13 research outputs found

    Leveraging Electronic Word of Mouth on TikTok: Somethinc Skin Care Product Innovation to Increase Consumer Purchase Intention

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    Social Media platform continually assisting industry as a media promoter for its customer. This study aims to determine how the influence of electronic word of mouth on TikTok on purchase intention of Somethinc skincare products through brand image. This study uses a quantitative approach with data collected using a survey method. The research instrument used a questionnaire distributed via google form. The number of samples in this study were 100 respondents who were TikTok users, knew about and had never bought Somethinc skincare products. The analysis technique used in this research is simple linear regression using SPSS version 22 and single test using an online calculator. The results of this study indicate that the four hypotheses of this study are accepted. It was concluded that there was an influence between e-WOM on TikTok on purchase intention of Somethinc skincare products, the influence between e-WOM on TikTok on Somethinc's brand image, the influence between Somethinc brand image on purchase intention of Somethinc skincare product, and influence between Electronic word of mouth on TikTok. towards purchase intention of Somethinc skincare products through brand image


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    The Covid-19 pandemic has caused an economic recession in many countries around the world. The economy has contracted with reduced customer demand due to the policy of large-scale social applications in Indonesia.  This study aims to analyze consumer preferences from the demand-side side of several industrial sectors affected by the pandemic so that business players can develop strategies during the pandemic and post-Covid-19. The research was carried out on September 14-30, 2020, through an online survey of 722 respondents who live in the Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi areas. The results showed that in addition to basic needs, which occupy the first preference, consumers prefer to withhold their consumption of other commodity goods. According to the study findings, the transportation and tourism industry sectors are the weakest. The vehicle purchase subsector during the pandemic is also the lowest. Therefore, innovative policies are needed for businessmen or government policies to stimulate the automotive industry

    The Shifting of Marketing Strategy During Pandemic Covid-19: Case Study on PT Summarecon Bekasi

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    Abstract. As we know that Covid-19 become the biggest challenge for corporation to perform its business. This study aims to explain the shifting in implementing marketing strategy through social media marketing activities, electronic word of mouth and brand equity and measure the purchase intention of PT Summarecon Bekasi’s followers. The study uses a quantitative approach through survey methods based on purposive and snowball sampling of the population. The number of respondents in this study were 175 of Summarecon Instagram followers that obtained through an online questionnaire. The data obtained were processed using SPSS through descriptive statistical analysis and multiple regression. The results of this study indicate that the relationships held in the research model are significant and mutually influential toward dependent variable. Overall, PT Summarecon Bekasi is expected to upgrade its marketing content through social media which is more interesting to gain purchase intention of consumers towards Summarecon Bekasi property.Keywords:  Social Media Marketing Activities, Electronic Word of Mouth, Brand Equity, Purchase Intentio


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    Today, the world has entered the industry revolution 4.0 era. It is inevitable that higher education institutions become the agents of change of civilizations that support the phenomenon. Some conceptions related to knowledge-based economy, entrepreneurial university or third-generation university, became the frame of thinking of experts who encourage university policies and strategies. This literature review is intended as an analysis on the current condition of higher education institutions in Indonesia, especially Universitas Indonesia and Universitas Gajah Mada, both of which are leading universities in Indonesia. As a state-owned university that is given an autonomy, the government restricts their subsidy, and this has put both state-owned universities (PTNBH) in a dilemma in an attempt to implement their Tri Dharma's activities, mainly because unclear policy to get the financial income from non-educational costs. This article will highlight some thoughts related to entrepreneurial universities, such as definitions, transformation models, and challenges to become entrepreneurial universities

    Strategy Formulation Roadmap Human Capital: Action Research Based Soft System Methodology, Case in PT Angkasa Pura I

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    Abstract. In the era of war for talent, attracting and retaining the talented people become necessary to gain organization’s competitive advantage. Facing the airport industry in the regional area that become more competitive, PT Angkasa Pura I, try to formulate its key competence called World Class Airport Officer (WCAO). This study aims to formulate strategically within human resources for all PT Angkasa Pura I’s staff. The method of the research is using Soft Systems Methodology (SSM). SSM is implemented with the consideration that the implementation of the Human Capital’s Strategy Formulation is seen as a human activity system, which involves many stakeholders among top executives, Branch Managers, Human Capital Division Head, Training and Development Department Head, Organizational Development Department Head and all employees. The result indicates that management conducted learning process which are systematically desirable and culturally feasible in formulating Human Capital Road Map to achieve WCAO. Furthermore, the competencies of WCAO consists of innovative, professional, collaborative minded, service oriented, integrity and also be proactive.Keywords: Business strategy, soft system methodology, strategic human resource management, strategy formulation, airport industr


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     ABSTRACTSocial innovation studies are unique studies and are still relatively rare. The study contains that business models from among those who are often marginalized can also be a source of income. In addition, the importance is also that the utilization of resources owned by a region can be a source of competitive advantage when properly managed considering that each region has a different context. This study analyzes the social innovation model in Tegal Waru Village which was originally a poor and underdeveloped village in 2010 but later it can transform into an economically independent village. This study uses a qualitative approach with data collection methods through in-depth interviews and also observations. The selection of informants is based on the criteria that the person understands the business processes carried out and is also a stakeholder of Tegal Waru Tourism Village. The results showed that the Tegal Waru Tourism Village was a village that managed to enhance its natural and human resources so that it became a source of competitive advantage through the establishment of a Business Tourism Village which is still rare in Indonesia. A unique business model is offering entrepreneurship education with a value proposition to educate everyone to become entrepreneurs by relying on the core competencies and resources they have with philosophy hence provide benefits to many people. ABSTRAKKajian social innovation merupakan kajian yang unik dan masih relatif jarang. Kajiannya berisi bahwa model bisnis dari kalangan yang seringkali termajinalkan juga dapat menjadi sumber penghasilan. Selain itu, pentingnya juga adalah bahwa pemanfaatan sumber daya yang dimiliki oleh suatu daerah dapat menjadi sumber keunggulan bersaing manakala dikelola dengan baik mengingat masing-masing daerah memiliki konteks yang berbeda-beda. Penelitian ini menganalisis tentang model inovasi sosial di Desa Tegal Waru yang awalnya merupakan desa miskin dan tertinggal di tahun 2010an tetapi kemudian dapat menjelma menjadi Desa yang mandiri secara ekonomi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam dan juga observasi. Pemilihan informan berdasarkan kriteria bahwa yang bersangkutan memahami proses bisnis yang dijalankan dan sekaligus merupakan stakeholder Desa Wisata Tegal Waru. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tahun 2018. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Desa Wisata Tegal Waru merupakan desa yang berhasil mengelola sumber daya alam dan manusia yang dimilikinya sehingga menjadi sumber keunggulan bersaing melalui pembentukan Desa Wisata Bisnis yang masih langka di Indonesia. Bussiness model yang unik yaitu menawarkan pendidikan entrepeneruship dengan value proposition mendidik setiap orang agar dapat menjadi entrepreneur dengan mengandalkan core competence dan sumber daya yang dimilikinya dengan falsafah agar dapat memberikan manfaat untuk banyak orang.

    Good Governance Aspect in Implementation of The Transparency of Public Information Law

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    Abstract. The Indonesian government has pursued to establish freedom of information for their people in order to enhance good governance in the public sector by implementing the Transparency of Public Information Law Number 14 Year 2008, popularly known as UU KIP. This study is aimed at describing and drawing the factors that affected the implementation of UU KIP in Surakarta City and West Lombok Regency. This research was conducted through a mixed method of a quantitative method through surveys and a qualitative method through in-depth interviews and a focus group discussion. The research concluded that there are numerous factors which affected the implementation of UU KIP such as; political will both from central government and local leader, government ability, flaws in the UU KIP itself, minimum budget, infrastructure, and the culture of the society. UU KIP was also perceived as an Act that regulated the public information and was able to enchance public institutions’ implementation of good governance. The local government is believed to be more accountable and transparant, and able to increase public participation.Keywords:  good governance, public information, implementation Abstrak. Pemerintah Indonesia telah berusaha menetapkan keterbukaan informasi untuk masyarakat agar badan publik dapat mencapai good governance dengan menerapkan Undang-Undang Nomor 14 Tahun 2008 tentang Keterbukaan Informasi Publik, yang lebih dikenal sebagai UU KIP. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menggambarkan dan mencari tahu faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi UU KIP di Kota Surakarta dan Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan mixed method yang terdiri dari metode kuantitatif melalui survey and metode kwalitatif melalui wawancara mendalam (in-depth interview) dan diskusi kelompok terfokus (focused group discussion/FGD). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa terdapat berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi UU KIP yang terdiri dari; keinginan politik (political will) dari pemerintahan pusat dan kepala pemerintahan daerah, kemampuan pemerintah, kesalahan yang terdapat di dalam UU KIP itu sendiri, anggaran minimum, infrastruktur, dan budaya masyarakat. UU KIP juga dipersepsikan sebagai suatu undang-undang yang mengatur informasi publik dan bisa membantu badan publik memperbaiki implementasi good governance. Pemerintah daerah dianggap lebih bertanggung jawab dan transparan, dan dapat meningkatkan partisipasi publik.Kata kunci:  good governance, informasi publik, implementas

    Ethical Climate In Vocational Program Administrative Sciences Department: Student Perception

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    The existence of ethics course in the designed curriculum given, expected to shape morale and develop ethic awareness between student in their study environment. This thing will be a primary asset for graduate  candidates in the future. This research is an effort to make an image about study environment climate, that occur in Vocational Program generally, and in Administration Science particularly. The aim of this study is to describe students’ perceptions of their institution’s ethical environment. The Ethical Climate Questionnaires were completed by fifty two final-year vocational program students. The result showed that the type of consensual morality is the most dominant factor that forms ethical environment in campus

    Exploring Entrepreneurial Leadership: A Case Study On Small Medium Entreprise’s Owner In Jakarta

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    Leadership style becomes the important things a crucial factor to ensure the success of how the SME’s small business owners in managing their business operation successfully. This study aims to analyzing the leadership style of the Small and Medium-sized Enterprise’s owner whom located in Jakarta. By using the Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ), this empirical study will analyzes whether the entrepreneur has acquire initiating structure or consideration while governed its business. The research method issues mixed method, both quantitative using survey through purposive sampling toward 30 entrepreneurs that located in Jakarta, and qualitative ones method using is applied through in-depth interview toward on several key informants. The result is shows behavioral pattern of the entrepreneurs have is high initiating structure which means they focus on the production and slightly high consideration that described that they also maintain its their staff as a member of the big family at their business