7 research outputs found

    Efekti isključenja vitaminsko-mineralnih dodataka iz hrane na sadržaj pepela i mikroelemenata u bataku pilića

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    Vitamins and trace minerals are necessary elements for normal functioning of the organism, and these substances must be in sufficient quantities in chicken feed. The assumption was that the body of chickens accumulate a sufficient amount of vitamins and trace elements and their exclusion from diet at the end of fattening period, 12, 8 and 4 days, had no negative impact on the ash and trace element content in the drumstick meat. The experiment was set up with 1400 chicken, divided into 7 groups. Vitamin and mineral supplements are excluded from chicken diet from 30 to 42 days of fattening period. Ash, iron, zinc and copper content were analyzed in drumstick meat. The results show that exclusion of these supplements did not have negative effects to the research parameters.Vitamini i mikroelementi zbog svoje važnosti za normalno funkcionisanje organizma pilića hranom se moraju unositi u dovoljnim koncentracijama. U istraživanjima se pošlo od pretpostavke da se u organizmu pilića akumuliraju dovoljne količine vitamina i mikroelemenata i da njihovo isključivanje pri kraju tovnog perioda, 12, 8 i 4 dana, nema negativnog uticaja na sadržaj pepela i mikroelemenata u bataku pilića. Eksperiment je postavljen na 1400 pilića, podjeljenih u 7 grupa. Vitaminsko-mineralni dodaci isključivani su iz koncentrata od 30-42. dana tova. Analiziran je sadržaj pepela, gvožđa, cinka i bakra u bataku pilića. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da isključenje vitaminsko-mineralnih dodataka nije imalo negativnog efekta na sadržaj ovih materija u bataku pilića

    Sadržaj nezasićenih masnih kiselina u mlijeku u zavisnosti od načina proizvodnje

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    Content of fatty acids in milk varies depending on ways of production, breeding and feeding of cows. On the basis of that it was analysed the content of unsaturated fatty acids in milk from different way of production. There have been determining the amount of unsaturated fatty acids in milk from production to organic principles and in milk from from conventional production. The study was conducted on two farms with different production system in the Republic of Srpska. In the research was done determination of statistically significant differences between the content of unsaturated fatty acids.Sadržaj masnih kiselina u mlijeku varira u zavisnosti od načina proizvodnje, ishrane i držanja krava. Na osnovu toga u ovom radu analiziran je sadržaj nezasićenih masnih kiselina iz različitih vidova proizvodnje. Izvršeno je određivanje količine nezasićenih masnih kiselina u mlijeku iz proizvodnje prema organskim principima i iz konvencionalne proizvodnje. Istraživanje je obavljeno na dvije farme sa različitim načinima proizvodnje koje se nalaze u Republici Srpskoj. U okviru istraživanja izvršeno je i utvrđivanje statistički značajnih razlika između sadržaja nezasićenih masnih kiselina

    Uticaj načina proizvodnje na sadržaj zasićenih masnih kiselina u mleku

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    In this paper is tested the effect of conventional and organic wau of milk production on the content of saturated fatty acids in milk fat. Examination was conducted on two farms in different production systems in the Republic of Srpska. On each farm individually, over a period of 6 months, were tested 12 samples of milk. In the milk samples was determined the content of certain saturated fatty acids and for that results was performed statistical analysis.U ovom radu ispitivan je uticaj konvencionalne i organske proizvodnje mleka na sadržaj zasićenih masnih kiselina u mlečnoj masti. Ispitivanje je izvršeno na dve farme iz različitih sistema proizvodnje u Republici Srpskoj. Sa svake farme pojedinacno, u periodu od 6 meseci, ispitano je po 12 uzoraka mleka. U uzorcima mleka određen je sadržaja određenih zasićenih masnih kiselina a za dobijene rezultete urađena je statistička obrada podataka

    Uticaj različitih nivoa ishrane na karakteristike rasta i teksturu mesa dužičaste pastrmke (oncorhynchus mykiss wal.)

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    Eksperiment je realizovan u laboratoriji za akvakulturu Poljoprivrednog fakulteta Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci. Ukupno je naseljeno 100 jedinki u 5 eksperimentalnih grupa, prosječne individualne mase 91.091.37 g, totalne dužine tijela 20.080.10 cm i dužine tijela do račve repnog peraja 19.370.10 cm (MSEM). Cilj rada je bio praćenje efekata različitih nivoa ishrane na karakteristike rasta i teksturu (tvrdoću) mesa dužičaste pastrmke (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Dužičasta pastrmka u svim eksperimentalnim grupama hranjena je istom hranom, sa različitim nivoima ishrane: 20% (G-20) i 10% manje (G-10) u odnosu na standardni nivo ishrane, standardni nivo ishrane (G100) (preporuka proizvođača hrane), 10% (G+10) i 20% više (G+20) u odnosu na standardni nivo ishrane. Statistički značajna razlika sredina (p<0.05) mase i dužine tijela između posmatranih eksperimentalnih grupa javlja se u drugom periodu. Najmanja potrebna sila (kg) za presijecanje mesa dužičaste pastrmke konstatovana je na početku eksperimenta kod jedinki prosječne mase oko 90 g. Najtvrđe meso je kod riba iz eksperimentalnih grupa G+10 i G-10. Između posmatranih eksperimentalnih grupa konstatovana je statistički značajna razlika sredina (p<0.05) potrebne sile za presijecanje mesa

    Fatty acids in feed of laying hens on the production parameters and the ratio of Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids

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    Enriching table eggs with certain nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids is an ongoing topic. Therefore, the aforementioned research was carried out with the aim of examining the possibility of feeding laying hens with ground flax seed, flax cake and flaxseed oil and their influence on the ratio of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids of table eggs, as well as on certain production parameters. The experiment was set up in a production facility with 192 consuming laying hens 27 weeks old. The laying hens were divided into 4 groups: control group; group fed with flax cake (10%) + flax oil (2%); a group fed with 5% ground flax and a group fed with 10% ground flax. Each group had 8 cages with 6 laying hens, a total of 48 laying hens per group. The production parameters presented in this paper are as follows: number of eggs per laying hen , egg weight and yolk weight. Egg quality indicators were determined at the end of the 5th and 10th week from the start of the experiment, namely: pH of egg white and yolk, polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids ratio, as well as omega-3 and omega-3 fatty acids ratio. The results of the study showed that the inclusion of flax cake, flax oil and ground flaxseed had no negative effects on the shown production parameters and that there was a positive effect of these nutrients on the ratio of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in table eggs

    Micronutrient availability in soils of Northwest Bosnia and Herzegovina in relation to silage maize production

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    Maize (Zea mays L.) is the most widely grown crop in Bosnia and Herzegovina especially in Northwest part of the country. Considering that, the maize is extremely sensitive to micronutrient deficiency the main aim of this study was to asses: (1) micronutrient availability in soil, (2) micronutrient status in silage maize; and (3) the relationship between micronutrient soil availability and maize plant concentration. Soil samples for micronutrient availability (n=112) were collected from 28 farms in 7 municipalities. Plant available micro- and macro- nutrients in soil were extracted using Mehlich-3, except plant available Se was extracted using 0.1M KH2PO4. Result showed that on average there was no significant difference between different soil types regarding their potential in plant available nutrients. P deficiency was present both, in soil and plants in whole region. Soil extractable P was ranging from 0.003-0.13gkg(-1) and total plant P was ranging from 0.79-4.95gkg(-1). Zinc deficiency was observed in two locations both in soil (0.71mgkg(-1); 0.79mgkg(-1)) and plant (11.5mgkg(-1); 15.8mgkg(-1)). Potential Se soil deficiency was observed on some locations, while Se plant status is not high enough to meet daily requirements of farm animals. Extractable soil nutrients could be used as relatively good predictor of potential soil and plant deficiencies, but soil nutrient interactions and climate conditions are highly effecting the plant uptake potential