123 research outputs found

    Theoretical aspects of it consulting: problems and prospects

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    This article discusses the theoretical aspects of IT consulting - its problems and prospects. Today it is difficult to imagine a really successful business, which would not have resorted to consulting services. IT consulting helps to solve most of the problems that arise during the conduct of business. The article gives the definition, historical background, see the formation of consulting in Russia and abroadВ данной статье рассматриваются теоретические аспекты ИТ - консалтинга - его проблемы и перспективы. На сегодняшний день трудно представить себе по-настоящему успешный бизнес, который бы не прибегал к услугам консалтинга. ИТ - консалтинг помогает решить большинство проблем, которые возникают во время ведения бизнеса. В статье даны определения, приведена историческая справка становления консалтинга в России и за рубежо

    Consulting in the field of information technologies

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    This article describes the possibilities of IT consulting and its role in modern society. The causes of low efficiency of the use of information technology in the enterprise. The article also describes the steps IT consulting, what benefits the company receives from the use of IT consultingВ данной статье описываются возможности ИТ - консалтинга, его роль в современном обществе. Рассматриваются причины невысокой эффективности применения информационных технологий на предприятии. Также в статье описываются этапы ИТ - консалтинга, какие преимущества получает предприятие вследствие применения ИТ - консалтинг

    Topical use of consulting services in the issue of increasing information literacy employees

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    This article raises the question of what in modern conditions of development of technology, lack of personal knowledge and skills for enterprises is the starting point for access to consultants. The urgency of the use of consulting services. It is proved that consulting services are justifiable method of solving the existing problems of the enterpriseВ данной статье поднимается вопрос о том, что в современных условиях развития технологий, нехватка собственных и навыков для предприятий является отправной точкой для обращения к консультантам. Показана актуальность использования консалтинговых услуг. Доказано, что консалтинговые услуги являются оправданным методом решения существующих проблем предприяти

    Дослідження впливу тканинних факторів росту та електромагнітного випромінювання світлового діапазону на тонкокишкові анастомози в експерименті

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    Мета. Розробка методу герметизації швів тонкокишкового анастомоза в умовах перитоніту. Матеріали і методи. Експеримент виконано на 20 білих щурах-самцях лінії Вістар масою тіла близько 250 г. Догляд за тваринами, зміст та методи експериментальної роботи відповідали принципам Європейської конвенції щодо захисту хребетних тварин, що використовуються для дослідних та інших наукових цілей (Страсбург, 1986). Результати. Проведеним експериментальним дослідженням показано можливості застосування фізичних (хвилі світла певної довжини) та біологічних (тканинні фактори росту) методів у профілактиці і лікуванні гострих запальних реакцій та стимуляції репаративних процесів. Висновки. Перспективним напрямом подальшого дослідження методів профілактики неспроможності тонкокишкових анастомозів є застосування електромагнітного впливу низької інтенсивності світлового спектра в комбінації з аплікацією тканинних факторів росту

    Use of Personal Protection Equipment by Moscow Subway Passengers under Conditions of COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The Subway is the most important means of transport in Moscow. The active flows of passengers in the metro can contribute to the spread of infectious diseases with airborne and contact mechanisms of transmission, including the coronavirus infection COVID-19. The aim of the study was to assess the level of adherence to the use of personal protective equipment (facial masks, gloves) by passengers of the Moscow Subway. Materials and methods. A prospective study based on a visual assessment of passengers in a rolling stock of the Moscow subway, with division into cohorts of those using masks and gloves (K1), using only masks (K2), using masks in violation of the rules of use (K3) and not using personal protection equipment (K4) was conducted. Observations were carried out during the 42nd and 43rd weeks of 2020 in various subway clusters with a division in time into morning, afternoon and evening hours. Additionally, passengers were ranked into groups by occupation during the trip. Statistical processing included the identification of frequencies, their 95 % confidence intervals. To compare the significance of differences in the prevalence of features in paired groups, the methods of 4-field tables (χ2 Pearson) were used. Results and discussion. 18053 observations were validated, covering 61.3 % of stations. Men accounted for 54.7 % (9867). During the observation period, the following shares were established: K1 – 5.2 % (95 % CI 4.9–5.5), K2 – 51.9 % (95 % CI 51.2–52.7), K3 – 26.9 (95 % CI 26.2–27.6), K4 – 16 % (95 % CI 15.4–16.6). The level of adherence to the proper use of PPE is significantly lower among men. Land lines have the lowest proportion of passengers using PPE. Among passengers using electronic devices and paper media, a higher proportion of those wearing masks with violation of the rules of use, compared to passengers without activities, was established. Among passengers using electronic devices, the proportion of those using gloves is the lowest. Within two weeks of follow-up, a significant increase in the frequency of PPE use was revealed

    Scanning Electron Microscopy Study of Drilling Cuttings in Tomsk Oblast Sites

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    The research is focused on determining mineralogical composition of drilling cuttings by scanning electron microscope as well as imaging the sample surface of high resolution that allows studying the structural characteristics of the site. In addition, a number of other techniques permit obtaining information on chemical composition of sample in near-surface layers. The study in drilling cuttings by means of scanning microscopy has revealed the presence of titanium, iron, zirconium oxides, iron sulphide, barium sulphate. The former is a mineral that concentrates rare-earth elements, presumably monocyte, as well as uranium silicate, etc. The results obtained confirm the data of previous X-ray structural analysis, i.e. the study samples consist of alumosilicate matrix. Apart from silicon and aluminium oxides, the matrix includes such elements as Na, K, Mg. Such a composition corresponds to rock-forming minerals: quartz, albite, microcline, clinochlore, muscovite, anorthoclase

    Cytokine profile in psoriatic arthritis: search for relationships with inflammation and blood rheological properties

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    Objective. To estimate the serum levels of interleukins (IL) 6 and 10, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in patients with psoriatic arthritis (PSA) and their relationship with the clinical and laboratory parameters of inflammation and with erythrocyte aggregation (EA). Material and methods. The authors measured the serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) by immunonephelometry (BN, ProSPEC, Siemens) and those of TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-10, and VEGF by X-MAP technology using a BioPlex-200 system (Panel Human 27-Plex Bio-Rad, USA) in 80 patients with PSA [45 women and 35 men; mean age 41.7±10.5 years, mean duration of PSA and psoriasis was 5.0 (2.0; 12,5) and 15 (4; 26) years, respectively; DAS 3.9 (3.09; 5.16)]. The blood samples from 16 healthy donors matched to the examinees for gender and age served as a control. The parameters of EA [Т1(с); Кt (arb. units); β (с-1), I2,5 (%)] were estimated, by recording the rate of back light scattering. The median (Me) and interquartile range [Q25; Q75], and mean and standard deviations (M±σ) were calculated; the indicators were compared by the Mann-Whitney test and Student's t test. Correlation analysis was made using the Spearman rank correlation coefficient (R); p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results. There were significantly higher serum levels of IL-6 and IL-10, TNF-α, and VEGF in patients with PSA than in the controls, and impaired blood rheological properties. There were significant correlations of the level of most cytokines (IL-6 and IL-10, VEGF) with both the values of the clinical and laboratory activity of PSA (self-rated pain, the number of swollen and tender joints, a physician's assessment of disease activity, DAS, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and fibrinogen) and most parameters of EA (Т1, Kt и I2.5). No significant relationships were found between VEGF and CRP. Conclusion. The enhanced clinical and laboratory activity of PSA is attended by the systemic activation of immunological mediators of inflammation and neoangiogenesis and by impaired blood rheological properties, which supports the interaction of these factors in the immunopathogenesis of the diseases

    Morphofunctional state of a heart left ventricles of patients who have primary hypothyroidism

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    The examination and estimation of structural and functional state of left heart chambers in dependence of the functional state of peripheral arteries endothelium of the patients with renal hypertension have been carried out. The examination included 80 patients with renal hypertension and 60 healthy volunteers. The patients from both groups were subjected to echocardiography and reactive hyperemia tests in order to evaluate the functional state of endothelium. Concentric remodeling was more frequently revealed in patients with renal hypertension and endothelium dysfunction. Besides, diastolic dysfunction with the affection of both the left ventricle myocardium rigidity and its active relaxation was observed more frequently in the patients with renal hypertension in presence of the endothelium dysfunction.Проведено исследование и оценка структурно-функционального состояния левых камер сердца у пациентов с ренопаренхиматозной артериальной гипертонией (РПГ) в зависимости от функционального состояния эндотелия периферических артерий. В исследование было включено 80 пациентов с РПГ и 60 пациентов контрольной группы. Пациентам обеих групп проводили зхокардиографическое исследование и пробу реактивной гиперемии для оценки функционального состояния эндотелия. У пациентов с РПГ и эндотелиальной дисфункцией достоверно чаще формировалось концентрическое ремоделирование. Кроме того, наблюдалась диастолическая дисфункция в виде нарушения активной релаксации и повышения жесткости миокарда ЛЖ в сравнении с пациентами с РПГ и нормальной функцией эндотелия периферических артерий

    Оценка чувствительности и специфичности ASAS-критериев для периферического спондилоартрита у пациентов с ранним псориатическим артритом

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    Objective: to estimate the sensitivity and specificity of ASAS (Assessment of Spondyloarthritis International Society) criteria for peripheral spondyloarthritis (SpA) in patients with early psoriatic arthritis (ePsA).Subjects and methods. Examinations was made in 45 patients (17 men and 28 women) with ePsA meeting the CASPAR (ClASsification criteria for Psoriatic ARthritis) criteria (mean age, 37 years; disease duration, 1 year) and in 20 patients (9 men and 11 women) with signs of peripheral SpA meeting the ESSG (European Spondyloarthropathy Study Group) criteria (mean age, 23 years; disease duration, 2.25 years; control group). The investigators estimated 78/76 tender/swollen joints and enthuses using MASES (Maastricht Ankylosing Spondylitis Enthesitis Score) and assessed the presence of inflammatory spinal pain according to the ASAS criteria, psoriasis, uveitis, inflammatory bowel diseases, genitourinary and/or enteric infections, and a family history of SpA. They also performed X-ray studies of the hand and distal portions of the foot and pelvis and graded sacroilitis using the Kellgren scores. HLA-B27, C-reactive protein, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate were determined. The sensitivity/specificity, likelihood ratios, and clinical value of criteria were calculated.Results. 41/4 and 31/14 patents with ePsA met/unmet Criteria Sets I and II. The sensitivity/specificity of Sets I and II was 91.1/10% and 68.8/95%, respectively. One patient with ePsA and two patients in the control group did not meet one of the sing sets. The total sensitivity/specificity was 97.8/10%. In the control group, the sensitivity/specificity of Sets I and II was 91.1/100% and 68.8/100%, respectively. For ePsA, the positive likelihood ratio proved to be high for Set II (13.78%) and low for Set I (1.01).Conclusion. ASAS Criteria Set I for peripheral SpA is of low value in identifying ePsA and Sign Set II shows a high value in diagnosing ePsA as it includes the major clinical manifestations of the disease. Both the ASAS for peripheral SpA and CASPAR criteria may be used for the classification of PsA.Цель исследования – определение чувствительности и специфичности критериев ASAS (Assesment of Spondyloarthriitis International Society) для периферического спондилоартрита (СпА) при раннем псориатическом артрите (рПсА).Материал и методы. Обследовано 45 больных (17 мужчин и 28 женщин) с рПсА, соответствующих критериям CASPAR (ClASsification criteria for Psoriatic ARthritis), средний возраст – 37 лет, длительность заболевания – 1 год и 20 больных (9 мужчин и 11 женщин) с признаками периферического СпА, соответствующих критериям ESSG (European Spondyloarthropathy Study Group), средний возраст – 23 года, длительность заболевания – 2,25 года (контрольная группа). Оценивали 78/76 болезненных/припухших суставов, энтезисы по MASES (Maastricht Ankylosing Spondylitis Enthesitis Score), наличие воспалительной боли в позвоночнике по критериям ASAS, псориаза, увеита, воспалительных заболеваний кишечника, мочеполовой и/или кишечной инфекции, семейный анамнез по СпА. Выполняли рентгенографию кистей, дистальных отделов стоп и таза, стадию сакроилиита оценивали по Kellgren. Опреде- ляли HLA-B27, СРБ, СОЭ. Рассчитывали чувствительность/специфичность, отношение правдоподобия результатов, клиническую значимость критериев.Результаты. 41/4 и 31/14 пациентов с рПсА соответствовали/не соответствовали I и II сету критериев. Чувствительность/специфичность I сета – 91,1/10%, II сета – 68,8/95%. 1 пациент с рПсА и 2 пациента в контрольной группе не соответствовали ни одному из сетов признаков. Общая чувствительность/специфичность – 97,8/10%. В контрольной группе чувствительность/специфичность I сета составила 91,1/100%, II сета – 68,8/100%. Для рПсА отношение правдоподобия положительного результата оказалось высоким для II (13,78) и низким для I (1,01) сета признаков.Заключение. I сет признаков критериев ASAS для периферического СпА имеет низкое значение для выявления рПсА, II сет показал высокую значимость для диагностики рПсА, так как включает основные клинические проявления заболевания. Для классификации ПсА могут быть использованы как критерии ASAS для периферического СпА, так и CASPAR


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    Vascular dysfunction and inflammation in psoriatic arthritis (PsA) share the same pathogenetic mechanism wherein the proinflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-) plays a key role. Treatment with anti-TNF- agents is effective in inhibiting inflammation in PsA; however, their effect on the wall of large arteries has not been studied. Objective. To evaluate the effect of Adalimumab (ADA) on the arterial wall and blood rheological properties in PsA. Subjects and methods. Eighteen patients with PsA [12 women and 6 men; mean age 43.1±10.2 years; disease activity scores (DAS), 4.78 (4.0; 5.45)] were subcutaneously injected ADA, 40 mg/every two weeks, for 12 weeks. The investigators assessed the vascular wall, by measuring the mean and maximum common carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) by ultrasound duplex scanning, and arterial rigidity (AR), by determining the refraction index (RI,%) and the rigidity index by digital volume photoplethysmography and Doppler study measuring the aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV) in the carotid-femoral segment (Micromedical, UK), before and after treatment. Erythrocyte aggregation (EA) parameters [Т1 (sec), Kt (c.u.); (sec-1), I2,5 (%)] were measured recording the rate of inverse light scattering and the levels of blood lipids [total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), and triglycerides (TG)], and atherogenicity coefficient (AC) by routine methods on an automated Express plus analyzer (Bayer, Germany) at baseline, 4, and 12 weeks. The median and the interquartile range [Me (Q25; Q75)] were calculated; the changes in the parameters were estimated by the Wilcoxon test (Wt) and the Friedman test (Ft) for dependent samples;