57 research outputs found

    The interaction between Export and FDI: Central-Eastern Europe and EU15

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    Historically, FDIs have long been considered as an alternative means for firms to internationalize. According to this line of thought, a substitution relationship between exports and FDIs would be expected. However, recent developments in new trade theory, emphasize that exports and FDIs can be positively correlated. On the home country side, the relevant question is whether national share of exports towards destination markets has been affected by FDIs undertaken in the same, in other words whether outward FDI raises or lowers home country exports. Taking into account that the prevalent type of FDI seems to be horizontal, we would expect that a substitution relationship prevails in empirical findings. This study adds to previous work presenting a review of the existing theoretical and empirical studies and underlining the discrepancy between the two. Finally, it tests the relationship between FDI and exports bilateral flows from EU15 towards CEEC countries using an extended gravity approach that includes labour costs. The results support the complementarity' hypothesis.FDI, Multinational enterprises, Gravity Model, Europe.

    FDI and Growth in Central and Southern Eastern Europe

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    This paper examines the role of FDI in promoting growth in 25 Central and Southern Eastern Europe (CSEE) using a dynamic panel approach that includes lags of involved variables to mitigate the problem of serial correlation. It adopts also a ‘general-to-specific' approach to deal with the problem of the omitted variable and uses different estimation methods to control for heterogeneity and autocorrelation. The main finding is that FDI has a positive and significant impact on economic growth in accordance with theory.Foreign Direct Investment, economic growth, transition economies.

    Food Patterns, Diabetes and Overweight/Obesity and Some Socio-Economic Indicators in the Italy Regions

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    Background: There were over 3.5 million cases of diabetes in Italy In 2015. Research has provided a better understanding of the role of dietary patterns and their relation with socio-economic conditions and non-communicable diseases. Objective: To identify the differences in mortality rate due to type 2 diabetes, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the different regions of Italy and their relation with change in dietary patterns in the framework of some economic indicators. Methods: We analyse the mortality rate of diabetes and the prevalence of overweight and obesity by region in Italy. The most frequent foods (kcal per capita per day) from the Food Balance Sheet released by the Food and Agriculture Organization, were organized it for decades from 1961 to 2013. The average annual expenditure of several foods was calculated. Gross Domestic Product and the Gini coefficient for each region were calculated. Results: Mortality rates for diabetes and the percentage of overweight and obesity show a continuous increase and they were differ in each region. Wheat showed a decrease in apparent consumption, while consumption of food of animal origin, vegetable oils and animal fats increased. The prices of sweets, packaged food and sugary drinks decreased. Conclusions: Promoting healthy and ways of life to reduce the global burden of non-communicable diseases requires a multi-sectorial management of the social determinants of health

    Quince años de integración monetaria en Europa

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    The experience of the euro-zone is evaluated after fifteen years of existence and of the debt crisis. There are highlighted both the benefits and the problems that the introduction of the Euro has brought to the countries participants and are considered to be the perspectives of the zone. Some historical precedents of the union are checked, his benefits are discussed, in terms of placement in the monetary international system and of implementation of the monetary politics, and the adopted solutions are analyzed and the perspectives distinguish themselves for the zone

    Benefici, problemi e prospettive dell’integrazione monetaria in Europa

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    This article discusses European monetary integration, recalling the benefits and the costs of the euro for the Member States. It reviews the policies adopted in the wake of the financial crisis and discusses the associated challenges. An outlook on the possible long-term design of monetary policy is provided, mainly in terms of EU coordination processes

    Percepciones bioéticas en adolescentes de las comunidades de General Mansilla

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    En los últimos años, la legislación argentina explicitó un conjunto de derechos sanitarios que modificaron el paradigma de atención clínica. Si bien se desarrollaron estudios regionales respecto de los derechos sanitarios, todavía resultan escasas las pesquisas que relacionen su práctica con los determinantes sociales de la salud. Objetivo: examinar el ejercicio efectivo de los derechos de los pacientes en la práctica odontológica y la influencia de determinantes sociales sobre el mismo.In recent years, Argentine legislation has specified a set of health rights that modified the clinical care paradigm. Although regional studies on health rights have been developed, there is still little research that relates their practice to the social determinants of health. Objective: to examine the effective exercise of the rights of patients in dental practice and the influence of social determinants on it.Facultad de Odontología (FOLP

    Bioethical considerations of consent and confidentiality in university dental practice

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    La legislación argentina otorga el derecho al paciente a la confidencialidad, a la información sanitaria y a la revocabilidad la decisión del paciente o de su representante legal en cuanto a consentir o rechazar los tratamientos indicados en la práctica sanitaria. Por tanto, cabe evaluar su implementación en la práctica odontológica que se imparte en ámbitos de formación universitaria. Objetivo: Examinar el cumplimiento de normas ético-legales en pacientes del Hospital Odontológico Universitario de la ciudad de La Plata, República Argentina. Métodos: Se realizó un diseño descriptivo de corte transversal en clínicas universitarias de atención odontológica (n=12). Se seleccionó una muestra de 360 pacientes adultos. El tamaño de muestra fue calculado mediante Epi InfoTM Versión 7.1.5, considerando un Nivel de Confianza de 95% y realizando un posterior ajuste al tamaño de la población. A su vez, se dividieron en 3 subgrupos: 21-30 años; 31-50 años; 51-76 años. Se evaluó nivel de instrucción; grupo etario; frecuencia de revocabilidad del consentimiento; nivel de cumplimiento de la información sobre riesgos clínicos y efectos adversos. Se realizó el tratamiento estadístico mediante IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0, IC 95%, p<0.05, como también se evaluó el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson. Resultados: Los autorreportes presentaron una adecuada fiabilidad psicométrica. El análisis de correlación confirmó la existencia de una asociación inversa entre el grupo etario y la frecuencia de revocabilidad del consentimiento (21-35 años x=0.5 DS 0.7; 51-76 años x=0.1 DS 0.3; p<0.05). Se confirmó la correlación entre como el grupo etario y la percepción del nivel de confidencialidad recibido (Nivel Alto: 21-35 años = 39, 32.5%; 51-65 años = 102, 85.0% Nivel Intermedio: 21-35 años = 33, 27.5%; 51-65 años = 12, 10.0%; Nivel Bajo: 21-35 años = 48, 40.0%; 51-76 años = 6, 5.0%; p<0.05). De igual modo entre el nivel de instrucción y la información sobre riesgos, como entre el primero y la información del uso de los datos con fines académicos (p<0.05). Conclusión: A partir de la muestra procesada se observaron diferencias en el cumplimiento de normas éticas-legales según grupo etario y nivel de instrucción (p<0.05).Argentine legislation grants the patient the right to confidentiality, to health information and to the revocability of the decision of the patient or his legal representative as to consent or reject the treatments indicated in health practice. Therefore, it is worth evaluating its implementation in dental practice that is taught in areas of university education. Objective: To examine compliance with ethical-legal norms in patients of the University Dental Hospital of the city of La Plata, Argentina. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional design was carried out in university clinics for dental care (n = 12). A sample of360 adult patients was selected. The sample size was calculated using Epi InfoTM Version 7.1.5, considering a Confidence Level of 95% and making a subsequent adjustment to the size of the population. In turn, they were divided into 3 subgroups: 21 -30 years; 31 -50 years; 51 -76 years Level of instruction was assessed; age group; frequency of revocability of consent; level of compliance with information on clinical risks and adverse effects. The statistical treatment was carried out using IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0, 95% Cl, p <0.05, as well as the Pearson correlation coefficient was evaluated. Results: Self-reports showed adequate psychometric reliability. The correlation analysis confirmed the existence of an inverse association between the age group and the frequency of revocability of consent (21-35 years x = 0.5 SD 0.7, 51-76 years x = 0.1 SD 0.3, p <0.05). The correlation between the age group and the perceived level of confidentiality was confirmed (High Level: 21 -35 years = 39,32.5%, 51 -65 years = 102, 85.0% Intermediate Level: 21-35 years = 33, 27.5%, 51-65 years = 12, 10.0%, Low Level: 21-35 years = 48, 40.0%, 51-76 years = 6, 5.0%, p <0.05). Similarly, between the level of instruction and information on risks, as between the first and the information on the use of data for academic purposes (p <0.05). Conclusion: From the sample processed, differences were observed in compliance with ethical-legal norms according to age group and level of instruction (p <0.05).Facultad de Odontología (FOLP

    Percepciones bioéticas en adolescentes de las comunidades de General Mansilla

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    En los últimos años, la legislación argentina explicitó un conjunto de derechos sanitarios que modificaron el paradigma de atención clínica. Si bien se desarrollaron estudios regionales respecto de los derechos sanitarios, todavía resultan escasas las pesquisas que relacionen su práctica con los determinantes sociales de la salud. Objetivo: examinar el ejercicio efectivo de los derechos de los pacientes en la práctica odontológica y la influencia de determinantes sociales sobre el mismo.In recent years, Argentine legislation has specified a set of health rights that modified the clinical care paradigm. Although regional studies on health rights have been developed, there is still little research that relates their practice to the social determinants of health. Objective: to examine the effective exercise of the rights of patients in dental practice and the influence of social determinants on it.Facultad de Odontología (FOLP