26 research outputs found

    Appendix B. Model results examining trends in measures of skull width, body length, mass, and condition of polar bears in the southern Beaufort Sea between 1983 and 2006.

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    Model results examining trends in measures of skull width, body length, mass, and condition of polar bears in the southern Beaufort Sea between 1983 and 2006

    Appendix A. Model results examining relationships between the availability of sea ice habitat and measures of skull width, body length, mass, and condition of polar bears in the southern Beaufort Sea.

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    Model results examining relationships between the availability of sea ice habitat and measures of skull width, body length, mass, and condition of polar bears in the southern Beaufort Sea

    Chukchi Sea ice data

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    Sea-ice data are provided in two text files: "Chukchi Sea ice data.txt" and "Southern Beaufort Sea ice data.txt". The data and methods to process them are described in the main text of Regehr et al. (2017) and the Supporting Information Appendix S3. Please see "Sea ice METADATA.txt" for further details

    Southern Beaufort Sea ice data

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    Sea-ice data are provided in two text files: "Chukchi Sea ice data.txt" and "Southern Beaufort Sea ice data.txt". The data and methods to process them are described in the main text of Regehr et al. (2017) and the Supporting Information Appendix S3. Please see "Sea ice METADATA.txt" for further details

    Chukchi Sea Polar Bear Locations (2008-2013)

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    These data are the locations (latitude and longitude) of polar bears in the Chukchi Sea that were used in the analysis by Rode et al. The data include the date and time of the location, the unique identifier of the bear the locations are from, and the accuracy classification of the location. Location accuracy is based on Argos error classes (3,2,1,0,A,B). If a location was obtained from GPS, its accuracy is labeled as 'GPS'

    Increased Land Use by Chukchi Sea Polar Bears in Relation to Changing Sea Ice Conditions

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    <div><p>Recent observations suggest that polar bears (<i>Ursus maritimus</i>) are increasingly using land habitats in some parts of their range, where they have minimal access to their preferred prey, likely in response to loss of their sea ice habitat associated with climatic warming. We used location data from female polar bears fit with satellite radio collars to compare land use patterns in the Chukchi Sea between two periods (1986–1995 and 2008–2013) when substantial summer sea-ice loss occurred. In both time periods, polar bears predominantly occupied sea-ice, although land was used during the summer sea-ice retreat and during the winter for maternal denning. However, the proportion of bears on land for > 7 days between August and October increased between the two periods from 20.0% to 38.9%, and the average duration on land increased by 30 days. The majority of bears that used land in the summer and for denning came to Wrangel and Herald Islands (Russia), highlighting the importance of these northernmost land habitats to Chukchi Sea polar bears. Where bears summered and denned, and how long they spent there, was related to the timing and duration of sea ice retreat. Our results are consistent with other studies supporting increased land use as a common response of polar bears to sea-ice loss. Implications of increased land use for Chukchi Sea polar bears are unclear, because a recent study observed no change in body condition or reproductive indices between the two periods considered here. This result suggests that the ecology of this region may provide a degree of resilience to sea ice loss. However, projections of continued sea ice loss suggest that polar bears in the Chukchi Sea and other parts of the Arctic may increasingly use land habitats in the future, which has the potential to increase nutritional stress and human-polar bear interactions.</p></div