17 research outputs found

    Pengolahan sampah di Desa Madiredo Kecamatan Pujon

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    Sampah merupakan salah satu permasalahan yang sampai saat ini masih dihadapi oleh masyarakat pada umumnya. Permasalahan yang paling sering terjadi adalah pembuangan sampah yang tidak diurus dengan baik sehingga mengakibatkan pencemaran lingkungan. Salah satu solusi dalam mencegah pencemaran lingkungan adalah menerapkan pengolahan sampah menggunakan konsep 3R (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle). Proses ini yang dilakukan di TPST Dusun Bengkaras Desa Madiredo Kecamatan Pujon dalam mengolah sampah. Pemilahan sampah organik dan non organik yang sudah dilakukan, menghasilkan karya kerajinan mozaik kaligrafi dari compact disk dan pupuk kompos yang dapat dimanfaatkan masyarakat disana

    Overview of psychological well-being of college students in Malang City: Wright map Rasch Model

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    This study aims to measure the level of psychological well-being of students in Malang City. This research emerged due to the phenomenon of suicide attempts committed by students in the past two years. The categorization of the level of psychological well-being is differentiated based on male and female gender. The participants used in this study were 144 students. The data in this study were obtained through the Ryff psychological well-being scale and analyzed using Rasch modeling based on the Wright map. The results of this study show that the level of psychological well-being of female and male students with three categories (low, medium, high) the majority is in the medium category. When viewed in more detail, psychological well-being in the high category in female students is more than men

    Overview of psychological well-being of college students in Malang City: Wright map Rasch Model

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    This study aims to measure the level of psychological well-being of students in Malang City. This research emerged due to the phenomenon of suicide attempts committed by students in the past two years. The categorization of the level of psychological well-being is differentiated based on male and female gender. The participants used in this study were 144 students. The data in this study were obtained through the Ryff psychological well-being scale and analyzed using Rasch modeling based on the Wright map. The results of this study show that the level of psychological well-being of female and male students with three categories (low, medium, high) the majority is in the medium category. When viewed in more detail, psychological well-being in the high category in female students is more than men

    Analisis Differential Item Functioning (DIF) pada skala Ryff’s psycological well being

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    Psycological Well Being merupakan merupakan salah satu skala psikologis yang sering digunakan dalam pengukuran psikologi. Baik dalam rangka melakukan penelitian ataupun dalam assesmen lain untuk tujuan intervensi. Psycological Well Being dipengaruhi oleh berbagai factor salah satunya adalah jenis kelamin Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menemukan item –item manakah dari aspek-aspek skala Riff psychological well being yang memuat DIF jika dilakukan analisis menggunakan pemodelan Rasch. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa sebanyak 144 orang. Terdiri dari 84 perempuan dan 66 laki-laki. Teknik pengumpulan sampel yang digunakan teknik quota sampling. Analisis yang dilakukan adalah analisis Differential Item Functioning (DIF) pada alat ukur skala psychological well being. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa terdapat item yang memiliki nilai bias jika ditinjau dari jenis kelamin sejumlah 4 (empat) aitem. Aitem tersebut terdiri dari aitem nomor 2 (dua) yang mengukur tentang penerimaan diri; aitem nomor 5 (lima) yang mengukur tentang kemandirian; aitem nomor 7(tujuh) yang mengukur tentang mengatur lingkungan sekitar dan aitem nomor 10 (sepuluh) yang mengukur tentang tujuan hidup

    Overview of psychological well-being of college students in Malang City: Wright map Rasch model

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    This study aims to measure the level of psychological well-being of students in Malang City. This research emerged due to the phenomenon of suicide attempts committed by students in the past two years. The categorization of the level of psychological well-being is differentiated based on male and female gender. The participants used in this study were 144 students. The data in this study were obtained through the Ryff psychological well-being scale and analyzed using Rasch modeling based on the Wright map. The results of this study show that the level of psychological well-being of female and male students with three categories (low, medium, high) the majority is in the medium category. When viewed in more detail, psychological well-being in the high category in female students is more than men

    The efectiveness of solution focused brief therapy training to increase psychological wellbeing of santri

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    The ability to solve the problem becomes a crucial matter for an individual. When a problem is solved appropriately, it will give prosperous and comfortable psychological condition. It is likewise the santri who has a different demand from the usual student. Santri is expected to be able to balance activity at formal school and activity at Islamic boarding school. To reach balance and comfort in doing activities, an individual should have psychological wellbeing. Thus, it needs solving problem methods that are in accordance with the condition, one of them is Solution focused brief therapy. The aim of the study is to investigate the effectiveness of Solution focused brief therapy training in increasing psychological wellbeing on santri. The participants of this study are 53 people by using experimental research method namely one group pretest posttest. Data analysis uses T test. The result of the study shows that the significance 0,000 is < than 0.05. The level of psychological health of santri before the training is still categorized low, then after having the training 56% santri are in high category and there is no more santri in low category. Hence, it can be concluded that the training of Solution focused brief therapy is proven effective in increasing psychological health of santri

    The efectiveness of solution focused brief therapy training to increase psychological wellbeing of santri

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    The ability to solve the problem becomes a crucial matter for an individual. When a problem is solved appropriately, it will give prosperous and comfortable psychological condition. It is likewise the santri who has a different demand from the usual student. Santri is expected to be able to balance activity at formal school and activity at Islamic boarding school. To reach balance and comfort in doing activities, an individual should have psychological wellbeing. Thus, it needs solving problem methods that are in accordance with the condition, one of them is Solution focused brief therapy. The aim of the study is to investigate the effectiveness of Solution focused brief therapy training in increasing psychological wellbeing on santri. The participants of this study are 53 people by using experimental research method namely one group pretest posttest. Data analysis uses T test. The result of the study shows that the significance 0,000 is < than 0.05. The level of psychological health of santri before the training is still categorized low, then after having the training 56% santri are in high category and there is no more santri in low category. Hence, it can be concluded that the training of Solution focused brief therapy is proven effective in increasing psychological health of santri

    Analysis of Differential Item Functioning (DIF) on the work-life balance scale

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a new work system. It is called work from home. This phenomenon continues after the COVID-19 pandemic. It gives rise to a business sector where workers can work from home. This phenomenon raises problems for men and women related to work-life balance. Therefore, the existence of new phenomena and their problems will require the development of analyses in measurement to suit the existing phenomena and problems. One is a study of item bias on the work-life balance scale based on gender and age in the context of working from home. This research aims to determine whether there was an item bias on work-life balance based on age and gender. The sample of this research amounted to 130 workers consisting of 65 female workers and 65 male workers with an age range from 19–51 years. The sampling technique used was the quota sampling technique. The analysis carried out was the Differential Item Functioning (DIF) analysis on the work-life balance scale measuring instrument. The research shows that the item has a probability value below 0.05, i.e., 0.044 in item no.4, based on gender. Furthermore, two items have a probability value below 0.05, i.e., 0.031 (item no.2) and 0.003 (item no.15), based on age. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is item bias based on gender and age