1 research outputs found

    Commercial Real Estate : Different aspects of rent setting

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    Background The Swedish economy is currently in a boom and due to the fact that the commercial rental market is closely correlated with the development in the Swedish economy and its economic indicators, commercial real estate companies are successful. Commercial real estate companies generate their main revenue out of rents from their tenants, therefore the set-ting of rent and the factors affecting the procedure are of great importance. The report will not only examine the commercial rental market but also the composition of the lease con-tracts, factors affecting the rent setting and risks associated with commercial leases. Purpose To analyze the commercial rental market comprising of several different lease contracts. The focus will be to analyze the setting of rents and the factors affecting the procedure. Method A deductive approach and a qualitative research method is used in order to get reliable and valid data to be able to fulfill our purpose. The data is collected from interviews done with three different real estate companies, situated in Stockholm and Gothenburg. The sample include HĂ„kan Hellström representing Castellum, Lovisa Lindberg representing Landic Property and Roddy Carlsson representing Vasakronan. Conclusion As could be expected, the commercial rental market is closely correlated with supply and demand in the Swedish economy. Currently, demand is increasing due to a growing employment rate and a strong GDP growth. Market rents are increasing, since the demand is continuing to accelerate and vacancy rates are falling. The vacancy rates are currently below the natural level since rents are increasing in both Stockholm and Gothenburg. It is shown that the vacancy level is lower in Gothenburg compared to Stockholm. Location is the most important factor affecting the setting of rents apart from supply and demand. Rent for office space is highest in the cities’ Central Business District. Additional factors are attributes that make the premises more attractive and client care that enables for satisfied tenants and long lasting tenant relationships.Bakgrund Den svenska ekonomin Ă€r idag i en högkonjunktur och pĂ„ grund av att den kommersiella hyresmarkanden Ă€r starkt korrelerad med utvecklingen i den svenska ekonomin och dess ekonomiska indikatorer, Ă€r kommersiella fastighetsbolag framgĂ„ngsrika. Kommersiella fastighetsbolags intĂ€kter bestĂ„r till största del av hyror frĂ„n deras hyresgĂ€ster. DĂ€rför Ă€r hyres-sĂ€ttningen och dess pĂ„verkande faktorer av stor vikt. Rapporten kommer inte enbart undersöka den kommersiella hyresmarkanden, utan Ă€ven komponenter i kommersiella hyreskontrakt, faktorer som pĂ„verkar hyressĂ€ttning och risker associerade med kommersiella hyreskontrakt. Syfte Att analysera den kommersiella hyresmarknaden bestĂ„ende av flera hyreskontrakt, med fokusering pĂ„ hyressĂ€ttning och dess pĂ„verkande faktorer. Metod För att kunna uppfylla vĂ„rt syfte och för att fĂ„ sĂ„ tillförlitlig och giltig information som möjligt anvĂ€nds ett deduktivt synsĂ€tt och en kvalitativ forsknings metod. Informationen tillförskaffas genom intervjuer med tre fastighetsbolag, i Stockholm och Göteborg. Urvalet bestĂ„r av HĂ„kan Hellström som representerar Castellum, Lovisa Lindberg som representerar Landic Property and Roddy Carlsson som representerar Vasakronan. Slutsats Den kommersiella hyresmarknaden Ă€r som vĂ€ntat, starkt korrelerad med den svenska ekonomins utbud och efterfrĂ„gan. EfterfrĂ„gan ökar idag pĂ„ grund av en ökad sysselsĂ€ttningsgrad och en stark tillvĂ€xt av BNP. Marknadshyrorna stiger eftersom efterfrĂ„gan ökar och vakansgraden minskar. Vakanserna Ă€r i nulĂ€get lĂ€gre Ă€n normalt eftersom hyresnivĂ„erna ökar i bĂ„de Stockholm och Göteborg. Det visade sig att vakansgraden Ă€r lĂ€gre i Göteborg jĂ€mfört med Stockholm. HyressĂ€ttningens viktigaste faktor som pĂ„verkar hyresnivĂ„n förutom utbud och efterfrĂ„gan, Ă€r lĂ€ge. Hyran för kontorslokaler Ă€r som högst i stĂ€dernas Central Business District. HyressĂ€ttningen pĂ„verkas av ytterligare faktorer som gör kontorslokalen mer attraktiv och kundvĂ„rd som möjliggör lĂ„nga kund relationer med nöjda kunder