191 research outputs found

    Effects of Different Dietary Energy Sources on the Egg Production of the Japanese Quail

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    The present investigation focused on determining the effects of dietary energy sources (from soya oil, palm kernel oil, cassava meal and corn meal) on egg production by the Japanese quail over a period of 10 weeks in a humid zone. A control diet and four isonitrogenous (28% crude protein; CP) and isocaloric (12.1 MJ/kg) diets were formulated with ninety adult female quail birds randomly allocated in three replications per treatment in a completely randomized design (CRD). Egg production showed significant differences (P< 0.05), which was highest for the palm kernel oil treatment and least for the corn meal treatment group. The study indicated that the inclusion of palm kernel oil in the diets of laying birds was beneficial. The observation reported on the low egg production with high corn diet needs further investigations to ascertain the extent of depression on egg production observed in the study

    Economics Of Small-Scale Palm Oil Processing In Ikwerre And Etche Local Government Areas Of Rivers State, Nigeria

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    Palm oil is one of the most common products used by almost everybody in Nigeria. Small holders constitute the major producers of palm oil in Ikwerre and Etche Local Government Areas. This study was conducted in Ikwerre and Etche Local Government Areas of Rivers State to determine the economic analysis of small-scale palm oil processing in the study area. 93 palm oil processors were randomly selected from 10 Agricultural blocks in Rivers State Agricultural Development Programme. Descriptive statistics, frequencies tables and gross margin model were used for the analysis. The result revealed that the age bracket between 31-40 years (31.3%) dominated the palm oil processing enterprise in Ikwerre while the age bracket between 41-50 years (53.3%) dominated the enterprise in Etche local government area. Majority of the respondents were male in both Ikwerre and Etche local government areas with 62.5% and 68.9% respectively. Most of the participants were holders of WASC with 39.6% and 51.1% in Ikwerre and Etche L.G.As., respectively. The study revealed that the minimum cost of construction, procurement of equipment and installment of a small scale palm oil processing mill in the two LGAs was estimated to be N873,750 and the cost of processing 1000 Fresh FruitPalm Bunches (FFPB)was estimated to be N84,000.00 with a gross margin of N16,000.00 including N5,200.00 as the price for the sales of uncracked palm kernel in Ikwerre LGA while in the Etch LGA cost of processing 1000 FFPB was N76,100.00 with a gross margin of N16,000.00 including the sales of uncracked palm kernel of N4,800.00. The sum of N2,988,270.00 and N1,524,420.00 was estimated as the participants monthly gross margin in Ikwerre and Etche LGAs respectively. In order to increase the revenue earnings of the participants in the study area, government should assist them by granting loans and subsidizing cost of buyingprocessing equipment. Also participants should activate small- scale palm oil producers cooperative and make it more functional to earn higher revenue

    Influence of socio economic characteristics on profitability of yam production in Etche local government area of rivers state, Nigeria

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    The paper investigated the influence of socio economic characteristics on profitability of yam production in Etche local government area of Rivers State, Nigeria. Data were collected with the aid of structured questionnaire from 120 randomly selected yam farmers in the study area. Data analysis was by use of regression. Findings revealed that the mean age is 47years and mean size of the household farmer is 6 persons. Farmers are quite experienced in yam cultivation with a mean of 15years in the study area. The economic returns of yam production in the study area is very low from the mean the initial capital that was realized from yam production per annum is N65,000.00 while the annual income is N140,00.00 per annum. Findings revealed that annual income, equity, farm size are significant at 1% alpha levels while household is significant at 5% alpha level. Marginal increase in these input variables lead to increase in the profit level posted by the yam farmers surveyed. The negative coefficient of the variable representing annual income which was -0.262 means that, a relative change in the annual income of the farmers resulted in decrease profit of yam production. The positive coefficient of equity and farm size variables means an increase in the profit level of yam production. An increase in household size will increase the profit level of yam production because there will be efficient cheap labour that will enhance productivity. The R-square 0.78 recorded by the model implied that 78% of the variation in the level of Yam production could be explained by the explanatory variables while the remaining 22% was due to other factors not specified in the model. The average profit obtained by yam farmers in the study area was one hundred and seventy thousand seven hundred and fifty two Naira (N170, 752.00). An average farm in the area is about 0.8ha. The findings show that yam production is profitable in the study area.Key words: yam production, food security, farmers, Etch

    Mother-Child Relationship: The Children’s Experiences

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    The purpose of this study was to examine mother-child relationship using children’s experiences. Two groups of children were examined using both structured and unstructured interviews as well as questionnaire. The groups consisted of 59 children between the age of 3 and 7 who were interviewed in their classrooms as well as 60 children between 8 and 11 who were given questionnaires to respond to. The first group of children were videotaped and their responses were categorized and analysed using qualitative method. Also the responses of the second group were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results revealed the children‘s divers responses. The implications of these were discusses and further suggestion were made. Key words: Physical contact, Relationship, Social development, Physical reward

    Analysis of Rhizophora Racemosa L Plant Business among Rural Dwellers in Southern Nigeria

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    The study was designed to identify the constraints to Rhizophora Racemosa business among rural dwellers in Southern Nigeria. Sub objectives were to; identify the socio-economic characteristics of traders; ascertain influence of socio economic characteristics and growth of the business and determine the constraints to the business. Structured copies of questionnaire and interview schedule were utilized to elicit information from a sample of sixty (60) respondents. Collected primary data were analyzed using descriptive statistics regression and factor analysis. Results  revealed that elder people above the reproductive age (40%), illiterates (63.6%) and  females (78.2%) dominated the business. There was a direct significant relationship between growth of Rhizophora racemosa and age (t=2.14), education (t=2.07), income (t=2.01) and years of experience (t=2.02).  The processing efficiency of the production of 5 baskets was 1.79 which indicated a profitable business. Identified constraints include, lack of funds and absence of government support also affected the profitability of the business. It was concluded that government  support  in form of loans would increase the level of production. Keywords: Constraints, Rhizophora racemosa, business, rural dweller

    Finite element simulation for the cold-joining of high power connectors

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    A method for the Finite-Element (FE) simulation of the Cold-Joining-Process (CJP) of massive copper contacts is developed in this thesis. The standard procedure for the calculation of interference fit connectors is not applicable to the joining process of massive copper components, since the contact area builds up in a context of considerable plastic deformation and high frictional loads. The new FE model not only shortens and optimizes the design cycle for novel High-Power-Connectors (HPCs), but also allows a deeper understanding of the CJP and the connector. The FE model is rolled out to real HPCs. The comparison between calculated and real features of the connector nails down the validity of the simulation. By means of this real example the capability of the new simulation method to set the ground for the design of future CJCs is demonstrated.Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird eine neue Methode zur Beschreibung von massiven Kupfer-Einpresskontakte entwickelt. Die Berechnung von Pressverbänden nach DIN 7190 ist bei der Auslegung von massiven Kupferkontakten nicht anwendbar da während des Fügevorganges hohe Verformungsgrade und Reibspannungen auftreten. Das neue Modell bietet nicht nur verkürzte und effiziente Auslegungszyklen für neue Hochleistungskontakte (HLK) an, sondern vertieft auch das Grundverständnis des Fügeprozesses und der Kontakteigenschaften. Nach einer kurzen Motivation des Themas und einer Einführung in die kalte Kontaktiertechnik, werden im dritten Kapitel die Grundlagen der experimentellen Arbeiten sowie der Simulationsmethoden erarbeitet. Die Herausforderungen bei der Modellierung von Fügeprozessen liegen in der Materialbeschreibung und Reibungscharakterisierung. Deshalb werden die beiden Themen in zwei eigenständigen Kapiteln vorgestellt, ausgehend vom jeweiligen Stand der Technik bis zur Validation der entwickelten Methoden und Modelle. Das vierte Kapitel beschäftigt sich mit der Materialbeschreibung und beinhaltet zwei neue Methoden zur bauteilnahen Ermittlung der Fließeigenschaften von Kupferwerkstoffen. Das Reibverhalten in einem Einpressvorgang wird im fünften Kapitel untersucht. Hierzu wurde ein neuer Prüfstand zur Ermittlung von Reibkoeffizienten und Beschreibung der auftretenden Verschleißmechanismen aufgebaut. Die Materialbeschreibung und die Reibungscharakterisierung sind eng miteinander verknüpft. Beide Modelle wurden deshalb in ein Finiten-Elementen (FE)-Tool zusammengeführt, um die komplexen Wechselwirkungen beschreiben zu können. Für eine genaue aber mit möglichst wenig Aufwand verbundene FE-Beschreibung von Einpressvorgängen werden Richtlinien erarbeitet und vorgeschlagen. Auf Basis des FE-Modells werden neue Hochstromkontakte entwickelt. Über den Vergleich der simulierten und der realen Eigenschaften wurde das Modell erfolgreich validiert und seine Aussagekraft eindrücklich nachgewiesen.A method for the Finite-Element (FE) simulation of the Cold-Joining -Process (CJP) of massive copper contacts is developed in this thesis. The standard procedure for the calculation of interference fit connectors is not applicable to the joining process of massive copper components, since the contact area builds up in a context of considerable plastic deformation and high frictional loads. The new FE model not only shortens and optimizes the design cycle for novel High-Power-Connectors (HPCs), but also allows a deeper understanding of the CJP and the connector. After a short introduction into the cold-joining technology and its relevance, the experimental details for the CJP and the general settings of the FE model are presented in the third chapter, as well as an overview of characteristic CJPes. The main challenges of the FE simulation of CJPes arise in the fields of material and friction characterization. Therefore each of the two areas will be developed in a separate chapter, beginning with the state of the art in the field, and ending with the assessment of the impact of the new methodology developed. The fourth chapter addresses the material characterization and includes two novel methods for the determination of flow curves and the characterization of the inhomogeneity at punched edges. The friction behavior during cold-joining is studied in chapter five. A new test bench is developed for the determination of friction coefficients and the study of wear disposition. Both material properties and friction behavior showed to be closely connected and interdependent. To cope with this complex interaction, both models were integrated in a FE tool. Guidelines are developed and proposed for an accurate FE representation of a certain CJP with the minimum modeling complexity. The FE model is rolled out to real HPCs. The comparison between calculated and real features of the connector nails down the validity of the simulation. By means of this real example the capability of the new simulation method to set the ground for the design of future CJCs is demonstrated

    Investigation of Corrosion of Buried Oil Pipeline by the Electrical Geophysical Methods

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    The delineation of possible areas of corrosion along an underground oil pipeline in Ubeji, Delta State, Nigeria was investigated using the horizontal electrical resistivity profiling technique and the Spontaneous Potential geophysical method. The resistivity and self potential values of the soil along the pipeline were obtained using the R-plus resistivity meter. The results show that areas of low resistivity, having values between 98.0 and 116.0 Ohm-m, coincide with areas of high negative spontaneous potential values, in the range -31.0 to -52 mV. The low apparent resistivity and high negative spontaneous potential values are indications that the soil is very corrosive and there is the possibility of the pipeline failure and oil spillage around these hot spots in the future. These methods applied in the study are quick, economic and efficient for detecting likely anodic hot spots along buried pipelines which need to be protected. Routine electrical geophysical investigations along buried oil pipelines should be undertaken for the early detection and prevention of pipeline failure with its attendant environmental, human and economic consequences

    Analysis of the Effect of Fuel Subsidy Removal on Selected Food Prices in Port Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria (2001-2012)

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    This research was conducted to analyse the effect of fuel subsidy removal on selected food prices in Port Harcourt (2001-2012) the food items considered were rice, yam, garri, beef and fish. The study objectives were to examine the impact of subsidy removal on prices of rice, garri, yam, beef and fish, examine the price of different food items before and after subsidy and to examine if subsidy removal causes inflation.  Secondary data were used. Five simple regression equations were built with fuel subsidy as independent variables (X1) while rice (Y1), yam (Y2) beef (Y4), garri (Y3) and fish (Y5) were the dependent variable.  The study showed that from 1966 to 2012, Nigeria had removed subsidy 24 times in 58 years, and that the prices of most food items increased astronomically from 2001 to 2012 especially beef and fish due to fuel subsidy.  The coefficient of determination (R2) showed that there was a significant relationship between food prices and fuel subsidy.  The study concluded that removal of fuel subsidy has affected food prices. It was recommended that the policy of removal of subsidy   be implemented gradually to avoid further increase in price of food items

    Comparative studies of serum fatty acids in dermatophilosis susceptible and resistant cattle breed in Vom

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    A study was conducted at National Veterinary Research Institute (NVRI) Animal Health Research laboratory to determine serum total fatty acids in  dermatophilosis resistant and susceptible (healthy and infected) cattle breeds in Vom. A total of 30 Cattle, comprising 15 resistant (7 N’dama and 8 Muturu) and 15 susceptible (8 healthy (4 Sokoto Gudali and 4 White Fulani) and 7 infected (3 Sokoto Gudali and 4 White Fulani) animals. Blood samples were collected from the Jugular vein using 18 gauge hypodermic needle and decanted into sterile sample bottles. The bottles were properly labeled for proper identification and immediately submitted to the laboratory for serum fatty acids analysis. The results obtained from the laboratory, were subjected to statistical analysis using T- Test for unpaired observations. The results showed that serum total fatty acid were significantly higher (p< 0.05) in resistant cattle than the susceptible ones. Also, there was significantly higher (

    Effects of Gongronema latifolium (UTAZI) as a feed additive on the performance, organ weights, serum enzymes and lipid profile of broiler chickens

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    This study examined the effects of dietary Gongronema latifolium leaf meal (Utazi) on the performance and serum biochemicals of broiler chickens. One hundred and fifty (150) unsexed broiler birds were used for the experiment, that lasted for eight (8) weeks. Five (5) dietary treatments; T1 (control), T2, T3, T4, and T5 at 0%, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6% and 0.8% inclusion of Utazi, were used, respectively. Each treatment was replicated thrice (3) with 10 birds per replicate. The study revealed that the dressing percentage (%) was significantly (P&lt;0.05) affected by the treatments. However, the final weights (g), weekly weight gains (g), weekly feed intake (g), organ weights (g) and feed conversion ratio showed no significant (P&gt;0.05) difference across the treatments. The results further showed a significantly higher level of the enzymes Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST), Alanine Transaminase (ALT) and Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) in the control (T1) and T2. The study concluded that Gongronema latifolium leaf meal can be included in broiler feed formulation at a rate of 0.8% (800gm/100kg feed) with no adverse effects, but rather helps liver function and improves the immunity of broilers. It is therefore, recommended to include 0.8% of Gongronema latifolium leaf meal in broiler feed formulation