35 research outputs found


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    Data of 454 sequencing, phenotypes, Kaspar analysis, qPCR analysis for all experiments used in manuscrip


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    Individual haplotypes for each linkage group as inferred from fastPHASE. subpop1=CliffD, subpop2=CliffN, subpop3=IndianD, subpop4=IndianN, subpop5=WebsterD, subpop6=WebsterN, subpop7=EastD, subpop8=EastN, subpop9=TemiscouataD, subpop10=Temiscouata


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    R code to perform regressions of 90th percentile value of FST as a function of genetic distance from the center of the genomic islands of differentiation. For each lake, the table "Lake_Island_Group.txt" combines FST values at increasing recombination distances (Pos) from the reference position. Map distances were binned into discrete classes (Int) to perform regressions


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    AEM vectors used as input for RDA; edge weights used to compute AEM vectors are based on connectivity probabilities between site


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    Allele frequencies across neutral SNPs (excluding Alaska sites) used for spatial eigenfunction analysi


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    Filtered dataset consisting of 3,699 SNPs genotyped in 717 giant California sea cucumber individual