330 research outputs found

    A Study on Designers’ Attitude for Open Innovation in Turkey

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    In design education, students benefit not only from their project courses’ content but also from the information resources they contain. When it comes to the repetition of unique problems and solution-oriented approaches in the design professions, the resources used to research solutions for the problems encountered in design education are also specific to that problem. This situation highlights resource diversity, and especially resource sharing, at various stages and thus opens a view into innovation habits among designers’ behaviors. This empirical study explores whether or not designers’ behaviors can be related to their practices in design project courses, regarding their open innovation tendencies. Semi-structured interviews with 20 designers are used to form a case study. Interviewees had experience with both in-house designers and freelancers, therefore purposive sampling was used. The results were analyzed thematically and discussed under open innovation practices

    The Relationship Between Financial Development and Economic Growth in Emerging Markets

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    DergiPark: 326233trakyasobedWith the negative impacts of the recent global financial crisis, several countries are still experiencing a slow pace in their rate of economic recovery. This trend has been consistent since the first quarter of 2009, taking into consideration that financial systems were the most affected. In addition, economic recovery has been fragile due to several reasons. For instance, there have been increased uncertainties on the performance and sustainability of the U.S. economy. Moreover, different country groups have had divergent economic performance which limit of a consistent economic growth. As the monetary authorities strived to stabilize their financial systems, European economies were exposed to increased risk of sovereign defaults and this worsened the rate of economic recovery. Countries such as Turkey were exposed to a fluctuating and weak global economy. However, Turkish economic recovery in 2010 was boosted by increased business and consumer demand, particularly due to monetary easing measures and fiscal stimulus packages. These policies were instrumental in maintaining positive growth in the last four quarters of 2010. As the financial systems continued to stabilize, Turkey was able to record the fastest recovery among European and OECD nations. Its rate of economic growth was one of the highest across the world. Emerging markets were recipient to capital inflows in 2010 especially because of high global risk appetite. Authorities in several developing economies were able to record strong economic growth due to sound financial systems, strong economic growth, high nominal interest rates and prudent public finance managementYakın zamanda yaşanan küresel mali krizin olumsuz etkilerine maruz kalan bazı ülkelerin ekonomik iyileşme hızları halen oldukça düşüktür. Finansal sistemlerin bu durumdan en çok etkilenen bünyeler olduğu dikkate alındığında, bu trendin 2009 yılının ilk çeyreğinden beri aynı şekilde sürdüğü görülmektedir. Buna ek olarak ekonomik iyileşme, birkaç neden yüzünden hassastır. Örneğin ABD ekonomisinin performansı ve sürdürülebilirliği üzerindeki belirsizlikler artmıştır. Bundan başka farklı ülke grupları, tutarlı bir ekonomik büyümeyi sınırlayan birbirinden ayrı ekonomik performanslara sahiptir. Parasal yetkili kurumlar finansal sistemlerini stabilize etmeye çalışmasına karşın, Avrupa ekonomileri devlet borçlarının ödenememesi riskiyle karşı karşıya kalmış ve bu durumda ekonomik iyileşme oranlarını daha da kötüleştirmiştir. Türkiye gibi gelişen ülkeler, kararsız ve zayıf bir küresel ekonomiye maruz kalmıştır. Ancak Türkiye’nin 2010 yılında yaşadığı ekonomik iyileşme, artan iş ve tüketici talepleri ile daha da desteklenmiştir. Bunun sebebi özellikle mali piyasaların rahatlatılması ve güçlü mali teşvik paketleridir. Mali sistemler istikrarlı olmaya devam ettikçe Türkiye, AB ve OECD ülkeleri arasında görülen en hızlı ekonomik iyileşmeye sahip olacaktır. Kamu otoriteleri ekonomilerinde; sağlam finansal sistemler, güçlü ekonomik büyüme, yüksek nominal faiz oranları ve dikkatli mali yönetim sayesinde güçlü bir ekonomik büyüme kaydedebilmişti

    Exploring the relation between students’ research behaviours in project courses and open innovation

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    In this study, the similarities between the actions of design students’ in product design project courses and open innovation processes were examined through a survey conducted among the students. Studies on open innovation were evaluated together with up-to-date discussions about design and its role in innovation and business environment in general. Since design can take crucial roles in innovation and management, the comparison of design students’ actions in product design courses with probable expectations in the work environment can provide information about if these project courses could act as a preparation for professional career. The theoretical relation between innovation and design was discussed to be followed by examination of similarities between product design project courses and open innovation environments. Afterwards, a brief field study conducted with third and fourth grade product design students was analyzed to explore any resemblance between their research preferences during product design project courses and open innovation practices. Also, their awareness on open innovation subject was sought to understand if the possible resemblance was a result of design education’s nature. The results suggest that students’ behaviors during product design project courses are in line with open innovation concept to a degree, even though their awareness on the subject is low. Keywords: Design, Open innovation, Design education, Design thinking, Design student

    Etkileşimsel Adalet ve Duygusal Bağlılık İlişkisi: Algılanan Örgütsel Desteğin Düzenleyici Rolü The Relationship between Interactional Justice and Affective Commitment: The Moderating Role of Perceived Organizational Support

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı etkileşimsel adaletin, duygusal bağlılıkla olan ilişkisinde algılanan örgütsel desteğin düzenleyici rolünü incelemektir. Araştırmanın verileri Ankara’da yer alan bir kamu kurumunda farklı bölümlerde çalışan 198 katılımcıdan elde edilmiştir ve değişkenler arası ilişkiler korelasyon ve regresyon analizleri ile incelenmiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre etkileşimsel adalet, duygusal bağlılık ve algılanan örgütsel destek arasında pozitif yönlü ve anlamlı ilişkiler bulunmuştur. Bununla birlikte çalışanların örgütsel destek algıları arttıkça, etkileşimsel adaletin duygusal bağlılığa olan pozitif yönlü etkisinin daha yüksek olduğu da tespit edilmiştir. The purpose of this study is to examine the moderating role of perceived organizational support in the relationship between interactional justice and affective commitment. The data of this study were obtained from 198 participants working in different departments in a public institution in Ankara and the interrelationships between variables were examined by means of correlation and regression analysis. The results reveal that positive and significant relationships were found between interactional justice, affective commitment and perceived organizational support. As employees' perception of organizational support increases, the positive effect of interactional justice on affective commitment was found to be higher

    Vaz deferens kaynaklı leyomiyom

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    We report an unusual case of a leiomyoma of the vas deferens. A 69-year-old male patient was presented with a slowly progressive swelling of five years’ duration in the right groin. Total excision of the right inguinal mass was performed with preservation of the right testis. The patient returned home one day later with no further problems, and he was well on his postoperative control. Inguinal exploration of suspicious inguinal masses is required to confirm the benign nature of the tumor. Benign masses of spermatic cord might be excised with preservation of the testis.Vaz deferensten kaynaklanan sıradışı bir leyomiyom vakası sunuyoruz. Altmışdokuz yaşındaki erkek hasta sağ kasıkta beş yıl süreli yavaş ilerleyen şişlik ile başvurdu. Sağ testis korunarak sağ inguinal kitle tam olarak çıkarıldı. Hasta bir gün sonra herhangi bir problem gelişmeksizin eve gönderildi ve ameliyat sonrası kontrollerinde sorun yaşanmadı. Şüpheli inguinal kitlelerin benign olduklarının doğrulanabilmesi için cerrahi olarak çıkartılmaları gereklidir. Spermatik kordun benign kitleleri testis korunarak çıkartılabilir

    The Uncontrollable Mnemonic Fragments within Consciousness Reflecting Ophelia’s and Lady Macbeth’s Disturbed Minds

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    Memory plays an important role in most of Shakespeare’s plays. Shakespeare delves into the dark realms of human consciousness to reflect the disturbed minds and gnawing consciences of his characters with a profound psychological insight into the human psyche. Time, memory, madness and death seem to be the basic issues dealt with in his canon. My paper will address the uncontrollable mnemonic fragments within the human consciousness which reflect past traumas, fears and disturbances and will examine the cases of Ophelia and Lady Macbeth from a feminist reading of women

    Müşteri memnuyeti, ölçülmesi ve değerlendirilmesi

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    ÖZETMüşteri odaklılık görüşünün temelinde, kalitenin belirleyicisinin müşteri olduğu yatmaktadır. Müşterilerin karşılamaları gereken, kişiden kişiye farklılık gösteren bazı ihtiyaçları vardır. İhtiyaçlarının karşılanması için hissettikleri duygu ve düşünceleri isteklerini oluşturur. İstek ve ihtiyaçların bir araya gelmesiyle beklentileri oluşur. İşletmeler müşterilerinin istek ve ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak ve beklentilerini aşmak için kaliteli hizmet vermek çabası içerisindedirler. Müşteri hizmeti kalitesinin düzeylerini, müşterilerinin memnun olup olmadığını, nelerden memnun/memnunsuz olduğunu bilmek, onları, başarıya ve sürekliliğe götürecektir. Bu açıdan, bu tezde ele alınan müşteri memnuniyeti ölçümü, bize gelecekteki ve şimdiki müşterilerimizle olan etkileşimimizi ve onların algılamaları hakkında fikir edinmemizi sağlamaktadır.SUMMARYIn basis principle of customer focus vision, it's lied behind that characteristics of quality are customers. There are some needs which the customers are needed to meet and which show difference person to person. Their sensations and ideas which they feel for meeting their needs constitude requests. When requests and needs come together, expectations appear. Companies strive to give high in quality service for meeting their customers' needs and requests and exceeding their expectations. To know levels of customer service quality and whether they are satisfied, to know which of the services they are satisfied/unsatisfied bring them accomplishment and continuity. In this respect, customer satisfaction measurement that was considered in this thesis provides us to have an idea about interaction between probable and already established customers and their perceptions

    Belediyelerimizin mali sorunları ve çözüm önerileri

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    Modification of catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase gamma by CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing technology

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    The synthetic lethality between DNA polymerase (poly) and MLH1 is an important approach to kill MLH1 mutated/deficient cancer cells selectively through the small molecule inhibitors of poly. Poly involves in mitochondrial base excision repair (BER) and tumor suppressor protein MLH1 plays a role in mismatch repair (MMR). Besides its repair function during DNA replication, MMR also involves in the repair of oxidative DNA damage where the major repair pathway is BER. The poly inhibition is a powerful target for the selective cancer treatment. To determine if poly inhibitors-mediated tumor or cancer cell death is only through the cellular function of poly without affecting other cellular processes, poly knockdown cells are needed. Therefore, the aim of this study was to create inhibited/mutated poly protein in MLH1 deficient HCT116 colon cancer and MLH1 proficient HCT116_Chr3 cell lines by using CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing technology for poly. The first exon of the catalytic subunit of poly was targeted for the poly gene silencing, because it has all the enzymatic activities. A frame-shift mutation was created on poly gene by CRISPR/Cas9 technology which caused to the premature stop codon and then poly gene silencing. Consequently, three of the single cell colonies were identified as poly knockdown cells