203 research outputs found

    Wpływ konwencjonalnych i niekonwencjonalnych źródeł energii na środowisko naturalne

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    Warunki egzystencji człowieka na świecie powodują ciągły wzrost zapotrzebowania na surowce energetyczne. Liczne opracowania dowodzą, że na przełomie najbliższych kilku dekad światowe potrzeby energetyczne wzrosną o 55%. Niekończąca eksploatacja surowców energetycznych to nie tylko ich wyczerpalność ale drastyczne zanieczyszczenie środowiska naturalnego. W tym względzie należy dążyć do jak najszybszego zastąpienia surowców energetycznych konwencjonalnych surowcami niekonwencjonalnymi.Людська діяльність сьогодні є результатом безперервного збільшення попиту на енергоресурси. Численні наукові дослідження підтверджують той факт, що через кілька найближчих десятиліть світові потреби в енергії зростуть на 55%. Постійний видобуток природних ресурсів для енергетичної промисловості зумовлює не тільки їх різку вичерпність, але й призводить до значного забруднення навколишнього середовища. У зв'язку з цим, необхідно докласти всіх зусиль для якнайшвидшої заміни традиційних джерел енергії на нетрадиційні види сировини.Today the human being lives in the conditions causing a continuous increase in the demand for energy resources. The numerous studies confirm that world energy needs will increase by 55% at the turn of the next few decades. The endless over-exploitation of energy resources leads to using up and to global environmental pollution. In this regard, it should be made possible efforts to replace conventional energy sources with unconventional raw materials

    Learning to become an online editor: the editathon as a learning environment

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    This study explores Wikipedia as a site for learning. In particular it traces how people learn to become Wikipedia editors through engagement in an editathon, a training event for people who want to become a volunteer editor. The study is original in its emphasis on the various types of knowledge editors acquire as they develop expertise. Determining the knowledge needed to contribute to Wikipedia is significant in terms of understanding Wikipedia as a site for learning. Data was gathered from nine participants who took part in an ‘editathon’ event on the theme of the Edinburgh Seven. The study used a rigorous methodology, combining quantitative social network analysis, documenting the online activity of participants as they created and edited Wikipedia pages, with qualitative interviews, which recorded participants reflections on their participation in the editathon. A key finding is that conceptual and procedural knowledge are representative of the foundational knowledge needed to contribute to Wikipedia actively as an editor. However, this knowledge on its own is not sufficient. Editors also develop socio-cultural and relational knowledge forms of knowledge to enable them to operate and problem-solve effectively. The relationship between the physical and the digital is important, since socio-cultural and relational knowledge are developed through active experimentation as the editathon engage with physical objects to create the online wiki pages

    Knowledge dating and knowledge sharing in ad-hoc transient communities

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    This chapter will focus on the question of what rules and policies are conducive to the emergence of an adequate support infrastructure in the non-formal settings of a Learning Network. Once such an infrastructure is in place, a variety of ways again embedded in rules and policies may be used to guarantee its continued exis-tence. This was the subject of the previous chapter. Here the focus is on the phase of the emergence of social interaction and the formation of an incipient social in-frastructure. It is in this stage that the lone learner makes acquaintance with his or her online peers. More specifically, since learning through the exchange of knowl-edge is the ultimate objective of any Learning Network, we will present guidelines for effective and efficient knowledge dating in Learning Networks; ultimately, this should lead to knowledge sharing. During our discussion, we will introduce the notion of ad-hoc transient communities, temporal online gatherings of people fo-cused on a particular issue, which precisely because of their focus and transience help build a social infrastructure in a Learning Network. Ad-hoc transient com-munities may be seen as a knowledge dating and sharing service, offered in the context of a Learning Network

    Analysing interactions in a teacher network forum: a sociometric approach

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    This article presents the sociometric analysis of the interactions in a forum of a social network created for the professional development of Portuguese-speaking teachers. The main goal of the forum, which was titled Stricto Sensu, was to discuss the educational value of programmes that joined the distance learning model in Brazil. The empirical study focused on the sociometrie analysis of the social interactions that take place in asynchronous online environments. This approach, according to literature, allows for new means to observe, analyse, and interpret the reality of a new social paradigm. This type of analysis tries to understand the relationship established between the different actors, seeking to verify if the roles they play in both the access to information and the construction of shared knowledge. The data collected allow the researchers to deduce that the indicators used in the analysis are important for understanding and intervening in the dynamics and functioning of the network to propose improvements in its structure and organisation. In the specific case of the aforementioned discussion forum, the results of the sociometrie analysis of the perceived interactions were not surprising, considering that the nature of the topic did not demand deep reflection to contribute to the debate.This work is funded by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under the doctoral grant SFRH/BD/60677/2009

    Towards ‘Onlife’ Education. How Technology is Forcing Us to Rethink Pedagogy

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    [EN] The objective of this chapter is twofold: on the one hand, to provide an explanation for the need we have today to rethink pedagogy based on new realities and the scenarios in which we live, also in education, generated by the technology of our time and, on the other hand, to point out the direction in which we can find a path that leads us to that reflection in the face of the inevitable convergence between technology and pedagogy in which we are today