3 research outputs found

    Quality management in chemical laboratories

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na systém managementu jakosti a jeho funkcí v chemických analytických laboratořích. V literární části je věnován prostor pro analýzu vývoje a perspektivy v řízení chemických organizacích se zkoušebními laboratořemi a s laboratořemi působící jako samostatný celek. Zpracován je význam zavádění systému managementu jakosti (SMJ) podle požadavků normy ČSN EN ISO 9001:2009 a sledovali účinek SMJ na poskytování kvalitních služeb a výrobků. V rámci bakalářské práce jsou uvedeny nástroje managementu jakosti pro zabezpečnování jakosti. V praktické části je vypracována příručka jakosti pro fiktivní laboratoř ICQS zabývající se analýzou vody v souladu s normou ČSN EN ISO 9001:2009.The bachelor‘s thesis is oriented on system management of quality and his function in chemical analytical laboratories. In the literary part the space is devoted to analysis of development and perspective in chemical‘s operating in organization with experimental laboratories and with laboratories occuring as independent unit. The meaning of implementing system management of quality is processed according to requierement of standard CSN EN ISO 9001:2009 and we monitored the effect of QMS on provide quality services and products. The tools of management quality for safety quality are mentioned in terms of bachelor’s thesis. In practical part the handbook of quality is worked out for fictive laboratory ICQS which deal with analysis of water in harmony with standard CSN EN ISO 9001:2009.

    Monitoring of changes of yeasts population in the production of red wine

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    The aim of this diploma thesis is the identification of yeasts isolated during grape must fermentation. The must was obtained from Pinot Noir varieties grown in an integrated and organic production. The partner of this thesis was a winery Holánek. In the theoretical part of the work was the emphasis on information about the determinants quality of wine, yeasts and PCR-RFLP method. Physiological properties of yeasts were described and also the principles of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were explained. In the experimental part of the thesis was applied molecular biology method PCR-RFLP for identification of yeasts. The specific segment of DNA was amplified (5, 8S-ITS rDNA sequencing) with the help of ITS1 and ITS4 primers. The incurred amplicons were digested by applying restriction endonucleases: HaeIII, HinfI and TaqI. Subsequently the restriction fragments were analysed by using of electrophoresis. The yeasts were identified and classified by taxonomy on the level of genera and species