31 research outputs found

    Zbijenost zemljišta kao posledica načina korišćenja

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    Long-standing utilization of agricultural machines in agricultural production leads to a significant increase of compaction in noncarbonate, slightly smonitza - like meadow black soils, in the Kolubara river valley. A substantial increase of compaction in the investigated soils was found in arable and subarable horizons down to the depth of 30 cm. The compaction increase induced negative changes in other most important physical properties of soil, like the increase of bulk density and packing density of soil particles, and the decrease of total porosity, content of pores > 30 mm and void ratio.Višegodišnje korišćenje poljoprivredne tehnike u intenzivnoj poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji dovelo je do znatnog povećanja zbijenosti beskarbonatnih, slabo smoničavih livadskih crnica u dolini reke Kolubare. Znatno povećanje zbijenosti u istraženim zemljištima utvrđeno je u oraničnom i podoraničnom horizontu do 30 cm dubine. Povećanje zbijenosti negativno se odrazilo i na ostale najvažnije fizičke osobine zemljišta, i to uglavnom na znatno povećanje zapreminske mase i gustine pakovanja zemljišnih čestica, kao i na znatno smanjenje ukupne poroznosti, sadržaja pora > 30 µm i koeficijenta pora

    Agregatni sastav karbonatnih černozema Južnog Banata

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    In order to estimate the aggregate composition of carbonate loamy chernozems on the loess of South Banat, utilized as cultivated and pasture, fractionation was performed of individual categories of structural aggregates according to their size and also the determination of structure coefficient, mean weight diameter and geometric mean diameter of the dry structural aggregates. Laboratory analyses involved soil samples of the humus, i.e. arable (0-20-30 cm) and subarable horizons (20-40 and 40-60 cm) from 24 profiles of cultivated land and the samples of surface (0-20-30 cm) and subsurface layers (20-40 and 40-60 cm) of the humus horizons of 4 pasture profiles. The results of the investigations showed that beside favorable, mainly crumby-beady structure there appeared also significant differences in aggregate composition, both between various profiles, in dependence on the utilization mode of the soil, and between various depth zones of the humus horizon. The content of agronomical most valuable aggregates fraction (0.25-10 mm) in all depth zones of the humus horizon of the investigated profiles is >60%, which is, according to the classification by ŠEIN et al. (2001), a characteristic of good-structured soil. According to the values of structure coefficient and the mentioned classification, the cultivated soil profiles (1.5-2.42) show good, and those from pasture (1.15-1.70) satisfactory structure. In cultivated soil profiles, mean weight diameter and geometric mean diameter of the dry aggregates is significantly higher than in those from the pasture, and when they are larger, the structure of the soil is better and vice versa. .U cilju ocene agregatnog sastava karbonatnih ilovastih černozema na lesu Južnog Banata, pri njivskom i pašnjačkom načinu korišćenja, izvršeno je frakcionisanje pojedinih kategorija strukturnih agregata prema njihovoj veličini i određivanje koeficijenta strukturnosti, srednjeg masenog i srednjeg geometrijskog dijametra strukturnih agregata. Laboratorijskim analizama obuhvaćeni su zemljišni uzorci humusnog, odnosno oraničnog (0-20-30 cm) i podoraničnog horizonta (20-40 i 40-60 cm) iz 24 njivska profila i uzorci površinske (0-20-30 cm) i podpovršinskih proba (20-40 i 40-60 cm) humusnog horizonta iz 4 pašnjačka profila. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da pored povoljne, pretežno mrvičasto-graškaste strukture postoje i znatne razlike u agregatnom sastavu kako među raznim profilima, u zavisnosti od načina korišćenja zemljišta, tako i u raznim dubinskim zonama humusnog horizonta. Sadržaj agronomski najpovoljnijih agregata (0.5-10 mm) u svim dubinskim zonama humusnog horizonta istraženih profila je > 60%, što je, prema klasifikaciji Šein-a et al. (2001), karakteristika zemljišta dobre strukture. Prema vrednostima koeficijenta strukturnosti i navedenoj klasifikaciji njivski profili (1.5-2.42) pokazuju dobru, a pašnjački (1.15-1.70) zadovoljavajuću strukturnost. U njivskim profilima prosečni maseni i geometrijski prečnik agregata znatno je veći nego u pašnjačkim, a kada su njihove vrednosti veće struktura zemljišta je bolja i obratno.

    Suitability of leached soils of Western Serbia for potato growing

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    Potato can be grown on a large number of soil types. In order to determine the suitability of leached soils for potato growing in Western Serbia, a trial was set up with the aim of observing agrophysical and agrochemical properties of this type of soil in the region of the Radočelo mountain massif in 2020. Three soil profiles were opened. Results pointed out that leached soils of Western Serbia are suitable for potato growing according to their agrophysical properties, but unfavourable as regards some agrochemical parameters (a low content of available phosphorus, high values of active, exchangeable, and hydrolytic acidity). Nevertheless, it is possible to achieve high yields that approach the biological potential of potato using appropriate soil amendment practices (timely application of proper amounts of the complex NPK fertiliser with increased phosphorus and potassium levels, basal liming of the soil along with manuring, and use of physiologically neutral nitrogen fertilisers)

    How Irrigation Water Affects the Yield and Nutritional Quality of Maize (Zea mays L.) in a Temperate Climate

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    Soil water deficit has an adverse effect on crop productivity and is one of the main limiting factors of global food security. Field experiments were conducted in Vojvodina, Serbia, to expand and improve knowledge about the effects of different levels of irrigation on maize grain yield and quality. The studied irrigation treatments were: full irrigation (I-100), 75% (I-75) and 50% (I-50) of I-100, and no irrigation (I-0)-rainfed. The irrigation level affects maize grain yield; protein, starch, and oil content; and mineral composition. The results show that that yield decreases with increasing water deficit in three study years. On average, full irrigation results in the highest oil content and rainfed conditions in the lowest. The starch content increases and the oil content decreases with decreasing irrigation. Irrigation significantly increases the concentrations of K, Mg, Fe, Mn, and Zn, and reduces the Ca concentration compared to the rainfed treatment. A 25% water deficit (I-75) has a positive effect on certain maize grain nutrients and the yield is significantly reduced. The highest grain yield and oil content are achievable with full irrigation. For good nutrientional quality of maize, treatment I-75 can be proposed under similar soil and climate conditions

    Kiselost i sadržaj pokretljivog aluminijuma u pseudoglejnim zemljištima Čačansko-kraljevačke kotline

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    Soil acidity and aluminum toxicity are considered the most damaging soil conditions affecting the growth of most crops. This paper reviews the results of tests of pH, exchangeable acidity and the mobile aluminum (Al) concentration in profiles of pseudogley soils from the Čačak-Kraljevo Basin. For these purposes, 102 soil pits were dug in 2009 in several sites around the Čačak-Kraljevo Basin. The tests encompassed 54 field, 28 meadow, and 20 forest soil samples. Samples of soil in a disturbed state were taken from the Ah and Eg horizons (102 samples), from the B1tg horizon in 39 field, 24 meadow and 15 forest pits (a total of 78 samples) and from the B2tg horizon in 14 field, 11 meadow, and 4 forest pits (a total of 29 samples). The mean pH values (1 M KCl) of the tested soil profiles were 4.28, 3.90 and 3.80 for the Ah, Eg and B1tg horizons, respectively. The soil pH of the forest samples was lower than those in the meadow and arable land samples (mean values of 4.06, 3.97 and 3.85 for arable land, meadow and forest samples, respectively). The soil acidification was especially intensive in the deep horizons; thus, 27 (Ah), 77 (Eg) and 87 % (B1tg) of the soil samples had a pH value below 4.0. The mean values of the total exchangeable acidity (TEA) were 1.55, 2.33 and 3.40 meq (100 g)-1 for the Ah, Eg and B1tg horizons, respectively. The TEA values in the forest soils were considerably higher (3.39 meq (100 g)-1) than those in the arable and meadow soils (1.96 and 1.93 meq (100 g)-1, respectively). The mean mobile Al contents of the tested soil samples were 11.02, 19.58 and 28.33 mg Al (100 g)-1 for the Ah, Eg and B1tg horizons, respectively. According to the pH and TEA values, mobile Al was considerably higher in the forest soils (a mean value of 26.08 mg Al (100 g)-1) than in the arable and meadow soils (mean values of 16.85 and 16.00 mg Al (100 g)-1, respectively). The Eg and B1tg horizons of the forest soil had especially high mobile Al contents (mean values of 28.50 and 32.95 mg Al (100 g)-1, respectively). High levels of mobile Al were especially frequent in the forest soils, with 35 (Ah), 85.0 (Eg) and 93.3 % (B1tg) of the tested samples ranging above 10 mg Al (100 g)-1.Kiselost zemljišta i toksičnost aluminijuma se smatraju najvažnijim faktorima koji ograničavaju rast biljaka na kiselim zemljištima. U ovom radu su ispitivani pH vrednost zemljišta i sadržaj pokretljivog aluminijuma (Al) u profilima zemljišta pseudogleja Čačansko-kraljevačke kotline. Ukupno 102 zemljišna profila su otvorena tokom 2009. godine na pojedinim lokalitetima Čačansko-kraljevačke kotline. Istraživanjima je obuhvaćeno 54 uzorka sa oranica, 28 sa livada i 20 uzoraka iz profila koji su otvoreni pod šumskom vegetacijom. Iz otvorenih profila, uzeti su uzorci zemljišta u poremećenom stanju iz Ah i Eg horizonta (102 profila), a zatim iz B1tg horizonta sa 39 oranica, 24 livade i 15 šumskih profila (ukupno 78) i iz B2tg horizonta 14 oranica, 11 livada i 4 šumska profila (ukupno 29). Prosečna pH vrednost (1 M KCl) ispitivanih zemljišnih profila je 4,28, 3,90 i 3,80, za Ah, Eg i B1tg horizonte. Takođe, pH vrednost zemljišta šumskih profila je niža u poređenju sa livadama i obradivim zemljištem (4,06, 3,97 i 3,85, za obradivo zemljište, livade i šume). Zemljišna kiselost je posebno izražena u dubljim horizontima, jer 27 (Ah), 77 (Eg) i 87 % (B1tg) zemljišnih profila imaju pH vrednost nižu od 4,0. Srednja ukupna razmenljiva kiselost (TEA) ispitivanih zemljišnih profila je 1,55, 2,33 i 3,40 meq (100 g)-1, u Ah, Eg i B1tg horizontima. Međutim, kod šumskim zemljištima TEA je znatno viša (prosečno 3,39 meq (100 g)-1) nego kod obradivog zemljišta i livada (1,96 i 1,93). Prosečan sadržaj pokretljivog Al u ispitivanim zemljištima je 11,02, 19,58 i 28,33 mg Al (100 g)-1, u Ah, Eg i B1tg horizontima. Usled razlika u pH i TEA vrednostima njegov sadržaj u šumskim zemljištima je znatno viši (prosečno 26,08 mg Al (100 g)-1) nego kod obradivog zemljišta i livada (16,85 i 16,00 Al (100 g)-1). Eg i B1tg horizonti šumskog zemljišta imaju posebno visok sadržaj pokretljivog Al (28,50 i 32,95 mg Al (100 g)-1). Učestalost visokog nivoa pokretljivog Al u šumskim zemljištima postoji zbog toga što 35 (Ah), 85.0 (Eg) i 93.3 % (B1tg) ispitivanih profila poseduju više od 10 mg Al (100 g)-1

    Zemljišni indikatori u održivoj poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji

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    The purpose of this paper is to present and discuss soil physical, chemical and biological indicators at the national level, as well as the progress made in their use for sustainable development assessment. The population pressure adds to the need protect the existing soil resources. There is therefore a need for developing soil indicators in order to measure the sustainability of land use and management for different human activities. Efforts are made towards a better understanding of the factors that may affect the soil resource, and these factors are then translated into indicators. Only an integrated approach combining several relevant indicators can give answers to the complex questions of soil quality and sustainable soil use. .Zemljište je neobnovljivi prirodni resurs koji omogućava gajenje biljaka za ishranu ljudi i industrijsku preradu. Stoga je njegova produktivnost u našoj zemlji, a i u mnogim drugim razvijenijim zemljama sveta, važan faktor ekonomije. Osim toga ono ima mnogo širu globalnu funkciju. Zemljište deluje kao filter koji prečišćava vodu i vazduh. Ono razmenjuje gasove sa atmosferom i tako utiče na globalnu klimu. Zemljište je važan medijum u kojem se deponuju i razgrađuju različiti otpaci. Zbog toga što igra ključnu ulogu u svetskom zdravlju, ekonomiji i stabilnosti životne sredine, moramo ga čuvati i koristiti na održivi način. Poljoprivredni zemljišni resursi su kod nas i u svetu ograničeni i neravnomerno raspoređeni. Pored toga, sve veći demografski pritisak dodatno zahteva očuvanje postojećih zemljišnih resursa. Zato je potrebno odrediti indikatore za ocenu održivog korišćenja zemljišta za različite ljudske aktivnosti. Indikatori su određeni na nacionalnom nivou i internacionalno su prihvatljivi. Pri izboru indikatora vodilo se računa da oni treba da daju odgovor u razumnom vremenskom periodu, verovatno manjem od 3 godine.

    Effect of different rates and methods of application of NPK-fertilizers on the quality of potato tubers

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    Research on the effect of different rates and methods of application of mineral NPK fertilizers on the quality of potato variety 'Carrera' was conducted on a luvisol of the Radočelo Mountain massif. Treatments included an unfertilized control, NPK 16:16:16 (1500 kg/ha) applied in-furrow at planting, NPK 16:16:16 (1200 kg/ha) applied in-furrow at planting, and NPK 16:16:16 applied at 700 kg/ha during seedbed preparation and at 500 kg/ha in-furrow at planting. Results on the nutritional value of potato tubers showed that the levels of tested nutrients were higher in the skin than in the flesh. The concentrations of tested nutrients in potato tubers were highest at the highest NPK fertilizer rate, whereas the lowest levels of all nutrients, except Fe, were determined in tubers at NPK rates of 700 kg/ha applied pre-plant and 500 kg/ha applied at planting

    Prinos i kvalitet lucerke u zavisnosti od genotipa i tehnologije gajenja

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    It is essential to apply advanced management for successful production of alfalfa hay with premium quality (high content of protein and minerals). The maximum yield and the best quality of alfalfa in Serbia can be obtained by cutting four or five times per year. In alfalfa stands, use of cutting system with three cuts per year is inefficient and does not allow full exploitation of cultivar genetic potential and environmental conditions. It is possible, and economically beneficial to grow alfalfa on pseudoglay soils after application of lime and organic manure, with recommended rates 2.5 t ha-1 lime and 30 t ha-1 manure. Cutting alfalfa at the beginning of flowering stage (5 cuts per year) provides hay with better quality - higher content of crude protein and lower portion of fibre fractions (neutral detergent fibre, acid detergent fibre, acid detergent lignin), and there is no reduction in dry matter yield. There is no differences in alfalfa quality after application of lower (2.5 t ha-1) and higher dose (5.0 t ha-1) of lime + 30 t ha-1 of organic manure, but there is significant increase of dry matter yield and protein yield per hectare followed by higher level of metabolic energy per unit area. Upon the results of this study, base of successful alfalfa production would be to develop management system and cultivars for different environments that would maximize hay yields without significant loses of quality.Cilj rada je bio da se utvrdi uticaj genotipa i tehnologije gajenja na prinos i kvalitet lucerke. Postavljena su dva ogleda sa istim setom sorti (Banat VS, Nijagara, NS Alfa i NS Mediana ZMS V) na lokalitetima Rimski šančevi i Drakčići - rejon Kraljeva. Na lokalitetu Čenej ispitivan je uticaj sorte i sistema kosidbe na prinos i kvalitet lucerke, dok je u regionu Kraljeva ispitivan uticaj genotipa i različitih tretmana đubrenja krečom i stajnjakom. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da za uspešnu proizvodnju treba sejati sortno seme lucerke, a da izbor sorte zavisi od ekoloških uslova (zemljišta) i primenjene agrotehnike (režima kosidbe, đubrenja, navodnjavanja). Košenjem lucerke 3 puta godišnje ne iskorišćavaju se genetički potencijal sorte i agroekološki uslovi naše zemlje. Na pseudoglejnim zemljištima se može gajiti lucerka, posle primene krečnog materijala i stajnjaka. Rezultati ukazuju na značaj primene 2,5 t/ha kreča i 30 t/ha stajnjaka. Košenjem u fazi početka cvetanja (5 otkosa) dobija se bolji kvalitet - veći sadržaj sirovih proteina i manji udeo frakcija celuloze (NDF, ADF, ADL), a ne dolazi do smanjenja prinosa suve materije lucerke. Kvalitet lucerke se ne razlikuje posle primene niže (2,5 t/ha) i više (5,0 t/ha) doze krečnog materijala i 30 t/ha stajnjaka, ali dobija se povećanje prinosa suve materije, a time i veći prinos proteina i veća metabolička energija (NEM, NEL) po jedinici površine. Prinos i kvalitet suve materije lucerke najviše zavise od tehnologije gajenja (nivoa agrotehnike) i izbora sorte

    Preliminary results of testing blue lupin (Lupinus atiqustifolius L) in Serbia

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    Contemporary breeding programs on blue lupin, such as the one that is carried out in the Saatzucht Steinach QmbH in Bornhof, Germany, are aimed at the improvement of tolerance to abiotic and biotic stress and certain morphological and physiological changes. Although blue lupin is almost completely unknown in Serbia a recently launched breeding programme on white and blue lupins in the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad provided encouraging results on the introduction of these two species in the country. A small-plot trial was carried out on a pseudogley soil at the Experiment Field of the Dr. Đorđe Radić Secondary School of Agriculture in Kraljevo. In comparison with all other cultivars, the cultivar Bolivio produced a significantly higher grain yield (3005 kg ha-1) at the both levels of 0.05 and 0.01, while the lowest grain yield was in the cultivar Boruta (1425 kg ha-1)

    Uticaj kalcifikacije na promene agrohemijskih osobina pseudogleja i prinos lucerke

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    The paper examines the effects of lime application at the rate of 3 t/ha on pseudogley soil agrochemical changes and alfalfa yield during a two-year period. The applied lime in combination with mineral fertilizers significantly decreased acidity in H20 (by 0.6 pH units) and in nKCl (by 0.81 pH units). At the same time, there was increase in phosphorus availability (from 6.2 mg/100g of soil, control, to 19.1 mg/100 g of soil, variant with lime) and soil base saturation percentage in the 0-30 cm arable horizon. The performed liming intensified organic matter mineralization, which caused decrease of humus content as well as of mobile Al and Fe content compared to control. Moderate liming improved pseudogley agrochemical properties, which was manifested by increased alfalfa yield. In the first study year 19.7 t/ha of forage and 5.7 t/ of hay, respectively, was produced in control variant, while 28.5 t/ha of forage and 8.2 t/ha of hay, respectively, was produced in a variant with liming. Even higher yield was achieved in the second year of alfalfa utilization (8.5 t/ha of forage and 2.2 t/ha of hay, respectively, was produced in control, and 71 t/ha of forage and 16.3 t/ha of hay, respectively, in a variant with liming). .Loše agrofizičke, a naročito agrohemijske osobine pseudoglejnih zemljišta okoline Kraljeva su ograničavajući faktor za gajenje lucerke. Cilj ovih istraživanja je bio da se melirativnom đubrenjem zemljišta-primenom kalcifikacije poprave agrohemijska svojstva pseudogleja i povisi prinos zelene krme i sena lucerke. Rezultati ovih istraživanja pokazuju da se umerenom kalcifikacijom od 3 t/ha kreča može značajno smanjiti kiselost za 0,6 pH jedinica u r^O, i za 0,81 pH jedinicu u nKCl. Smanjenjem kiselosti povećana je pristupačnost fosfora (sa 6,2 mg/100g zemljišta, kontrola, na 19,1 mg/100g zemljišta varijanta sa primenom kreča) i povećan stepen zasićenosti zemljišta bazama u oraničnom horizontu od 0-30cm. Izvedena kalcifikacija pojačala je mineralizaciju organske materije što je uticalo na smanjenje sadržaja humusa, a takođe smanjenje i sadržaja mobilnog Al i Fe u odnosu na kontrolu varijantu. Popravljena agrohemijska svojstva pseudogleja doprinela su povećanju prinosa krme i sena lucerke. U prvoj godini na kontrolnoj varijanti ostvaren je prinos krme od 19,7 t/ha, odnosno 5,7 t/ha sena, dok na varijanti sa primenom kreča 28,5 t/ha krme, odnosno 8,2 t/ha sena. To povećanje prinosa još je vise bilo izraženo u drugoj godini iskorišćavanja lucerke (kontrola 8,5 t/ha krme, odnosno 2,2 t/ha sena, a varijanta sa krečom 71,4 t/ha krme, odnosno 16,3 t/ha sena)