1,079 research outputs found

    Implementation of educational program with internet technologies

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    This article is about the practice of Internet sites application as electronic instructional materials in Informatics teaching processВ статье идет речь об опыте внедрения электронных учебно-методических комплексов по дисциплинам в виде сайтов, основанных на использовании интернет-технологий в процессе обучени

    The introduction of a mixed system of maintenance and repair of metal-cutting equipment

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    The article provides a comparative analysis of the Russian and foreign systems for the maintenance and repair of metal-cutting equipment. The limitations of the application of systems of universal maintenance of equipment, scheduled preventive maintenance and repair by state are analyzed. The influence of the age of the equipment and the percentage of the repair plan on the amount of emergency shutdowns is shown. The main stages of the introduction of mixed service and repair systems are highlighted. Criteria for classifying equipment groups are proposed for the selection of repair and maintenance systems. Examples of typical diagnostic signs of malfunctions of metal-cutting equipment and statistical time of emergency shutdown after their detection are given. The recommendations on planning the need for spare parts and organization of repair work are given. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd


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    Photocatalysts based on composite materials were synthesized for hydrogen evolution under visible light. The most active sample was a composite containing 20 wt. % solid sulfides solutions of Cd and Zn, titanium dioxide and 1 wt. % Pt between these two semiconductors.This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, grant 20-30-70086

    Comparative analysis of cutting fluids

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    The article contains the results of seven working tests of cutting fluids for metal-cutting equipment. The results of the analysis were evaluated by experts, including process engineers, chemical engineers, foremen and production machine operators in the following areas: turning, drilling, milling, sawing, grinding, threading, boring works. The analysis made it possible to determine the scope of application of cutting fluids depending on the volume and rhythm of the work, the operating conditions of the cutting fluids, the requirements of the design and technological documentation taking into account the final cost of the cutting fluids used. The problem of determining an accelerated system of practical tests for cutting fluids to evaluate the effectiveness of using a particular product before conducting the production tests on machine equipment is considered. For this, criteria for evaluating the cutting fluids are proposed using the weighting method to ensure informed decision-making in the choice of a cutting fluid for admission to full-fledged production tests. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Optimization of the production plan taking according to the customers' strategic importance

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    The article is devoted to the management of the production plan of the industrial enterprise. Existing approaches to optimization of the production plan are focused mainly on stochastic demand and consider the process of production plan formation. At the same time, many modern industrial enterprises often deal with rush orders in the course of their work. They have to solve the task of changing the formed production plan. If resources are limited, the decision to include an urgent order may result in a failure or a change in the due date of the orders included in the plan. In this regard, it becomes important to take into account the strategic importance of clients to the enterprise. The article proposes a methodological approach to the issue of inclusion or non-inclusion of rush order in the already formed and accepted production plan. The authors have developed a mathematical model of optimization of the formed production plan with the participation of rush order. The model uses Boolean variables to decide whether to include or refuse an order and an additional factor to increase margin income from the order for strategic customers. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Organizational factors for manufacturing defects reduction in small batch production

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    The study is devoted to the defects organizational causes analysis in the machine building products production process. The companies with the small batch production were taken into consideration. Factors related to the time norms fulfilling percentage, the work rhythm, the consolidation of operations at one workplace, the new technologies introduction and equipment failures were chosen. A preliminary factors selection according to independence criteria allowed us to build a reliable regression model for the defects rate calculating. The main factors influencing the defects rate in small batch production are the time norms fulfilling percentage, the rate of consolidation of operations at one workplace, and the number of new technological processes introduced. This allowed us to offer recommendations on the machining sites work organization. The final operations and productswhich are made from expensive metals should be carried out at workplaces with a low rate of operations consolidation. Also, it is important that the wage system should not contribute to over-fulfillment of norms. The maintenance and repair system should prevent malfunctions during operations fulfilment. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    The clinical and morphological features of ovarian steroid cell tumors

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    Ovarian steroid cell tumors are rare, unusual neoplasms. There is now no unified management tactics for patients with this pathology. The paper reviews the literature on the clinical and morphological characteristics, prognostic factors, diagnosis, and treatme nt in patients with ovarian steroid cell tumors

    Internet Memory: Exploring the Problem of Privacy in Online Communication

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    Статья поступила в редакцию 26.02.2024; одобрена после рецензирования 15.03.2024; принята к публикации 01.04.2024.The article was submitted 26.02.2024; approved after reviewing 15.03.2024; accepted for publication 01.04.2024.В статье исследуется проблема приватности в интернет-коммуникации в контексте парадокса конфиденциальности. Цель статьи — показать видение проблемы не только в рамках социально-теоретического подхода, но и с позиции философской антропологии и теории коммуникации. Осуществлен анализ актуальных исследований по проблеме парадокса конфиденциальности и выявлены основные проблемы, привлекающие внимание специалистов. Отмечается, что трансформации границы приватного происходят в эпоху телевидения, когда складываются практики избыточной откровенности в обсуждении исключительно личных тем. Вместе с тем открытость в сфере приватного не исключает тревоги по поводу возможных последствий такой свободы. Показано, каким образом феномен самораскрытия, как неотъемлемый элемент общения, приобретает в сетевой коммуникации новые формы. Если в устном общении откровенно высказанная личная информация, как правило, ненадолго запоминается, то в Интернете приватное всегда в памяти Сети.The article seeks to offer a comprehensive understanding of privacy issues in online communication, particularly in the context of the confidentiality paradox. It delves into the problem not only from a socio-theoretical standpoint but also through the lenses of philosophical anthropology and communication theory. The article presents an overview of contemporary research on the paradox of confidentiality, spotlighting the key issues. The transformation of the private sphere’s boundary started in the television era as practices of excessive openness emerged in discussions focused on exclusively personal topics. However, openness in the private sphere does not eliminate concerns about potential consequences of such freedom. The article illustrates how self-disclosure, an integral communication element, takes on new forms in online communication. While openly shared personal information in verbal communication is typically short-lived in memory, the online realm preserves private information in the network’s memory

    Accelerated Recovery Protocol in Extended Combined and Single-Stage Surgery for Pelvic Cancer

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    Introduction. The study aimed to evaluate a routine accelerated recovery management in patients with extended combined pelvic surgery.Materials and methods. We surveyed the records and outcomes in various oncological patients following the accelerated recovery protocol after a routine extended combined pelvic surgery at the Moscow City Oncology Hospital No. 1 during 2018–2020.Results and discussion. Locally advanced tumours comprised 37 (75.5 %) cases, and the remaining 12 (24.5 %) were nonpelvic resections due to metastasis. Radical surgery was achieved in 41 (83.7 %) cases, while the other 8 (16.3 %) were symptomatic due to the emerged complications of intestinal permeability disruption, bleeding, urinary obstruction, paracancrotic abscess, internal fistulae or pain syndrome. Postoperative complications were evaluated in the Clavien-Dindo classification.Conclusion. The results obtained suggest the feasibility of an accelerated recovery protocol-based practice in extended combined pelvic surgery

    Comparative analysis of household consumers electroreceivers modes

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    Данная статья предлагает сравнительный анализ различных режимов работы бытовых электроприемников, на основе измерений, сделанных в реальной квартире. Измерение Показателей качества электроэнергии (ПКЭ) и снятие графиков нагрузки осуществлялось с помощью прибора регистратора-анализатора ПКЭ ChauvinArnoux СА 8335+. Ежедневные нагрузки и ежедневные затраты энергии рассчитаны и отображены графически с почасовой дискретностью. Выбраны наиболее эффективные способы регулирования потребления энергоресурсов и сокращения финансовых затрат на электроэнергию.The paper deals with the comparative analysis of various operating modes of household consumers electroreceivers on the basis of measurements in real apartment. Measurement of Unified Power Quality Index (UPQI) and reading load curves were accomplished by means of the UPQI logger Chauvin Arnoux СА 8335+. Daily load and daily cost of energy are calculated and shown graphically with hourly discretization. The most effective ways of regulation the energy consumption and reduction of financial expenses on the electric power are chosen