7 research outputs found

    Análise do comportamento dos preços do boi gordo e do boi magro na pecuária de corte paulista, no período de 1995 a 2006

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    The paper analyzed the impacts of the price of finishing steers on the price of backgrounding steers in the State of São Paulo from January 1995 to January 2007. The ADF Unit Root test, the Granger causality test, the Johansen’s co-integration test, and the method of Vector Auto-Regression (VAR) were used. In this period, the results indicated that exist a unidirectional relationship among the prices of finishing steers and backgrounding steers, confirming the importance of the prices of finishing steers on the prices formation of the backgrounding steers, but the prices had no equilibrium relationship in the long term.Finishing steer, Backgrounding steers, Co-integration, Vector Auto-Regression model, Beef cattle, Demand and Price Analysis,

    Custos e lucratividade de Coffea arabica L. (cv. Catuaí IAC 144 e IAPAR 59) para a microrregião de Marília, São Paulo, Brasil

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    Resumo A cafeicultura é uma atividade de grande importância econômica no Brasil e, especialmente, para a microrregião geográfica de Marilia, no Estado de São Paulo. As cultivares estudadas possuem características agronômicas relevantes, por terem porte baixo, tolerância a pragas e doenças, elevado potencial produtivo e excelente qualidade de bebida. O objetivo desse trabalho foi verificar os índices de lucratividade, referentes aos custos de produção dessas cultivares com as mesmas condições edafoclimáticas e de manejo. Os dados agronômicos foram obtidos a partir de experimento de campo cujo sistema de produção representa efetivamente a realidade da microrregião estudada. Foram levantados os custos operacionais efetivos e totais, custo anual de reposição do patrimônio (CARP), produtividade e custos médios de produção para o período de 2016 a 2021. Os dados utilizados para a estruturação de coeficientes técnicos foram coletados junto ao cafeicultor. Os resultados demonstraram que ambas as cultivares apresentaram praticamente a mesma produtividade, com diferença de 1,2% na última safra estudada. O custo de produção apresenta uma variação da importância de cada item na composição do COE ao longo do período; na primeira safra o item “horas máquinas” foi de maior relevância. Já na safra de 2021, a “mão de obra” foi o item com a maior desembolso realizado. Na safra 2019, devido a problemas climáticos mesmo com sendo irrigado houve uma menor produção de grãos, os insumos foram os mais dispendiosos. A margem de segurança demonstra que a produção de café das duas cultivares não apresentaram risco de prejuízo no período de 2016 a 2021, mesmo na safra de 2019, quando resultaram nos menores índices, como -0,43% para a cultivar Catuaí Vermelho IAC 144 e de -0,27% para a IAPAR 59. A lucratividade foi positiva em todos os anos estudados para as cultivares Catuaí Vermelho IAC 144 e IAPAR 59. A utilização duas cultivares é uma técnica fundamental para minimizar ou diluir os riscos inerentes a produção agrícola


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    In vitro embryo production (PIVE) depends on the stages of maturation, fertilization and in vitro cultivation, being the decisive stage for the oocyte to reach the morula and blastocyst stage. This study aimed to evaluate the quality of in vitro maturation, according to the mitochondrial distribution of oocytes from ovaries of slaughter females with low or high antral follicle count (CFA). A total of 243 ovaries were aspirated from which 334 oocytes were selected for five replicates for each group. The ovaries were separated into two groups: 1- low CFA (n = 19) 2- high CFA (n = 53) and stained with the Mito Traker Red probe. Data obtained were analyzed by Fisher's exact nonparametric test ( α = 5%) using the Statistical Analysis System for Windows software (SAS Inst., Inc., Cary, NC). Regarding the location of mitochondria, the present study showed significant differences (p <0.001) between immature and mature oocytes, which is desirable. Mature oocytes had a higher percentage of dispersed mitochondria in the cytoplasm and immature oocytes in the periphery, regardless of the experimental group (low and high CFA). In immature oocytes, there was no difference (p = 0.1542) in the location of mitochondria between the low and high CFA groups. However, the oocytes of the low CFA group, after maturation, presented smaller number of oocytes with mitochondria in the periphery compared to the high CFA (p = 0.0355), indicating for this parameter a better competence of these oocytes for PIVE.A Produção in vitro de embriões (PIVE) depende das etapas de maturação, fertilização e cultivo in vitro, sendo a maturação a etapa decisiva para o oócito atingir o estádio de mórula e blastocisto. Neste trabalho objetivou-se avaliar a qualidade de maturação in vitro, de acordo com a distribuição mitocondrial de oócitos provenientes de ovários de fêmeas de abatedouro, com baixa ou alta contagem de folículos antrais (CFA). Foram aspirados 243 ovários dos quais selecionou-se 334 oócitos perante de cinco repetições para cada grupo. Os ovários foram separados em dois grupos: 1- baixa CFA (n=19), 2- alta CFA (n= 53) e os oócitos recuperados corados com a sonda MitoTracker Red. Os dados obtidos foram analisados pelo teste não paramétrico exato de Fisher (α=5%) mediante o software Statistical Analysis System for Windows (SAS Inst., Inc., Cary, NC). Em relação a localização das mitocôndrias o presente trabalho apresentou diferenças (p<0,001) entre oócitos imaturos e maturados, o que é desejável. Oócitos maturados apresentaram maior porcentagem de mitocôndrias dispersas no citoplasma e oócitos imaturos na periferia, independente do grupo experimental (baixa e alta CFA). Em oócitos imaturos, não houve diferença (p=0,1542) na localização das mitocôndrias entre os grupos baixa e alta CFA. No entanto, o grupo baixa CFA, após a maturação, apresentou menor quantidade de oócitos com mitocôndrias na periferia em relação aos de alta CFA (p = 0,0355), indicando melhor aquisição de competência desses oócitos para PIVE

    Análise do comportamento dos preços do boi gordo e do boi magro na pecuária de corte paulista, no período de 1995 a 2006

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    The paper analyzed the impacts of the price of finishing steers on the price of backgrounding steers in the State of São Paulo from January 1995 to January 2007. The ADF Unit Root test, the Granger causality test, the Johansen’s co-integration test, and the method of Vector Auto-Regression (VAR) were used. In this period, the results indicated that exist a unidirectional relationship among the prices of finishing steers and backgrounding steers, confirming the importance of the prices of finishing steers on the prices formation of the backgrounding steers, but the prices had no equilibrium relationship in the long term

    Restriction fragment length polymorphism in calpain (CAPN2) gene in crossbred cattle

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    With advances in molecular genetics have been possible to predict the genetic value of the animal, in particular its potential to transmit desired characters to their offspring, including characters difficult to evaluate or with low heritability, as is the case of the meat tenderization. It is known that Bos taurus indicus features differences in meat tenderization, being assigned this variability to their lowest proteolysis post-mortem, as result of high activity of calpastatin. This inhibitor decreases the activity of calpain, which are the enzymes responsible for the degradation of muscle fibers during the maturation of the meat. Moreover, there were previously observed differences in the frequencies of allele A of calpain among European breeds (Hereford, Aberdeen Angus and Holstein) and Bos taurus indicus (Gir, Guzerá and Nelore). This variability has been related to tenderness of meat, as cattle with Bos taurus taurus origin have more tender meat than Bos taurus indicus, showing small values of shear force. One explanation is that the Capn2A product could confer greater proteolytic activity than the encoded by the allele Capn2B. If allele A is associated with tender meat, it will be possible the early identification of the animals that have the potential to produce meat with qualities that attend the needs of the consumer market, in order to add economic value to the final product of the animal production chain. For this reason, biochemical and genetic studies related to calpain and calpastatin systems have been considered promising for the clarification of the physiological changes that occur in muscle structure during the period post-mortem, whose results have contributed to the improvement of meat quality. The objectives of this study were to investigate the RFLP in calpain (Capn2) gene and its relation with meat tenderization in 252 crossbred (Bos taurus taurus x Bos taurus indicus). The analyses were carried through by PCR-RFLP technique using the restriction enzyme HhaI. The meat tenderness analysis was evaluated in Longissimus dorsi by Warner-Bratzler Shear Forcer. The data of shear force (SF) were analyzed by model that included genotype effect (AA, AB, BB), genetic group and, as a covariate, the age at slaughter. The allele A, considered the most favorable for meat tenderization, was more frequent in Angus x Nelore (AxN) than Red Angus x Nelore (RxA), whose frequencies were 0,4697 and 0,3975, respectively. Significant effects were observed (p<0.05) of genetic group and genotype in FC. The average value of FC estimated for RxN was 32.24%, significantly (p<0.05) lesser that of AxN. All the averages of FC estimated for the genotypes AA, AB and BB, in two genetic groups differed (p<0.05) and were, respectively, 3.74, 5.43 and 7.43 in AxN and 2.64, 4.21 and 5.32 in RxN. The results obtained show that such polymorphism can assist the identification of animals for meat quality in crossbred Bos taurus taurus x Bos taurus indicus