114 research outputs found

    RIVM ZZS-2-BIO project : the biobased replacement potential of hazardous substances

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    A quick scan of the ZZS (zeer zorgwekkende stoffen) list of 371 substances of very high concern shows that there is significant potential in biobased replacement of part of the list. It is shown that in many cases easily implementable biobased alternatives are already available or in advanced stages of development. However, in some cases safe, biobased alternatives are still in early development. This in spite of a growing need for replacement, as is the case for e.g. high polarity aprotic solvents such as DMF, or NMP. Since solvents like NMP enable the manufacturing of environmentally friendly water borne coatings and paints, as well as the development of various carbohydrate based materials, finding effective substitutes should be given high priority. Unfortunately, currently there are no Dutch national science programs that could support or initiate this. Also more advanced, indirect type of replacement appears feasible. An example of possible short term implementation is the partial replacement of toxic ethylene oxide for the production of ethylene glycol by the hydrogenolysis of glucose to ethylene glycol and propylene glycol. Other advanced level replacements require more time, and deeper analysis in order to assess the impact on product/value chains. A shortlist of nine substances that could be replaced by biobased alternatives on short term is also presented in this quick scan report. The suggested biobased alternatives for this shortlist are either already commercially available or close to commercialisation. This quick scan results in a number of recommendations

    Конституційно-правова природа Ради Міністрів Автономної Республіки Крим: дискусійні питання теорії та практики

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    У статті розкриваються особливості конституційно-правової природи Ради міністрів Автономної Республіки Крим. Показане місце Ради міністрів Автономної Республіки Крим серед інших органів публічної влади. Ключові слова: Рада міністрів Автономної Республіки Крим, Автономна Республіка Крим, уряд, автономія.В статье раскрываются особенности конституционно-правовой природы Совета министров Автономной Республики Крым. Показано место Совета министров Автономной Республики Крым среди других органов публичной власти. Ключевые слова: Совет министров Автономной Республики Крым, Автономная Республика Крым, правительство, автономия.In the article the features of constitutional and legal status of the Rada of Ministry of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea are analyzed. The place of the Rada of Ministry of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea between others organs of public power is defined. Key words: the Rada of Ministry of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, government, autonomy

    Поліфонічні прийоми в духовних творах Ігоря Мацієвського

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    У пропонованій статті розглядаються поліфонічні прийоми в деяких зразках духовної вокально-хорової та інструментальної музики сучасного представника української діаспори в Петербурзі, провідного вченого-етноінструментознавця й композитора Ігоря Мацієвського. Знання глибинних законів етномузики слов’янських народів дозволило йому стати не лише фундатором української й російської етноорганології, але й автором оригінальних композицій, у мові яких органічно поєднуються академічність, авангардизм, елементи гуцульської, лемківської, підляської, білоруської, польської та російської народної музики.В статье рассматриваются полифонические приёмы в некоторых образцах духовной вокально-хоровой и инструментальной музыки современного представителя украинськой диаспоры в Санкт-Петербурге, выдающегося учёного и композитора Игоря Мациевского.The polyphonic methods in some examples of the spiritual vocal-choral and instrumental music of Igor Matsiyevsky, a modern representative of the Ukrainian Diaspora in St. Petersburg, are studied in the article. The profound knowledge of the very nature of Slavonic ethnical music helped him to become not only a founder of the Ukrainian and Russian ethnoorganology, but also an author of the genuine compositions, in language of which academicism, avant-gardism and the elements of Guzulska, Lemkivska, Pidlyaska, Belorussian, Polish and Russian folk music are organically combined

    Biobased furandicarboxylic acids (FDCAs): effects of isomeric substitution on polyester synthesis and properties

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    In this study we present the application of different isomers of furandicarboxylic acid, or FDCA, obtained from agro-residues, in polyester synthesis. New polyesters based on 2,4-FDCA and 3,4-FDCA isomers with (linear) diols were thoroughly characterised and compared with their as-synthesised 2,5-FDCA analogues. All polymers were obtained by melt polycondensation of linear diols with FDCA dimethyl esters and exhibit molecular weights in the range Mw = 34000–65000 and polydispersities close to 2.0. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of the new polyesters shows that they have comparable or even higher thermal stability compared to the 2,5-FDCA polyesters. Interestingly, the glass-transition temperatures (Tg) of 2,4-FDCA derived polyesters are similar to those of the 2,5-FDCA isomers. Both differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) analyses showed that 2,4-PEF is amorphous, while 2,5-PEF and 3,4-PEF are semi-crystalline materials

    From batch to continuous : Au-catalysed oxidation of d-galacturonic acid in a packed bed plug flow reactor under alkaline conditions

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    Currently biomass based conversions are often performed in batch reactors. From an operational and economic point of view the use of a continuous plug flow reactor is preferred. Here we make a back to back comparison of the use of a batch and plug flow reactor for the oxidation of (sodium)-galacturonate to (disodium)-galactarate using a heterogeneous Au-catalyst. We will show that the use of a three phase plug flow reactor results in enhanced O2 mass transfer which resulted in a 10-40 fold increase in productivity (up to 2.2 ton m-3 h-1). However, the product selectivity slightly dropped from >99 mol% in batch (controlled pH) to 94 mol% in packed bed (uncontrolled pH). Both reactors suffer from the low solubility of the reaction product. We will show that this solubility is the most significant challenge for performing this oxidation on industrial scale.</p

    Lignin solubilisation and gentle fractionation in liquid ammonia

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    We present a simple method for solubilising lignin using liquid ammonia. Unlike water, which requires harsh conditions, ammonia can solubilise technical lignins, in particular kraft lignin. A commercial pine wood Kraft lignin (Indulin AT) was solubilized instantaneously at room temperature and 7–11 bars autogeneous pressure, while a commercial mixed wheat straw/Sarkanda grass soda lignin (Protobind™ 1000) was solubilized within 3 h at ambient temperature, and 30 min at. 85 °C. Hydroxide salts were not required. Wheat straw, poplar and spruce organosolv lignins, as well as elephant grass native lignin (MWL) were also solubilized, albeit at lower values. Different sequences of solubilisation and extraction were tested on the Protobind™ 1000 lignin. The remaining lignin residues were characterized by FTIR, size exclusion chromatography (SEC), elemental analysis (ICP), 2D-NMR and 31P NMR. Liquid ammonia is not an innocent solvent, as some nitrogen was incorporated in the residual lignin which then rearranged to higher molecular weight fractions. Nevertheless, the mild solubilisation conditions make liquid ammonia an attractive candidate as a solvent for lignin in future biorefinery processes

    Biobased itaconzuur en methacrylzuur : Chemische bouwstenen van de toekomst

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    Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research is van plan een flinke stap te zetten in de productie van biobased itaconzuur en methacrylzuur. Deze zuren kunnen bouwstenen zijn voor hoogwaardige materialen, zoals biobased verf en drukinkt. De stoffen worden geproduceerd uit biomassa (glucose) en vormen alternatieven voor fossiele grondstoffen. Voor verdere ontwikkeling wordt samengewerkt met de Amerikaanse agrifoodproducent Archer Daniels Midland, leverancier voor de verfindustrie EOC Belgium en de Nederlandse verfproducent Van Wijhe Verf. Daan van Es, is senioronderzoeker bij Wageningen UR en treedt op als projectleider

    Rigid Biobased Building Blocks: Current Developments and Outlook

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    In this perspectives paper we will look at the state-of-the-art in rigid renewable building blocks for biobased materials, with a focus on two types of carbohydrate-based difunctional monomers, i.e.,isohexides and furan-2,5-dicarboxylic acid (FDCA)