50 research outputs found

    Sensibilidade da inferencia filoxenómica no deseño de experimentos de secuenciación masiva de capturas xenómicas en organismos non modelo

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    Different genomic capture and bioinformatics workflows have been proposed in order to assemble massive data sets for phylogenomic and phylogeographic analysis. Among these, hybrid anchored enrichment (HAE) promises the efficient obtention of thousands of homologous genomic regions across hundreds of individuals. However, the efficiency of this approach, or the influence of the different conditions along this complex pipeline, is not clear. Here we propose the use of both empirical data and in silico simulations to explore the sensitivity of phylogenomic inferences -in particular, of the species-tree- from closely related species to variations of the HAE strategy. All the analyses will be carried in the context of the evolutionary radiation of marine snail species of the genus Trovaoconus, endemic to the Cape Verde archipelago, for which genomic data is already being produced in our lab.En los últimos años se han propuesto diversas estrategias de capturas genómica y flujos de trabajo bioinformáticos para ensamblar conjuntos de datos masivos de cara al análisis filogenómico y filogeográfico. Entre estas estrategias, hybrid anchored enrichment (HAE) promete la obtención eficiente de miles de regiones genómicas homólogas en cientos de individuos. Sin embargo, la eficiencia de esta aproximación, así como la influencia de diversas variables a lo largo de este flujo de trabajo, no está clara. En este tesis proponemos el uso de datos empíricos y simulados para explorar la sensibilidad de la inferencia filogenómica, en particular del árbol de especies, a partir de especies estrechamente relacionadas a distintas variantes de HAE. Todos los análisis serán llevados a cabo en el contexto de la radiación evolutiva del caracol marino del género Trovaoconus, endémico del archipiélago de Cabo Verde, para la cual se están produciendo ya datos genómicos en nuestro laboratorio.Nos últimos anos propuxéronse diversas estratexias de capturas xenómica e fluxos de traballo bioinformáticos para ensamblar conxuntos de datos masivos de face á análise filoxenómico e filoxeográfico. Entre estas estratexias, hybrid anchored enrichment (HAE) promete a obtención eficiente de miles de rexións xenómicas homólogas en centos de individuos. Con todo, a eficiencia desta aproximación, así como a influencia de diversas variables ao longo deste fluxo de traballo, non está clara. Nesta tese propomos o uso de datos empíricos e simulados para explorar a sensibilidade da inferencia filogenómica, en particular da árbore de especies, a partir de especies estreitamente relacionadas a distintas variantes de HAE. Todas as análises serán levados a cabo no contexto da radiación evolutiva do caracol mariño do xénero Trovaoconus, endémico do arquipélago de Cabo Verde, para a cal se están producindo xa datos xenómicos no noso laboratorio.Gobierno de Españ

    A Reference Genome Assembly of the Bobcat, Lynx rufus

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    The bobcat (Lynx rufus) is a medium-sized carnivore well adapted to various environments and an indicator species for landscape connectivity. It is one of the 4 species within the extant Lynx genus in the family Felidae. Because of its broad geographic distribution and central role in food webs, the bobcat is important for conservation. Here we present a high-quality de novo genome assembly of a male bobcat located in Mendocino County, CA, as part of the California Conservation Genomics Project (CCGP). The assembly was generated using the standard CCGP pipeline from a combination of Omni-C and HiFi technologies. The primary assembly comprises 76 scaffolds spanning 2.4 Gb, represented by a scaffold N50 of 142 Mb, a contig N50 of 66.2 Mb, and a BUSCO completeness score of 95.90%. The bobcat genome will be an important resource for the effective management and conservation of this species and comparative genomics exploration

    Reference genome assembly of the sunburst anemone, Anthopleura sola

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    The sunburst anemone Anthopleura sola is an abundant species inhabiting the intertidal zone of coastal California. Historically, this species has extended from Baja California, Mexico to as far north as Monterey Bay, CA. However, recently the geographic range of this species has expanded to Bodega Bay, CA, possibly as far north as Salt Point, CA. This species also forms symbiotic partnerships with the dinoflagellate Breviolum muscatinei, a member of the family Symbiodiniaceae. These partnerships are analogous to those formed between tropical corals and dinoflagellate symbionts, making A. sola an excellent model system to explore how hosts will (co)evolve with novel symbiont populations they encounter as they expand northward. This assembly will serve as the foundation for identifying the population genomic patterns associated with range expansions, and will facilitate future work investigating how hosts and their symbiont partners will evolve to interact with one another as geographic ranges shift due to climate change