56 research outputs found

    Rezultati oplemenjivanja salatnog krastavca (Cucumis sativus L.) u Institutu za povrtarstvo, Smederevska Palanka

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    Market significance of cucumber for fresh consumption and the new technology of growing make it one of the most attractive vegetable variety. Interest of producers is higher every day, while the selection of new varieties is very low. The aim of this research was the selection of cucumber intended for fresh consumption with good agronomic traits intended for growing in the greenhouses and in the open field. The researchers of the Institute for Vegetable Crops, Smederevska Palanka created new cucumber hybrid which was recognized by Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia, Department for Plant protection in 2013, under the name 'Kralj'.TržiÅ”na značajnost salatnog krastavca i nove tehnologije gajenja čine da on postaje jedna od najatraktivnijih povrtarskih vrsta. Zainteresovanost proizvođača je sve veća a domaća selekcija sorata na ovoj povrtarskoj vrsti je jako oskudna. Cilj ovog istraživanja je selekcija salatnog krastavca sa dobrim agronomskim osobinama namenjenog za gajenje u zaÅ”tićenom prostoru i na otvorenom polju. Novi hibrid salatnog krastavca Kralj, kreiran je u Institutu za povrtarstvo, Smederevska Palanka. Hibrid je priznat kod MPVÅ , RS, Uprava za zaÅ”titu bilja, 2013 godine pod nazivom Kralj

    Pojavnost patoloŔkih promjena na vučjim zubima (Canis lupus L.) u Hrvatskoj.

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    Skulls (N = 34) of gray wolves (Canis lupus) from Croatia were examined for acquired pathological changes of teeth. Skulls originated from wolves which had died due to various reasons in Croatia between 1997 and 2006. Age of examined animals ranged from 7 months to 8.5 years. Three skulls (8.9%) had pathological changes of teeth or alveolar bone. All dentitions with pathological changes belonged to females older than 2 years. Periodontitis, with changes in the alveolar bone, was determined on the alveolus of lower fourth premolar (P4) in two individuals and on the alveolus of the mandibular first molar (M1) in one specimen. A complicated crown-root fracture was found in two individuals. All caries lesions were found on premolars and molars. Caries was found on the upper jaw in one animal and on the lower jaw of another animal, while a third animal had it on both jaws. Pathological changes in the dentition of wolves in Croatia have not been previously recorded in Croatia. Data on pathological changes of wolvesā€™ teeth contribute to the knowledge of biology and health of this species, especially on factors limiting longevity.Pregledane su 34 lubanje sivoga vuka (Canis lupus) i opisane stečene patoloÅ”ke promjene na zubima. Lubanje su potjecale od vukova koji su zbog različitih razloga stradali u Hrvatskoj od 1997. do 2006. godine. Dob tih vukova kretala se u rasponu od sedam mjeseci do osam i pol godina. PatoloÅ”ke promjene na alveolarnoj kosti zabilježene su na zubalima triju lubanja, odnosno na 8,8% pregledanih lubanja. Sve lubanje na čijim su zubalima nađene patoloÅ”ke promjene pripadale su ženkama starijima od dvije godine. U dvije jedinke opisan je periodontitis s promjenama u alveolarnoj kosti donjega četvrtoga pretkutnjaka (P4), a u jedne na gornjem prvom kutnjaku (M1). Potpuna fraktura zuba opisana je u dvije jedinke. U sve tri jedinke na pretkutnjacima i kutnjacima bio je prisutan i karijes i to na zubima gornje čeljusti kod jedne, donje čeljusti kod druge, a kod treće na zubima donje i gornje čeljusti. U hrvatskoj literaturi dosad nisu opisane patoloÅ”ke promjene na zubalu u ove vrste velike zvijeri. Podatci o patoloÅ”kim promjenama na vučjim zubima pridonose boljem poznavanju biologije, osobito čimbenika koji utječu na životni vijek ove vrste


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    Uvod: Cijepljenje je najučinkovitija preventivna mjera koja pored sprječavanja i/ili smanjenja obo-lijevanja od zaraznih bolesti kao dodanu vrijednost zdravstvenom sustavu donosi smanjenje troÅ”kova liječenja i boravka u bolnici. Cjeloživotno cijepljenje predstavlja cijepljenje u različitim uzrastima ti-jekom života i uključuje cijepljenje i docjepljivanje protiv bolesti kojima možemo biti izloženi u okruženju u kojem živimo i radimo ili kojima možemo biti izloženi na putovanjima u strane zemlje. Ka-da se govori o cijepljenju, uobičajeni fokus jest cijepljenje djece, dok se o važnosti cijepljenja u odraslih i starijih osoba, osobito onih s postojećim kroničnim stanjima joÅ” uvijek dovoljno ne govori. Cilj rada bio je prikazati dodanu vrijednost cjeloživotnog cijepljenja u obliku smanjenja troÅ”kova u zdravstvu uslijed liječenja i boravka u bolnici i smanjenja propisivanja antibiotika. Metode: Pregled i analiza publikacija i izvjeŔća o cijepljenju Hrvatskog zavoda za javno zdravstvo i dostupne literature u bibliografskoj bazi PubMed. Pregled literature učinjen je prema ključnim riječima ā€žvaccinationā€œ i ā€žcostsā€œ, a u analizu su uključeni radovi na engleskom jeziku publicirani u periodu od 2010. do 2019. godine. Za potrebe ovog rada analizirano je ukupno 10 publikacija. Rezultati i diskusija: Podaci iz literature pokazuju kako se cjeloživotno cijepljenje najčeŔće razmatra u kontekstu cijepljenja mladeži i odraslih protiv humanog papiloma virusa (HPV), kroničnih bolesnika (kao Å”to su kardiovaskularne bolesti, kronična opstruktivna bolest pluća (KOPB), dijabetes) protiv gripe te cijepljenjem odraslih i starijih osoba protiv pneumokoka. Cijepljenje predÅ”kolske i Å”kolske djece pov-ezuje se najčeŔće s cijepljenjima u sklopu nacionalnih programa cijepljenja i postojećim preporukama. U Hrvatskoj se cijepljenjem predÅ”kolske i Å”kolske djece postižu zadovoljavajući cjepni obuhvati za obavezna cijepljenja. Kada se radi o cijepljenju odraslih osoba, osobito kroničnih bolesnika, dostupni su samo podatci o cjepnim obuhvatima protiv gripe i tetanusa. Cijepljenje protiv tetanusa se provodi u sklopu programa obaveznog cijepljenja i izvjeŔće o cijepljenju za 2017. godini pokazuje cjepni obuhvat manji od 50%. Protiv gripe se proÅ”le sezone u Hrvatskoj cijepilo manje od 10% populacije, među kojim je oko 30% starijih osoba Å”to je značajno manje od preporuka Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije. Prema dostupnim objavljenim podacima o cijepljenju kroničnih bolesnika protiv gripe nije moguće odrediti o kojim kroničnim stanjima se radi. Podaci za zemlje koje imaju obuhvat za cijepljenje protiv gripe viÅ”i od 20%, kao Å”to je Nizozemska i Ujedinjena Kraljevina pokazuju smanjenje hospitalizacija za viÅ”e od 20%, dok se na primjeru Kanade cijepljenje protiv gripe može dovesti u vezu sa smanjenjem propisivanja antibiotika za gotovo od 50%. Istraživanje provedeno u najvećim europskim zemljama pokazalo je da se troÅ”ak cijepljenja pojedinca tijekom života kreće od 443ā‚¬ za zdravu muÅ”ku osobu u Å vedskoj (10 antigena) do 3 395ā‚¬ za žensku osobu koja boluje od kronične bolesti u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu (15 antigena) Å”to je i dalje ekonomski povoljnije od liječenja i zbrinjavanja mogućih posljedica bolesti. Zaključak: Unatoč postojećim dokazima o dobrobiti cijepljenja tijekom cijelog života i preporukama za cijepljenje odraslih i starijih osoba protiv gripe i pneumokoka, praksa cjeloživotnog cijepljenja u Hrvat-skoj joÅ” uvijek ne pokazuje rezultate vidljive na populacijskoj razini, a koji bi mogli ostvariti mjerljiv učinak na uÅ”tede u zdravstvenom sustavu. Kako bi se sagledao pravi potencijal cjeloživotnog cijepljenja kao strategije ne samo za prevenciju bolesti i komorbiditeta nego i u svrhu smanjenja troÅ”kova u zdravstvu ova tema mora zaživjeti izvan stručnih krugova, a na populacijskoj razini trebalo bi postići da pojedinci i zajednice razumiju vrijednost cjepiva i potražuju cijepljenje kao njihovo pravo i odgo-vornost.Introduction: Vaccination is the most effective preventative measure that, in addition to preventing and / or reducing infectious diseases, adds value to the health care system by reducing the costs of treatment and hospitalization. Lifelong vaccination is a vaccination at different ages through life and includes vaccination and revaccination against diseases that we may be exposed in the environment in which we live and work or when traveling abroad. When it comes to vaccination, the usual focus is on vaccination of children, while the importance of vaccination during adulthood and in older age, or es-pecially with pre-existing chronic conditions, is still insufficient. The aim of the paper is to present the added value of lifelong vaccination in the form of cost reduc-tions in healthcare resulting from treatment, hospitalizations and reduction of prescribing of antibiotics. Materials and methods: Review and analysis of publications and vaccination reports of the Croatian Institute of Public Health and available literature in the bibliographic database PubMed. The literature review was conducted according to the keywords ā€žvaccinationā€œ and ā€žcostsā€œ. We have included in the analysis English-language papers published between 2010 and 2019. A total of 10 publications were analysed for the purposes of this paper. Results and discussion: Literature data showed that lifelong vaccination is most often considered in the context of vaccination of young people and adults against human papillomavirus (HPV), chronic patients (such as cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes) against influ-enza, and vaccination of adults and the elderly person against pneumococcal disease. Vaccinations of preschool and school children are most commonly associated with vaccinations from the national vac-cination programs and with existing experts recommendations. In Croatia we are achieving satisfactory vaccination coverage for preschool and school children vaccinations from compulsory vaccination schedule. Tetanus vaccination is part of a compulsory vaccination program and the vaccination report for 2017 showed a vaccine coverage of less than 50%. Last year, less than 10% of the population was vaccinated against flu, including about 30% of the elderly, significantly less than the World Health Organization\u27s recommendations. According to the available published data on the vaccination of chronic flu patients, it is not possible to determine what chronic conditions were involved. Data for countries with an influenza vaccination coverage of more than 20%, such as the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, showed a reduction in hospitalizations of more than 20%, while in Canada, for example, influenza vaccination may be reduced by almost 50%. A study conducted in the largest European countries found that the cost of a lifetime vaccination for an individual ranges from ā‚¬ 443 for a healthy male in Sweden (10 antigens) to ā‚¬ 3 395 for a female patient with chronic illness in the United Kingdom (15 antigens), which is still more economically viable than treating the disease and the possible consequences of the disease. Conclusions: Despite existing evidence of lifelong vaccination benefits and recommendations for vac-cination of adults and the elderly against influenza and pneumococcus, lifelong vaccination practices in Croatia do not yet show results visible at the population level that could have a measurable effect on savings in the health care system. To see the true potential of lifelong vaccination as a strategy not only for the prevention of disease and comorbidity, but also for the purpose of reducing health care costs, this theme should go beyond profession, and at the population level, individuals and communities should recognize the value of vaccines and seek for vaccination as a their right and responsibility

    Clonal persistence of Salmonella enterica serovars Montevideo, Tennessee, and Infantis in feed factories

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    Introduction: Novel molecular techniques applied in biotechnology research have provided sound evidence on clonal persistence of distinct serovars of Salmonella in feed factory environments, over long periods of time (months, even years), which can be responsible for repeated in-house contamination of final products. In this study, we examined the possibility of clonal persistence of isolates of three Salmonella serovars that have been repeatedly identified in animal feed samples from three feed factories throughout a two-year period. Methodology: The isolates Salmonella enterica serovars Tennessee (n = 7), Montevideo (n = 8), and Infantis (n = 4) were tested for genetic diversity using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and multicellular behavior patterns by applying the Congo red agar test. Results: SpeI and XbaI macro-restriction profiles indicated that isolates S. Montevideo and S. Infantis were identical, whereas isolates of S. Tennessee demonstrated greater genetic diversity, although the genetic differences did not exceed 10%. All Salmonella serovars demonstrated the ability to produce predominant matrix compounds essential for biofilm formation, curli fimbriae and cellulose. Conclusions: The identification of identical clones of S. Montevideo and S. Infantis, as well as the minor genetic diversity of S. Tennessee, which have been repeatedly isolated from animal feed in three production plants throughout a two-year period, indirectly suggests the possibility of their persistence in feed factory environments. Their ability to express the key biofilm matrix components further supports this hypothesis

    Generation mean analysis of yield components and yield in tomato (lycopersicon esculentum mill.)

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    Tomato yield depends on two components viz., fruit weight and number of fruit per flower branch. These traits are quantitative and therefore influenced by multiple genes. The objective of this study was to estimate the main gene effects ( additive, dominant and digenic epistasis) and to determine the mode of inheritance for yield components and yield in three tomato cross combinations by generation mean analysis. The trial included genotypes differing in morphology and yield: line DAT, cultivar SP-109 and local population KGZ. The analyzed genotypes belong to tomato germplasm collection of the Institute for Vegetable Crops, Smederevska Palanka, Serbia. Six families per hybrid, including parents, have been tested. Besides, the additive and dominance gene effects, non-allelic gene interactions have been detected for yield components and yield. Duplicate type of epistasis was confirmed for fruit weight and yield in all cases characterized by significant dominance and dominance/dominance effects, which diminishes the effect of dominant genes and makes breeding for yield increase more difficult. Therefore, number of fruits per flower branch increase would be the most efficient strategy for increasing tomato yielding ability

    Synthesis and Structure of Geometric Isomers of 1-[(methoxyimino)ethyl]-ferrocene and Methyl 1\u27-[(methoxyimino)ethyl]ferrocene-1-carboxylate

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    Here we report synthesis, spectral data and single-crystal X-ray molecular and crystal structures of (E)-1-[(methoxyimino)ethyl] ferrocene (2) and (E)-methyl 1\u27-[(methoxyimino)ethyl]ferrocene-1- carboxylate (4). These organometallics are recognized as precursors for optically pure (1- ferrocenylethyl)amine (Fea) and 1\u27-(1-aminoethyl)ferrocene-1-carboxylic acid (Fcca) derivatives. The (E/Z)mixtures of the title compounds 2 and 4 were obtained in ā‰ˆ90 % yield by the action of methoxyamine hydrochloride on acetylferrocene (1) and 1\u27-acetylferrocene-1-carboxylic acid (3). By means of preparative thin layer chromatography the synthesized compounds were separated into 75 % of (E)-2 and 15 % of (Z)-2, as well as into 68 % of (E)-4 and 22 % of (Z)-4. Crystal structures of the dominant isomers of 2 (two molecules within asymmetric unit) and 4 confirm that both compounds exist in (E)-forms. The ferrocenyl moieties deviate slightly from eclipsed conformation in 2 and 4. The intramolecular Cāˆ’HĀ·Ā·Ā·O contact in the C(CH3)āˆ’Nāˆ’OCH3 group (2.670(7) ƅ in the second molecule of 2 and 2.644(6) ƅ in 4) can be regarded as a weak intramolecular hydrogen bond. The crystal packings of 2 and 4 are characterized only by van der Waals forces

    Preparation, Thermal Analysis and Spectral Characterization of the 1:1 Complexes of Mercury(II) Halides and Pseudohalides with 3,4,5,6-Tetrahydropyrimidine-2-thione. Crystal Structures of Bis(3,4,5,6-tetrahydropyrimidine-2-thione-S)mercury(II) Tetrachloro and Tetrabromomercurate(II)

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    Mercury(II) complexes of the type HgX2(H4pymtH) (X = Cl-, Br-, I-, SCN-, CN-; H4pymtH = 3,4,5,6-tetrahydropyrimidine-2-thione) have been obtained and structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction, IR, 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. Single crystal X-ray structure analysis was performed for the chloro and bromo complexes, which were found to be isostructural. Their crystal structures consist of [Hg(H4pymtH)2]2+ complex cations and [HgX4]2- complex anions interconnected by Hgā‹…ā‹…ā‹…X contacts into puckered sheets. The crystal structure of H4pymtH has been redetermined to greater accuracy. In solution NMR spectra of complexes, the greatest complexation effects were found on the 13C Chemical shift of the thio-keto-carbon atom and on the 1H Chemical shift of the NH protons

    Gamma spectrometry control of fish and fish food during 2016-2021.

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    In the current conditions of economic and social development, the danger of radioactive contamination on a large scale has increased significantly due to more frequent accidents at nuclear power plants, which increases the degree of threat to biotechnical production and radiation risk to the population. It is known that the main route of intake of radioactive substances in humans and animals, in the case of radioactive contamination of a territory, is intake through food (it accounts for over 70% of the total intake of radionuclides). It is also known that the basis of any protection, including radiation, is prevention, i.e. cutting the chain of contamination before the contaminant reaches the human or animal body. As the food chain is the main route of intake of radionuclides in the body, it is clear that the protection of that chain can most successfully protect a person. For over 35 years, LABRAH-Laboratory for Radiation Hygiene, as an accredited laboratory, has been performing continuous radiation-hygienic supervision, import-export, over products of animal origin, animal feed, feed additives and other products. This paper presents the results of gamma spectrometric control of fish samples, fish products and fish food in the period from 2015 to 2021. The aim of this paper is to point out the current radiation situation in the field of radiation hygiene control and the manner of implementation of procedures and measures for protection against radioactive contamination of produced radionuclides in regular conditions, as a basis for human and animal health. Based on the results obtained in the period from 2016 to 2021, the activity of 137Cs in fish, fish products and fish food was below the prescribed limits. During this period, there was no additional radioactive pollution of the environment, we mean the nuclear accident in Fukushima, and also that the activities of this radionuclide in our diet are at a very low level.Book of Abstract

    Preparation, thermal analysis and spectral characterization of the 1 : 1 complexes of mercury(II) halides and Pseudohalides with 3,4,5,6-Tetrahydropyrimidine-2-thione. Crystal structures of bis(3,4,5,6-tetrahydropyrimidine-2-thione-S)mercury(II) tetrachloro and tetrabromomercurate(II)

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    Mercury(II) complexes of the type HgX2(H(4)pymtH) (X Cl- Br I-, SCN-, CN-; H(4)pymtH = 3,4,5, 6-tetrahydropyrimidine-2-thione) have been obtained and structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction, IR, H-1 and C-13 NMR spectroscopy. Single crystal X-ray structure analysis was performed for the chloro and bromo complexes, which were found to be isostructural. Their crystal structures consist of [Hg(H(4)pymtH)(2)](2+) complex cations and [HgX4](2-) complex anions interconnected by Hg . . .X contacts into puckered sheets. The crystal structure of H(4)pymtH has been redetermined to greater accuracy. In solution NMR spectra of complexes, the greatest complexation effects were found on the C-13 chemical shift of the thioketo-carbon atom and on the H-1 chemical shift of the NH protons

    Salt-induced changes in the antioxidant system and viability of oilseed rape

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    This work was aimed to investigate the effect of salt (NaCl) stress on three oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) cultivars: 'Banacanka', 'Jasna' and 'Kata'. The following parameters were determined: antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and guaiacol peroxidase (GPX), reduced glutathione (GSH) quantity, lipid peroxidation (LP) intensity, radical-scavenging capacity (DPPH-RSC), hydroxyl radical scavenging ((OH)-O-center dot radicals) and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP). Seed viability was determined using the standard laboratory test for germination as well as the seed accelerated aging test measuring the germination, shoot and root length. The plants were subjected to three salt treatments: 0, 100, 150 and 200 mmol dm(-3) NaCl for 7 days. All three cultivars responded with an increase of lipid peroxidation in seedlings and with a decrease of GPX activity. 'Banacanka' was found to be the most vulnerable cultivar, with an increase of 237% of LP intensity in comparison to the control at the highest NaCl concentration. The induction of the SOD activity was observed for all three cultivars by different NaCl concentrations. The antioxidant capacity measured by FRAP, DPPH-RSC and (OH)-O-center dot radicals was also induced, especially FRAP at the highest concentration in the cultivar 'Jasna' (by 282%). Germination, shoot and root length decreased for all investigated cultivars. Our results showed that cultivar 'Jasna' is the most adapted to salt stress because of the highest SOD activity and accumulation of antioxidants. Furthermore, this research suggests that some of the antioxidant parameters can be useful biochemical markers for the selection of oilseed rape tolerant cultivars under the conditions of salinity
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