70 research outputs found

    Vertical and horizontal composition of fecal pollution indicator bacteria in lotic and lentic ecosystems at Turkish Thrace

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    Background and Purpose:Although freshwater ecosystems have natural bacterial populations, their distributions are negatively affected by agricultural activities, domestic and industrial discharges. Bacterial composition at different depths can limit the usage of the water column for drinking, irrigation or other intentions. This study was designed to give similar indications concerning the nature of distribution of indicator bacteria in two different freshwater ecosystem types (lotic and lentic biotopes), and also to identify the factors that might be responsible in shaping them.Materials and Methods:For this aim, stagnant and running water resources located in Meric-Ergene River Basin at Turkish Thrace were sampled at three water depths (surface, middle, bottom) and two sediment depths (shore and bottom) between the dates October 2014 and September 2015 at seasonal intervals. While the heterotrophic bacteria, total and fecal coliform bacteria, and Escherichia coli were recorded by the CFU and MPN techniques, some features (temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, salinity, nutrients, ions, and elements) were also measured by classical chemical, chromatographic or spectrometric methods.Results and Conslusions:According to the data, the bacterial distribution in each ecosystem was found as similar for the bottom and the surface water columns. Results were also supported statistically by Bray-Curtis similarity index and correspondence analyse. The relationships between the bacterial distribution and environmental features were evaluated by Spearman correlation index. Consequently, it was observed that the bacterial distribution can differ in both water column/sediment depths and lotic/lentic ecosystems. And, it was suggested that the middle water column in each ecosystem is the most proper column for human usage.</p

    The growth of tanypus punctipennis meigen (diptera, chironomidae) larvae in laboratory conditions and the effects of water temperature and ph

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    Recent taxonomic studies suggest that findings of larval chironomids should be supported also by adult findings in order to obtain more robust and reliable results on the studied group. Moreover identifications of larvae of some species can be made to genus level only due to similarities of some larval characteristics in different species. In such cases, species level identifications can be achieved by the growth of larvae in laboratory conditions. Also, larval culturing under optimum growth conditions will not only make it easy to provide materials for experimental studies and but also achievement of larvae with a higher biomass value to be used as food in the sector. In this study, Tanypus punctipennis Meigen (Diptera, Chironomidae), a very common species in Turkish Thrace, was used as the model organism for culture studies. Individual larvae were cultured from third instar stage to adult form under laboratory conditions. A simple and cheap method is offered for experimental studies on larval growths of chironomids and the effects of water temperature and pH, both with very important roles in larval culturing, were determined. The overall results of laboratory tests showed that the temperature value of 25°C and 7-8 pH interval were the optimal laboratory conditions for culture of T. punctipennis larvae.Son zamanlarda yapılan taksonomik çalışmalarda larval chironomidlerin erginleri ile birlikte değerlendirilmesinin daha güvenilir sonuçlar verdiği belirtilmektedir. Ayrıca, bazı türlerin teşhisleri, larval safhadaki bazı karakterlerin türler arasındaki benzerlikleri nedeniyle ancak cins düzeyine kadar yapılabilmektedir. Bu durumda larvaların laboratuvar koşullarında yetiştirilerek erginleştirilmesi sayesinde tür düzeyinde teşhisleri mümkün olabilmektedir. Ayrıca, uygun yetiştirme koşulları belirlenerek yapılan larva yetiştiriciliği, bir taraftan deneysel çalışmalarda gerekli materyalin eldesi için kolaylık sağlarken, diğer taraftan balık yemi sektöründe daha ileri instar evrelerine ve dolayısıyla yüksek biyomass değerine hızla erişecek larva temini için de yararlı olacaktır. Bu araştırmada, yetiştirme çalışmaları için model tür olarak Trakya’da oldukça yaygın olan Tanypus punctipennis Meigen (Diptera, Chironomidae) larvaları kullanıldı. Bireyler, üçüncü instar safhasından ergin forma erişinceye dek laboratuvar koşullarında yetiştirildi. Böylelikle, laboratuvar koşullarında larval chironomid yetiştirme amaçlı çalışmalar için basit ve ucuz bir yöntem deneyimlenerek sunulurken, larvaların yetişmesinde oldukça önemli rolü olan su sıcaklığı ve pH gibi çevresel faktörlerin etkileri de araştırıldı. Çalışmanın sonucunda T. punctipennis larvalarının gelişiminde 25°C ve 7-8 pH aralığının en uygun koşullar olduğu belirlendi

    Análisis comparativo de la distribución química y bacteriana de lagunas costeras y lagos de agua dulce en la Tracia Turca

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    Background. Microbial contamination of water bodies is causing major environmental and public health concerns in developing countries. Bacterial inclusion of inland waters can be of allochthonous and/or autochthonous origins. Goals. The aim of this study was to determine and compare the microbial contamination with environmental factors controlling colonization of bacteria in lagoon-lakes and freshwater lakes. Methods. Two lagoon-lakes and two freshwater lakes in Turkish Thrace were chosen and sampling was undertaken from October 2014 to August 2015 at seasonal intervals. While total heterotrophic bacteria, E. coli, coliform, and fecal coliform bacteria distributions from allochthonous and autochthonous origins were determined, environmental conditions of the ecosystems were also measured. While the Bray-Curtis Similarity Index and the Correspondence Analysis with Abundance Plot Analyses were used to determine the similarities of the sampling habitats, the Spearman’s Correlation Index was applied to clarify relationships between the environmental variables and the bacterial distribution. Results. The bacterial distribution was positively related to dissolved oxygen in one of the sampled lagoon-lakes (r = 1.0, p &lt; 0.01) and negatively correlated with total dissolved solids and salinity in one of the sampled freshwater lakes (r = -0.95, p &lt; 0.01; r = -0.80, p &lt; 0.05, respectively). Conclusions. This research indicated that the saline water of the lagoon-lakes has limited the number of bacteria when compared with freshwater lakes.Antecedentes. La contaminación microbiana de los cuerpos de agua está causando importantes problemas ambientales y de salud pública en los países en desarrollo. La incorporación de bacterias en aguas continentales puede tener origen alóctono y/o autóctono. Objetivos. Determinar y comparar la contaminación microbiana con los factores ambientales que controlan la colonización de bacterias en lagunas y lagos de agua dulce. Métodos. Se eligieron dos lagunas y dos lagos de agua dulce en la Tracia turca. El muestreo se realizó entre octubre de 2014 y agosto de 2015 en diferentes estaciones del año. Se determinó la distribución de las bacterias heterótrofas, E. coli, coliformes y coliformes fecales de origen alóctono y autóctono, y también se midieron las condiciones ambientales de los ecosistemas. El Índice de similitud de Bray-Curtis y el Análisis de correspondencias con Abundance Plot Analyze se utilizaron para determinar las similitudes de los hábitats de muestreo; mientras que el índice de correlación de Spearman se aplicó para conocer las relaciones entre las variables ambientales y la distribución bacteriana. Resultados. La distribución bacteriana se relacionó positivamente con el oxígeno disuelto en una de las lagunas-lago muestreadas (r = 1.0, p &lt; 0.01) y se correlacionó negativamente con el total de sólidos disueltos y la salinidad en otro de los lagos de agua dulce muestreados (r = -0.95, p &lt; 0.01; r = -0.80, p &lt; 0.05, respectivamente). Conclusiones. Esta investigación indicó que el agua salina de las lagunas-lagos limita el número de bacterias en comparación con los lagos de agua dulce

    Gala Gölü (Edirne/Türkiye) fitoplanktonunun mevsimsel dağılımı

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    This study was performed from March 2004 to February 2005 in 4 stations in Gala Lake, a shallow lake located inside Gala Lake National Park in Meriç Delta. Water samples were taken from the lake in order to determine the phytoplankton present in the lake and to perform physicochemical analysis. A total of 112 taxa from 5 divisio were identified during the study period. Chlorophyta was the most diversed group in the lake with 47 taxa and diatoms were found to have the highest cell counts with a mean value of 670011 cell L-1. The general pattern of seasonal succession in phytoplankton of the lake was represented with Chlorophyta in June and with Cyanophyta in September and Diatoms were the dominant group of the lake in all other months. A spatial heterogeneity was observed in the lake where a slight Microsystis spp. increase occurred in early autumn months. Comparison with former phytoplankton data showed distinct differences in terms of the qualitative and quantitative composition of the phytoplankton community of Lake Gala, which indicates lake deterioration.Bu çalışma Meriç deltasında Gala Gölü Milli Parkı içerisinde bulunan ve sığ bir göl olan Gala Gölü’nde belirlenen 4 istayonda Mart 2004-Şubat 2005 tarihleri arasında yapılmıştır. Gölden alınan su örneklerinde fitoplanktonun belirlenmesinin yanı sıra bazı fizikokimyasal analizler de yapılmıştır. Çalışma süresince 5 divizyoya ait toplam 112 taxa gözlemlenmiştir. En fazla tür sayısının 47 tür ile Chlorophyta’ya ait olduğu gölde Diatomlar ortalama 670011 hücre L-1 ile en çok hücre sayısına sahip grup olmuştur. Göl fitoplanktonunun mevsimsel süksesyonunda genel yapı Haziran ayında Chlorophyta, Eylül ayında ise Cyanophyta hakimiyeti şeklindedir. Bu ayların dışında tüm örnekleme periyodu boyunca Diatomlar gölün hakim organizmaları konumundadır. Bunun yanısıra sonbahar aylarında hafif bir Microsystis spp. çoğalmasının meydana geldiği gölde fitoplanktonun yıl boyunca değiştiği gözlemlenmiştir. Daha önceki veriler ile karşılaştırıldığında Gala Gölü fitoplanktonunda nitel ve nicel olarak farklılıklar tespit edilmiştir

    Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of water resources that feed into the National Park Igneada Longoz Forests (Turkish Thrace) by using physico-chemical and biological analyses

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    In this study, some physico-chemical and biological features of the water resources that feed three alluvial longose groves (are also known as Longoz) which are important wetlands in the National Park Igneada Longoz Forests including a lot of different ecosystems were investigated. In order to assess the water quality, a total of eight running water resources were sampled within four different seasons and two lakes were sampled at dry and wet seasons in 2008-2009. While some water resources were found to have high quality levels for some physico-chemical findings, the results were also supported by using EPT (Ephemeroptera Plecoptera Trichoptera) index. Furthermore, the cluster analysis, correspondenceanalysis, and Pearson correlation index were used to determine the relationships between the data. As a result, although a lot of sampled water resources that feed into the National Park area has been found to have good quality level, it was also observed that the area have been under the negative effects of humans. Therefore, at the end of this study, it was also made some suggestions for sustainable usage of this special area

    Application of Hypothetical Ecological Risk Analysis to Sustainable Usage of Possible Winter Recreation Areas in Seyhan Basin (Türkiye)

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    In this study, the long-term suitability of the area proposals for winter recreation activities in the Sey-han Basin (Türkiye), which is located in the Mediterranean and Central Anatolia regions and includes alargepartoftheTaurusMountains,wereexaminedecologically.Forthispurpose,thepredictedglobal warming scenarios in the basin and the anthropogenic impacts arising from the planned rec-reation areas were evaluated for the upper basin (recreation areas) and lower basin (water resources, agricultural lands, and settlements) using a hypothetical risk analysis. For this purpose, multispectral images were obtained by using Landsat 8 Oli Multispectral images of the snow areas in the region in January-February-March 2019, and a hypothetical ecological risk analysis was created considering a total of 5 pressure factors originating from global climate change and anthropogenic effects. These possiblefactorsweredeterminedasflood(S1),drought(S2),sedimentation(S3),aquaticnutrients(S4), and tourist density (S5). The effects of these factors on a total of four features (C1: water quality, C2: fauna-flora, C3: agricultural areas, and C4: settlements) in the region were evaluated by hypothet-ical grading based on the literature. According to the hypothesis results obtained by the formula and statistical calculations, it was determined that the flood factor (S1) that will occur due to possible snow melt due to global climate change in the winter recreation areas in the studied region is the most significant factor limiting the sustainable usage of the Basin. For this reason, it has been emphasized in this study that the possibility of regions being exposed to the effects of climate change in the fu-ture should be taken into account, especially when planning for winter recreation areas. At the end of this study, it was concluded that the ecological balance analysis of basins is important, especially in terms of ensuring the long-term sustainable use of winter recreation areas