1,494 research outputs found

    The Role-Based Performance Scale: Validity Analysis of a Theory-Based Measure

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    This study introduces a theory-based measure of employee performance (Role Based Performance Scale, RBPS) that is supported with results from a validation study using 10 data sets from six companies. In contrast to traditional, job-related measures of employee performance, we propose an alternative measure of performance based on role theory and identity theory. Because our results support the validity of the scale, we think that the instrument can be used for future research that requires a generalizable measure of performance. The scale demonstrates diagnostic properties that make it useful for practitioners as well as researchers

    Evolution of the Fermi surface in phase fluctuating d-wave superconductors

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    One of the most puzzling aspects of the high TcT_c superconductors is the appearance of Fermi arcs in the normal state of the underdoped cuprate materials. These are loci of low energy excitations covering part of the fermi surface, that suddenly appear above TcT_c instead of the nodal quasiparticles. Based on a semiclassical theory, we argue that partial Fermi surfaces arise naturally in a d-wave superconductor that is destroyed by thermal phase fluctuations. Specifically, we show that the electron spectral function develops a square root singularity at low frequencies for wave-vectors positioned on the bare Fermi surface. We predict a temperature dependence of the arc length that can partially account for results of recent angle resolved photo emission (ARPES) experiments.Comment: Journal ref. adde

    Employee Age as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Ambition and Work Role Affect

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    Past research has demonstrated a negative relationship between ambition, or the desire to get ahead, and job satisfaction. In the present paper, age was hypothesized to moderate the relationship between ambition and job satisfaction such that the relationship between ambition and satisfaction is more negative for older employees than for younger employees. Three studies, with three criterion variables (promotion satisfaction, extrinsic job satisfaction, overall job satisfaction), were used to test the hypothesis. Results indicated support for the hypothesized interaction. The discussion focuses on the implications of the results for organizational and individual career management strategies

    Ancient technology and punctuated change: Detecting the emergence of the Edomite Kingdom in the Southern Levant.

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    While the punctuated equilibrium model has been employed in paleontological and archaeological research, it has rarely been applied for technological and social evolution in the Holocene. Using metallurgical technologies from the Wadi Arabah (Jordan/Israel) as a case study, we demonstrate a gradual technological development (13th-10th c. BCE) followed by a human agency-triggered punctuated "leap" (late-10th c. BCE) simultaneously across the entire region (an area of ~2000 km2). Here, we present an unparalleled, diachronic archaeometallurgical dataset focusing on elemental analysis of dozens of well-dated slag samples. Based on the results, we suggest punctuated equilibrium provides an innovative theoretical model for exploring ancient technological changes in relation to larger sociopolitical conditions-in the case at hand the emergence of biblical Edom-, exemplifying its potential for more general cross-cultural applications

    Determining postural stability

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    A method for determining postural stability of a person can include acquiring a plurality of pressure data points over a period of time from at least one pressure sensor. The method can also include the step of identifying a postural state for each pressure data point to generate a plurality of postural states. The method can include the step of determining a postural state of the person at a point in time based on at least the plurality of postural states

    The ground states of the two-component order parameter superconductor

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    We show that in presence of an applied external field the two-component order parameter superconductor falls in two categories of ground states, namely, in the traditional Abrikosov ground state or in a new ground state fitted to describe a superconducting layer with texture, that is, patched regions separated by a phase difference of π\pi. The existence of these two kinds of ground states follows from the sole assumption that the total supercurrent is the sum of the two individual supercurrents and is independent of any consideration about the free energy expansion. Uniquely defined relations between the current density and the superfluid density hold for these two ground states, which also determine the magnetization in terms of average values of the order parameters. Because these ground state conditions are also Bogomolny equations we construct the free energy for the two-component superconductor which admits the Bogomolny solution at a special coupling value.Comment: 5 page

    Topological Wilson-loop area law manifested using a superposition of loops

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    We introduce a new topological effect involving interference of two meson loops, manifesting a path-independent topological area dependence. The effect also draws a connection between quark confinement, Wilson-loops and topological interference effects. Although this is only a gedanken experiment in the context of particle physics, such an experiment may be realized and used as a tool to test confinement effects and phase transitions in quantum simulation of dynamic gauge theories.Comment: Superceding arXiv:1206.2021v1 [quant-ph
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