382 research outputs found

    eHealth in internationaler Perspektive: Beiträge der eHealth Conference 2007 "From Strategies to Applications"

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    Mit eHealth wird der integrierte Einsatz von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) im Gesundheitswesen bezeichnet. eHealth-Entwicklung und -Anwendungen sind an der Schnittstelle von Gesundheitsreformpolitik, Wissenschaft, Versorgungspraxis zu situieren, und sie sind nicht zuletzt ein bedeutsamer Faktor in einer wachsenden Gesundheits- und Informationswirtschaft. Ein wichtiger Aspekt ist hierbei die Gesundheitsversorgung mobiler Bürger; IKT-Unterstützung und -Vernetzung im Gesundheitsbereich müssen deshalb auch grenzüberschreitend funktionieren. Wichtige Voraussetzung hierfür ist es, Interoperabilitäts- und Standardisierungsfragen kontinuierlich abzustimmen und zu beraten. Hierfür bieten die eHealth-Konferenzen seit Jahren ein international anerkanntes Forum. Die Publikation bündelt drei Beiträge der diesjährigen eHealth Conference, die vom 17. bis 19. April 2007 im assoziierten Programm der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft unter dem Titel 'eHealth - from Strategies to Applications' stattgefunden hat. Neben dem Bundesministerium für Gesundheit (BMG), der Europäischen Kommission, dem gastgebenden Land Berlin, der Gesellschaft für Versicherungswissenschaft und -gestaltung (GVG), den federführenden Spitzenorganisationen von Kostenträger- und Leistungserbringerseite und der Betriebsorganisation gematik trugen zahlreiche Organisationen aus Wissenschaft und Industrie diesen Kongress mit. Der Vorabdruck im Rahmen des soFid Gesundheitsforschung präsentiert zwei Konferenzbeiträge mit übergreifender Perspektive: Martine Durand (OECD) betont in ihrem Statement die Verantwortung der Politik zur Steuerung und Gestaltung bei der Implementierung von eHealth. Im Mittelpunkt des Beitrags von Dr. Misha Kay (WHO) stehen das Global Observatory for eHealth und das dreischichtige eHealth-Entwicklungsmodell. Als dritten Text wird die im Rahmen der Konferenz verabschiedete Deklaration 'eHealth in Europe: succeeding together. European Co-operation on Europe-wide Electronic Health Services' dokumentiert, mit der die Mitgliedsländer und die EU-Kommission ihre Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet der europaweiten elektronischen Gesundheitsdienste bekräftigen. (ze

    A carboxylesterase, Esterase-6, modulates sensory physiological and behavioral response dynamics to pheromone in Drosophila

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    Conclusions: Our study presents evidence that Est-6 plays a role in the physiological and behavioral dynamics of sex pheromone response in Drosophila males and supports a role of Est-6 as an odorant-degrading enzyme (ODE) in male antennae. Our results also expand the role of Est-6 in Drosophila biology, from reproduction to olfaction, and highlight the role of ODEs in insect olfaction

    Caution and Warning Alarm Design and Evaluation for NASA CEV Auditory Displays: SHFE Information Presentation Directed Research Project (DRPP) report 12.07

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    The design of caution-warning signals for NASA s Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) and other future spacecraft will be based on both best practices based on current research and evaluation of current alarms. A design approach is presented based upon cross-disciplinary examination of psychoacoustic research, human factors experience, aerospace practices, and acoustical engineering requirements. A listening test with thirteen participants was performed involving ranking and grading of current and newly developed caution-warning stimuli under three conditions: (1) alarm levels adjusted for compliance with ISO 7731, "Danger signals for work places - Auditory Danger Signals", (2) alarm levels adjusted to an overall 15 dBA s/n ratio and (3) simulated codec low-pass filtering. Questionnaire data yielded useful insights regarding cognitive associations with the sounds

    Speech Intelligibility Advantages using an Acoustic Beamformer Display

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    A speech intelligibility test conforming to the Modified Rhyme Test of ANSI S3.2 "Method for Measuring the Intelligibility of Speech Over Communication Systems" was conducted using a prototype 12-channel acoustic beamformer system. The target speech material (signal) was identified against speech babble (noise), with calculated signal-noise ratios of 0, 5 and 10 dB. The signal was delivered at a fixed beam orientation of 135 deg (re 90 deg as the frontal direction of the array) and the noise at 135 deg (co-located) and 0 deg (separated). A significant improvement in intelligibility from 57% to 73% was found for spatial separation for the same signal-noise ratio (0 dB). Significant effects for improved intelligibility due to spatial separation were also found for higher signal-noise ratios (5 and 10 dB)

    Une méthode de transformation de programmes applicable à la systolisation

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    Le portrait photographique d'écrivain vu de face et de profil

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    A new subunit vaccine based on nucleoprotein nanoparticles confers partial clinical and virological protection in calves against bovine respiratory syncytial virus

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    Human and bovine respiratory syncytial viruses (HRSV and BRSV) are two closely related, worldwide prevalent viruses that are the leading cause of severe airway disease in children and calves, respectively. Efficacy of commercial bovine vaccines needs improvement and no human vaccine is licensed yet. We reported that nasal vaccination with the HRSV nucleoprotein produced as recombinant ringshaped nanoparticles (NSRS) protects mice against a viral challenge with HRSV. The aim of this work was to evaluate this new vaccine that uses a conserved viral antigen, in calves, natural hosts for BRSV. Calves, free of colostral or natural anti-BRSV antibodies, were vaccinated with NSRS either intramuscularly, or both intramuscularly and intranasally using MontanideTM ISA71 and IMS4132 as adjuvants and challenged with BRSV. All vaccinated calves developed anti-N antibodies in blood and nasal secretions and N-specific cellular immunity in local lymph nodes. Clinical monitoring post-challenge demonstrated moderate respiratory pathology with local lung tissue consolidations for the non vaccinated calves that were significantly reduced in the vaccinated calves. Vaccinated calves had lower viral loads than the nonvaccinated control calves. Thus NSRS vaccination in calves provided cross-protective immunity against BRSV infection without adverse inflammatory reaction

    For Good Measure:Advancing Research on Well-Being Metrics Beyond GDP

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    The 2009 Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress (“Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi” Commission) concluded that we should move away from over-reliance on GDP when assessing a country’s health, towards a broader dashboard of indicators that would reflect concerns such as the distribution of well-being and sustainability in all of its dimensions. This book includes contributions from members of the OECD-hosted High Level Expert Group on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress, the successor of the Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi Commission, and their co-authors on the latest research in this field. These contributions look at key issues raised by the 2009 Commission that deserved more attention, such as how to better include the environment and sustainability in our measurement system, and how to improve the measurement of different types of inequalities, of economic insecurity, of subjective well-being and of trust. A companion volume Beyond GDP: Measuring What Counts for Economic and Social Performance presents an overview by the co-chairs of the High Level Expert Group, Joseph E. Stiglitz, Jean-Paul Fitoussi and Martine Durand of the progress accomplished since the 2009 report, of the work conducted by the Group over the past five years, and of what still needs to be done

    Beyond GDP:Measuring What Counts for Economic and Social Performance

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    Metrics matter for policy and policy matters for well-being. In this report, the co-chairs of the OECD-hosted High Level Expert Group on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress, Joseph E. Stiglitz, Jean-Paul Fitoussi and Martine Durand, show how over-reliance on GDP as the yardstick of economic performance misled policy makers who did not see the 2008 crisis coming. When the crisis did hit, concentrating on the wrong indicators meant that governments made inadequate policy choices, with severe and long-lasting consequences for many people. While GDP is the most well-known, and most powerful economic indicator, it can’t tell us everything we need to know about the health of countries and societies. In fact, it can’t even tell us everything we need to know about economic performance. We need to develop dashboards of indicators that reveal who is benefitting from growth, whether that growth is environmentally sustainable, how people feel about their lives, what factors contribute to an individual’s or a country’s success. This book looks at progress made over the past 10 years in collecting well-being data, and in using them to inform policies. An accompanying volume, For Good Measure: Advancing Research on Well-being Metrics Beyond GDP, presents the latest findings from leading economists and statisticians on selected issues within the broader agenda on defining and measuring well-being