18 research outputs found

    Analysis of intestinal and nasopharyngeal microbiota of children with meningococcemia in pediatric intensive care unit: INMACS-PICU study

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Pediatric Diagnostic Microbiology.Microbiota composition might play a role in the pathophysiology and course of sepsis, and understanding its dynamics is of clinical interest. Invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) is an important cause of community-acquired serious infection, and there is no information regarding microbiota composition in children with meningococcemia. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the intestinal and nasopharyngeal microbiota composition of children with IMD.[Materials and Methods]: In this prospective, multi-center study, 10 children with meningococcemia and 10 age-matched healthy controls were included. Nasopharyngeal and fecal samples were obtained at admission to the intensive care unit and on the tenth day of their hospital stay. The V3 and V4 regions of the 16S rRNA gene were amplified following the 16S Metagenomic Sequencing Library Preparation.[Results]: Regarding the alpha diversity on the day of admission and on the tenth day at the PICU, the Shannon index was significantly lower in the IMD group compared to the control group (p = 0.002 at admission and p = 0.001, on the tenth day of PICU). A statistical difference in the stool samples was found between the IMD group at Day 0 vs. the controls in the results of the Bray–Curtis and Jaccard analyses (p = 0.005 and p = 0.001, respectively). There were differences in the intestinal microbiota composition between the children with IMD at admission and Day 10 and the healthy controls. Regarding the nasopharyngeal microbiota analysis, in the children with IMD at admission, at the genus level, Neisseria was significantly more abundant compared to the healthy children (p < 0.001). In the children with IMD at Day 10, genera Moraxella and Neisseria were decreased compared to the healthy children. In the children with IMD on Day 0, for paired samples, Moraxella, Neisseria, and Haemophilus were significantly more abundant compared to the children with IMD at Day 10. In the children with IMD at Day 10, the Moraxella and Neisseria genera were decreased, and 20 different genera were more abundant compared to Day 0.[Conclusions]: We first found alterations in the intestinal and nasopharyngeal microbiota composition in the children with IMD. The infection itself or the other care interventions also caused changes to the microbiota composition during the follow-up period. Understanding the interaction of microbiota with pathogens, e.g., N. meningitidis, could give us the opportunity to understand the disease’s dynamics.This study was supported by the Eskisehir Osmangazi University Scientific Research Grant (2018/11046).Peer reviewe

    Evaluation of efficiency of olive and olive oil marketing organisation in Eastern

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    Recently, olive oil and table olive consumption has increased as result of increasing population, healthy diet conscious and tendency for more local food products. During the period between 2000-2015 in Turkey, olive production, olive oil and table olive production has increased significantly. Eastern Mediterranean Region was one of the regions with the highest increases. The aim of the study is to evaluate efficiency of olive, olive oil and table olive marketing organization and present suggestions for insufficiencies defined. As result, especially processing service had crucial problems in all olive oil and table olive marketing services. To contribute in olive sector, Cooperatives, branding, determining of target markets and increasing the quality should be supported and improved

    Evaluation of efficiency of olive and olive oil marketing organisation in Eastern Mediterranean Region

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    Türkiye’de 2000-2015 yılları arasında zeytin üretimi ve bununla beraber zeytinyağı üretiminde önemli artış gözlenmiştir. Bu artışların en fazla olduğu bölgelerden birisi Doğu Akdeniz Bölgesi olmuştur. Bu çalışmanın amacı Doğu Akdeniz Bölgesi’nde zeytin ve zeytinyağı pazarlama organizasyonlarının etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi ve belirlenen yetersizlikler için çözüm önerileri getirilmesidir. Çalışma sonucunda zeytinyağı pazarlama hizmetlerinden özellikle işleme hizmetinde eksiklikler olduğu belirlenmiştir. Kooperatifleşme, markalaşma, hedef pazarların belirlenmesi ve kalitenin artırılması yönünde yapılacak çalışmalar bölgede zeytincilik sektörünün geliştirilmesine önemli katkılarda bulunacaktır.Recently, olive oil and table olive consumption has increased as result of increasing population, healthy diet conscious and tendency for more local food products. During the period between 2000-2015 in Turkey, olive production, olive oil and table olive production has increased significantly. Eastern Mediterranean Region was one of the regions with the highest increases. The aim of the study is to evaluate efficiency of olive, olive oil and table olive marketing organization and present suggestions for insufficiencies defined. As result, especially processing service had crucial problems in all olive oil and table olive marketing services. To contribute in olive sector, Cooperatives, branding, determining of target markets and increasing the quality should be supported and improved

    The Evaluation of Fruit Sapling Producing Enterprises by the SWOT Analysis in Hatay Province

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    In this study, SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analyses is done in order to reveal current status of fruit sapling suppliers in Hatay. Data collected from representative face-to-face surveys using full counting method with totally 92 suppliers in the present study. Current statuses of companies were revealed according to SWOT analyses. Favourable ecological conditions, proximity to citrus growing areas and sea, presence of unemployed person in the family and accessibility were the strengths of selected region. Low educational level, small parcels of land, suppliers without regular records, unconsciousness of producers on organizing were the weakness of the selected region, on the contrary

    Economic analysis of fruit sapling producing enterprises in Hatay province

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    Bu çalışmada, Hatay ilinde meyve fidanı üreten işletmelerin ekonomik yapıları incelenerek, işletmelerin fidan üretim faaliyetleri ve ekonomik üretim değerleri ortaya konulmuştur. Bu çalışma, işletmelerle bireysel olarak görüşülerek 92 meyve fidancılığı işletmesinde tam sayım yöntemi ile yürütülmüştür. İşletmeler üretim kapasitelerine göre üç gruba ayrılmış olup, 1-50.000 adet fidan üreten işletmeler I.,50.001-100.000 adet fidan üreten işletmeler II., 100.000’den fazla fidan üreten işletmeler ise III. grup tarım işletmesi olarak tanımlanmıştır. İşletmelerin ortalama gayri safi üretim değeri 590.083 TL olup, meyve fidanı yetiştiriciliği, işletmelerin gayri safi üretim değerlerinin %75,38’ini oluşturmaktadır. İşletmelerde ortalama gayri safi hasıla 593.108 TL saf kar 365.200 TL ve tarımsal gelir 411.980 TL olarak hesaplanmıştır. Yine, işletmelerde ortalama sabit masraflar 80.828 TL ve değişen masraflar ise 109.842 TL olarak tespit edilmiştir. İşletmelerde fidan başına maliyet ortalama 1,87 TL olup ortalama fidan satış fiyatı 3,36 TL’dir. Sonuç olarak, meyve fidanı üretim kapasitesi yüksek olan III. grup işletmelerde kar marjı daha yüksek düzeyde gerçekleşmiştir.In this study, examined the economic analysis of fruit sapling producing enterprises in Hatay Province. The data were obtained from 92 enterprises by the method of full count and face to face with producers. Enterprises were classified as three groups according to the production capacity of fruit sapling trees. First group (1 to 50.000 number sapling), second groups (50.001 to 100.000 number sapling) and third group (more than 100.000 number sapling).The average gross production value is 590.083 TL in enterprises and fruit sapling sales account for 75.38% of the gross production value in enterprises. Gross output, net profit and agricultural income are calculated as 593.108 TL, 365.200 TL and 411.980 TL. In addition to the average fixed costs and variable costs are found as 80.828 TL and 109.842 TL in enterprises respectively. Also, the cost of per sapling and selling price of saplings were calculated as 1.87 TL and 3.36 TL. As a result, net margin is higher in III. group enterprises which have more production capacity than the others

    Improvements of Strawberries Production and Foreign Trade in Turkey

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    Türkiye’de çilek üretimi ve dış ticareti gün geçtikçe önem kazanmakta, üreticilere ve ihracat yoluyla ülke ekonomisine gelir sağlaması açısından sık sık gündeme gelmektedir. Tükiye’de 2001-2017 yılları arasında çilek üretimi 3,42 kat artarak 400.167 tona yükselmiştir. Yurtiçi üretim büyük oranda (%69,50) Mersin, Aydın, Bursa ve Antalya illerinden karşılanmaktadır. Ele alınan dönemde ihracat miktarı ise 2,44 kat artarak 27.577 ton olmuştur. İhracat yapılan ülkeler itibariyle de yoğunlaşma mevcuttur. Özellikle taze çilek ihracatında gerçekleşen bu yoğunlaşma herhangi bir sorunla karşılaşıldığında önemli gelir kayıplarına sebep olabilir. Bu nedenle çilek üretim bölgelerinin genişletilmesi ve yeni ihracat pazarlarının bulunması yönünde çabalar teşvik edilmelidir.In Turkey, strawberry production and foreign trade is getting importance, in terms of providing income to producers and exports revenues. Strawberry production quantity has increased to 400.167 tonnes in the year 2001-2017 increased by 3.42 times in Turkey. This production is mostly (%69,5) met by Mersin, Aydın, Bursa and Antalya. In this period, the export quantity increased by 2.44 times to 27,577 tons. There is an concentration of export by countries. Especially, this concentration of fresh strawberries may result to loose income. For this reason, ıt is important to expand strawberry production regions and find new export markets

    The Structure, Problems and Solutions of Fruit Sapling Producing Enterprises in Hatay Province

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    Bu çalışmada, Hatay İlinde meyve fidancılığı sektörünün yapısı ve sorunları ortaya konulmuş, çözüm önerilerinde bulunulmuştur. Bu çalışma, 92 meyve fidancılığı işletmesinde tam sayım yöntemi ile yürütülmüştür. İşletmelerde aile nüfusunun %51,15’ini ilkokul mezunları oluştururken, üniversite mezunlarının oranı %8,62 düzeyinde kalmıştır. İşletmelerde ziraat mühendisi istihdam etme oranı %2,18’dir. İşletmecilerin %64,05’i fidancılığı baba mesleği olarak yaparken, %3,37’si fidancılık eğitimi alarak bu mesleğe başlamışlardır. İşletmelerde potansiyel aile işgücü ortalama 4,22 Erkek İşgücü Birimidir (EİB). Aile işgücünün %50,71’i aktif durumdadır. İşletmelerde kullanılan toplam Erkek İşgücünün (EİG) %88,48’i fidan üretiminde, %5,32’si diğer tarım faaliyetlerinde ve %5,22’si ise tarım dışı işlerde değerlendirilmektedir. İşletmelerin ortalama toplam arazi genişliği 25,74 dekar olup, bunun 12 dekarını fidan üretim arazisi oluşturmuştur. Fidan arazilerinin %74,58’i mülk, %25,42’si de kira durumdadır. İşletmelerin ortalama işletme sermayeleri ise 229.308 TL olarak hesaplanmıştır. Bölgede işletmelerin en fazla karşılaştıkları sorunlar ise; girdi fiyatları yüksekliği, birliğe üyelik için bürokratik işlemlerin çok olması, destek miktarının yetersiz olması, kalifiye eleman bulmada karşılaşılan zorluklar ile bölgede görülen hastalıklardır. Sonuç olarak, meyve fidanı üretim kapasitenin arttırılması önerilmektedir. Araştırma sonuçları, işletmelerin fidan üretim kapasitelerini artırmaları ve sorunların çözümün kolaylaştırmak için bir organizasyon altında birleşmeleri gerektiğini göstermektedir.In this study, examined the structure and problems of fruit sapling producing enterprises and offers solutions in The Hatay Province. The data were obtained from 92 enterprises by the method of full count and face to face with producers. Of the 51.15% population in creating family business primary school graduates, the proportion of university graduates remained at 8.62%. The rate of agricultural engineer employment in the businesses is 2.18%. While 64.05% of the enterprisers the father's profession, this profession began taking 3.37's% of nursery education. Average potential family labour is the 4.22 male labour forces in enterprises. The family labour utilization rate was calculated as 50.71%. Of the 88.48% in fruit sapling businesses, 5.32's% in other agricultural productions and 5.22's% in non-agricultural jobs of total used men workforce. The businesses have average total land size of 25.74 acres which it has established 12 acres of fruit sapling production land. While 74.58% of the total fruit sapling land is property, 25.42's% is for rent situation. The operating capital is calculated as the average of 229.308 TL. The most common species of fruit sapling production were citrus (46.20%) and olive trees (35.29%). The problems faced by most of the farms in the region were high input prices, excessive bureaucratic procedures preventing memberships into the union, an inadequate amount of support provided by the state, production-threatening diseases of plants and difficulties in finding qualified staff in the region. The results show that enterprises need to increase their production capacity, to unite under one organization to facilitate the resolution of problems

    Economic Analysis of Fruit Sapling Producing Enterprises in Hatay Province

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    Bu çalışmada, Hatay ilinde meyve fidanı üreten işletmelerin ekonomik yapıları incelenerek, işletmelerin fidan üretim faaliyetleri ve ekonomik üretim değerleri ortaya konulmuştur. Bu çalışma, işletmelerle bireysel olarak görüşülerek 92 meyve fidancılığı işletmesinde tam sayım yöntemi ile yürütülmüştür. İşletmeler üretim kapasitelerine göre üç gruba ayrılmış olup, 1-50.000 adet fidan üreten işletmeler I.,50.001-100.000 adet fidan üreten işletmeler II., 100.000’den fazla fidan üreten işletmeler ise III. grup tarım işletmesi olarak tanımlanmıştır. İşletmelerin ortalama gayri safi üretim değeri 590.083 TL olup, meyve fidanı yetiştiriciliği, işletmelerin gayri safi üretim değerlerinin %75,38’ini oluşturmaktadır. İşletmelerde ortalama gayri safi hasıla 593.108 TL saf kar 365.200 TL ve tarımsal gelir 411.980 TL olarak hesaplanmıştır. Yine, işletmelerde ortalama sabit masraflar 80.828 TL ve değişen masraflar ise 109.842 TL olarak tespit edilmiştir. İşletmelerde fidan başına maliyet ortalama 1,87 TL olup ortalama fidan satış fiyatı 3,36 TL’dir. Sonuç olarak, meyve fidanı üretim kapasitesi yüksek olan III. grup işletmelerde kar marjı daha yüksek düzeyde gerçekleşmiştir.In this study, examined the economic analysis of fruit sapling producing enterprises in Hatay Province. The data were obtained from 92 enterprises by the method of full count and face to face with producers. Enterprises were classified as three groups according to the production capacity of fruit sapling trees. First group (1 to 50.000 number sapling), second groups (50.001 to 100.000 number sapling) and third group (more than 100.000 number sapling).The average gross production value is 590.083 TL in enterprises and fruit sapling sales account for 75.38% of the gross production value in enterprises. Gross output, net profit and agricultural income are calculated as 593.108 TL, 365.200 TL and 411.980 TL. In addition to the average fixed costs and variable costs are found as 80.828 TL and 109.842 TL in enterprises respectively. Also, the cost of per sapling and selling price of saplings were calculated as 1.87 TL and 3.36 TL. As a result, net margin is higher in III. group enterprises which have more production capacity than the others