44 research outputs found

    Emotional intelligence, psychological well-being, and self-control of athletic and non athletic postgraduates

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    The article presents differences in scores of components of emotional intelligence, psychological well-being, and self-control constructs’ in terms of gender, athletic, non-athletic postgraduates, and signifcant correlations between some components’ of the studied constructs. Only the scores of perception of emotion and using emotions were signifcantly higher for athletic than non-athletic. The article also presents models for predicting components’ values of psychological well-being

    Aspects of LKKA students creativity education

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    Darbu buvo siekiama ištirti Lietuvos kūno kultūros akademijos (LKKA) studentu kūrybingumo lygį bei studentų nuomonę apie kūrybingumo reikšmę jų būsimojoje profesinėje veikloje ir prognozuoti studentų kūribingumo ugdymo studijų procese galimybes. Tyrimo metu gauti duomenys liudija, kad tiriamųjų pagrindiniai mąstymo savybių rodikliai prieš eksperimentą esmingai nesiskiria. Ryškių mąstymo ypatumų skirtumų prieš eksperimentą nei tarp skirtingą fakultetą studentų, nei tarp skirtingų lyčių nepastebėta, nors didesniu mąstymo detalumu išsiskyrė Pedagoginio fakulteto moterys ir Trenerių fakulteto vyrai. Mūsų tiriamųjų imtis nėra statistiškai pakankamai reprezentatyvi, kad gautus duomenis būtų galima aiškinti kaip standartinį LKKA studentų kūrybingumo lygį, bet šiuo tyrimu to ir nebuvo siekiama. Šie duomenys gali būti esminis rodiklis, pagal kurį būtų įvertintas kūrybingumo ugdymo metodikos vertingumas. Kitas, mūsų nuomone, vertingas rezultatas: TTCT testo neverbaline dalimi galima gana greitai kokybiškai įvertinti studentų kūrybingumo lygį, netgi neatliekant tikslaus vertinimo pagal testo kriterijus procedūros. Atidžiai peržiūrėjus piešinukus, akivaizdus kūrybingumo lygių skirtumas. Anketavimas parodė, kad nors studentai suvokia kūrybingumo svarbą studijose ir profesinėje veikloje, vis dėlto daugiau manančią kad sėkmę daugiausia lemia darbštumas. Dauguma jų (65%) norėtų ugdyti savo kūrybingumą ir tam skirtą nuo vienos iki keturių valandų per savaitę. Mokymo procese plačiau taikant aktyvaus mokymo metodus, pateikiant daugiau mąstymą lavinančių, netradicinio požiūrio bei kūrybingumo reikalaujančių užduočių galima ženkliai pagerinti studentų mąstymą bei ugdyti jų kūrybingumą. Pedagogo požiūris į savo profesinę veiklą, jo kūrybingumas, profesinis meistriškumas daro įtaką jo auklėtinių kūrybingumui. Tyrimo rezultatai liudija, kad: 1) studentai suvokia kūrybingumo svarbą studijų metu ir profesinėje veikloje, nors dauguma mano, kad sėkmę gyvenime ir profesinėje veikloje labiausiai lemia darbštumas; 2) daugiau kaip pusė studentų (65%>) norėtų papildomai ugdyti savo kūrybingumą ir tam skirtą nuo vienos iki keturių valandų per savaitę; 3) taikant mokymo procese kūrybingumo reikalaujančius mokymo metodus bei užduotis, geriau lavinamas studentų mąstymas bei ugdomas ją kūrybingumas; 4) eksperimentu nustatytas mąstymo savybių bei kūrybingumo pagerėjimas statistiškai patikimas (p<0,05, Kolmogorovo kriterijus).Creativity is one of the most important human features. Today we don't have unanimous opinion what creativity is, what features it can define and how to diagnose it. The most reliable potential of creativity is reflected by these indicators: 1. The productivity of activities manifests originality and uniqueness of its product and presents in itself transformations. 2. The qualitative characteristics o f cognitive transformative activities shows divergence and generalisation of thinking as well as the transition and subjectively new and the independent revelation of a problem. 3. Personal qualities: nonconformity, independence, initiativity, emotional sensitiveness and liability. The students o f Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education have been investigated using the Torrace TTCT test. The practical aspect o f this research allowed us to study fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration of students thinking. The research data is statistically amended and displayed in given tables. The attained results allow us to state that: 1. There is no unanimous opinion about universally accepted concept of creativity. 2. The intuitive search of creative process is insufficiently revealed. 3. Most of the students perceive the importance of creativity in their studies and professional activity. 4. More that half o f the students (65% ) would like to develop creativity by themselves. 5. The differences of creativity level have been defined in the Academy o f Physical Education between the students of Pedagogical and Coaches departments, but they arc not statistically reliable. 6. After pedagogic experiment the creativity level of experimental students group was higher when of control group and this data is statistically reliable

    Žymių sporto pasiekimų turinčių ir jų neturinčių magistrantų emocinė inteligencija, psichologinė gerovė ir savikontrolė

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    The article presents differences in scores of components of emotional intelligence, psychological well-being, and self-control constructs’ in terms of gender, athletic, non-athletic postgraduates, and significant correlations between some components’ of the studied constructs. Only the scores of perception of emotion and using emotions were significantly higher for athletic than non-athletic. The article also presents models for predicting components’ values of psychological well-being.Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti antrosios studijų pakopos studentų emocinio intelekto, psichologinės gerovės ir savikontrolės ypatumus bei šių konstruktų komponentų tarpusavio sąsajas, pasiūlyti modelius psichologinės gerovės komponentų vertėms prognozuoti. Tyrime naudota Schutte emocinės inteligencijos klausimynas, Ryff psichologinės gerovės vertinimo bei Tangney savikontrolės vertinimo skalės. Tyrime savanoriškai dalyvavo 65 antrosios pakopos studentai: 33 vyrai ir 32 moterys, 14 iš jų turėjo aukštų sporto pasiekimų. Nustatyta, kad vyrų emocijų suvokimo ir emocijų valdymo įverčiai reikšmingai aukštesni nei moterų. Pasiekusių aukštų rezultatų sporte studentų visų komponentų įverčiai aukštesni nei nepasižymėjusių sporte, tačiau tik emocijų suvokimo ir emocijų naudojimo komponentų įverčiai reikšmingai aukštesni. Psichologinės gerovės komponentų įverčių vidurkių skirtumai lyties atžvilgiu buvo statistiškai reikšmingi. Aukštesni šie moterų įverčiai: meistriškumas aplinkoje, gyvenimo tikslai ir asmeninis tobulėjimas, o vyrų – autonomija bei pozityvūs santykiai. Pasiekusių aukštų sporto rezultatų studentų tik autonomijos komponento įverčių vidurkis reikšmingai aukštesnis nei nepasižymėjusių sporte studentų. Konstrukto savikontrolės komponentų savidisciplinos ir patikimumo įverčiai buvo reikšmingai aukštesni vyrų nei moterų, o komponento neimpulsyvus veikimas aukštesnis moterų nei vyrų. Pasiūlyti modeliai psichologinės gerovės komponentų vertėms prognozuoti

    Emotional intelligence, psychological well-being, and self-control of athletic and non athletic postgraduates

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    The article presents differences in scores of components of emotional intelligence, psychological well-being, and self-control constructs’ in terms of gender, athletic, non-athletic postgraduates, and signifcant correlations between some components’ of the studied constructs. Only the scores of perception of emotion and using emotions were signifcantly higher for athletic than non-athletic. The article also presents models for predicting components’ values of psychological well-being

    Encouragement of physical activity among students by employing short-term educational counselling

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    The aim of the research was to establish the appropriateness of brief educational counselling among students seeking promotion of their physical activity. From randomly selected students, two groups of research subjects were drafted. The impact group consisted of 92 students. A methodology based on SFBC was developed for the promotion of physical activity. Students were evaluated by employing the IPAQSF. After solution-focused brief counselling, 44.6% of the students previously facing physical activity issues achieved prominent changes in the subjective evaluation of the issue, 21.7% of the students showed medium changes and 33.7% of the students minor ones. The suggested methodology significantly impacts on the physical activity of adolescents: their physical activity significantly increased (p<0.05). No gender differences were established

    Empowerment for education of students with special education needs

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    Background. Teachers who are in favour of education of students with special needs (SEN) together with their peers (inclusive education) appreciate the role of parents in the education process of students. However, Čiuladienė and Paužienė (2012) indicate that the majority of Lithuanian general education schools are not sufficiently prepared for inclusive education. Methods. The sample consisted of 170 parents of students with SEN in grades 5–10. The scale of Parental Involvement in School was used to establish parental involvement in children’s education process. Results. The parent involvement levels in children’s education process were established using three five-point scales: Parent Involvement with Teacher/School – 1.60 points; Teacher Involvement with Parent – 2.22 points; Parent Involvement with Child’s Schoolwork – 3.03 points. More educated parents compared to parents with lower education indicated that communicating with teachers they really felt equal partners (χ2=20.37, p<.001). Parents admit that better collaboration between parents and teachers can more encourage open and honest communication between them (63.5%). A little less than three-quarters of parents often or very often received information from teachers about their children’s learning and behaviour. Parents who claimed to have sufficient knowledge of educating their children sometimes indicated that they needed teachers and other professionals to help them with their children’s development problems (χ2=14.11, p<.001). Conclusions. Most parents were involved in the education of pupils with SEN at home but they were little involved in their children’s educational process at school and other school activities

    Non-invasive muscle temperature control during cooling

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    The aim of this work was to investigate the possibilities of using the non-invasive method to control the temperature of deep layers in limb tissues during cooling, using thermistors as temperature sensors. The invasive temperature control of the deep tissue layers is not always acceptable to the test subject. The temperature distribution was simulated using computer software, when the limb was cooled in the +15 °C temperature water bath and frozen by adding the ice pack. The temperature was measured experimentally by using thermistor as a temperature sensor. The uncertainty of calibrated temperature transducer was ±0.05 °C. The 3 cm thickness layer of thermal insulation separated the temperature sensor from the cooling agent. After 30 min of cooling the tissue surface temperature at the sensor attachment point was 31.5±0.65 °C. During modeling it was determined, that in case when temperature underneath the sensor was 31.5 °C, then the tissue temperature in 30 mm depth should be 31.9 °C, what corresponds to the temperature values determined by other researchers using invasive measurements under analogous conditions. On the basis of the study results the structure of a hand-held device for control of temperature in deeper muscle layers via measurement of the skin surface temperature was offered

    From cooperation of parents and educators towards empowering partnership

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    Background. Partnership in this thesis is interpreted as the responsibility of children education which is taken by the members and their activity. The main role of the partners is to organize the environment of preschool education for children to use their prior knowledge and experience to understand new information and meaningful context. Methods. Two questionnaires were included in this research, 191 parents and 199 educators were questioned. Results. Educators and parents generally see the purpose of preschool education institution to stimulate the child’s social and cognitive development (88.9%) and considerably rarely the purpose is related to meeting the natural needs of a child (32.2%). Educators more often than parents thought that it was necessary to strengthen the education of parents in partnership with their children’s education (p<.001). Mutual ambition to collaborate (67.3%), better education of parents (49.2%), the maintenance of permanent connection (41.7%), information exchange (49.7%) and better confidence in each other (45.7%) would be helpful in seeking for more effective cooperation. Conclusions. Only a small percentage of parents understand that preschool education is most important to meet the natural needs of children, create healthy situations for the development of children’s inborn inclinations. Educators are not reoriented enough to the tendencies of nowadays and only one third of them believe in its importance to meet the natural needs of a child. In most cases parents and educators indicated the same factors which might influence empowering of parents and educators for the education cooperation which would develop into to partnership, but the importance of the factors was often different

    Kūno kultūros mokytojų ir mokinių požiūriai į tolerancijos apraiškas

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    Research background and hypothesis. In academic literature construct of tolerance has not been sufficiently revealed, limits of tolerance are not clear, especially they vary in different cultures. There is a noticeable increase in the number of children from various ethnic groups in Lithuanian schools. Therefore, multidimensional knowledge of various manifestations of tolerance/intolerance is of great importance. Research aim was to reveal attitudes of PE teachers and students towards manifestations of tolerance/intolerance. Research methods. In our research questionnaire was applied with six groups of tolerance manifestations distinguished altogether with 36 related statements. There were six other statements according to six groups of tolerance manifestations for the potential behavior of participants. Validity of the questionnaire was examined calculating Cronbach’s constant α: for the first part of the questionnaire Cronbach’s α=0.87, and for the second – α=0.79. Values of χ2 and Student’s t criterion were calculated. The sample of the research included 243 students of IX-XII classes form regional schools, 129 students of the same age from city schools, 47 physical education teachers from city schools and 38 teachers from regional schools. Research results. We found statistically significant difference (p0.05).However, there were statistically significant differences between positive attitudes towards tolerance of students from city schools and PE teachers from city schools (χ2(5)=37.27; p0.05). Discussion and conclusion: in fact, attitudes towards intolerance, which are incident to the PE teachers from city schools and their colleagues from regional schools, did not differ, but they contrasted with students’ attitudes. In cases of intolerance manifestations, students from city schools would be more passive than students from regional schools, but PE teachers from city schools would be more active than their students