841 research outputs found

    Proximity Preservation in an Anonymous Framework

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    This paper gives a formulation for the condition of preservation of preference proximity which, unlike previous formulations, respects the spirit of anonymity pervading social choice theory. Proximity preservation is however shown to be inconsistent with a very weak condition guaranteeing a minimal non-trivial compensation of pivotal changes.

    Impossibility results for infinite-electorate abstract aggregation rules

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    It is well known that the literature on judgment aggregation inherits the impossibility results from the aggregation of preferences that it generalises. This is due to the fact that the typical judgment aggregation problem induces an ultrafilter on the the set of individuals, as was shown in a model theoretic framework by Herzberg and Eckert (2009), generalising the Kirman-Sondermann correspondence and extending the methodology of Lauwers and Van Liedekerke (1995). In the finite case, dictatorship then immediately follows from the principality of an ultrafilter on a finite set. This is not the case for an infinite set of individuals, where there exist free ultrafilters, as Fishburn already stressed in 1970. The main problem associated with free ultrafilters in the literature on aggregation problems is however, the arbitrariness of their selection combined with the limited anonymity they guarantee (which already led Kirman and Sondermann (1972) to speak about invisible dictators). Following another line of Lauwers and Van Liedekerke's (1995) seminal paper, this note explores another source of impossibility results for free ultrafilters: The domain of an ultraproduct over a free ultrafilter extends the individual factor domains, such that the preservation of the truth value of some sentences by the aggregate model --- if this is as usual to be restricted to the original domain --- may again require the exclusion of free ultrafilters, leading to dictatorship once again.Arrow-type preference aggregation, judgment aggregation, model theory, first-order predicate logic, filter, ultrafilter, reduced product, ultraproduct, existential quantifier

    A simple ultrafilter proof for an impossibility theorem in judgment aggregation

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    We show how ultrafilters can be used to prove a central impossibility result in judgement aggregation introduced by Nehring and Puppe (2005), namely that for a logically strongly interconnected agenda, an independent and monotonic judgement aggregation rule which satisfies universal domain, collective rationality and sovereignty is necessarily dictatorial.judgment aggregation

    Guilbaud's 1952 theorem on the logical problem of aggregation

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    In a paper published in 1952, shortly after publication of Arrow's celebrated impossibility result, the French mathematicien Georges-Théodule Guilbaud has obtained a dictatorship result for the logical problem of aggregation, thus anticipating the literature on abstract aggregation theory and judgment aggregation. We reconstruct the proof of Guilbaud's theorem, which is also of technical interest, because it can be seen as the first use of ultrafilters in social choice theory.Aggregation ; judgment aggregation ; logical connectives ; simple game ; ultrafilter

    Guilbaud's Theorem : An early contribution to judgment aggregation

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    In a paper published in 1952, the French mathematician Georges-Théodule Guilbaud has generalized Arrow's impossibility result to the "logical problem of aggregation", thus anticipating the literature on abstract aggregation theory and judgment aggregation. We reconstruct the proof of Guilbaud's theorem, which is also of technical interest, because it can be seen as the first use of ultrafilters in social choice theory.Arrow's theorem, aggregation rule, judgment aggregation, logical connexions, simple game, ultrafilter.

    Antipodality in committee selection

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    In this paper we compare a minisum and a minimax procedure as suggested by Brams et al. for selecting committees from a set of candidates. Using a general geometric framework as developed by Don Saari for preference aggregation, we show that antipodality of a unique maximin and a unique minisum winner can occur for any number of candidates larger than two.

    General aggregation problems and social structure: A model-theoretic generalisation of the Kirman-Sondermann correspondence

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    This article proves a very general version of the Kirman-Sondermann [Journal of Economic Theory, 5(2):267-277, 1972] correspondence by extending the methodology of Lauwers and Van Liedekerke [Journal of Mathematical Economics, 24(3):217-237, 1995]. The paper first proposes a unified framework for the analysis of the relation between various aggregation problems and the social structure they induce, based on first-order predicate logic and model theory. Thereafter, aggregators satisfying Arrow-type rationality axioms are shown to be restricted reduced product constructions with respect to the filter of decisive coalitions; an oligarchic impossibility result follows. Under stronger assumptions, aggregators are restricted ultraproduct constructions, whence a generalised Kirman-Sondermann correspondence as well as a dictatorial impossibility result follow.Arrow-type preference aggregation, judgment aggregation, systematicity, model theory, first-order predicate logic, filter, ultrafilter, reduced product, ultraproduct

    Guilbaud's Theorem : An early contribution to judgment aggregation

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    URL des Documents de travail : http://ces.univ-paris1.fr/cesdp/CESFramDP2009.htmClassification JEL : D71.Documents de travail du Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne 2009.47 - ISSN : 1955-611XIn a paper published in 1952, the French mathematician Georges-ThĂ©odule Guilbaud has generalized Arrow's impossibility result to the "logical problem of aggregation", thus anticipating the literature on abstract aggregation theory and judgment aggregation. We reconstruct the proof of Guilbaud's theorem, which is also of technical interest, because it can be seen as the first use of ultrafilters in social choice theory.Dans un papier publiĂ© en 1952, le mathĂ©maticien français Georges-ThĂ©odule Guilbaud a gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ© le rĂ©sultat d'impossibilitĂ© d'Arrow au cas du "problĂšme logique de l'agrĂ©gation", anticipant ainsi la littĂ©rature sur la thĂ©orie abstraite de l'agrĂ©gation et sur l'agrĂ©gation des jugements. Nous donnons une reconstruction de la preuve du thĂ©orĂšme de Guilbaud, qui a aussi un intĂ©rĂȘt technique puisqu'elle peut ĂȘtre vue comme le premier emploi des ultrafiltres en thĂ©orie du choix social

    Extending DCAM for Metadata Provenance

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    The Metadata Provenance Task Group aims to define a data model that allows for making assertions about description sets. Creating a shared model of the data elements required to describe an aggregation of metadata statements allows to collectively import, access, use and publish facts about the quality, rights, timeliness, data source type, trust situation, etc. of the described statements. In this paper we outline the preliminary model created by the task group, together with first examples that demonstrate how the model is to be used
