78 research outputs found

    Saint Archer Brewing Company: A New Way of Marketing Craft Beer

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    Josh Landan and friends Mikey Taylor and Paul Rodriguez were well know stars in the skate and surf worlds. They were frequently asked to endorse new craft beers in the rapidly growing San Diego market. Rather than endorsing an existing company, they decided to start their own enterprise, which led to St. Archer Beer

    Testing a key assumption of using drones as frightening devices: Do birds perceive drones as risky?

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    Wildlife managers have recently suggested the use of unmanned aircraft systems or drones as nonlethal hazing tools to deter birds from areas of human-wildlife conflict. However, it remains unclear if birds perceive common drone platforms as threatening. Based on field studies assessing behavioral and physiological responses, it is generally assumed that birds perceive less risk from drones than from predators. However, studies controlling for multiple confounding effects have not been conducted. Our goal was to establish the degree to which the perception of risk by birds would vary between common drone platforms relative to a predator model when flown at different approach types. We evaluated the behavioral responses of individual Red-winged Blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) to 3 drone platforms: a predator model, a fixed-wing resembling an airplane, and a multirotor, approaching either head-on or overhead. Blackbirds became alert earlier (by 13.7 s), alarm-called more frequently (by a factor of 12), returned to forage later (by a factor of 4.7), and increased vigilance (by a factor of 1.3) in response to the predator model compared with the multirotor. Blackbirds also perceived the fixed-wing as riskier than the multirotor, but less risky than the predator model. Overhead approaches mostly failed to elicit flight in blackbirds across all platform types, and no blackbirds took flight in response to the multirotor at either overhead or head-on approaches. Our findings demonstrate that birds perceived drones with predatory characteristics as riskier than common drone models (i.e. fixed-wing and multirotor platforms). We recommend that drones be modified with additional stimuli to increase perceived risk when used as frightening devices, but avoided if used for wildlife monitoring. RESUMEN Los gestores de vida silvestre han sugerido recientemente el uso de sistemas aéreos no tripulados o drones como herramientas no letales de atosigamiento para disuadir a las aves de áreas de conflicto entre humanos y vida silvestre. Sin embargo, aún no está claro si las aves perciben a los drones comunes como una amenaza. Tomando como base los estudios de campo que evalúan las respuestas comportamentales y fisiológicas, por lo general se asume que las aves perciben un riesgo menor de parte de los drones que de los depredadores. Sin embargo, no se han realizado estudios que controlen los múltiples efectos contrapuestos. Nuestro objetivo fue establecer la variación en el grado de percepción de riesgo de las aves frente a drones comunes y a un modelo de depredador, considerando diferentes tipos de acercamiento de vuelo. Evaluamos las respuestas de comportamiento de individuos de Agelaius phoeniceus frente a tres tipos de drones: un modelo depredador, un modelo de ala rígida parecido a un avión y un modelo multi-rotor, todos acercándose ya sea de frente o por encima. Los individuos de A. phoeniceus se alertaron antes (por 13.7 s), realizaron llamados de alarma más frecuentemente (por un factor de 12), regresaron a forrajear más tarde (por un factor de 4.7) y aumentaron la vigilancia (por un factor de 1.3) en respuesta al modelo de depredador comparado con el multi-rotor. A. phoeniceus también percibió el modelo de ala fija como más riesgoso que el multi-rotor, pero menos riesgoso que el depredador. La mayoría de los acercamientos por encima, considerando todos los tipos de drones, no provocaron el vuelo de A. phoeniceus, y ningún individuo de A. phoeniceus voló en respuesta al multi-rotor, ya sea en los acercamientos de frente o por encima. Nuestros resultados demuestran que las aves perciben a los drones con características de depredador como más riesgosos que los modelos de drone comunes (i.e. de ala fija o multi-rotor). Recomendamos que los drones sean modificados con estímulos adicionales para aumentar el riesgo percibido cuando se los usa como dispositivos de intimidación, pero evitar modificarlos si se los usa para monitoreo de fauna silvestre

    Evaluating Blackbird Behavioral Response Toward Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs) : Exploiting Antipredator Behavior to Enhance Avoidance

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    Animals respond to nonlethal forms of human disturbance using behavior strategies adapted to detect, avoid, and evade natural predators. This phenomenon suggests antipredator behavior can be exploited to optimize efficacy of wildlife management tools such as visual deterrents. According to models of antipredator theory, wildlife managers could encourage animals to abandon a resource patch in zones of human-wildlife conflict by enhancing perceived predation risk associated with disturbance stimuli. One human-wildlife conflict of interest is the economic loss and human safety hazards caused by birds. For example, blackbirds (Icteridae) pose a significant risk to the commercial aviation industry through bird strikes and to agriculture through crop predation. Several nonlethal frightening devices have been used in an attempt to reduce negative impacts of large blackbird flocks with varying effectiveness, thus the need for new or optimized tools remains. A promising tool in the field of wildlife damage management is the unmanned aircraft system (UAS), which provides a dynamic object able to overcome mobility limitations faced by other nonlethal deterrents. We intend to evaluate antipredator response of blackbirds toward two UAS platforms. We will compare a multirotor quadcopter UAS with a radiocontrolled (RC) predator model. Current UASs show promise as precision agriculture tools and are easier to fly, but may not elicit an antipredator response due to lack of similarity with natural predators. We hypothesize that blackbirds will assess platforms with different intensities of perceived predation risk, and as a result, initiate flight at farther distances from the platform perceived as more threatening. Our objectives are to 1) compare the response of captive red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) to a multirotor quadcopter UAS and a RC predator model approaching at direct and overhead trajectories; and 2) approach wild flocks of red-winged blackbirds to gauge response of free-ranging birds toward both UAS platforms. The results of this study will help develop UASs as potential hazing tools to disperse and deter birds from areas of human-wildlife conflict (i.e., airports, agricultural areas, and municipalities)

    Chemiluminescence from osmium(ii) complexes with phenanthroline, diphosphine and diarsine ligands

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    The reaction of various [Os(L)2(L′)]2+ complexes (where L and L′ are phenanthroline, diphosphine or diarsine ligands) and organic reducing agents after chemical or electrochemical oxidation of the reactants produces an emission of light corresponding to MLCT transitions. In certain instances, the emission was greater than that of [Ru(bipy)3]2+, but the relative signals were dependent on many factors, including reagent concentration, mode of oxidation, reducing agent and the sensitivity of the photodetector over the wavelength range

    Antimicrobial Resistance Determinants Circulating among Thermophilic Campylobacter Isolates Recovered from Broilers in Ireland Over a One-Year Period

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    peer-reviewedCampylobacteriosis is the leading cause of human bacterial gastroenteritis, very often associated with poultry consumption. Thermophilic Campylobacter (Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli) isolates (n = 158) recovered from broiler neck skin and caecal contents in Ireland over a one-year period, resistant to at least one of three clinically relevant antimicrobial classes, were screened for resistance determinants. All ciprofloxacin-resistant isolates (n = 99) harboured the C257T nucleotide mutation (conferring the Thr-86-Ile substitution) in conjunction with other synonymous and nonsynonymous mutations, which may have epidemiological value. The A2075G nucleotide mutation and amino acid substitutions in L4 and L22 were detected in all erythromycin-resistant isolates (n = 5). The tetO gene was detected in 100% (n = 119) of tetracycline-resistant isolates and three of which were found to harbour the mosaic tetracycline resistance gene tetO/32/O. Two streptomycin-resistant C. jejuni isolates (isolated from the same flock) harboured ant(6)-Ib, located in a multidrug resistance genomic island, containing aminoglycoside, streptothricin (satA) and tetracycline resistance genes (truncated tetO and mosaic tetO/32/O). The ant(6)-Ie gene was identified in two streptomycin-resistant C. coli isolates. This study highlights the widespread acquisition of antimicrobial resistance determinants among chicken-associated Campylobacter isolates, through horizontal gene transfer or clonal expansion of resistant lineages. The stability of such resistance determinants is compounded by the fluidity of mobile genetic element

    New perspectives on the annihilation electrogenerated chemiluminescence of mixed metal complexes in solution

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    Preliminary explorations of the annihilation electrogenerated chemiluminescence (ECL) of mixed metal complexes have revealed opportunities to enhance emission intensities and control the relative intensities from multiple luminophores through the applied potentials. However, the mechanisms of these systems are only poorly understood. Herein, we present a comprehensive characterisation of the annihilation ECL of mixtures of tris(2,2′-bipyridine)ruthenium(ii) hexafluorophosphate ([Ru(bpy)3](PF6)2) and fac-tris(2-phenylpyridine)iridium(iii) ([Ir(ppy)3]). This includes a detailed investigation of the change in emission intensity from each luminophore as a function of both the applied electrochemical potentials and the relative concentrations of the two complexes, and a direct comparison with two mixed (Ru/Ir) ECL systems for which emission from only the ruthenium-complex was previously reported. Concomitant emission from both luminophores was observed in all three systems, but only when: (1) the applied potentials were sufficient to generate the intermediates required to form the electronically excited state of both complexes; and (2) the concentration of the iridium complex (relative to the ruthenium complex) was sufficient to overcome quenching processes. Both enhancement and quenching of the ECL of the ruthenium complex was observed, depending on the experimental conditions. The observations were rationalised through several complementary mechanisms, including resonance energy transfer and various energetically favourable electron-transfer pathways

    Iridium(III) N-heterocyclic carbene complexes: an experimental and theoretical study of structural, spectroscopic, electrochemical and electrogenerated chemiluminescence properties

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    Four cationic heteroleptic iridium(III) complexes have been prepared from methyl- or benzyl-substituted chelating imidazolylidene or benzimidazolylidene ligands using a Ag(I) transmetallation protocol. The synthesised iridium(III) complexes were characterised by elemental analysis, (1)H and (13)C NMR spectroscopy and the molecular structures for three complexes were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. A combined theoretical and experimental investigation into the spectroscopic and electrochemical properties of the series was performed in order to gain understanding into the factors influencing photoluminescence and electrochemiluminescence efficiency for these complexes, with the results compared with those of similar NHC complexes of iridium and ruthenium. The N^C coordination mode in these complexes is thought to stabilise thermally accessible non-emissive states relative to the case with analogous complexes with C^C coordinated NHC ligands, resulting in low quantum yields. As a result of this and the instability of the oxidised and reduced forms of the complexes, the electrogenerated chemiluminescence intensities for the compounds are also low, despite favourable energetics. These studies provide valuable insights into the factors that must be considered when designing new NHC-based luminescent complexes

    Patient emergency health-care use before hospital admission for COVID-19 and long-term outcomes in Scotland: a national cohort study

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    BackgroundIt is unclear what effect the pattern of health-care use before admission to hospital with COVID-19 (index admission) has on the long-term outcomes for patients. We sought to describe mortality and emergency readmission to hospital after discharge following the index admission (index discharge), and to assess associations between these outcomes and patterns of health-care use before such admissions.MethodsWe did a national, retrospective, complete cohort study by extracting data from several national databases and linking the databases for all adult patients admitted to hospital in Scotland with COVID-19. We used latent class trajectory modelling to identify distinct clusters of patients on the basis of their emergency admissions to hospital in the 2 years before the index admission. The primary outcomes were mortality and emergency readmission up to 1 year after index admission. We used multivariable regression models to explore associations between these outcomes and patient demographics, vaccination status, level of care received in hospital, and previous emergency hospital use.FindingsBetween March 1, 2020, and Oct 25, 2021, 33 580 patients were admitted to hospital with COVID-19 in Scotland. Overall, the Kaplan-Meier estimate of mortality within 1 year of index admission was 29·6% (95% CI 29·1-30·2). The cumulative incidence of emergency hospital readmission within 30 days of index discharge was 14·4% (95% CI 14·0-14·8), with the number increasing to 35·6% (34·9-36·3) patients at 1 year. Among the 33 580 patients, we identified four distinct patterns of previous emergency hospital use: no admissions (n=18 772 [55·9%]); minimal admissions (n=12 057 [35·9%]); recently high admissions (n=1931 [5·8%]), and persistently high admissions (n=820 [2·4%]). Patients with recently or persistently high admissions were older, more multimorbid, and more likely to have hospital-acquired COVID-19 than patients with no or minimal admissions. People in the minimal, recently high, and persistently high admissions groups had an increased risk of mortality and hospital readmission compared with those in the no admissions group. Compared with the no admissions group, mortality was highest in the recently high admissions group (post-hospital mortality HR 2·70 [95% CI 2·35-2·81]; pInterpretationLong-term mortality and readmission rates for patients hospitalised with COVID-19 were high; within 1 year, one in three patients had died and a third had been readmitted as an emergency. Patterns of hospital use before index admission were strongly predictive of mortality and readmission risk, independent of age, pre-existing comorbidities, and COVID-19 vaccination status. This increasingly precise identification of individuals at high risk of poor outcomes from COVID-19 will enable targeted support.FundingChief Scientist Office Scotland, UK National Institute for Health Research, and UK Research and Innovation

    Clinical characteristics of children and young people admitted to hospital with covid-19 in United Kingdom: prospective multicentre observational cohort study.

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    OBJECTIVE: To characterise the clinical features of children and young people admitted to hospital with laboratory confirmed severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in the UK and explore factors associated with admission to critical care, mortality, and development of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children and adolescents temporarily related to coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) (MIS-C). DESIGN: Prospective observational cohort study with rapid data gathering and near real time analysis. SETTING: 260 hospitals in England, Wales, and Scotland between 17 January and 3 July 2020, with a minimum follow-up time of two weeks (to 17 July 2020). PARTICIPANTS: 651 children and young people aged less than 19 years admitted to 138 hospitals and enrolled into the International Severe Acute Respiratory and emergency Infections Consortium (ISARIC) WHO Clinical Characterisation Protocol UK study with laboratory confirmed SARS-CoV-2. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Admission to critical care (high dependency or intensive care), in-hospital mortality, or meeting the WHO preliminary case definition for MIS-C. RESULTS: Median age was 4.6 (interquartile range 0.3-13.7) years, 35% (225/651) were under 12 months old, and 56% (367/650) were male. 57% (330/576) were white, 12% (67/576) South Asian, and 10% (56/576) black. 42% (276/651) had at least one recorded comorbidity. A systemic mucocutaneous-enteric cluster of symptoms was identified, which encompassed the symptoms for the WHO MIS-C criteria. 18% (116/632) of children were admitted to critical care. On multivariable analysis, this was associated with age under 1 month (odds ratio 3.21, 95% confidence interval 1.36 to 7.66; P=0.008), age 10-14 years (3.23, 1.55 to 6.99; P=0.002), and black ethnicity (2.82, 1.41 to 5.57; P=0.003). Six (1%) of 627 patients died in hospital, all of whom had profound comorbidity. 11% (52/456) met the WHO MIS-C criteria, with the first patient developing symptoms in mid-March. Children meeting MIS-C criteria were older (median age 10.7 (8.3-14.1) v 1.6 (0.2-12.9) years; P<0.001) and more likely to be of non-white ethnicity (64% (29/45) v 42% (148/355); P=0.004). Children with MIS-C were five times more likely to be admitted to critical care (73% (38/52) v 15% (62/404); P<0.001). In addition to the WHO criteria, children with MIS-C were more likely to present with fatigue (51% (24/47) v 28% (86/302); P=0.004), headache (34% (16/47) v 10% (26/263); P<0.001), myalgia (34% (15/44) v 8% (21/270); P<0.001), sore throat (30% (14/47) v (12% (34/284); P=0.003), and lymphadenopathy (20% (9/46) v 3% (10/318); P<0.001) and to have a platelet count of less than 150 × 109/L (32% (16/50) v 11% (38/348); P<0.001) than children who did not have MIS-C. No deaths occurred in the MIS-C group. CONCLUSIONS: Children and young people have less severe acute covid-19 than adults. A systemic mucocutaneous-enteric symptom cluster was also identified in acute cases that shares features with MIS-C. This study provides additional evidence for refining the WHO MIS-C preliminary case definition. Children meeting the MIS-C criteria have different demographic and clinical features depending on whether they have acute SARS-CoV-2 infection (polymerase chain reaction positive) or are post-acute (antibody positive). STUDY REGISTRATION: ISRCTN66726260

    Clinical characteristics of children and young people hospitalised with covid-19 in the United Kingdom: prospective multicentre observational cohort study

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    Objective To characterise the clinical features of children and young people admitted to hospital with laboratory-confirmed severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in the UK, and explore factors associated with admission to critical care, mortality, and development of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children and adolescents temporarily related to covid-19 (MIS-C). Design Prospective observational cohort study with rapid data gathering and near real time analysis. Setting 260 acute care hospitals in England, Wales, and Scotland between 17th January and 5th June 2020, with a minimal follow-up time of two weeks (to 19th June 2020). Participants 451 children and young people aged less than 19 years admitted to 116 hospitals and enrolled into the International Severe Acute Respiratory and emergency Infections Consortium (ISARIC) WHO Clinical Characterisation Protocol UK study with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2. Main Outcome Measures Admission to critical care (high dependency or intensive care), in-hospital mortality, or meeting the WHO preliminary case definition for MIS-C. Results Median age was 3.9 years [interquartile range (IQR) 0.3-12.9 years], 36% (162/451) were under 12 months old, and 57% (256/450) were male. 56% (224/401) were White, 12% (49/401) South Asian and 10% (40/401) Black. 43% (195/451) had at least one recorded comorbidity. A muco-enteric cluster of symptoms was identified, closely mirroring the WHO MIS-C criteria. 17% of children (72/431) were admitted to critical care. On multivariable analysis this was associated with age under one month odds ratio 5.05 (95% confidence interval 1.69 to 15.72, p=0.004), age 10 to 14 years OR 3.11 (1.21 to 8.55, p=0.022) and Black ethnicity OR 3.02 (1.30 to 6.84, p=0.008). Three young people died (0.7 %, 3/451) aged 16 to 19 years, all of whom had profound comorbidity. Twelve percent of children (36/303) met the WHO MIS-C criteria, with the first patient developing symptoms in mid-March. Those meeting MIS-C criteria were older, (median age 10.8 years ([IQR 8.4-14.1] vs 2.0 [0.2-12.6]), p [less than] 0.001) and more likely to be of non-White ethnicity (70% (23/33) vs 43% (101/237), p=0.005). Children with MIS-C were four times more likely to be admitted to critical care (61% (22/36) vs 15% (40/267, p [less than] 0.001). In addition to the WHO criteria, children with MIS-C were more likely to present with headache (45% (13/29) vs 11% (19/171), p [less than] 0.001), myalgia (39% (11/28) vs 7% (12/170), p [less than] 0.001), sore throat (37% (10/27) vs (13% (24/183, p = 0.004) and fatigue (57% (17/30) vs 31% (60/192), p =0.012) than children who did not and to have a platelet count of less than 150 x109/L (30% (10/33) vs 10% (24/232), p=0.004). Conclusions Our data confirms less severe covid-19 in children and young people than in adults and we provide additional evidence for refining the MIS-C case definition. The identification of a muco-enteric symptom cluster also raises the suggestion that MIS-C is the severe end of a spectrum of disease
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