95 research outputs found

    Building Secure and Anonymous Communication Channel: Formal Model and its Prototype Implementation

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    Various techniques need to be combined to realize anonymously authenticated communication. Cryptographic tools enable anonymous user authentication while anonymous communication protocols hide users' IP addresses from service providers. One simple approach for realizing anonymously authenticated communication is their simple combination, but this gives rise to another issue; how to build a secure channel. The current public key infrastructure cannot be used since the user's public key identifies the user. To cope with this issue, we propose a protocol that uses identity-based encryption for packet encryption without sacrificing anonymity, and group signature for anonymous user authentication. Communications in the protocol take place through proxy entities that conceal users' IP addresses from service providers. The underlying group signature is customized to meet our objective and improve its efficiency. We also introduce a proof-of-concept implementation to demonstrate the protocol's feasibility. We compare its performance to SSL communication and demonstrate its practicality, and conclude that the protocol realizes secure, anonymous, and authenticated communication between users and service providers with practical performance.Comment: This is a preprint version of our paper presented in SAC'14, March 24-28, 2014, Gyeongju, Korea. ACMSAC 201

    On the Feasibility of Identity-based Encryption with Equality Test against Insider Attacks

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    As a generalization of public key encryption with keyword search, public key encryption with equality test was proposed, and identity-based encryption with equality test (IBEET) is its identity-based variant. In IBEET, anyone can check whether two ciphertexts of distinct identities are encryptions of the same plaintext or not using trapdoors. Due to its functionality, IBEET cannot provide any indistinguishability-based security for trapdoor holders. As a variant of IBEET, IBEET against insider attacks (IBEETIA) was proposed, where a token is defined for each identity and is used for encryption, and anyone can check whether two ciphertexts of distinct identities are encryptions of the same plaintext or not without using trapdoors, and an indistinguishability security of IBEETIA was defined. Lee et al. (ACISP 2018) and Duong et al. (ProvSec 2019) proposed a paring-based and a lattice-based constructions, respectively. That is, current concrete IBEETIA schemes are constructed by identity-based encryption (IBE) related complexity assumptions. According to the implication result shown by Boneh et al. (FOCS 2008), IBE is recognized as a strong cryptographic primitive because no black-box construction of IBE from trapdoor permutations exist. However, Emura and Takayasu (IEICE Transactions 2023) demonstrated that symmetric key encryption and pseudo-random permutations are sufficient to construct IBEETIA which is secure in the previous security definition. These results suggest us to explore a condition of IBEETIA that requires to employ IBE-related complexity assumptions. In this paper, we demonstrate a sufficient condition that IBEETIA implies IBE. We define one-wayness against chosen-plaintext/ciphertext attacks for the token generator (OW-TG-CPA/CCA) and for token holders (OW-TH-CPA/CCA), which were not considered in the previous security definition. We show that OW-TG-CPA secure IBEETIA with additional conditions implies OW-CPA secure IBE, and show that Lee et al. and Duong et al. schemes provide the OW-TG-CPA security. On the other hand, we propose a generic construction of OW-TH-CCA secure IBEETIA from public key encryption. Our results suggest a design principle to efficiently construct IBEETIA without employing IBE-related complexity assumptions

    Generic Construction of Broadcast Authenticated Encryption with Keyword Search

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    As a multi-receiver variant of public key authenticated encryption with keyword search (PAEKS), broadcast authenticated encryption with keyword search (BAEKS) was proposed by Liu et al. (ACISP 2021). BAEKS focuses on receiver anonymity, where no information about the receiver is leaked from ciphertexts, which is reminiscent of the anonymous broadcast encryption. Here, there are rooms for improving their security definitions, e.g., two challenge sets of receivers are selected before the setup phase, and an adversary is not allowed to corrupt any receiver. In this paper, we propose a generic construction of BAEKS derived from PAEKS that provides ciphertext anonymity and consistency in a multi-receiver setting. The proposed construction is an extension of the generic construction proposed by Libert et al. (PKC 2012) for the anonymous broadcast encryption and provides adaptive corruptions. We also demonstrate that the Qin et al. PAEKS scheme (ProvSec 2021) provides ciphertext anonymity and consistency in a multi-receiver setting and can be employed as a building block of the proposed generic construction. Moreover, we demonstrate that the Mukherjee BAEKS scheme (ACISP 2023) can be employed as a building block of the proposed generic construction

    Privacy-Preserving Aggregation of Time-Series Data with Public Verifiability from Simple Assumptions

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    Aggregator oblivious encryption was proposed by Shi et al. (NDSS 2011), where an aggregator can compute an aggregated sum of data and is unable to learn anything else (aggregator obliviousness). Since the aggregator does not learn individual data that may reveal users\u27 habits and behaviors, several applications, such as privacy-preserving smart metering, have been considered. In this paper, we propose aggregator oblivious encryption schemes with public verifiability where the aggregator is required to generate a proof of an aggregated sum and anyone can verify whether the aggregated sum has been correctly computed by the aggregator. Though Leontiadis et al. (CANS 2015) considered the verifiability, their scheme requires an interactive complexity assumption to provide the unforgeability of the proof. Our schemes are proven to be unforgeable under a static and simple assumption (a variant of the Computational Diffie-Hellman assumption). Moreover, our schemes inherit the tightness of the reduction of the Benhamouda et al. scheme (ACM TISSEC 2016) for proving aggregator obliviousness. This tight reduction allows us to employ elliptic curves of a smaller order and leads to efficient implementation

    Generic Construction of Dual-Server Public Key Authenticated Encryption with Keyword Search

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    Chen et al. (IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 2022) introduced dual-server public key authenticated encryption with keyword search (DS-PAEKS), and proposed a DS-PAEKS scheme under the decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption. In this paper, we propose a generic construction of DS-PAEKS from PAEKS, public key encryption, and signatures. By providing a concrete attack, we show that the DS-PAEKS scheme of Chen et al. is vulnerable. That is, the proposed generic construction yields the first DS-PAEKS schemes. Our attack with a slight modification works against the Chen et al. dual-server public key encryption with keyword search (DS-PEKS) scheme (IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 2016). Moreover, we demonstrate that the Tso et al. generic construction of DS-PEKS from public key encryption (IEEE Access 2020) is also vulnerable. We also analyze other pairing-free PAEKS schemes (Du et al., Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2022 and Lu and Li, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 2022). Though we did not find any attack against these schemes, we show that at least their security proofs are wrong

    Generic Construction of Forward Secure Public Key Authenticated Encryption with Keyword Search

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    Forward security is a fundamental requirement in searchable encryption, where a newly generated ciphertext is not allowed to be searched by previously generated trapdoors. However, forward security is somewhat overlooked in the public key encryption with keyword search (PEKS) context and there are few proposals, whereas forward security has been stated as a default security notion in the (dynamic) symmetric searchable encryption (SSE) context. In the PEKS context, forward secure PEKS (FS-PEKS) is essentially the same as public key encryption with temporary keyword search (PETKS) proposed by Abdalla et al. (JoC 2016) which can be constructed generically from hierarchical identity-based encryption (HIBE) with level-1 anonymity. Alternatively, Zeng et al. (IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 2022) also proposed a generic construction of FS-PEKS from attribute-based searchable encryption supporting OR gates. In the public key authenticated encryption with keyword search (PAEKS) context, a concrete forward secure PAEKS (FS-PAEKS) construction has been proposed by Jiang et al. (The Computer Journal 2022). As an independent work, thought Xu et al. proposed a generic construction of FS-PAEKS (ePrint 2023), they employed the Liu et al. generic construction of PAEKS (AsiaCCS 2022) that requires random oracles. Thus, a generic construction of FS-PAEKS without random oracles has not been proposed so far. In this paper, we propose a generic construction of FS-PAEKS from PAEKS. In addition to PAEKS, we employ 0/1 encodings proposed by Lin et al. (ACNS 2005). We also show that the Jiang et al. FS-PAEKS scheme does not provide forward security, and thus our generic construction yields the first secure FS-PAEKS schemes. Our generic construction is quite simple, and it can also be applied to construct FS-PEKS. Our generic construction yields a comparably efficient FS-PEKS scheme compared to the previous scheme. Moreover, it eliminates the hierarchical structure or attribute-based feature of the previous generic constructions which is meaningful from a feasibility perspective

    Generic Construction of Public-key Authenticated Encryption with Keyword Search Revisited: Stronger Security and Efficient Construction

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    Public-key encryption with keyword search (PEKS) does not provide trapdoor privacy, i.e., keyword information is leaked through trapdoors. To prevent this information leakage, public key authenticated encryption with keyword search (PAEKS) has been proposed, where a sender\u27s secret key is required for encryption, and a trapdoor is associated with not only a keyword but also the sender. Liu et al. (ASIACCS 2022) proposed a generic construction of PAEKS based on word-independent smooth projective hash functions (SPHFs) and PEKS. In this paper, we propose a new generic construction of PAEKS. The basic construction methodology is the same as that of the Liu et al. construction, where each keyword is converted into an extended keyword using SPHFs, and PEKS is used for extended keywords. Nevertheless, our construction is more efficient than Liu et al.\u27s in the sense that we only use one SPHF, but Liu et al. used two SPHFs. In addition, for consistency we considered a security model that is stronger than Liu et al.\u27s. Briefly, Liu et al. considered only keywords even though a trapdoor is associated with not only a keyword but also a sender. Thus, a trapdoor associated with a sender should not work against ciphertexts generated by the secret key of another sender, even if the same keyword is associated. Our consistency definition considers a multi-sender setting and captures this case. In addition, for indistinguishability against chosen keyword attack (IND-CKA) and indistinguishability against inside keyword guessing attack (IND-IKGA), we use a stronger security model defined by Qin et al. (ProvSec 2021), where an adversary is allowed to query challenge keywords to the encryption and trapdoor oracles. We also highlight several issues associated with the Liu et al. construction in terms of hash functions, e.g., their construction does not satisfy the consistency that they claimed to hold

    Road-to-Vehicle Communications with Time-Dependent Anonymity: A Light Weight Construction and its Experimental Results

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    This paper describes techniques that enable vehicles to collect local information (such as road conditions and traffic information) and report it via road-to-vehicle communications. To exclude malicious data, the collected information is signed by each vehicle. In this communications system, the location privacy of vehicles must be maintained. However, simultaneously linkable information (such as travel routes) is also important. That is, no such linkable information can be collected when full anonymity is guaranteed using cryptographic tools such as group signatures. Similarly, continuous linkability (via pseudonyms, for example) may also cause problem from the viewpoint of privacy. In this paper, we propose a road-to-vehicle communication system with relaxed anonymity via group signatures with time-token dependent linking (GS-TDL). Briefly, a vehicle is unlinkable unless it generates multiple signatures in the same time period. We provide our experimental results (using the RELIC library on a cheap and constrained computational power device, Raspberry Pi), and simulate our system by using a traffic simulator (PTV), a radio wave propagation analysis tool (RapLab), and a network simulator (QualNet). Though a similar functionality of time-token dependent linking was proposed by Wu, Domingo-Ferrer and Gonzälez-Nicoläs (IEEE T. Vehicular Technology 2010), we can show an attack against the scheme where anyone can forge a valid group signature without using a secret key. In contrast, our GS-TDL scheme is provably secure. In addition to the time-dependent linking property, our GS-TDL scheme supports verifier-local revocation (VLR), where a signer (vehicle) is not involved in the revocation procedure. It is particularly worth noting that no secret key or certificate of a signer (vehicle) must be updated whereas the security credential management system (SCMS) must update certificates frequently for vehicle privacy. Moreover, our technique maintains constant signing and verification costs by using the linkable part of signatures. This might be of independent interest

    A Sealed-bid Auction with Fund Binding: Preventing Maximum Bidding Price Leakage

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    In an open-bid auction, a bidder can know the budgets of other bidders. Thus, a sealed-bid auction that hides bidding prices is desirable. However, in previous sealed-bid auction protocols, it has been difficult to provide a ``fund binding'' property, which would guarantee that a bidder has funds more than or equal to the bidding price and that the funds are forcibly withdrawn when the bidder wins. Thus, such protocols are vulnerable to false bidding. As a solution, many protocols employ a simple deposit method in which each bidder sends a deposit to a smart contract, which is greater than or equal to the bidding price, before the bidding phase. However, this deposit reveals the maximum bidding price, and it is preferable to hide this information. In this paper, we propose a sealed-bid auction protocol that provides a fund binding property. Our protocol not only hides the bidding price and a maximum bidding price, but also provides fund binding, simultaneously. For hiding the maximum bidding price, we pay attention to the fact that usual Ethereum transactions and transactions for sending funds to a one-time address have the same transaction structure, and it seems that they are indistinguishable. We discuss how much bidding transactions are hidden. We also employ DECO (Zhang et al,. CCS 2020) that proves the validity of the data to a verifier in which the data are taken from a source without showing the data itself. Finally, we give our implementation which shows transaction fees required and compare it to a sealed-bid auction protocol employing the simple deposit method

    A Revocable Group Signature Scheme with Scalability from Simple Assumptions and Its Application to Identity Management

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    Group signatures are signatures providing signer anonymity where signers can produce signatures on behalf of the group that they belong to. Although such anonymity is quite attractive considering privacy issues, it is not trivial to check whether a signer has been revoked or not. Thus, how to revoke the rights of signers is one of the major topics in the research on group signatures. In particular, scalability, where the signing and verification costs and the signature size are constant in terms of the number of signers N, and other costs regarding signers are at most logarithmic in N, is quite important. In this paper, we propose a revocable group signature scheme which is currently more efficient compared to previous all scalable schemes. Moreover, our revocable group signature scheme is secure under simple assumptions (in the random oracle model), whereas all scalable schemes are secure under q-type assumptions. We implemented our scheme by employing Barreto-Lynn-Scott curves of embedding degree 12 over a 455-bit prime field (BLS-12-455), and Barreto-Naehrig curves of embedding degree 12 over a 382-bit prime field (BN-12-382), respectively, by using the RELIC library. We showed that the online running times of our signing algorithm were approximately 14 msec (BLS-12-455) and 11 msec (BN-12-382), and those of our verification algorithm were approximately 20 msec (BLS-12-455) and 16 msec (BN-12-382), respectively. Finally, we showed that our scheme is applied to an identity management system proposed by Isshiki et al
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