37 research outputs found

    Fan-C, a Frama-C plug-in for data flow verification

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    International audienceDO-178B compliant avionics development processes must both define the data and control flows of embedded software at design level, and verify flows are faithfully implemented in the source code. This verification is traditionally performed during dedicated code reviews, but such intellectual activities are costly and error-prone, especially for large and complex software. In this paper, we present the Fan-C plug-in, developed by Airbus on top of the abstract-interpretation-based value and dataflow analyses of the Frama-C platform, in order to automate this verification activity for C avionics software. We therefore describe the Airbus context, the Frama-C platform, its value analysis and related plug-ins, the Fan-C plug-in, and discuss analysis results and ongoing industrial deployment and qualification activities


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    Le numĂ©ro 28 de la revue Projets de Paysage fait l’objet d’une exploration. Celle des rĂ©gimes de savoirs qui orientent l’action en matiĂšre de paysage. Il s’est agi de repĂ©rer et de clarifier des modalitĂ©s de production alternatives de savoirs en situation, de nature Ă  faire Ă©voluer et diversifier les maniĂšres de conduire et de penser l’action publique dans les territoires. Le sujet invitait Ă  une opĂ©ration critique. C’est-Ă -dire Ă  la mise en Ă©vidence directe ou indirecte de rĂ©gimes de savoirs..

    Les savoirs paysagers dans l’action

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    Ce dossier thĂ©matique propose une exploration. Celle des rĂ©gimes de savoirs qui orientent l’action en matiĂšre de paysage. Mais sous un angle particulier, en tentant de repĂ©rer et de clarifier des modalitĂ©s de production alternatives de savoirs en situation, de nature Ă  faire Ă©voluer et diversifier les maniĂšres de conduire et de penser l’action publique dans les territoires. L’expĂ©rience ordinaire et l’action paysagĂšre L’angle d’analyse qui a Ă©tĂ© proposĂ© aux contributeurs est plus resserrĂ© enc..

    Spreading Static Analysis with Frama-C in Industrial Contexts

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    International audienceThis article deals with the usage of Frama-C to detect runtime-errors. As static analysis for runtime-error detection is not a novelty, we will present significant new usages in industrial contexts, which represent a change in the ways this kind of tool is employed. The main goal is to have a scalable methodology for using static analysis through the development process and by a development team. This goal is achieved by performing analysis on partial pieces of code, by using the ACSL language for interface definitions, by choosing a bottom-up strategy to process the code, and by enabling a well-balanced definition of actors and skills. The methodology, designed during the research project U3CAT, has been applied in industrial contexts with good results as for the quality of verifications and for the performance in the industrial process

    New Insights Into the Role of Cav2 Protein Family in Calcium Flux Deregulation in Fmr1-KO Neurons

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    Fragile X syndrome (FXS), the most common form of inherited intellectual disability (ID) and a leading cause of autism, results from the loss of expression of the Fmr1 gene which encodes the RNA-binding protein Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein (FMRP). Among the thousands mRNA targets of FMRP, numerous encode regulators of ion homeostasis. It has also been described that FMRP directly interacts with Ca2+ channels modulating their activity. Collectively these findings suggest that FMRP plays critical roles in Ca2+ homeostasis during nervous system development. We carried out a functional analysis of Ca2+ regulation using a calcium imaging approach in Fmr1-KO cultured neurons and we show that these cells display impaired steady state Ca2+ concentration and an altered entry of Ca2+ after KCl-triggered depolarization. Consistent with these data, we show that the protein product of the Cacna1a gene, the pore-forming subunit of the Cav2.1 channel, is less expressed at the plasma membrane of Fmr1-KO neurons compared to wild-type (WT). Thus, our findings point out the critical role that Cav2.1 plays in the altered Ca2+ flux in Fmr1-KO neurons, impacting Ca2+ homeostasis of these cells. Remarkably, we highlight a new phenotype of cultured Fmr1-KO neurons that can be considered a novel cellular biomarker and is amenable to small molecule screening and identification of new drugs to treat FXS

    La fabrique de Jardin

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    Ce projet fait suite Ă  une demande des membres du conseil de quartier de Caychac de la commune de Blanquefort, situĂ©e Ă  la pĂ©riphĂ©rie nord de la ville de Bordeaux. Il s'agit du (rĂ©a)mĂ©nagement d'un parc du XIXĂšme siĂšcle, d'une superficie d'un hectare, en cƓur de quartier, entre un bourg ancien et un lotissement pavillonnaire des annĂ©es 80. Le parc de Cambon se compose d'une multitude d'Ă©lĂ©ments singuliers, de nombreux arbres remarquables, d'une « fabrique de jardin », de sources, d'un bassin, d'une fontaine. Pourtant, cet espace dotĂ© d'un grand potentiel pour amĂ©liorer le cadre de vie de la population Ă©tait sous-exploitĂ© depuis plus d'une vingtaine d'annĂ©es. En 2006, le conseil de quartier de Caychac choisit d'investir le montant total cumulĂ© sur quatre ans de son « enveloppe budgĂ©taire participative » (soit 60.000 €) pour mettre en valeur le parc de Cambon. Dans un premier temps, le conseil lance un questionnaire Ă  l'Ă©chelle du quartier pour rĂ©colter les avis, remarques et propositions Ă©ventuelles des habitants. Une trentaine de rĂ©ponses sont enregistrĂ©es dont la synthĂšse donne naissance Ă  une liste de dĂ©sirs et de propositions permettant d'engager le dialogue avec la mairie et ses services techniques. Face Ă  l'ampleur et la complexitĂ© du projet, la ville se tourne vers l'École nationale supĂ©rieure d'architecture et de paysage de Bordeaux (Ensap Bx), mais sans succĂšs. Les mois s'Ă©coulent, les habitants s'impatientent. En janvier 2007, la commune propose Ă  StĂ©phane Duprat, habitant du quartier et tout jeune paysagiste dplg diplĂŽmĂ© de l'Ensap Bx, d'Ă©pauler la mairie et les habitants. Il accepte volontiers, bĂ©nĂ©volement au titre d'habitant/paysagiste

    Une ‟communautĂ© de pratiqueËź pour accompagner l’innovation socio-spatiale en Creuse

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    International audienceThis contribution aims to focus not so much on the individual and isolated figure of the researcher as on the collective figure of the “pratice community” (Lave & Wenger, 1991). It highlights the mechanisms of emergence and structuring of a community of this type located at the articulation of the worlds of research and teaching and those of action. To this end, the approach consisted in accompanying, from the inside, the actions and trajectories of individuals acting within hybrid collectives in which teachers-researchers, professionals of the socio-spatial project (architects, urban planners, landscape architects or designers), elected officials and agents of public authorities rub shoulders. The work on which the proposed reflection is based is located in the department of Creuse, a territory considered to be ‘hyper-rural’ where a Public Innovation Laboratory is being developed. It is part of a wider research programme on the processes of socio-spatial innovation in the marginal territories of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. The results obtained call into question the routine functioning of institutions that are too often subject to the imperatives of a highly constrained electoral calendar. They show the importance of taking into account the knowledge produced both by researchers in the action process and by local actors in an experimental situation. The objective is to contribute to the evolution and diversification of the ways of conducting and thinking about public action in local territories through a renewal of socio-spatial practices.Cette contribution vise Ă  mettre l’accent non pas tant sur la figure individuelle et isolĂ©e de chercheur que sur celle, collective, de « communautĂ© de pratique » (Lave et Wenger, 1991). Y sont mis en Ă©vidence les mĂ©canismes d’émergence et de structuration d’une communautĂ© de ce type, situĂ©e Ă  l’articulation des mondes de la recherche et de l’enseignement et de ceux de l’action. Pour cela, la dĂ©marche a consistĂ© Ă  accompagner, de l’intĂ©rieur, les actes et les trajectoires d’individus agissant au sein de collectifs hybrides dans lesquels se cĂŽtoient enseignants-chercheurs, professionnels du projet socio-spatial (architectes, urbanistes, paysagistes et designers), Ă©lus et agents de collectivitĂ©s publiques. Les travaux sur lesquels s’appuie la rĂ©flexion proposĂ©e se situent dans le dĂ©partement de la Creuse, territoire considĂ©rĂ© comme « hyper-rural », oĂč se prĂ©figure un Laboratoire d’innovation publique. Ils s’inscrivent dans le cadre plus large d’un programme de recherche portant sur les processus d’innovation socio-spatiale dans les territoires en marge de la rĂ©gion Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus remettent en cause les fonctionnements routiniers d’institutions trop souvent soumises aux impĂ©ratifs d’un calendrier Ă©lectoral trĂšs contraint. Ils montrent tout l’intĂ©rĂȘt de prendre en compte les connaissances produites tant par les chercheurs dans les processus d’action que par les acteurs locaux en situation d’expĂ©rimentation. L’objectif est, sur ces bases, de contribuer Ă  faire Ă©voluer et Ă  diversifier les maniĂšres de conduire et de penser l’action publique dans les territoires locaux par un renouvellement des pratiques socio-spatiales

    A "community of practiceËź to support socio-spatial innovation in Creuse (France)

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    Cette contribution vise Ă  mettre l’accent non pas tant sur la figure individuelle et isolĂ©e de chercheur que sur celle, collective, de « communautĂ© de pratique » (Lave et Wenger, 1991). Y sont mis en Ă©vidence les mĂ©canismes d’émergence et de structuration d’une communautĂ© de ce type, situĂ©e Ă  l’articulation des mondes de la recherche et de l’enseignement et de ceux de l’action. Pour cela, la dĂ©marche a consistĂ© Ă  accompagner, de l’intĂ©rieur, les actes et les trajectoires d’individus agissant au sein de collectifs hybrides dans lesquels se cĂŽtoient enseignants-chercheurs, professionnels du projet socio-spatial (architectes, urbanistes, paysagistes et designers), Ă©lus et agents de collectivitĂ©s publiques. Les travaux sur lesquels s’appuie la rĂ©flexion proposĂ©e se situent dans le dĂ©partement de la Creuse, territoire considĂ©rĂ© comme « hyper-rural », oĂč se prĂ©figure un Laboratoire d’innovation publique. Ils s’inscrivent dans le cadre plus large d’un programme de recherche portant sur les processus d’innovation socio-spatiale dans les territoires en marge de la rĂ©gion Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus remettent en cause les fonctionnements routiniers d’institutions trop souvent soumises aux impĂ©ratifs d’un calendrier Ă©lectoral trĂšs contraint. Ils montrent tout l’intĂ©rĂȘt de prendre en compte les connaissances produites tant par les chercheurs dans les processus d’action que par les acteurs locaux en situation d’expĂ©rimentation. L’objectif est, sur ces bases, de contribuer Ă  faire Ă©voluer et Ă  diversifier les maniĂšres de conduire et de penser l’action publique dans les territoires locaux par un renouvellement des pratiques socio-spatiales.This contribution aims to focus not so much on the individual and isolated figure of the researcher as on the collective figure of the “pratice community” (Lave & Wenger, 1991). It highlights the mechanisms of emergence and structuring of a community of this type located at the articulation of the worlds of research and teaching and those of action. To this end, the approach consisted in accompanying, from the inside, the actions and trajectories of individuals acting within hybrid collectives in which teachers-researchers, professionals of the socio-spatial project (architects, urban planners, landscape architects or designers), elected officials and agents of public authorities rub shoulders. The work on which the proposed reflection is based is located in the department of Creuse, a territory considered to be ‘hyper-rural’ where a Public Innovation Laboratory is being developed. It is part of a wider research programme on the processes of socio-spatial innovation in the marginal territories of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. The results obtained call into question the routine functioning of institutions that are too often subject to the imperatives of a highly constrained electoral calendar. They show the importance of taking into account the knowledge produced both by researchers in the action process and by local actors in an experimental situation. The objective is to contribute to the evolution and diversification of the ways of conducting and thinking about public action in local territories through a renewal of socio-spatial practices

    Taster, a Frama-C plug-in to enforce Coding Standards

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    International audienceEnforcing Coding Standards is part of the traditional concerns of industrial soft- ware developments. In this paper, we present a framework based on the open source Frama- C platform for easily developing syntactic, typing (and even some semantic) analyses of C source code, among which conformance to Coding Standards. We report on our successful attempt to develop a Frama-C plug-in named Taster, in order to replace a commercial, off-the-shelf, legacy tool in the verification process of several Airbus avionics software products. We therefore present the types of coding rules to be verified, the Frama-C platform and the Taster plug-in. We also discuss ongoing industrial deployment and qualification activities