381 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Test Specimen Geometry of Asphalt Mixes Tested with the Asphalt Mixture Performance Tester

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    Asphalt concrete, AC, is a heterogeneous material that is modeled as a homogeneous material. The disparity between material structure and theory presents issue with performance testing with test sample geometries, resulting in variability. The purpose of this research is to develop appropriate sample geometry for AMPT test for accurate characterization of asphalt mix and ease of testing. Four sample geometries were fabricated for three mix types. All specimens are fabricated at 7%0.5% air voids and tested for AMPT tests. The effect of sample geometry was statistically analyzed using laboratory test results and performance predictions using FlexPAVE. For ranking analysis all Sample Types, were compared to the full size AASHTO standard dimension used for up to 37.5 mm NMAS mixes for dynamic modulus and rutting test and for up to 25 mm NMAS mixes for fatigue test. Samples were also tested for air void uniformity using AASHTO R 83-17 for the three NMAS mixes. The lateral air void distribution from six different inscribed circles are also statistically analyzed. The MANOVA showed specific sample types be selected based on the mix NMAS for dynamic modulus test. More variability in air void distribution is observed axially than radially. The ST6, one 75X110 mm from one SGC pill, for 12.5 mm and 25 mm and ST4, three 50X110 mm from one SGC pill, for 19 mm NMAS mixes have uniform air void distribution from statistical analysis and performed comparable to ST1, one 100X150 mm from one SGC pill, from ranking analysis

    Female farmers Views to Absorb Future Generation in Farming–A Study of Rural Area of Sikkim in North- Eastern India

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    The present study has analyzed the existing information about female farmer’s views to absorb future generation in farming in the rural area of Sikkim in North- Eastern India and suggested some points so that the socio-economic condition of the stakeholders can be improvedthus making them understand the dynamics of the existing structures and helping the farming sector make sustainablebyattracting the younger age band.Keeping this in mind, data has been collected from 230 female farmers through interviews using a pre-designed schedule from 24 circles from all the four districts of Sikkim State. Based on their subjective judgments, female farmer’s views to absorb future generation in farminghave been measured and analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS). Some descriptive statistics, such as percentage, mean, standard deviation as well as one sample t-test of inferential statistics is used to interpret the data. The findings of the study revealthat significantly no more number of sample female farmers on an average feel satisfied with the income they get from agriculture. Data in the study area also discloses that significantly no more number of sample female farmers would like to absorb their future generation in agriculture.Results pertaining to these findings have been discussed in this paper

    Studies on the occurrence of coliforms and streptococci in coastal waters of Bombay

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    The distribution of coliforms and streptococci in Bombay coastal waters was investigated in order to determine the state of pollution in the area. Findings show the incidence of pollution to be of a recurring nature, primarily due to discharge of raw or improperly treated sewage; thus regular monitoring of the incidence of coliforms and streptococci is of importance in determining the public health safety of the beaches and coastal waters

    Dynamic Analysis of MRE Embedded Sandwich Plate Using FEM

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    AbstractMagnetorheological elastomers (MRE) are class of smart materials, whose stiffness and damping characteristics can be changed by applying external magnetic field. In this work three layered rectangular plate is considered where top and bottom layers are made up of aluminium layers and middle layer is MRE material to study free vibration characteristics of the system. With help of Lagrange principle and finite element method (FEM), the governing equation of motion is derived. Natural frequencies and modal loss factors of MRE cored sandwich plate is obtained for different core and constraining layer thickness by using modal strain energy method (MSE) for different magnetic fields. This work will find applications in active reduction of vibrations by applying magnetic field

    Importance of innate mucosal immunity and the promises it holds

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    The body defense mechanism has evolved to protect animals from invading pathogenic microorganisms and cancer. It is able to generate a diverse variety of cells and molecules capable of specifically recognizing and eliminating a limitless variety of foreign invaders. These cells and molecules act together in a dynamic network and are known as the immune system. Innate mucosal immunity consists of various recognition receptor molecules, including toll-like receptors, NOD-like receptors, and RIG-I-like receptors. These recognition receptor molecules recognize various invading pathogens effectively, and generate an immune response to stop their entry and neutralize their adverse consequences, such as tissue damage. Furthermore, they regulate the adaptive response in cases of severe infection and also help generate a memory response. Most infections occur through the mucosa. It is important to understand the initial host defense response or innate immunity at the mucosal surface to control these infections and protect the system. The aim of this review is to discuss the effects and functions of various innate mucosal agents and their importance in understanding the physiological immune response, as well as their roles in developing new interventions

    Nonlinear Dynamics of Energy Harvester Based on Flow Induced Vibration

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    AbstractIn this present work, a vertical cantilever piezoelectric energy harvester is proposed that exploits wind energy for vibration. The vertical cantilever is attached with a torsional spring at the base and a tip mass. A square bluff body is attached at the end of the cantilever so that the wind energy could be exploited effectively. The governing nonlinear electromechanical equations of motion for the system are developed using Lagrange principle and were discretized to the temporal form by using generalized Galerkin's method. The equations are solved using method of multiple scales and also using numerical methods. The responses of the system are determined for different wind speeds and load resistances. Time response and phase portraits are plotted to study the system response and influence of different system parameters on voltage generation

    Assisting female farmers in exploiting the alternate gainful areas

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    The researcher has studied the “Role of female labour in farming sector: a study of state of Sikkim”. Various parameters have been studied under this heading of which farming female’s view to opt for any other activity to augment their income along with farming is one of them. In the region despite majority of the population is dependent on agriculture sector, still it is in the evolving shape and poses a variety of challenges. Social science research in the state of Sikkim is inadequate despite several incentives provided by the state government. The contribution of women in this noble sector is although enormous yet invisible and does not get counted for much. Considering that woman make up the majority of the people in the farming sector with low accessibility and also, now-a-days, with voluminous amount of public expenditure on women empowerment schemes, we cannot ignore this issue thus making it unavoidable to empower them also with the intention to fully utilize their calibre in this field. Keeping this in mind, the present study has analysed the female farmer’s views about opting for any entrepreneurial activity except agriculture to increase their income in the region by collecting data from 230 female farmers through interviews using a pre-designed schedule from 24 circles from all the four districts of Sikkim State. Based on their subjective judgments, female farmer’s views have been measured and analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Science. Some descriptive statistics, such as percentage as well as one sample t-test of inferential statistics is used to interpret the data. The findings of the study revealed that more number of sample female farmers on an average are interested in and hold the view of doing anything except agriculture and want to opt for any entrepreneurial activity. Results pertaining to these findings have been discussed in this book. Poor socio-economic condition of the female farmers has also been observed. Therefore, in this book some areas of gainful employment to improve the socio-economic condition of the stakeholders have also been discussed. Also the state has a target of converting it into a fully organic state by 2015. Therefore an attempt has also been made in this book to overcome female farmer’s problems to improve their socio-economic condition & to increase food security by presenting a flow diagram of Integrated Dry land Commercial Farming by Rainwater Harvesting, which can be proved beneficial to the farmers

    “Examining the association between the determinants leading to migration of female farmers from rural areas”

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyse the relationship between ordinal/dichotomous independent variables and an ordinal dependent variable. The relationship between farm size categories and the responses for the satisfaction level of the income females get from their farm has been looked into. The hypothesis is that the lower the farm size, lower is the satisfaction level of the income females get from their farm against the reference population. We will start with some data manipulation, followed by exploratory analyses and then a linear hierarchical regression model will be used. The paper has been divided into four parts- (1 introduction, 2. Empirical Method and Estimation, 3. The Model and 4. Conclusion and Discussion) & concluded that the predictor is statistically significant so, coefficients are interpretable

    Wet High Intensity Magnetic Seperation of some Uranium Ores of India

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    Wet High Intensity Magnetic Separation (WHIMS) or magnetic filtration is relatively a new process used in the mineral industry and it is generally being used for the removal of magnetic impurities, ( from kaolin clay, desulfurisation of coal and separation of weakly magnetic pafficles of fine sized material ). Run of mine material can be directly treated in the case of clays and coal or a preconcentrate, preferably, in the case of minerals

    What is the role of female labour in Sikkim farming sector?

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    The present work has analyzed the existing information about the role of female labour in farming sector in the rural area of Sikkim in North- Eastern India, which covers broadly- gender participation/decision making in crop production and animal husbandry & related activities, possession & gender-wise ownership of domestic animals/land and the extent of accessibility to production resources of sample female farmers. Social science research in the state of Sikkim is inadequate despite several incentives provided by the state government. Nowadays, with voluminous amount of public expenditure on women empowerment schemes, we cannot ignore this issue thus making it unavoidable to empower them also with the intention to fully utilize their caliber in this field. Keeping this in mind, data was collected from 230 female farmers through interviews using a pre-designed schedule from 24 circles from all the four districts of Sikkim State. Based on their subjective judgments, female farmer’s role in farming has been measured and analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS). Some descriptive statistics, such as percentage as well as one sample t-test of inferential statistics is used to interpret the data.Results pertaining to these findings have been discussed in this PPT
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