18 research outputs found

    SERS Primers and Their Mode of Action for Pathogen DNA Detection

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    SERS primers have been used to directly detect specific PCR products utilizing the difference in adsorption of single-stranded and double-stranded DNA onto nanoparticle surfaces. Herein, seven parameters important for improved positive SERS assays for real applications were investigated. First, we applied a model system for optimization experiments, followed by a PCR assay to detect pathogen DNA, and then the introduction of a new assay that utilizes the 5′→3′ exonuclease activity of <i>Taq</i> DNA polymerase to partly digest the SERS probe, generating dye-labeled single-stranded DNA increasing the SERS signals for detection of pathogen DNA. Applying the model system, it was found that uni-molecular SERS primers perform better than bi-molecular SERS primers. However, within the PCR assays, it was found that uni- and bi-molecular SERS primers performed very similarly, and the most reproducible results were obtained using the 5′→3′ exonuclease digestion assay. These SERS-based assays offer new routes over conventional fluorescence-based techniques without compromising sensitivity or selectivity

    Design Consideration for Surface-Enhanced (Resonance) Raman Scattering Nanotag Cores

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    Surface-enhanced (resonance) Raman spectroscopy (SE­(R)­RS) holds great promise for the in vivo detection of multiple disease markers. Nanotags consisting of a metallic nanoparticle decorated with reporter molecules encapsulated in either an inert or biofunctionalized shell, for inactive or active targeting, have been developed. To improve the tissue depth from which the signal can be detected, it is preferable to operate with excitation in the near-infrared wavelengths; however, this reduces the inherent Raman signal intensity. The signal strength can be reestablished by matching the absorbance of the nanoparticle with the laser excitation. However, nanoparticles must get physically larger to support absorbances in the near-infrared region, which can have an adverse affect on cellular uptake. In this paper we compare the use of silver nanoparticles with plasmon absorbances at longer wavelengths with clusters (2–4 nanoparticles) formed from much smaller nanoparticles which support so-called “hot spots”. We find that the small clusters outperform the resonant single nanoparticles with respect to the observed SE­(R)­RS signal. It has also previously been shown in the literature that small nanoparticles are more readily taken up into cells than larger nanoparticles. This knowledge combined with the results reported here highlight an important design consideration in that new SE­(R)­RS active nanotags should be made from coupled small dimensional nanoparticles rather than large single nanoparticles that support absorbances in the near-infrared region

    Confocal SERS Mapping of Glycan Expression for the Identification of Cancerous Cells

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    Lectin-functionalized silver nanoparticles have been successfully designed for use as molecular imaging agents to investigate carbohydrate–lectin interactions at the surface of mammalian cells, using surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). Carbohydrate-lectin interactions are key to many cellular processes and are responsible for controlling an array of cellular interactions. In this study, lectin-functionalized silver nanoparticles were used to detect the expression of carbohydrate species at the cellular interface. The carbohydrate–lectin interactions were demonstrated using three different lectin species for three distinct cell types. Due to the known difference between the expressions of glycans in cancerous versus noncancerous cells of the same origin, this approach has been expanded to study both cancerous and noncancerous prostate cells. This has been achieved via confocal SERS mapping of the expression of the key glycan, sialic acid, on the surface of each of these cell types. In achieving such discrimination, a novel method has been created by which glycan expression can be reproducibly monitored. Comparative studies were performed using both fluorescence and SERS. SERS provided an increased discrimination over fluorescence when analyzing cell subsets to discriminate between cancerous and noncancerous cells. The success of this method means that it could be used to complement the current gold standard histopathological techniques

    Cisplatin-Tethered Gold Nanoparticles That Exhibit Enhanced Reproducibility, Drug Loading, and Stability: a Step Closer to Pharmaceutical Approval?

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    Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) can be used as delivery vehicles for platinum anticancer drugs, improving their targeting and uptake into cells. Here, we examine the appropriateness of different-sized AuNPs as components of platinum-based drug-delivery systems, investigating their controlled synthesis, reproducibility, consistency of drug loading, and stability. The active component of cisplatin was tethered to 25, 55, and 90 nm AuNPs, with the nanoparticles being almost spherical in nature and demonstrating good batch-to-batch reproducibility (24.37 ± 0.62, 55.2 ± 1.75, and 89.1 ± 2.32 nm). The size distribution of 25 nm AuNPs has been significantly improved, compared with a previous method that produces polydispersed nanoparticles. Attachment of platinum to the AuNP surface through a poly­(ethylene glycol) (PEG) linker exhibits an increase in the drug loading with increasing particle size: 25 nm (815 ± 106 drug molecules per AuNP), 55 nm (14216 ± 880), and 90 nm (54487 ± 15996). The stability of the naked, PEGylated, and platinum-conjugated nanoparticles has been examined over time under various conditions. When stored at 4 °C, there is minimal variation in the diameter for all three AuNP sizes; variation after 28 days for the 25 nm AuNPs was 2.4%; 55 nm, 3.3%; and 90 nm, 3.6%. The 25 nm AuNPs also demonstrate minimal changes in UV–visible absorbance over the same time period

    Dynamic Imaging Analysis of SERS-Active Nanoparticle Clusters in Suspension

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    A novel wide-field approach for the real-time Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) imaging of multiple silver nanoparticle clusters suspended in solution is described. This method enables direct correlation of the SERS activity of a single nanoparticle aggregate and its size through measurement of the cluster diffusion coefficient and can also be performed in a high-throughput basis. As a first demonstration, we investigate the salt-induced aggregation of silver nanoparticles in the presence of a reporter tag molecule, which has a high affinity for the nanoparticle surface. In addition to tracking individual particles, direct comparison of Rayleigh and SERS videos of the same colloid solution enabled measurement of the fraction of individual clusters that are SERS active and the dependence of this value on the relative concentration of the tag molecule. Furthermore, given the ability to also rapidly profile any nonuniformity in particle size distributions, we expect this approach will not only provide a new tool for the fundamental understanding of SERS but also significantly contribute to the development of an array of emerging nanoparticle-enhanced biomolecule and imaging detection platforms

    Plasmonic and Photothermal Properties of Silica-Capped Gold Nanoparticle Aggregates

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    Owing to their biocompatibility, gold nanoparticles have many applications in healthcare, notably for targeted drug delivery and the photothermal therapy of tumors. The addition of a silica shell to the nanoparticles can help to minimize the aggregation of the nanoparticles upon exposure to harsh environments and protect any Raman reporters adsorbed onto the metal surface. Here, we report the effects of the addition of a silica shell on the photothermal properties of a series of gold nanostructures, including gold nanoparticle aggregates. The presence of a Raman reporter at the surface of the gold nanoparticles also allows the structures to be evaluated by surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). In this work, we explore the relationship between the degree of aggregation and the position and the extinction of the near-infrared plasmon on the observed SERS intensity and in the increase in bulk temperature upon near-infrared excitation. By tailoring the concentration of the silane and the thickness of the silica shell, it is possible to improve the photothermal heating capabilities of the structures without sacrificing the SERS intensity or changing the optical properties of the gold nanoparticle aggregates

    Directed Assembly of DNA-Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles Using Pyrrole–Imidazole Polyamides

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    Traditional methods for the construction of nanoparticle arrays and lattices exploit Watson–Crick base pairing of single-stranded DNA sequences as a proxy for self-assembly. Although this approach has been utilized in a variety of applications in nanoassembly, diagnostics, and biomedicine, the diversity of this recognition lexicon could be considerably increased by developing strategies that recognize the base-pairing landscape of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) sequences. Herein we describe the first report of programmed gold nanoparticle (GNP) aggregation directed by the recognition of dsDNA sequences using pyrrole–imidazole polyamide–GNP (PA–GNP) conjugates. We demonstrate the reversibility and selectivity of this strategy for forming GNP aggregates in the presence of fully matched dsDNA sequences relative to dsDNA sequences containing one- and two-base-pair mismatches

    Supporting Information from Sensitive SERS nanotags for use with a hand-held 1064 nm Raman spectrometer

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    General experimental details for the synthesis and characterisation of dyes 1-17 and HGNs; schematic detailing experimental setup, figures of extinction spectra for HGNs and selected chalcogenopyrylium dyes; chemical structures for dyes 1-17 and commercial reporters; SERS spectra and LOD plots for dye/HGN nanotags plus commercial reporter/HGN nanotags with 1064 nm excitation

    The Use of Ni/Sb-SnO2-based Membrane Electrode Assembly for Electrochemical Generation of Ozone and the Decolourisation of Reactive Blue 50 Dye Solutions

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    Surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) “hot spots” are the regions where the electromagnetic field is significantly enhanced, resulting in much greater SERS activity than other areas. Therefore, the engineering and characterization of “hot spots” have attracted much attention. Herein, we have synthesized nanoworms formed by connecting hollow gold nanospheres and investigated their composition as well as their SERS properties, including their potential for simultaneous analysis of multiple species. The three-dimensional nanostructures that led to different SERS activities were investigated using correlated optical/SERS and SEM imaging. Gold nanoworms with hollow nanosphere segments and partial tube formation were confirmed. All highly SERS-active structures were found to be three-dimensional arrays consisting of inter-/intrananoworm interactions; no individual nanospheres were found to give significant SERS signal under the experimental conditions. The major SERS contribution was found to be the electromagnetic coupling effect within the three-dimensional arrays and the localized surface plasmon resonance of the nanostructure was found to have a minimal effect. This study gives insight into the basis of enhancement for these nanoworm structures and adds to the growing body of evidence in relation to nanostructures and surface enhancement of Raman scattering

    Optoplasmonic Effects in Highly Curved Surfaces for Catalysis, Photothermal Heating, and SERS

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    Surface curvature can be used to focus light and alter optical processes. Here, we show that curved surfaces (spheres, cylinders, and cones) with a radius of around 5 μm lead to maximal optoplasmonic properties including surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), photocatalysis, and photothermal processes. Glass microspheres, microfibers, pulled fibers, and control flat substrates were functionalized with well-dispersed and dense arrays of 45 nm Au NP using polystyrene-block-poly-4-vinylpyridine (PS-b-P4VP) and chemically modified with 4-mercaptobenzoic acid (4-MBA, SERS reporter), 4-nitrobenzenethiol (4-NBT, reactive to plasmonic catalysis), or 4-fluorophenyl isocyanide (FPIC, photothermal reporter). The various curved substrates enhanced the plasmonic properties by focusing the light in a photonic nanojet and providing a directional antenna to increase the collection efficacy of SERS photons. The optoplasmonic effects led to an increase of up to 1 order of magnitude of the SERS response, up to 5 times the photocatalytic conversion of 4-NBT to 4,4′-dimercaptoazobenzene when the diameter of the curved surfaces was about 5 μm and a small increase in photothermal effects. Taken together, the results provide evidence that curvature enhances plasmonic properties and that its effect is maximal for spherical objects around a few micrometers in diameter, in agreement with a theoretical framework based on geometrical optics. These enhanced plasmonic effects and the stationary-phase-like plasmonic substrates pave the way to the next generation of sensors, plasmonic photocatalysts, and photothermal devices