7 research outputs found
Reconhecimento e recordação dos produtos exibidos em filmes e em programas emitidos por televisão
The purpose of this article is to investigate product placements in film and broadcast programmes regarding recognition and recall of
product names. The sample consisted of undergraduate male and female students aged 18 to 24 attending a tertiary level institution
in Pretoria, South Africa.
The findings showed that even though there was no perfectly positive relationship between the prominence and recognition of products
placed in films, someone watching a film was more likely to recognise a product if it were to be shown audio-visually. It can therefore be
concluded that if a product is placed more prominently in a film, the recognition thereof will be higher.
This study can be a benchmark as it is one of the first studies conducted in South Africa regarding the perception of product placements
in film.
SPANISH: El propósito de este artículo es investigar la exhibición de productos (product placements ) en películas y en programas emitidos por
televisión, para determinar el grado de reconocimiento y recordación de los nombres de estos productos. La muestra estuvo comprendida
por un grupo de estudiantes de pregrado de una institución universitaria de Pretoria, Sudáfrica. Las edades del grupo oscilaban
entre 18 y 24 años, con individuos de ambos sexos.
Los hallazgos mostraron que a pesar de no existir una relación perfectamente proporcional entre la prominencia y el reconocimiento
de productos mostrados en una película, un espectador es más dado a reconocer un producto si se muestra en una combinación de
estímulos auditivos y visuales. Por tanto, se puede concluir que si un producto se exhibe de manera prominente, su reconocimiento
posterior será más alto.
Este estudio puede tomarse como punto de referencia sobre la comprensión de los “product placements”, por constituirse en uno de
los primeros estudios realizados en Sudáfrica en este campo.
FRENCH: L´objectif de cet article est d´étudier le placement de produits (product placements ) dans les films et les émissions télévisées, afin de
déterminer le degré de reconnaissance et d´évocation des noms de ces produits. L´échantillon, un groupe d´étudiants et d´étudiantes
universitaires de Pretoria, Afrique du Sud, correspondait à une tranche d´âge de 18 à 24 ans.
Selon les résultats obtenus, même s´il n´y a pas de rapport totalement proportionnel entre la proéminence et la reconnaissance de
produits placés dans un film, le spectateur est plus enclin à reconnaître un produit lorsque celui-ci apparaît accompagné de stimulus
auditifs et visuels. Ainsi, il est possible de conclure que lorsqu´un produit est placé de façon proéminente dans un film, plus tard il sera
reconnu davantage.
S´agissant de l´une des premières études réalisées en Afrique du Sud dans ce domaine, elle pourra servir comme point de référence
pour comprendre les « product placements » dans les films.
PORTUGUESE: O propósito deste artigo é investigar a exibição de produtos (product placements ) em filmes e em programas emitidos por televisão,
para determinar o grau de reconhecimento e recordação dos nomes destes produtos. A amostra esteve conformada por um grupo de
estudantes de graduação de uma instituição universitária de Pretoria, África do Sul. As idades do grupo oscilavam entre 18 e 24 anos,
com indivíduos de ambos os sexos.
As descobertas mostraram que, apesar de não existir uma relação perfeitamente proporcional entre a proeminência e o reconhecimento
de produtos mostrados em um filme, um espectador de filmes é mais propenso a reconhecer um produto se este é mostrado em
uma combinação de estímulos auditivos e visuais. Portanto, pode-se concluir que se um produto é exibido de maneira proeminente em
um filme, seu reconhecimento posterior será mais alto.
Este estudo pode ser tomado como um ponto de referência sobre a compreensão dos product placements nos filmes, por constituir-se
em um dos primeiros estudos realizados na África do Sul neste campo
Salinity guidelines for irrigation: Case studies from Water Research Commission projects along the Lower Vaal, Riet, Berg and Breede Rivers
A vast number of projects on salinity in irrigated agriculture were funded by the Water Research Commission (WRC) during the past 40 years. However, due to the diversity of the projects it is virtually impossible to cover all aspects thoroughly in a paper of limited length. Thus this review focuses mainly on projects along the Lower Vaal, Riet, Berg and Breede Rivers in South Africa. The results on the water quality of these rivers indicate that irrigation has led to the deterioration of water sources. There is a direct relationship between river water quality and soils irrigated. Fortunately, effective land-suitability guidelines were developed and applied during the establishment of the major irrigation schemes. This facilitated the management of soils under irrigation. The results from long-term irrigation case studies along the Lower Vaal River and Breede River show that the quality of soils can be improved. The opposite is also true where mismanagement occurred. Research on the salinity threshold of major crops (grapevines, wheat, maize, groundnuts, etc.) confirmed the empiric nature of the guidelines. It is suggested that a more dynamic approach be used for managing salinity under irrigation at farm level, i.e. the use of models. Amongst others, future research should focus on determining the spatial and temporal distribution of salt in irrigated soils
Gender differences on ethically charged product placements : the case of tobacco products, alcoholic beverages and weapons
This study attempts to investigate how males and females aged 18 to 24
accept ethically charged products, in films shown in a cinema-type environment.
The research was in the form of an exploratory study, which attempted to
provide answers regarding this topic in a South African context, as previous
research in this context is limited. The research was executed through the
use of a questionnaire with 223 respondents were initially required to view a
number scenes that were extracted from films that were targeted to this age
It was found that there is no statistically significant difference in the acceptability
between male and female film attendees with regard to tobacco products,
alcoholic beverage products in films. There is no difference in the acceptance
of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages between males and females as
the results show neutral opinions from both of these groups, therefore they
may not be easily persuaded to buy the branded products advertised. However,
the acceptance of weapons between males and females does show a
significant difference as females have a more negative opinion than the neutral
opinion of males.
This study can be a benchmark as it is one of the first studies conducted in South
Africa regarding the perception of ethically charged product placements in film