13 research outputs found

    Relación entre los indicadores emocionales de la personalidad con el control del asma en un grupo de niños del Centro Regional de Alergia e Inmunología Clínica de la Ciudad de Monterrey, Nuevo León, México

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    OBJETIVO GENERAL Evaluar la relación entre indicadores emocionales de la personalidad y el control del asma en los niños. 1.1. OBJETIVOS ESPECIFICOS 1. Describir los rasgos de la personalidad de los niños con asma. 2. Determinar la efectividad del test del dibujo de la figura humano como tamiz para buscar trastornos de la personalidad en los niños con asma. 3. Definir la relación entre los trastornos de la personalidad y el control del asma. 4. Definir la relación entre el sobrepeso y el control del asma

    Psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology: clinical implications

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    Abstract Psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology, which was first described in 1936, is the study of the interactions between the psyche, neural and endocrine functions and immune responses. The aim of psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology is to apply medical knowledge to the treatment of different allergic, immune, autoimmune, rheumatic, neoplastic, endocrine, cardiovascular and dental pathologies, among other disorders. Epigenetic factors and major stresses from different types of stimuli acting through distinct pathways and neurotransmitters are highly involved in altering the psychoneuroimmunoendocrine axis, resulting in the emergence of disease. The main purpose of this report is to expand the understanding of psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology and to demonstrate the importance of the above-mentioned interactions in the etiology of multiple pathologies. In this review, a search of the medical literature using PubMed (free access search engine for the Medline database of the National Library of Medicine of the United States) over the years 1936 to 2016 was conducted, and descriptive and experimental studies and reviews of the scientific literature were included. Keywords: Psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology, Stress, Immune system, Endocrine system, Nervous system, Psychiatry, Allergy, Behavior, Psychological disorders, Immunolog

    Contact Dermatitis Due to a Henna Tattoo: a Case Report

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    La dermatitis de contacto alérgica es una reacción de hipersensibilidad tardía causada después de que la piel está expuesta a un alergeno específico. Los tatuajes temporales de henna se han vuelto muy populares en niños y adultos. El compuesto orgánico, p-fenilendiamina (PPD) se agrega con frecuencia al pigmento de henna para oscurecerlo. ABSTRACT Allergic contact dermatitis is a late hypersensitivity reaction caused after the skin is exposed to a specific allergen. Temporary henna tattoos have become very popular in children and adults.The organic compound, p-phenylendiamine (PPD) is frequently added to the henna pigment to make it darke

    Exhaled Breath Temperature Measurement in Allergic Respiratory Disease

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    En los últimos años, se ha planteado la hipótesis de que el nivel de temperatura de la respiración exhalada (EBT) está relacionado con el grado de inflamación / remodelación de las vías respiratorias. El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar la EBT en pacientes con enfermedad respiratoria alérgica (asma y / o rinitis alérgica) y controles sanos

    Dental and Maxillofacial Alterations in Children with Allergic Rhinitis Attended at the University Hospital of Monterrey, Mexico

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    La rinitis alérgica es una de las principales causas de la respiración orall y diferentes estudios en niños han reportado un aumento en la incidencia de caries dental, alteraciones maxilares y alteraciones morfológicas orofaciales. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de alteraciones dentales y maxilofaciales en niños con rinitis alérgica del noreste de México

    Prevalencia de sensibilización a hongos en pacientes con alergia respiratoria

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    Como parte de la etiología de la alergia respiratoria esta la genética, los factores prenatales y la sensibilidad a diversos aeroalérgenos, entre estos los hongos

    Reactividad cruzada en sinusitis alérgica fúngica. Reporte de caso

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    La presencia de mucina alérgica en la rinosinusitis alérgica fúngica (RAF) es una manifestación que la identifica como un proceso de hipersensibilidad. En la RAF existe un fenómeno de reactividad cruzada entre proteínas unidas a IgE que tienen al menos dos epítopes compartidos. ABSTRACT The presence of allergic mucin in allergic fungal sinusitis (AFS) is a manifestation that identifies it as a hypersensitivity process. AFS has a phenomenon of cross-reactivity to IgEbound proteins having at least two shared epitopes

    Current situation of allergy education in Mexico and other parts of Latin America

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    Allergic diseases are one of the most frequent chronic diseases in the world. It has been established that there is a worldwide epidemic of allergic diseases; therefore, the treatment of allergies should be acknowledged as a worldwide priority and the specialty of allergy should be considered an important field in medicine. Due to the fact that allergic diseases involve many organs, and Allergy and Clinical Immunology is one of the specialties in which physicians may be trained to treat patients of all ages, the subject in medical schools is not always taught as an individual specialty but often as part of another subject such as internal medicine or pediatrics. Certified allergists are an important contribution to health systems, providing the necessary care for patients who have allergic diseases. Undergraduate programs in many universities do not include allergy as a subject, contributing to a lack of knowledge regarding the correct management of allergic diseases. World Health Organization (WHO) recommends 1 allergist per 50,000 people; however, there is an uneven distribution of allergy and clinical immunology specialists. Most practitioners are localized mainly in larger cities and state capitals, while in other regions, specialists are still greatly needed. Support and training systems are required for allergy and clinical immunology specialists to promote continuing education and keep their clinical competence up to date, which will lead to better care for their patients. Increased exposure to the concepts of allergy and clinical immunology diagnosis and treatment in undergraduate education may also potentially lead to an increase in interest in the field of allergy and clinical immunology among physicians in training. This review will approach allergy education in Mexico and other parts of Latin America