultivation of the vetiver like alternative for the administration of the sustainable development and in the integration of the institutions and beneficiaries implied in this process, that which helps to overcome the challenges that are presented in the achievement of this priority.El logro del desarrollo sostenible requiere de investigaciones que tengan en cuenta las particularidades territoriales para contextualizar y proponer alternativas dirigidas a su gestión a nivel local. La comunidad La Marroquina del Estado Yaracuy, Venezuela, presenta múltiples problemas de índole ambiental, social y económico que amenazan su desarrollo sostenible y aunque se han iniciado diversas iniciativas que contribuyen a este propósito, no lograron el alcance, sistematicidad y transformación deseados, en beneficio de los habitantes y su entorno. Por ello se desarrolló la presente investigación, la cual posibilitó la elaboración participativa de un plan de acciones a partir de la utilización del cultivo del vetiver como alternativa a la gestión del desarrollo sostenible en dicha la comunidad. Para ello se partió de un diagnóstico de las potencialidades e insuficiencias en la gestión del desarrollo sostenible y se propusieron las acciones a implementar. Fueron utilizados además, métodos empíricos, teóricos y análisis matriciales en talleres con los actores sociales. La valoración del plan de acciones evidencia su factibilidad para esta comunidad, como alternativa a la necesidad de herramientas dirigidas a utilizar el cultivo del vetiver como alternativa para la gestión del desarrollo sostenible y en la integración de las instituciones y beneficiarios implicados en este proceso, lo cual ayuda a superar los retos que se presentan en el logro de esta prioridad

    Factores determinantes de la seguridad alimentaria a nivel municipal: limitaciones para su gestión con enfoque de cadena en Cuba

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    The aim of this paper is to identify the most commonly recognized determining factors of food safety, according to the dimensions established at the municipal scale; and secondly, to assess the capacities and limitations for chain approach management, in Cuba. Various national and international related methods, laws, programs, and policies were examined. The documentary review resulted in the classification of 10 factors, including four dimensions: availability (4), access (3), stability (1), and food use (2). The most commonly recognized factors by 16 authors were, 1) income level, 2) food prices, 3) local food production, 4) basic sanitation. A 5th factor was included, according to the authors’ criteria about the characteristics of the Cuban scenario: seasonality of crops and food items. They were linked to the agro-food chain through examples derived from the implementation of business projects and initiatives. It was concluded that the factors that determined access in terms of consumer market demand top priority in terms of municipal development strategies and Management of Municipal Administrations. Meanwhile, the limitations to apply this approach are mainly the contradictions between sector and local development.El presente artículo tiene como objetivo clasificar los factores determinantes de la seguridad alimentaria por dimensiones a escala municipal. Para ello se analizan metodologías nacionales y foráneas, así como leyes, programas y políticas vinculadas a este proceso de gestión. Como resultado de la revisión documental se identifican y clasifican estos factores, así como su relación con los eslabones de las cadenas productivas. Además, se valoran las limitaciones para su gestión a nivel municipal. Ello pudiera emplearse por los Consejos de la Administración Municipal en Cuba, en el diseño de estrategias, programas y en la evaluación de este objetivo de desarrollo sostenible. Se clasificaron 15 factores entre las cuatro dimensiones: seis en la disponibilidad, cuatro en el acceso, tres en la estabilidad y cinco en el aprovechamiento biológico de los alimentos. De ellos seis se consideran relevantes para el desarrollo del enfoque de cadenas en la gestión de la seguridad alimentaria y desde la óptica organizacional el propio enfoque puede convertirse en un factor determinante para el incremento de la seguridad alimentaria