41 research outputs found
Progressive evolution of thyroid adenoma to thyroid carcinoma
Nodules (adenomas), enlarged thyroid (goiter) and inflammation of the thyroid (thyroiditis) are the most important risk factors for thyroid cancer. Adenomas have the largest increase in risk. Objectives: to discuss two cases of adenomas goiter that became aggressive during follow-ups. Cases: Two patients, with an average age of 64 years, referred to Nuclear Medicine dr. M. Djamil Hospital in Padang for bone scintigraphy examination. Both patients had thyroid surgery and histopathology results were adenomas. However, after the removal surgery, the patients did not have proper follow-ups. Both patients developed pelvic pain. Bone scintigraphy showed an increase of radiopharmaceutical uptake at pelvic bones and computerized tomography (CT Scan) result showed destruction at the pelvic bone areas. Conclusions: These cases highlight the necessity for adenoma thyroid patients with a risk factor for thyroid cancer to have a complete follow-up program and sufficient length period
Hubungan HBD-3 Pada Selaput Amnion Ketuban Pecah Dini dengan Persalinan Normal
Tujuan: untuk melihat perbedaan kadar protein HBD-3 antara kejadian KPD dengan persalinan normal. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan desain case-control untuk menilai rasio HBD-3 pada selaput amnion pada KPD dan persalinan normal. Hasil: Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi HBD-3 pada grup KPD (3,10 ng/mL) yang tidak berbeda signifikan (P=0,537) dibandingkan grup kelahiran normal (3,10 ng/mL). Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan kadar protein HBD-3 antara kejadian KPD dan persalinan normal
Radioiodine for Graves’ Disease Therapy
Radioiodine-131 (RAI) is an isotope of the chemical element iodine and is commonly used for hyperthyroidism, including Graves’ disease. It is given orally, and its concentration in the thyroid gland. The RAI transport involves a natrium iodide symporter (NIS) role that brings two cations sodium (Na+) and one anion of iodide (I-) across the membrane. The process is facilitated by the enzyme Na+/K+ ATPase. RAI is a beta (β) and gamma (γ) particles emitter. β particle is used for therapy and γ particle for imaging (theranostic). β particle inhibits cell growth by inducing cell death through apoptosis or necrosis of some of the sufficient thyroid cells. The aim of RAI therapy in Graves’ disease is to control hyperthyroidism and render the patient hypothyroidism. It is easier to manage patients with hypothyroidism with levothyroxine and fewer complications. This review will focus on RAI’s therapeutic approach in Graves’ disease, including patient preparation, selecting activity dose, adverse events, contraindication, controversies issues such as malignancy and fertility, the follow-up to ensuring the patient remains euthyroid or need a replacement therapy if they become hypothyroidism. RAI therapy is safe as definitive therapy and cost-effective for Graves’ disease therapy
AbstrakRenogram 99mTc-DTPA (diethylenetriamine pentacetic acid) memiliki beberapa kelebihan dalam mengukur laju filtrasi glomerulus (LFG). Cystatin-c digunakan sebagai petanda biologik baru untuk memperkirakan LFG. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan korelasi nilai LFG antara renogram dengan cystatin-c dan kliren kreatinin pada pasien dengan penyakit ginjal kronis (PGK). Subjek penelitian adalah pasien PGK stadium dua berdasarkan hasil estimasi LFG dengan rumus Cockroft-Gault. Pasien yang memenuhi kriteria diperiksa renogram, kadar kreatinin serum, cystatin-c dan klirens kreatinin.Rerata LFG dari 30 orang subjek yang diperiksa dengan renogram, cystatin-c, creatinine clearance, Cockroft-Gault’s formula berturut turut adalah 64.96 ml/min/1.73m2 (SD 28.047), 53.37 ml/min/1.73m2 (SD 21.29), 58.09 ml/min/1.73m2 (SD 35.45), 46.00 ml/min/1.73m2 (SD 12.06). Korelasi antara renogram dengan cystatin-c dengan nilai r = 0.585 dan p = 0.0007, antara renogram dengan klirens kreatinin dengan nilai r = 0.388 dan p = 0.03) dan antara renogram dengan rumus Cockroft-Gault’s dengan nilai r = -0.029 dan p=0.87. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan hasil korelasi yang lebih baik antara renogram dengan cystatin-c dari pada antara renogram dengan klirens kreatinin dan antara renogram dengan rumus Cockroft-Gault’s. Lebih lanjut, cystain-c merupakan alternatif yang lebih baik untuk memperkirakan LFG jika metode pemeriksaan LFG yang mendekati teknik pemeriksaan yang ideal tidak tersedia.AbstractRenogram using 99mTc-DTPA (diethylenetriamine pentacetic acid) has advantages in the measurement of glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Serum cystatin-c was recently projected to be the new marker of estimated GFR. The aim of this study is to establish correlation between GFRs, derived from renogram with cystatin-c levels and creatinine clearances in chronic kidney disease patients.We put to study thirty consecutive stage two of chronic kidney disease patients assigned based on GFR estimation by Cockroft-Gault’s formula, taking into account the serum creatinine. Cystatin-c and creatinine clearance were performed to determine of GFR and renogram was included in this study. A total of thirty subjects, the mean of GFRs were taken from renogram, cystatin-c, creatinine clearance, Cockroft-Gault’s formula were 64.96 ml/min/1.73m2 (SD 28.047), 53.37 ml/min/1.73m2 (SD 21.29), 58.09 ml/min/1.73m2 (SD 35.45), 46.00 ml/min/1.73m2 (SD 12.06) respectively. A correlation between renogram with cystatin-c (r = 0.585 and p = 0.0007) and renogram with creatinine clearance (r = 0.388 and p = 0.03) and renogram with Cockroft-Gault’s formula (r = -0.029 and p=0.87). This study has shown that a better correlation between renogram with cystatin-c than with creatinine clearance or Cockroft-Gault’s formula. Furthermore, cystain-c would be better alternative method incase having problems to obtain a closest ideal methods for GFR
Aspects Considered in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer for Radioiodine Therapy
Thyroid cancer incidence has rapidly increased in high-income countries for the past 30 years. The increase in thyroid cancer cases may be due to improved diagnostic methods or exposure to unknown risk factors. Even though new thyroid cancer cases have increased, the mortality rate is relatively stable. Most thyroid cancer is differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC). Conventional management of DTC consists of near-total thyroidectomy followed by ablation therapy with radioiodine-131 (RAI). RAI was first used nearly 80 years ago to treat thyroid cancer and still plays a pivotal role in managing DTC. There are three RAI therapy options: remnant ablation, adjuvant therapy, and known disease treatments. After thyroid resection, radioactive Iodine-131 (RAI) is recommended for patients with intermediate to high risk of recurrent disease or distant metastases. Long-term follow-up is needed to detect a persistence or recurrence of the disease after initial RAI administration. RAI effectively improves treatment efficiency and reduces the risk of cancer recurrence and metastasis post-thyroid resection. Clinical outcome prediction is ultimately defined by appropriate management. This article will review some factors to consider when planning RAI therapy for DTC and subsequent surveillance after the therapy
Analisis profil molekuler telah memberikan pengertian lebih dalam berkenaan dengan kompleksitas penyakit kanker di tingkat molekuler serta membuka potensi pengunaannya untuk mempelajari jalur onkogenik, hubungan jalur keganasan dengan sensitivitas terhadap terapi yang memberikan potensi yang besar sebagai petunjuk pengunaan terapi target. C-Fos merupakan proto-onkogen, berikatan dengan Jun membentuk komplek faktor transkripsi activating protein 1 (AP-1). Sebagai anggota dari AP-1, c-Fos memainkan peran merespon transduksi sinyal proliferasi dan diferensiasi sel yang menyebabkan pertumbuhan sel yang invasif. Sebaliknya laporan penelitian lainnya membuktikan bahwa c-Fos juga memiliki peran sebagai tumor supresor dengan keterlibatannya pada proses apoptosis. Mekanisme molekuler yang jelas tentang keterlibatan c-Fos baik sebagai tumor modulator proliferasi sel maupun supresor pertumbuhan tumor masih belum jelas. Penelitian lebih lanjut keterlibatan c-Fos di tingkat molekuler sangat penting untuk membuka jalan bagi target baru terapi kanker maupun sebagai marker prognostik penyakit kanker
Penentuan Karakteristik serta Performa Bahan Bakar Cair Fraksi Hidrokarbon (>C12) Hasil Perengkahan Katalitik Campuran Biodiesel Minyak Jelantah dan Limbah Polistirena
Bahan bakar cair dari limbah polistirena dan biodiesel minyak jelantah telah berhasil diperoleh melalui perengkahan katalitik menggunakan katalis Al-MCM-41/Keramik. Struktur, morfologi, keasaman, dan porositas katalis dipelajari dengan XRD, SEM-EDX, FTIR Piridin, dan adsorpsi-desorpsi gas N2. Produk perengkahan katalitik dianalisis menggunakan kromatografi gasspektroskopi massa (GC-MS). Yield terbesar diperoleh pada variasi feedstock 57 % (P) : 43 % (M) dengan jumlah fraksi hidrokarbon ( C12) sebesar 78,53 % selang waktu perengkahan 1 jam. Data karakterisasi fisik berupa densitas, titik nyala, nilai kalor, dan RON telah diamati. Performa bahan bakar cair yang dicampur dengan bahan bakar komersial, Premium (RON 88), dan aditif metil tersier butil eter (MTBE) dengan perbandingan 225 (mL) : 750 (mL) : 18,25 (mL) menghasilkan efisiensi termal pada mesin generator set gasolin sebesar 28,22% di pembebanan 2118 Watt. Berdasarkan penelitian ini seluruh variasi feedstock menghasilkan bahan bakar cair yang sesuai dengan SNI 06-3506-1994 tentang mutu bahan bakar minyak jenis bensin.
Liquid fuel from polystyrene waste and cooking oil waste biodiesel was successfully obtained through catalytic cracking using Al-MCM-41/Ceramic. The structure, morphology, acidity, and porosity of the catalyst were studied by XRD, SEM-EDX, Piridine FTIR, and N2 gas adsorption-desorption. The products of catalytic cracking were analyzed using gas chromatogram-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS). The highest yield was obtained at feedstock variations of 57% (P): 43% (M) with the number of hydrocarbon fractions ( C12) is 78.53% in the cracking time 1 hour. Physical characteristics were reported in the form of density, flash point, heating value, and RON respectives. The performance of liquid fuels with commercial fuels, Premium (RON 88), and additives of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) comparisons of 225 (mL): 750 (mL): 18.25 (mL) respectively produce thermal efficiency on engine use gasoline generator sets is 28.22% at the load of 2118 Watts. Based on this research, all variations of feedstock produce liquid fuels that are in accordance with SNI 06-3506-1994 concerning the quality of gasoline fuel types
Uptake and effect of radioiodine exposure on SKBR-3 cell lines
Radioiodine has been known as an adjuvant therapy for thyroid cancer. Beside for thyroid cell, radioiodine is reported to be taken up by breast cell. It may be proposed as an alternative for breast cancer therapy. Objective: The study aim was to analyze an uptake of radioiodine and cell proliferation rate of breast cancer cell after the exposure of radioiodine. Methods: This study used SKBR-3 cell line as representative of Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (HER2+) subtype. The cells were planted in DMEM medium added 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS), panstrep 1% and amphotericin B. The cells were grown until 80% confluent and then stripped. Subsequently the cells were sub-cultured on plates 12 and 6 wells respectively for measured uptake of radioiodine and cell proliferation rate after the exposure. Radioiodine uptake was calculated by sum efflux of 125 Iodine (125I) and the amount of uptake after the addition of 95% ethanol. Cell proliferation rate was measured by calculated by using clonogenic assay after iodine-131 (131I) exposure. Results: The average of iodine uptake was 194±50 cpm/106 cell. The average cell proliferation after radioiodine exposure was 54%±5%; Conclusions: Radioiodine is taken by SKBR-3 cells and it reduced cell proliferation rate. This finding shows an opportunity for radioiodine as an alternative therapy for breast cancer. Another studies are needed to understand of cell death the mechanism
An Iodine Treatments Effect on Cell Proliferation Rates of Breast Cancer Cell Lines; In Vitro Study
BACKGROUND: Iodine can reduce breast tumor progression by mediates an antiproliferative effect.
AIM: This study aimed to investigate the effect of iodine (I2), Lugol (I3K), and the combination of both on cell proliferation of three different types of breast cancer cell lines.
METHODS: The samples were MCF7, SKBR3, and MDA-MB 213 cell lines. Cell proliferation rate was measured using colorimetric and clonogenic assays.
RESULTS: The cell proliferation rate of MDA-MB 231 cells was reduced significantly by treatment I2, I3K, and combination of both with p = 0.046, p = 0.00, and p = 0.00, respectively. In MCF7 cells, I2 reduced the cell proliferation of 54–94% and I3K reduced the proliferation of 74–94%. The effectiveness of I3K treatments in slowing cell proliferation rate was dose-dependent. In SKBR3 cells, I2reduced proliferation cell up to 85% and I3K 4%-94% depending on the dose. Clonogenic assay results showed a discontinue of the cell proliferation by all doses of I2 and I3K (10 μM and 20 μM).
CONCLUSION: Breast cancer cell lines, representing subtypes of luminal A, HER2+, and triple-negative, show an excellent response to iodine treatments and I3K response shows in a dose-dependent manner. Further studies are needed to investigate the effective in vivo doses