8 research outputs found

    Oxidative stress and immune system analysis after cycle ergometer use in critical patients

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    OBJECTIVE: The passive cycle ergometer aims to prevent hypotrophy and improve muscle strength, with a consequent reduction in hospitalization time in the intensive care unit and functional improvement. However, its effects on oxidative stress and immune system parameters remain unknown. The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of a passive cycle ergometer on the immune system and oxidative stress in critical patients. METHODS: This paper describes a randomized controlled trial in a sample of 19 patients of both genders who were on mechanical ventilation and hospitalized in the intensive care unit of the Hospital Agamenom Magalhães. The patients were divided into two groups: one group underwent cycle ergometer passive exercise for 30 cycles/min on the lower limbs for 20 minutes; the other group did not undergo any therapeutic intervention during the study and served as the control group. A total of 20 ml of blood was analysed, in which nitric oxide levels and some specific inflammatory cytokines (tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), interferon gamma (IFN-γ) and interleukins 6 (IL-6) and 10 (IL-10)) were evaluated before and after the study protocol. RESULTS: Regarding the demographic and clinical variables, the groups were homogeneous in the early phases of the study. The nitric oxide analysis revealed a reduction in nitric oxide variation in stimulated cells (p=0.0021) and those stimulated (p=0.0076) after passive cycle ergometer use compared to the control group. No differences in the evaluated inflammatory cytokines were observed between the two groups. CONCLUSION: We can conclude that the passive cycle ergometer promoted reduced levels of nitric oxide, showing beneficial effects on oxidative stress reduction. As assessed by inflammatory cytokines, the treatment was not associated with changes in the immune system. However, further research in a larger population is necessary for more conclusive results

    Respiratory muscle training in older adults: review article

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    OBJECTIVE: Respiratory muscle training has been considered one of the main strategies to alleviate sarcopenia in older adults. Therefore, the present study aimed to verify which respiratory muscle training protocols are most used in this population and their main benefits described in the literature. METHODS: A literature search was performed in the electronic databases PubMed, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS) and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). For this, we used the terms: respiratory muscle training, older adults, and muscle weakness. A total of 80 articles were studied, of which only 8 met the inclusion criteria of this study, whose methodology, variables studied, and outcome were analyzed. RESULTS: Among the 8 articles analyzed, we can observe an important diversity of the studied protocols; and all articles showed the most varied gains possible with respiratory muscle training. CONCLUSION: The protocols used in the various studies depend directly on the objective to be achieved with respiratory muscle training; and the main outcomes were improvements in strength, lung function, physical fitness level, quality of life, inflammatory markers and glucose intake.</p

    Qualidade de vida e atividade física em profi ssionais de terapia intensiva do sub médio São Francisco

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    Objetivo: o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o nível de atividade física (NAF) e a qualidade de vida (QV) dos profissionais que trabalham em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI). Método: tratou-se de um estudo transversal realizado em UTIs clínicas adultos, onde o NAF foi avaliado pelo questionário internacional de atividade física (IPAQ) e a QV através do questionário Medical Outcomes Study 36 (SF-36). Resultados: estavam ativos 50,85% de 59 profissionais, sendo os técnicos de enfermagem considerados os mais ativos (60,6%). A QV dos profissionais ativos foi melhor quando comparados aos inativos, com diferenças estatísticas para os domínios limitação por aspectos físicos, aspecto social e saúde mental. A jornada de trabalho estava acima do recomendado, sendo a dos médicos maiores que as dos fisioterapeutas, enfermeiros e técnicos de enfermagem (p = 0,04). Conclusão: profissionais de UTI fisicamente ativos apresentaram maior qualidade de vida provavelmente por possuírem uma menor jornada de trabalho e consequentemente mais tempo livre para realizar atividades físicas

    Tabagismo como fator de risco para a doença renal crônica: revisão sistemática

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    Introdu&#231;&#227;o: A doen&#231;a renal cr&#244;nica (DRC) e o tabagismo s&#227;o problemas de sa&#250;de p&#250;blica. Objetivo: Analisar o tabagismo como fator risco para a progress&#227;o da DRC. M&#233;todos: Realizou-se uma revis&#227;o sistem&#225;tica nas bases Medline, LILACS, SciELO, Google Acad&#234;mico, Trials.gov e Embase com artigos publicados at&#233; fevereiro de 2013. Inclu&#237;ram-se estudos: tipo coorte, ensaios cl&#237;nicos e caso-controle. Realizados em seres humanos com idade &#8805; 18 anos tendo tabagismo como fator de risco para progress&#227;o da DRC. Exclu&#237;ram-se estudos que n&#227;o referiam tabagismo e DRC no t&#237;tulo ou tinham proposta de combate ao fumo. Resultados: Das 94 cita&#231;&#245;es, 12 artigos foram selecionados. Destes, seis eram multic&#234;ntricos realizados em pa&#237;ses desenvolvidos e quatro foram aleatorizados. Predominou o sexo masculino 51%-76%. Houve progress&#227;o associada ao tabagismo em 11 estudos. Identificou-se que o consumo &#8805; 15 ma&#231;os/ ano aumenta o risco de progress&#227;o da DRC. Conclus&#227;o: Tabagismo &#233; fator de risco para progress&#227;o da DRC

    Influência da mobilização precoce na força muscular periférica e respiratória em pacientes críticos

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos de um protocolo de mobilização precoce na musculatura periférica e respiratória de pacientes críticos. MÉTODOS: Ensaio clínico, controlado e randomizado realizado em 59 pacientes de ambos os gêneros, em ventilação mecânica. Os pacientes foram divididos em grupo fisioterapia convencional - grupo controle, n=14, que realizou a fisioterapia do setor, e grupo mobilização precoce, n=14, que recebeu um protocolo sistemático de mobilização precoce. A força muscular periférica foi avaliada por meio do Medical Research Council e a força muscular respiratória (dada por pressão inspiratória máxima e pressão expiratória máxima) foi mensurada pelo manovacuômetro com uma válvula unidirecional. A mobilização precoce sistemática foi realizada em cinco níveis. RESULTADOS: Para os valores de pressão inspiratória máxima e do Medical Research Council, foram encontrados ganhos significativos no grupo mobilização precoce. Entretanto, a pressão expiratória máxima e o tempo de ventilação mecânica (dias), tempo de internamento na unidade de terapia intensiva (dias), e tempo de internamento hospitalar (dias) não apresentaram significância estatística. CONCLUSÃO: Houve ganho da força muscular inspiratória e periférica para a população estudada quando submetida a um protocolo de mobilização precoce e sistematizado

    Oxidative stress and immune system analysis after cycle ergometer use in critical patients

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    OBJECTIVE: The passive cycle ergometer aims to prevent hypotrophy and improve muscle strength, with a consequent reduction in hospitalization time in the intensive care unit and functional improvement. However, its effects on oxidative stress and immune system parameters remain unknown. The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of a passive cycle ergometer on the immune system and oxidative stress in critical patients. METHODS: This paper describes a randomized controlled trial in a sample of 19 patients of both genders who were on mechanical ventilation and hospitalized in the intensive care unit of the Hospital Agamenom Magalhães. The patients were divided into two groups: one group underwent cycle ergometer passive exercise for 30 cycles/min on the lower limbs for 20 minutes; the other group did not undergo any therapeutic intervention during the study and served as the control group. A total of 20 ml of blood was analysed, in which nitric oxide levels and some specific inflammatory cytokines (tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), interferon gamma (IFN-γ) and interleukins 6 (IL-6) and 10 (IL-10)) were evaluated before and after the study protocol. RESULTS: Regarding the demographic and clinical variables, the groups were homogeneous in the early phases of the study. The nitric oxide analysis revealed a reduction in nitric oxide variation in stimulated cells (p=0.0021) and those stimulated (p=0.0076) after passive cycle ergometer use compared to the control group. No differences in the evaluated inflammatory cytokines were observed between the two groups. CONCLUSION: We can conclude that the passive cycle ergometer promoted reduced levels of nitric oxide, showing beneficial effects on oxidative stress reduction. As assessed by inflammatory cytokines, the treatment was not associated with changes in the immune system. However, further research in a larger population is necessary for more conclusive results