270 research outputs found

    Excursion sets of stable random fields

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    Studying the geometry generated by Gaussian and Gaussian- related random fields via their excursion sets is now a well developed and well understood subject. The purely non-Gaussian scenario has, however, not been studied at all. In this paper we look at three classes of stable random fields, and obtain asymptotic formulae for the mean values of various geometric characteristics of their excursion sets over high levels. While the formulae are asymptotic, they contain enough information to show that not only do stable random fields exhibit geometric behaviour very different from that of Gaussian fields, but they also differ significantly among themselves.Comment: 35 pages, 1 figur

    High level excursion set geometry for non-Gaussian infinitely divisible random fields

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    We consider smooth, infinitely divisible random fields (X(t),tM)(X(t),t\in M), MRdM\subset {\mathbb{R}}^d, with regularly varying Levy measure, and are interested in the geometric characteristics of the excursion sets Au={tM:X(t)>u}A_u=\{t\in M:X(t)>u\} over high levels u. For a large class of such random fields, we compute the uu\to\infty asymptotic joint distribution of the numbers of critical points, of various types, of X in AuA_u, conditional on AuA_u being nonempty. This allows us, for example, to obtain the asymptotic conditional distribution of the Euler characteristic of the excursion set. In a significant departure from the Gaussian situation, the high level excursion sets for these random fields can have quite a complicated geometry. Whereas in the Gaussian case nonempty excursion sets are, with high probability, roughly ellipsoidal, in the more general infinitely divisible setting almost any shape is possible.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-AOP738 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Distribution of Time-Averaged Observables for Weak Ergodicity Breaking

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    We find a general formula for the distribution of time-averaged observables for systems modeled according to the sub-diffusive continuous time random walk. For Gaussian random walks coupled to a thermal bath we recover ergodicity and Boltzmann's statistics, while for the anomalous subdiffusive case a weakly non-ergodic statistical mechanical framework is constructed, which is based on L\'evy's generalized central limit theorem. As an example we calculate the distribution of Xˉ\bar{X}: the time average of the position of the particle, for unbiased and uniformly biased particles, and show that Xˉ\bar{X} exhibits large fluctuations compared with the ensemble average .Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    A Hypergraph Dictatorship Test with Perfect Completeness

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    A hypergraph dictatorship test is first introduced by Samorodnitsky and Trevisan and serves as a key component in their unique games based \PCP construction. Such a test has oracle access to a collection of functions and determines whether all the functions are the same dictatorship, or all their low degree influences are o(1).o(1). Their test makes q3q\geq3 queries and has amortized query complexity 1+O(logqq)1+O(\frac{\log q}{q}) but has an inherent loss of perfect completeness. In this paper we give an adaptive hypergraph dictatorship test that achieves both perfect completeness and amortized query complexity 1+O(logqq)1+O(\frac{\log q}{q}).Comment: Some minor correction

    Non-diffusive transport in plasma turbulence: a fractional diffusion approach

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    Numerical evidence of non-diffusive transport in three-dimensional, resistive pressure-gradient-driven plasma turbulence is presented. It is shown that the probability density function (pdf) of test particles' radial displacements is strongly non-Gaussian and exhibits algebraic decaying tails. To model these results we propose a macroscopic transport model for the pdf based on the use of fractional derivatives in space and time, that incorporate in a unified way space-time non-locality (non-Fickian transport), non-Gaussianity, and non-diffusive scaling. The fractional diffusion model reproduces the shape, and space-time scaling of the non-Gaussian pdf of turbulent transport calculations. The model also reproduces the observed super-diffusive scaling

    Fractional generalization of Fick's law: a microscopic approach

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    In the study of transport in inhomogeneous systems it is common to construct transport equations invoking the inhomogeneous Fick law. The validity of this approach requires that at least two ingredients be present in the system. First, finite characteristic length and time scales associated to the dominant transport process must exist. Secondly, the transport mechanism must satisfy a microscopic symmetry: global reversibility. Global reversibility is often satisfied in nature. However, many complex systems exhibit a lack of finite characteristic scales. In this Letter we show how to construct a generalization of the inhomogeneous Fick law that does not require the existence of characteristic scales while still satisfying global reversibility.Comment: 4 pages. Published versio

    Fractional derivatives of random walks: Time series with long-time memory

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    We review statistical properties of models generated by the application of a (positive and negative order) fractional derivative operator to a standard random walk and show that the resulting stochastic walks display slowly-decaying autocorrelation functions. The relation between these correlated walks and the well-known fractionally integrated autoregressive (FIGARCH) models, commonly used in econometric studies, is discussed. The application of correlated random walks to simulate empirical financial times series is considered and compared with the predictions from FIGARCH and the simpler FIARCH processes. A comparison with empirical data is performed.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figure

    Convolution-type derivatives, hitting-times of subordinators and time-changed C0C_0-semigroups

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    In this paper we will take under consideration subordinators and their inverse processes (hitting-times). We will present in general the governing equations of such processes by means of convolution-type integro-differential operators similar to the fractional derivatives. Furthermore we will discuss the concept of time-changed C0C_0-semigroup in case the time-change is performed by means of the hitting-time of a subordinator. We will show that such time-change give rise to bounded linear operators not preserving the semigroup property and we will present their governing equations by using again integro-differential operators. Such operators are non-local and therefore we will investigate the presence of long-range dependence.Comment: Final version, Potential analysis, 201

    On the nature of radial transport across sheared zonal flows in electrostatic ion-temperature-gradient gyrokinetic tokamak plasma turbulence

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    11 pages, 12 figures.-- PACS nrs.: 52.35.Ra, 52.55.Fa, 05.40.Fb.It is argued that the usual understanding of the suppression of radial turbulent transport across a sheared zonal flow based on a reduction in effective transport coefficients is, by itself, incomplete. By means of toroidal gyrokinetic simulations of electrostatic, ion-temperature-gradient turbulence, it is found instead that the character of the radial transport is altered fundamentally by the presence of a sheared zonal flow, changing from diffusive to anticorrelated and subdiffusive. Furthermore, if the flows are self-consistently driven by the turbulence via the Reynolds stresses (in contrast to being induced externally), radial transport becomes non-Gaussian as well. These results warrant a reevaluation of the traditional description of radial transport across sheared flows in tokamaks via effective transport coefficients, suggesting that such description is oversimplified and poorly captures the underlying dynamics, which may in turn compromise its predictive capabilities.Research was carried out at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle LLC, for U.S. DOE under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725. Research was funded by the DOE Office of Science Grant No. DE-FG02-04ER54741 at University of Alaska and Grant No. DEFG02-04ER54740 at UCLA. Simulations run, thanks to grants for use of supercomputing resources at the University of Alaska’s Arctic Region Supercomputing Center in Fairbanks, DOE’s National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) in Berkeley, and the Spanish National Supercomputing Network (RES) in Barcelona and Madrid.Publicad

    Fractal time random walk and subrecoil laser cooling considered as renewal processes with infinite mean waiting times

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    There exist important stochastic physical processes involving infinite mean waiting times. The mean divergence has dramatic consequences on the process dynamics. Fractal time random walks, a diffusion process, and subrecoil laser cooling, a concentration process, are two such processes that look qualitatively dissimilar. Yet, a unifying treatment of these two processes, which is the topic of this pedagogic paper, can be developed by combining renewal theory with the generalized central limit theorem. This approach enables to derive without technical difficulties the key physical properties and it emphasizes the role of the behaviour of sums with infinite means.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of Cargese Summer School on "Chaotic dynamics and transport in classical and quantum systems