10 research outputs found

    Safety Culture and Collective Commitment in Organizational Context

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    In nuclear power plants and process industry safety is the number one priority over profitability and productivity. In such high-risk environments where individuals work independently their decisions can lead to dangerous situations to coworkers, organizations or even to society. In many cases, a loose commitment to occupational role causes individual to perceive safety culture as something too much detailed which makes them to lose focus on what is important regarding the safety culture. In our view, this is a problem for collective safety culture to raise to a higher level. To understand organizations collective safety culture and safety consciousness it is important to analyze employees individually to see what are their internal feelings, understanding and aims. This paper presents a joint analysis of organization’s safety culture and commitment towards their organization by utilizing also Company Democracy Model (CDM)

    Measuring Student Engagement and Commitment on Private Academic Institutions Using Fuzzy Logic Expert System Metrics Applications

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    Even though academic knowledge is provided to academic institutions under very specific academic standards in teaching and research, the instruction’s management can impact significantly the student engagement and commitment on receiving and utilizing such knowledge. To analyse this challenge, a Fuzzy Logic, expert system-based software application has been developed and applied on a private academic institution. In this research the institution participated with 40 undergraduate students, from 24 different countries from two different semesters on the same course. The technology measures the student engagement and commitment via the co-evolute methodology for knowledge elicitation. By utilizing this approach, the management of academic institutions can make development analysis based on concrete bottom-up results. The collective analysis of the test results clearly identifies where students see the needs for greatest development and how they view their current state of engagement

    Phronetic leadership style evaluation with a fuzzy logic application

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    The purpose of leadership style assessments is to determine the basic features and characteristics of leadership behaviours and to reveal the leader’s personality traits and abilities and to increase their self-awareness. The style can be, for example, democratic, autocratic, bureaucratic, laissez-faire, strategic, visionary, transformational, or transactional. However, ordinary assessments do not help leaders analyze their knowledge and wisdom behind their behaviours. The Wisdom Cube seeks to explain wisdom through the four dimensions of wisdom and provides a practical way of understanding the knowledge and wisdom in leadership. By utilising the dimensions and planes of the Wisdom Cube, we can find the way from data handling, information processing, and knowledge creation to wisdom generation. The aim of this research is, therefore, to reveal the ontology of the phronetic leader and to create a practical evaluation tool for leaders. The content of the article covers the elements of the Wisdom Cube, presents related efforts to measure and analyze phronetic leadership characteristics, and shows the practical results of the first test runs with the fuzzy logic-based application. The personal deep understanding of the leadership traits may then help the leaders to turn their current leadership styles more phronetic

    Doświadczenia klientów w międzynarodowych restauracjach fast food

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    StarbucksTM Coffee Company has more than 25,000 retail stores in 75 countries and is the premier roaster and retailer of specialty coffee in the world. Starbucks’ mission is „to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time” and its slogan has been to bring their customers exceptional experiences. McDonald'sTM, in turn, is one of the world's largest fast-food restaurant chains, serving approximately 69 million customers daily in over 120 countries across approximately 36,900 outlets. McDonald’s doesn’t mention any real mission in their company profile, but the strong slogan “I am loving it” describes well the company’s mission as well as the customer experience they hope to give their customers. The new trend in large international companies is that it is no longer customer satisfaction that is important, but customer experience, which along with products or services carries a lot of weight in customers’ final decision making. The purpose of this research was to examine the formation of and to measure customers’ conscious experience of products and services in the business to consumer environment with two student groups in Poznan, Poland. The research was carried out in a Starbucks coffee shop as well as in a McDonald’s fast food restaurant in Poznan, Poland with a fuzzy logic based customer experience application. The research clearly shows the possibilities to monitor, develop and improve the degree of conscious as well as unconscious areas of customer experience. Furthermore, the test results were used to verify and validate the usability and structure of the ontology and the used application. The application operated well, and the test groups were satisfied with both the operation of the application as well as the collective results, which are presented in this article. Finally, some possible future actions related to the customers’ conscious and unconscious experiences are suggested.StarbucksTM Coffee Company ma ponad 25 000 sklepów detalicznych w 75 krajach i jest wiodącym dystrybutorem kawy specjalnej na świecie. Misją Starbucks jest "inspirowanie i pielęgnowanie ludzkiego ducha - jednej osoby, jednego kubka i jednego sąsiedztwa naraz", a jego hasłem jest dostarczanie swoim klientom wyjątkowych doświadczeń. Z kolei McDonald's jest jedną z największych sieci restauracji fast food na świecie, obsługującą około 69 milionów klientów dziennie w ponad 120 krajach w około 36 900 placówkach. McDonald's nie wspomina o żadnej prawdziwej misji w profilu swojej firmy, ale silny slogan "Kocham to" dobrze opisuje także misję firmy, a także wrażenia klienta, które zamierza dać swoim klientom. Nowym trendem w dużych międzynarodowych firmach jest silna marka i szczególny sposób obsługi klienta. Ważna jest nie tylko satysfakcja klienta, ale także wrażenia klienta, wraz z produktami lub usługami, które mają duży wpływ na ostateczną decyzję i zaangażowanie klientów. Celem badań była ocena tworzenia i pomiaru świadomego doświadczenia klientów w biznesie do środowiska konsumenckiego. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone w kawiarni StarbucksTM oraz w restauracji fast food McDonald'sTM w Poznaniu z aplikacją obsługi klienta opartą na logice rozmytej. Badanie wyraźnie pokazuje możliwości monitorowania, rozwijania i poprawy poziomu świadomych i nieświadomych obszarów doświadczeń klientów. Aplikacja została przetestowana w dwóch grupach studenckich w Poznaniu. Ponadto wyniki testów i informacje zwrotne zebrane od grup testowych zostały wykorzystane do zweryfikowania i potwierdzenia przydatności i struktury użytej ontologii i aplikacji. Aplikacja działała dobrze, a grupy testowe były zadowolone zarówno z działania aplikacji, jak i zbiorczych wyników, które przedstawiono w tym artykule. Na koniec sugerowane są niektóre możliwe przyszłe działania dotyczące świadomych i nieświadomych doświadczeń klientów

    Safety Culture and Collective Commitment in Organizational Context

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    In nuclear power plants and process industry safety is the number one priority over profitability and productivity. In such high-risk environments where individuals work independently their decisions can lead to dangerous situations to coworkers, organizations or even to society. In many cases, a loose commitment to occupational role causes individual to perceive safety culture as something too much detailed which makes them to lose focus on what is important regarding the safety culture. In our view, this is a problem for collective safety culture to raise to a higher level. To understand organizations collective safety culture and safety consciousness it is important to analyze employees individually to see what are their internal feelings, understanding and aims. This paper presents a joint analysis of organization’s safety culture and commitment towards their organization by utilizing also Company Democracy Model (CDM)

    Porównawcze badanie zaangażowania studentów w dwóch polskich uniwersytetach

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    Student engagement and retention are major concerns for universities around the world. It is vital to improve student retention by delivering quality education and engaging students in their studies, leading to student success and graduation and integration in the workforce. This study examines a degree of engagement in two Polish universities. The aim of this research was to evaluate and compare student engagement between two respondent groups. Data for this study were collected from 394 university students through selfevaluation using internet-based survey instrument. The differences between the universities were compared according to the current state, target state and, creative tension, describing the gap between a person’s feeling of current reality and target for future. The analysis of the test results clearly demonstrated the possibility to use such an application to evaluate the students’ engagement and, the comparison clearly identified considerable differences between the two university cases.Zaangażowanie i utrzymywanie studentów to ważna kwestia uniwersytetów na całym świecie. Konieczne jest poprawienie retencji studentów przez ich angażowanie i zapewnianie wysokiej jakości edukacji. Badanie dotyczy oceny i porównania stopnia zaangażowania studentów w dwóch polskich uczelniach. W badaniu zebrano dane dotyczące 394 studentów w ramach samooceny przeprowadzonej za pomocą internetowego narzędzia ankietowego. Różnice między uniwersytetami zostały porównane zgodnie z stanem aktualnym i docelowym, opisując lukę między odczuwaniem obecnej rzeczywistości a celami na przyszłość. Analiza wyników testów wyraźnie pokazała możliwość wykorzystania aplikacji do oceny zaangażowania uczniów, a porównanie wyraźnie wskazało znaczne różnice między dwoma przypadkami uniwersyteckimi

    Phronetic leadership style evaluation with a fuzzy logic application

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    © 2020, © 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. The purpose of leadership style assessments is to determine the basic features and characteristics of leadership behaviours and to reveal the leader’s personality traits and abilities and to increase their self-awareness. The style can be, for example, democratic, autocratic, bureaucratic, laissez-faire, strategic, visionary, transformational, or transactional. However, ordinary assessments do not help leaders analyze their knowledge and wisdom behind their behaviours. The Wisdom Cube seeks to explain wisdom through the four dimensions of wisdom and provides a practical way of understanding the knowledge and wisdom in leadership. By utilising the dimensions and planes of the Wisdom Cube, we can find the way from data handling, information processing, and knowledge creation to wisdom generation. The aim of this research is, therefore, to reveal the ontology of the phronetic leader and to create a practical evaluation tool for leaders. The content of the article covers the elements of the Wisdom Cube, presents related efforts to measure and analyze phronetic leadership characteristics, and shows the practical results of the first test runs with the fuzzy logic-based application. The personal deep understanding of the leadership traits may then help the leaders to turn their current leadership styles more phronetic

    The degree of agility in a technology company’s strategy, management, and leadership

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    © 2018 Polish Academy of Sciences. All Rights Reserved. Agility is a concept and practice with significant importance in managing and leading added value in products, services, projects, and organizations, although it’s usage can also be very risky due to its degree of fuzziness, if not properly understood and defined. This research re-defines agility, emphasizes the need for ontologies for its management and leadership applications and uses a new type of fuzzy logic-based software to measure the degree of agility inside a technology company. In our agility research, various definitions of agility were first gathered and presented for the creation of an agility ontology through a mind map, revealing the main characteristics of agility. Then as part of the Co-Evolute theory and methodology, the first agility ontology was developed as well as the first software application that evaluates the degree of agility in an organization. The application includes statements on which the respondents give opinions in their situation concerning the current and future desired states of agility and its importance in an evaluative way. Today the application has been fully tested in the real world and we have obtained the first test results. The positive verification and validation of the method are shown in this article

    Measuring Student Engagement and Commitment on Private Academic Institutions Using Fuzzy Logic Expert System Metrics Applications

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    © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Even though academic knowledge is provided to academic institutions under very specific academic standards in teaching and research, the instruction’s management can impact significantly the student engagement and commitment on receiving and utilizing such knowledge. To analyse this challenge, a Fuzzy Logic, expert system-based software application has been developed and applied on a private academic institution. In this research the institution participated with 40 undergraduate students, from 24 different countries from two different semesters on the same course. The technology measures the student engagement and commitment via the co-evolute methodology for knowledge elicitation. By utilizing this approach, the management of academic institutions can make development analysis based on concrete bottom-up results. The collective analysis of the test results clearly identifies where students see the needs for greatest development and how they view their current state of engagement