57 research outputs found

    On Conditions of Solvability of the Goursat Problem for Generalized Aller Equation

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    © 2018, Allerton Press, Inc. In terms of coefficients of an equation under consideration, we derive 16 variants of collections of conditions of resolvability of this equation in quadratures. Every collection consists of three identities that interconnect five coefficients appearing in left-hand side of an equation

    Morphological and agronomic characteristics of winter rye cultivars in connection with their resistance to lodging

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    Background. Lodging resistance of winter rye is associated with morphological features of the stem. Searching for source material to breed non-lodging high-yielding cultivars requires studying the varietal phenotypic diversity according to morphological characters of the stem that affect the resistance to lodging and the productivity of the ear.Materials and methods. Experiments were carried out in 2017–2020 at the Federal Agricultural Research Center of the North-East (FARC North-East), Kirov. Field resistance to lodging, morphological characteristics of the stem, yield, and ear productivity were evaluated in 16 winter rye cultivars. The study was based on the International COMECON List of Descriptors for the Genus Secale L., and Methodology for the State Variety Trials of Agricultural Crops. The weight of segments of the second lower internodes was measured in 10 plants of each cultivar under laboratory conditions.Results and conclusions. Negative correlations of lodging resistance with stem length (r= –0.55) and the weight of the second lower internode (r = –0.65) were revealed. Ear productivity of rye cultivars was significantly associated with the wall thickness (r = 0.52) and the length of the second lower internode (r = –0.52). According to the results of the path analysis, the main causes of a decrease in lodging resistance were the weight of the segment (P = –0.467) and the length of the second lower internode (P = –0.408), while an increase was connected with the wall thickness of the second lower internode (P = 0.424). The cultivars differed significantly in their resistance to lodging (LSD05 = 0.8). Cvs. ‘Moskovskaya 12’, ‘Tatyana’, ‘Bylina’ and ‘Yantarnaya’ were identified; they are recommended as source material for breeding for lodging resistance

    Применение левосимендана при трансплантации легких в условиях ВА ЭКМО

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    Chronic heart failure is one of the most dreadful complications in the early postoperative period following lung transplantation. At the same time, the effect of using levosimendan in the early post-lung transplant period is currently insignificant and remains debatable. This paper presents a clinical case where levosimendan was successfully used in a patient with right ventricular heart failure during lung transplantation undergoing central venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA-ECMO).Одним из наиболее грозных осложнений в раннем послеоперационном периоде после трансплантации легких является развитие сердечно-сосудистой недостаточности. В то же время опыт применения левосимендана в раннем периоде после трансплантации легких в настоящее время незначителен и остается дискуссионным. Представлен клинический случай успешного применения левосимендана у пациента с правожелудочковой сердечной недостаточностью при трансплантации легких в условиях использования центральной вено-артериальной экстракорпоральной мембранной оксигенации (ВА ЭКМО)

    Results of Monitoring over and Biological Properties of <I>Vibrio cholerae</I> Isolated from Ambient Environment Objects in the Khabarovsk Territory

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    genotype and a unique MLVA profile. The results of the monitoring indicated that there were optimal for V. cholerae accumulation in surface water reservoirs conditions and it was necessary to enhance measures for cholera prophylaxis in the post-flood period


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    The differential diagnosis of pulmonary diseases is extremely difficult and requires high qualifications of the radiologist and clinician. The differential diagnosis is used to distinguish different lung diseases: nonspecific inflammatory lung diseases (empyema, abscess, pneumonia), tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, benign tumors, lung cancer, lymphogranulomatosis, metastatic changes, and inflammatory changes in lung tissue. We present a clinical case, in which the differential diagnosis between tumor and inflammatory changes in lung tissue allowed the choice of optimal treatment tactics.Дифференциальный диагноз заболеваний легких крайне сложен и требует высокой квалификации рентгенолога и клинициста. Дифференциальную диагностику обычно проводят между различными заболеваниями легких: неспецифическими воспалительными заболеваниями легких (эмпиема, абсцесс, пневмония), туберкулезом, саркоидозом, доброкачественными образованиями, раком легкого, лимфогранулематозом, метастатическими изменениями, воспалительными изменениями на фоне опухолевого процесса в легочной ткани. Представлено клиническое наблюдение, в котором грамотная дифференциальная диагностика между опухолевым и воспалительным изменением легочной ткани позволила выбрать оптимальную тактику ведения пациента


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    Background: lung cancer is a relevant problem of public health which takes first place among other cancer diseases according to its lethality rate in spite of certain success of chemo- and radiotherapy in combination with surgery. Basic techniques of effectiveness increase are early detection as well as overall examination which aim is detection, morphological verification and comprehensive assessment of the extent of tumorous lesions. Endosonography from esophagus lumen with fine-needle punction is a technique which is only starting to be used as an instrument of specializing diagnostics in lung cancer staging by N-criterion which is critical when deciding on tumor resectability. The following research was carried out taking into consideration few in number data about opportunities of this technique, its role and place in the diagnostic procedure with patients suffering from lung cancer. Research objective: to determine the role and the place of EUS-FNA in the examination procedure of patients suffering from lung cancer with development of lymphadenopathy of mediastinum. Research tasks: to assess the opportunities of EUS and EUS-FNA in visualization and assessment of the type of lymphadenopathy of mediastinum, to carry out comparative analysis of EUS and EUS-FNA effectiveness in comparison to computer-aided tomography and operating material morphological examination data. Results: the sensitivity and specificity of EUS-FNA in verification of lymphadenopathy make 80 per cent and 100 per cent, predicted positive value is 100 per cent, predicted negative value is 88 per cent.Рак легкого - актуальная проблема здравоохранения, по показателю смертности лидирует среди других онкологических заболеваний, несмотря на определенные успехи химиолучевой терапии в сочетании с хирургией. Основными способами повышения эффективности лечения являются ранняя диагностика, а также всестороннее обследование, цель которого - выявление, морфологическая верификация и комплексная оценка распространенности опухолевого поражения. Эндосонография из просвета пищевода с тонкоигольной пункцией (ЭУС-ТИП) - методика, которая только начинает использоваться как инструмент уточняющей диагностики в стадировании рака легкого по N-критерию, критичному при решении вопроса о резектабельности опухоли. С учетом немногочисленных данных о возможностях данной методики, о ее роли и месте в диагностическом алгоритме у пациентов, страдающих раком легкого, было предпринято настоящее исследование. Цель исследования: установить роль и место ЭУС и ЭУС-ТИП в алгоритме обследования больных, страдающих раком легкого с явлениями лимфаденопатии средостения. Задачи исследования: оценить возможности ЭУС и ЭУС-ТИП в визуализации, оценке характера лимфаденопатии средостения, провести сравнительный анализ эффективности ЭУС+ЭУС-ТИП в сравнении с компьютерной томографии (КТ) и данными морфологического исследования операционного материала. Результаты: чувствительность и специфичность ЭУС-ТИП в верификации лимфаденопатии составили 80% и 100%, прогностическая ценность положительного результата (PV+) - 100%, прогностическая ценность отрицательного результата (PV-) - 88%. Заключение: эндоскопическая ультрасо-нография (ЭУС и ЭУС-ТИП) в диагностическом алгоритме позволяет обнаруживать, классифицировать группы лимфатических узлов, морфологически верифицировать характер лимфаденопатии

    Screening technique of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia

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    The article deals with the problem of early detection of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia in the young population of the country (especially athletes), as well as the solution of this problem of screening methodsВ статье рассмотрена проблема раннего выявления недифференцированных дисплазий соединительной ткани у молодого населения страны (особенно у спортсменов), а также решение данной проблемы в виде методики скрининг

    Winter hardiness in winter rye: problems and solutions

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    High winter hardiness is an advantage of winter rye over other cereals. This trait is determined by a number of parameters: biological and genetic properties, weather conditions and technological features. The main reasons of failure of winter rye sowings in North-East of European Russia are frost-killing and asphyxiation. Frost-killing is characteristic for beginning of winter with low snow cover and for cold spell in spring. The critical situation with frost damage in the region was recorded in 2009-2010 when soil temperature at the depth of tillering zone site continuously kept at -18 °С day and night. The depth of soil freezing was more than a meter. Winter wheat and triticale were almost completely winterkilled in Kirov region. The failure rate of winter rye Falenskaya 4 in Federal Agricultural Scientific Center of North-East was equal to 17%. Annual damage of rye production in the region is caused by asphyxiation and affection by snow mold (M nivale). On the average damage caused by this disease is 15-20% and in some years even more. Other unfavorable factors of overwintering are shell ice, damping-off and pushing-out of crops. Stability of winter rye production depends on observing the cultivation technology and breeding of highly winter-hardy varieties. Thus, winter resistance is one of the key priorities of breeding programs in North-East of European Russia. The development of such varieties depends on improvement the breeding methods and use of sources of winter hardiness corresponded to region conditions

    On Conditions of Solvability of the Goursat Problem for Generalized Aller Equation

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    © 2018, Allerton Press, Inc. In terms of coefficients of an equation under consideration, we derive 16 variants of collections of conditions of resolvability of this equation in quadratures. Every collection consists of three identities that interconnect five coefficients appearing in left-hand side of an equation

    Homogeneous deposition of nickel in pores of the ordered thin aluminum oxide

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    Fabrication of a matrix of ordered vertically oriented nickel nanocolumns with the use of a porous aluminum oxide template is considered. The effect of thinning of a barrier layer at the bottom of the aluminum oxide pores on the nucleation and growth of ordered metal nanocolumns is discussed. Morphological parameters of Ni nanocolumns fabricated in different regimes are studied by atomic force microscopy. Kinetic regulations and conditions of the electrochemical deposition of nickel into a porous aluminum oxide template are investigated