9 research outputs found

    Paving the way for transport evaluation in Tanzania

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    Elisa Cascardi, MSc student in The Department of International Development, examines the potential to measure the impact of the Dar es Salaam Bus Rapid Transit System

    Colombia at a crossroads: Using innovation, collaboration, and evaluation to deliver justice

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    After 52 years of war with the FARC, the Colombian government finds itself at a crossroads – how does it deliver justice to millions of victims of the conflict when most live in extremely remote areas? Jorge Luis Silva Mendez, Diana Ortiz, Juan Vargas, Megan Rounseville and Elisa Cascardi explain how UMAOV has supported access to justice, reparations, and helped victims gain a sense of truth after the conflict

    Colombia puede allanar el camino hacia la paz llevando justicia hasta las víctimas del conflicto

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    Las experiencias de justicia transicional en todo el mundo han demostrado que la confianza ciudadana es clave en los procesos exitosos. En Colombia la combinación de una legislación comprehensiva con programas innovadores y evaluaciones rigurosas puede asegurar que ninguna víctima sea excluida, escriben Elisa Cascardi, Adrienne Hathaway, Jorge Luis Silva Méndez, Diana Ortiz, Megan Rounseville y Juan Vargas

    Colombia can smooth the road to peace by taking justice to victims of conflict

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    Experiences of transitional justice the world over have demonstrated the importance of achieving public trust in the process. Combining comprehensive legislation and innovative, well-monitored delivery mechanisms in Colombia will help to ensure no one is excluded, write Elisa Cascardi, Adrienne Hathaway, Jorge Luis Silva Méndez, Diana Ortiz, Megan Rounseville and Juan Vargas

    In Search of the Socio-economic Effects of Legal Status

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    We gather a novel, comprehensive database of Temporary Protected Status and Deferred Enforced Departure policies and combine these data with the American Community Survey to estimate the impact of TPS/DED on socio-economic outcomes for immigrants and their families