125 research outputs found

    Measuring the balance space sensitivity in vector optimization

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    Recent literature has shown that the balance space approach may be a significant a1ternative to address several topics concerning vector optimization. Although this new look also leads lo the eflicient set and, consequently, is equivalent to the classical viewpoint, it yields new results and a1gorithms, as well as new economic interpretations, that may be very useful in theoretical framevorks and practical applications. The present paper focuses on the sensitivity of The balance set. We prove a general envelope theorem that yields the sensitivity with respect to any parameter considered in the problem. Fulthermore, we provide a dual problem that characlerizes the primal balance space and its sensitivity. Finally, we a1so give the implications of our results with respect to the sensitivity of the efficient set

    Bi-harmonic superspace for N=4 d=4 super Yang-Mills

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    We develop N=4 d=4 bi-harmonic superspace and use it to derive a novel form for the low-energy effective action in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. We solve the N=4 supergauge constraints in this superspace in terms of analytic superfields. Using these superfields, we construct a simple functional that respects N=4 supersymmetry and scale invariance. In components, it reproduces all on-shell terms in the four-derivative part of the N=4 SYM effective action; in particular, the F^4/X^4 and Wess-Zumino terms. The latter comes out in a novel SO(3) x SO(3)-invariant form.Comment: 1+19 pages; minor corrections, references adde

    Goldstino superfields for spontaneously broken N=2 supersymmetry

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    We examine spontaneously broken N=2 supersymmetry in four dimensions and associate a spinor superfield with each Goldstino via a finite supersymmetry transformation with parameters that are the Grassmann coordinates of N=2 superspace. Making use of a special choice of coset parametrization allows us to develop a version of nonlinearly realized N=2 supersymmetry for which the associated Goldstino superfields are defined on harmonic superspace, thereby providing a natural mechanism for construction of a Goldstino action. The corresponding superfield Lagrangian is an O(4) multiplet. This property is used to reformulate the Goldstino action in projective superspace and in conventional N=2 superspace. We show how to generate matter couplings of the Goldstinos to supersymmetric matter using the N=2 harmonic, projective and full superspaces. As a bi-product of our consideration, we also derive an N=2 chiral Goldstino action.Comment: 20 pages, typos corrected, comments adde

    Species-level functional profiling of metagenomes and metatranscriptomes.

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    Functional profiles of microbial communities are typically generated using comprehensive metagenomic or metatranscriptomic sequence read searches, which are time-consuming, prone to spurious mapping, and often limited to community-level quantification. We developed HUMAnN2, a tiered search strategy that enables fast, accurate, and species-resolved functional profiling of host-associated and environmental communities. HUMAnN2 identifies a community's known species, aligns reads to their pangenomes, performs translated search on unclassified reads, and finally quantifies gene families and pathways. Relative to pure translated search, HUMAnN2 is faster and produces more accurate gene family profiles. We applied HUMAnN2 to study clinal variation in marine metabolism, ecological contribution patterns among human microbiome pathways, variation in species' genomic versus transcriptional contributions, and strain profiling. Further, we introduce 'contributional diversity' to explain patterns of ecological assembly across different microbial community types

    Extended supersymmetric sigma models in AdS_4 from projective superspace

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    There exist two superspace approaches to describe N=2 supersymmetric nonlinear sigma models in four-dimensional anti-de Sitter (AdS_4) space: (i) in terms of N=1 AdS chiral superfields, as developed in arXiv:1105.3111 and arXiv:1108.5290; and (ii) in terms of N=2 polar supermultiplets using the AdS projective-superspace techniques developed in arXiv:0807.3368. The virtue of the approach (i) is that it makes manifest the geometric properties of the N=2 supersymmetric sigma-models in AdS_4. The target space must be a non-compact hyperkahler manifold endowed with a Killing vector field which generates an SO(2) group of rotations on the two-sphere of complex structures. The power of the approach (ii) is that it allows us, in principle, to generate hyperkahler metrics as well as to address the problem of deformations of such metrics. Here we show how to relate the formulation (ii) to (i) by integrating out an infinite number of N=1 AdS auxiliary superfields and performing a superfield duality transformation. We also develop a novel description of the most general N=2 supersymmetric nonlinear sigma-model in AdS_4 in terms of chiral superfields on three-dimensional N=2 flat superspace without central charge. This superspace naturally originates from a conformally flat realization for the four-dimensional N=2 AdS superspace that makes use of Poincare coordinates for AdS_4. This novel formulation allows us to uncover several interesting geometric results.Comment: 88 pages; v3: typos corrected, version published in JHE

    In silico prioritisation of candidate genes for prokaryotic gene function discovery: an application of phylogenetic profiles

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    Background: In silico candidate gene prioritisation (CGP) aids the discovery of gene functions by ranking genes according to an objective relevance score. While several CGP methods have been described for identifying human disease genes, corresponding methods for prokaryotic gene function discovery are lacking. Here we present two prokaryotic CGP methods, based on phylogenetic profiles, to assist with this task. Results: Using gene occurrence patterns in sample genomes, we developed two CGP methods (statistical and inductive CGP) to assist with the discovery of bacterial gene functions. Statistical CGP exploits the differences in gene frequency against phenotypic groups, while inductive CGP applies supervised machine learning to identify gene occurrence pattern across genomes. Three rediscovery experiments were designed to evaluate the CGP frameworks. The first experiment attempted to rediscover peptidoglycan genes with 417 published genome sequences. Both CGP methods achieved best areas under receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of 0.911 in Escherichia coli K-12 (EC-K12) and 0.978 Streptococcus agalactiae 2603 (SA-2603) genomes, with an average improvement in precision of >3.2-fold and a maximum of >27-fold using statistical CGP. A median AUC of >0.95 could still be achieved with as few as 10 genome examples in each group of genome examples in the rediscovery of the peptidoglycan metabolism genes. In the second experiment, a maximum of 109-fold improvement in precision was achieved in the rediscovery of anaerobic fermentation genes in EC-K12. The last experiment attempted to rediscover genes from 31 metabolic pathways in SA-2603, where 14 pathways achieved AUC >0.9 and 28 pathways achieved AUC >0.8 with the best inductive CGP algorithms. Conclusion: Our results demonstrate that the two CGP methods can assist with the study of functionally uncategorised genomic regions and discovery of bacterial gene-function relationships. Our rediscovery experiments also provide a set of standard tasks against which future methods may be compared.12 page(s

    Off-shell superconformal nonlinear sigma-models in three dimensions

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    We develop superspace techniques to construct general off-shell N=1,2,3,4 superconformal sigma-models in three space-time dimensions. The most general N=3 and N=4 superconformal sigma-models are constructed in terms of N=2 chiral superfields. Several superspace proofs of the folklore statement that N=3 supersymmetry implies N=4 are presented both in the on-shell and off-shell settings. We also elaborate on (super)twistor realisations for (super)manifolds on which the three-dimensional N-extended superconformal groups act transitively and which include Minkowski space as a subspace.Comment: 67 pages; V2: typos corrected, one reference added, version to appear on JHE

    A Parsimony Approach to Biological Pathway Reconstruction/Inference for Genomes and Metagenomes

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    A common biological pathway reconstruction approach—as implemented by many automatic biological pathway services (such as the KAAS and RAST servers) and the functional annotation of metagenomic sequences—starts with the identification of protein functions or families (e.g., KO families for the KEGG database and the FIG families for the SEED database) in the query sequences, followed by a direct mapping of the identified protein families onto pathways. Given a predicted patchwork of individual biochemical steps, some metric must be applied in deciding what pathways actually exist in the genome or metagenome represented by the sequences. Commonly, and straightforwardly, a complete biological pathway can be identified in a dataset if at least one of the steps associated with the pathway is found. We report, however, that this naïve mapping approach leads to an inflated estimate of biological pathways, and thus overestimates the functional diversity of the sample from which the DNA sequences are derived. We developed a parsimony approach, called MinPath (Minimal set of Pathways), for biological pathway reconstructions using protein family predictions, which yields a more conservative, yet more faithful, estimation of the biological pathways for a query dataset. MinPath identified far fewer pathways for the genomes collected in the KEGG database—as compared to the naïve mapping approach—eliminating some obviously spurious pathway annotations. Results from applying MinPath to several metagenomes indicate that the common methods used for metagenome annotation may significantly overestimate the biological pathways encoded by microbial communities

    Sensitive Detection of p65 Homodimers Using Red-Shifted and Fluorescent Protein-Based FRET Couples

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    BACKGROUND: Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) between the green fluorescent protein (GFP) variants CFP and YFP is widely used for the detection of protein-protein interactions. Nowadays, several monomeric red-shifted fluorescent proteins are available that potentially improve the efficiency of FRET. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To allow side-by-side comparison of several fluorescent protein combinations for detection of FRET, yellow or orange fluorescent proteins were directly fused to red fluorescent proteins. FRET from yellow fluorescent proteins to red fluorescent proteins was detected by both FLIM and donor dequenching upon acceptor photobleaching, showing that mCherry and mStrawberry were more efficient acceptors than mRFP1. Circular permutated yellow fluorescent protein variants revealed that in the tandem constructs the orientation of the transition dipole moment influences the FRET efficiency. In addition, it was demonstrated that the orange fluorescent proteins mKO and mOrange are both suitable as donor for FRET studies. The most favorable orange-red FRET pair was mKO-mCherry, which was used to detect homodimerization of the NF-kappaB subunit p65 in single living cells, with a threefold higher lifetime contrast and a twofold higher FRET efficiency than for CFP-YFP. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The observed high FRET efficiency of red-shifted couples is in accordance with increased Förster radii of up to 64 A, being significantly higher than the Förster radius of the commonly used CFP-YFP pair. Thus, red-shifted FRET pairs are preferable for detecting protein-protein interactions by donor-based FRET methods in single living cells