21 research outputs found

    Analyzing the regional long-term development of the German power system using a nodal pricing approach

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    This work presents an optimizing energy systems model, which is used to assess the regional long-term development of the German power system until 2030. The main decision criteria for a geographically optimal power plant expansion are the locational marginal costs of electricity supply. They are determined by using a DC power flow model based nodal pricing approach. The most important results are the cost-minimizing regional power station expansions as well as the regional costs of power supply

    Dekarbonisierung des Energiesystems durch verstärkten Einsatz erneuerbaren Stroms im Wärme-, Verkehrs- und Industriesektor bei gleichzeitigen Stilllegungen von Kraftwerken – Auswirkungen auf die Versorgungssicherheit in Süddeutschland

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    Der Umbau der Energieversorgung zu einem von erneuerbaren Energien dominierten Energiesystem stellt die Versorgungssicherheit im Stromsektor vor neuen Herausforderungen. Zur Analyse der Versorgungssicherheit wird daher ein Modellkonzept entwickelt und angewendet, das sowohl die Untersuchung der Entwicklung der Stromnachfrage als auch die der optimalen Erzeugungstechnologien unter Berücksichtigung technischer, ökonomischer und klimapolitischer Restriktionen gestattet

    Current development of Green IPPs: experiences, challenges, and strategies. Workshop of the EC-ASEAN Green Independent Power Producers Network, 15th of Sept., 2005 in Karlsruhe

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    Due to growing environmental issues, a strong political will to increase the use of renewable energy sources exists in many countries of the world. Mainly in the EU, measures to promote renewable energies have been taken. In Asia, the use of renewable energy is being promoted, too. However, policies as well as markets are still rather in the fledging stages. Therefore, a network on Green Independent Power Producers (GrIPPs) was set up, to exchange experiences between Europe and Southeast Asia made in European and Asian power markets related to success factors of renewable energy projects. Inter alia, several workshops have been organized within this network. The book at hand contains several works in the field of renewable energies, which have been presented on the EC-ASEAN GrIPP Net workshop "Current Development of Green IPPs" in Karlsruhe in September 2005. The contributions can be classified in three topics: - renewable energy technologies and resources, - economic and policy context for renewable energy development, and - emission trading and CDM

    Setting course for demand response in the service sector

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    The increasing share of renewable energies in electricity generation is within the scope of the energy transition and will lead to a more volatile generation of electricity. A more flexible energy demand could contribute to handling the resulting challenges in electricity grid management. The service sector is one of the target groups for utilizing flexible demand, also called demand response (DR). Supermarkets, hotels, and office buildings can be found in regions throughout Germany. This could be an advantage regarding the compensation of grid instability in any region, compared to more locally focused industrial enterprises. First estimations point out considerable unused DR potentials for the service sector. However, currently, there is less knowledge about flexibility options in the service sector than in industry. Moreover, market barriers, such as a missing adequate regulatory framework offering attractive incentives prevent that the potentials are tapped. Therefore, in this paper, we first analyze survey data from 1.000 enterprises of the service sector in Germany to identify subsectors that have a high share of flexible cross-sectoral technologies in electricity consumption. Data indicates that the subsectors trade, restaurants, and hotels as well as office-like buildings are the most promising subsectors of the service sector regarding demand response potential, since they have a high stock in flexible cooling appliances, air conditioning, and ventilation. In a second step, we conducted stakeholder interviews, to find specific barriers, drivers, and possible starting points in each of the identified subsectors. Still unapt or missing regulatory framework conditions, low profitability, and a lack of knowledge regarding flexibility potentials and marketing mechanisms seem to be the main barriers. However, framework conditions promoting demand response measures are improving, e.g., technical standards and latest regulatory revisions. This indicates that in order to tap the existing demand response potentials in the service sector, the value of flexibility in demand needs to be appreciated, e.g., by facilitating market participation or by creating offers resp. rewarding the enterprises’ flexibility of demand. In addition, addressing demand response issues in already existing policy measures, such as energy audits could raise awareness and knowledge

    Demand response in the service sector - setting course for energy flexibility and efficiency

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    The increasing share of renewable energies in electricity generation is within the scope of the energy transition. Among other things, this will lead to a more volatile generation of electricity. A more flexible energy demand could contribute to handling the resulting challenges in electricity grid management. The service sector is one of the target groups for utilising flexible demand, also called demand response (DR). Supermarkets, hotels and office buildings can be found in regions throughout Germany. This could be an advantage regarding the compensation of grid instability in any region, compared to more locally focussed industrial enterprises. First estimations point out considerable unused DR potentials for the service sector. However, currently there is less knowledge about flexibility options in the service sector than in industry. Moreover, market barriers such as a missing adequate regulatory framework offering attractive incentives prevent that the potentials are tapped. Therefore, in this paper, we first analyse survey data from 1.000 companies of the service sector in Germany to identify subsectors that have a high share of flexible cross-sectoral technologies in electricity consumption. Data indicates that the subsectors trade, restaurants and hotels as well as office-like buildings are the most promising subsectors of the service sector regarding demand response potential, since they have a high stock in flexible cooling appliances, air conditioning and ventilation. In a second step, we conducted stakeholder interviews, to find individual barriers in each of the identified subsectors as well as possible starting points and incentives. They indicate that framework conditions promoting demand response measures seem to be improving, e.g. technical standards and latest regulatory revisions. However, still unapt or missing regulatory framework conditions, low profitability and a lack of knowledge regarding flexibility potentials and marketing mechanisms seem to be the main barriers. This indicates that in order to tap the existing demand response potentials in the service sector, the value of flexibility in demand needs to be appreciated, e.g. by facilitating market participation or by creating offers rewarding the enterprises’ flexibility of demand. In addition, addressing demand response issues in already existing policy measures such as energy audits could raise awareness and knowledge

    Future power markets

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    Rationelle Energieverwendung. Eine Literaturanalyse des Jahres 2017

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    Das Jahr 2017 stand weiterhin im Fokus der Umsetzung des Nationalen Aktionsplans Energieeffizienz (Nape) sowie der weiteren energie- und klimapolitischen Programme der EU und der Bundesregierung (l]. Im Rahmen der gemeinsamen Initiative der lndustrieverbände und der Bundesregierung zur Einrichtung von 500 Energieeffizienznetzwerken bis zum Jahr 2020 wurden bislang bereits mehr als 150 neue Energieeffizienznetzwerke in Deutschland etabliert [2]. Die anfängliche Dynamik der Netzwerkgr0ndungen hat sich damit etwas verlangsamt. Nach der Veröffentlichung des Grünbuchs zum Thema Energieeffizienz gingen die Diskussionen um eine Weiterentwicklung der Energieeffizienzpolitik ihren Weg. Der erste Elan der Diskussionen wurde aber durch die Vorbereitungen auf die Bundestagswahlen und die folgende Übergangsphase gebremst