9 research outputs found

    Multiple organ failure in septic patients

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    Multiple organ failure (MOF) is the main cause of death in ICUs, especially affecting septic patients. It is strongly related to number of systems with failure, type of system involved, risk factors such as age, previous chronic diseases, delayed or inadequate resuscitation, persistent infection, immune suppression, and others. The prognoses is worse for patients rather than in elective or emergency surgical patients. The objective of this article is to provide data from our university teaching hospital ICU related to the incidence of septic patients, the distribution of MOF, and distribution of failure among each of the organs. The mortality rate, relationship between mortality and age, and mortality and types of organs affected were evaluated. The main bacterial causes of sepsis were also identified. A retrospective evaluation was done of 249 patients admitted to the ICU in a 4 month period during 1999. Fifty four patients had sepsis diagnosed by ACCS/SCCM criteria. There were 37 men and 17 women; 24 medical and 30 post-surgical patients (9 after elective surgery and 21 emergency patients). APACHE II score was calculated on admission and MOF, measured for the first five days, was diagnosed using Marshall and Meakins criteria. The statistical method used was non-parametric Mann-Whitney test, p61 years 13/19 (68%), died. There were 23 patients with positive bacterial culture. The most frequent bacteria found were: Pseudomonas aeruginosa (5), multiresistant Acinetobacter baumanii (3), Staphylococcus epidermidis (3), Enterobacter aerogenes (3), Klebsiella pneumoniae (2) and multiresistant Staphylococcus aureus (2). The mean value ± SD of APACHE II (mortality risk) for survivors was 21 ± 18 and for non-survivors 42 ± 26 (p<0.001). We conclude that MOF due to sepsis in an ICU is frequent, with high mortality related to the number of failing organs, age and high APACHE II.10311

    Acute exposure to imidazoline derivatives in children

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    OBJECTIVES: To study acute exposure to imidazoline derivatives in 72 children younger than 15 years of age, followed-up from January 1994 to December 1999. METHODS: This is a retrospective study of 72 patients with age between 2 months and 13 years (median 2 years; 25-75% = 1 to 3 years old) exposed to naphazoline (N=48), fenoxazoline (N=18), oxymetazoline (N=5) and tetrahydrozoline (N=1), through oral (N=46), nasal (N=24) or unknown (N=2) routes. RESULTS: Fifty-seven children developed clinical manifestations such as somnolence (N=34/57), sweating (N=20/57), pallor (N=17/57), hypothermia (N=16/57), bradycardia (N=13/57), cool extremities (N=9/57), restlessness (N=7/57), tachycardia (N=6/57), vomiting (N= 5/57), irregular respiratory pattern and apnea (N= 5/57), miosis/mydriasis (N=4/57). Naphazoline was the active ingredient most frequently involved (N=47), followed by phenoxazoline (N=5) and oxymetazoline (N=4). The onset of clinical manifestations was rapid, beginning within 2 hours after exposure in 32/57 children. Only supportive measures were employed, with one child requiring mechanical ventilation after accidental naphazoline ingestion. In most of the children resolution of symptoms occurred within 24 hours (N= 39/57). No deaths were observed. Patients exposed to naphazoline (N=47/48) presented a higher frequency of clinical signs of poisoning in comparison with those exposed to phenoxazoline (N= 5/18) (p < 0.001). There were no significant differences in the frequency of patients who presented clinical manifestations considering the route of exposure [oral (N=34/46), nasal (N=21/24); p=0.31]. CONCLUSIONS: Most children (especially those younger than 3 years) exposed to imidazoline derivatives (especially naphazoline) presented early signs of poisoning regardless of the exposure route (nasal or oral). The main signs observed were nervous system, cardiovascular and respiratory depression. Most children showed complete resolution of the symptoms within 24 hours.OBJETIVOS: Estudar a exposição aguda a derivados imidazolínicos em crianças com idade inferior a 15 anos, atendidas no período de janeiro de 1994 a dezembro de 1999. MÉTODOS: Neste estudo retrospectivo foram avaliadas 72 crianças com idades entre dois meses e 13 anos, mediana de dois anos (25% a 75%; um a três anos), expostas a nafazolina (n = 48), fenoxazolina (n = 18), oximetazolina (n = 5) e tetrizolina (n = 1); por via oral (n = 46), nasal (n = 24) ou desconhecida (n = 2). RESULTADOS: No total, 57 crianças desenvolveram manifestações clínicas: sonolência (n = 34), sudorese (n = 20), palidez (n = 17), hipotermia (n = 16), bradicardia (n = 13), extremidades frias (n = 9), agitação (n = 7), taquicardia (n = 6), vômitos (n = 34), respiração irregular e apnéia (n = 5), miose/midríase (n = 4), sendo a nafazolina (n = 47), a fenoxazolina (n = 5) e a oximetazolina (n = 4) os princípios ativos mais envolvidos. O início das manifestações clínicas foi rápido, iniciando-se, em 32/57 crianças, até duas horas após a exposição. Somente medidas de suporte foram empregadas, com uma criança necessitando de ventilação mecânica após exposição à nafazolina. Na maioria dos pacientes, o quadro clínico remitiu até 24 horas após a exposição (n = 39/57). Não houve evolução letal. Pacientes expostos à nafazolina (n = 47/48) apresentaram maior freqüência de manifestações clínicas de intoxicação em comparação com aqueles expostos à fenoxazolina (n = 5/18) (p < 0,001). Comparando-se a freqüência de pacientes que desenvolveram manifestações clínicas de acordo com a via de exposição (oral, n = 34/46; nasal, n = 21/24), não foi encontrada uma diferença estatisticamente significante (p = 0,31). CONCLUSÕES: Na maioria dos casos de exposição a derivados imidazolínicos, principalmente à nafazolina e em crianças com menos de três anos de idade, ocorreu, independentemente da via (oral ou nasal), o aparecimento precoce de manifestações clínicas de intoxicação, destacando-se as depressões neurológica, cardiovascular e respiratória, que regrediram até 24 horas após a exposição.519524Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    FDG PET/CT in patients with suspected ovarian câncer recurrence

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    Orientadores: Gustavo Antonio de Souza, Sophie Françoise Mauricette DerchainDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências MédicasResumo: O exame PET/CT com FDG-18F é um método de diagnóstico por imagem, útil em oncologia. O câncer de ovário é o câncer ginecológico de maior letalidade, sendo a terceira neoplasia mais freqüente do trato genital feminino no Brasil. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o PET/CT com FDG-18F em pacientes com suspeita de recidiva de carcinoma de ovário e descrever a distribuição das lesões encontradas. Sujeitos e Métodos: Foram incluídas neste estudo retrospectivo 45 mulheres com suspeita de recidiva de câncer de ovário. As pacientes foram encaminhadas para clínica PET/CT Campinas de novembro 2006 até novembro de 2010, por aumento do CA-125, sintomas clínicos e/ou alterações na ultrassonografia (US), tomografia (TC) ou ressonância (RM). Para a confirmação da recidiva, 15 pacientes foram submetidas à cirurgia e 30 foram acompanhadas por um período mínimo de seis meses. Resultados: Quarenta e duas pacientes foram diagnosticadas com recidiva e três não apresentaram evidência de doença durante o período de acompanhamento. O CA-125 estava aumentado em 34 pacientes, 14 apresentavam sintomas clínicos e 23 tinham alterações em US, TC ou RM. Trinta e oito pacientes apresentaram o exame PET/CT positivo, todas com recidiva confirmada. Três pacientes apresentaram achados inconclusivos na PET/CT, todas com doença. Quatro exames de PET/CT eram negativos, sendo que uma paciente teve recidiva confirmada e as demais permaneceram sem evidências de doença durante o acompanhamento. Onze pacientes com CA-125 elevado apresentavam resultados de US, TC ou RM normais. Todas tiveram doença confirmada, sendo que a PET/CT detectou recidiva em nove e foi inconclusiva em duas. Entre as onze pacientes com CA- 125 normal, foram detectadas metástases na PET/CT em oito. As metástases mais freqüentes foram diagnosticadas em linfonodos, sendo localizados na região pélvica e abdominal em 30 pacientes, na região torácica em 16 e em sete pacientes, na região cervical. Implantes pélvicos e abdominais foram detectados em 27 pacientes. Outros locais de metástases foram fígado (n=7), baço (n=2), pleura (n=2), pulmão (n=2) e osso (n=2). O exame PET/CT detectou lesões não suspeitas em 20 das 45 pacientes (44,4%). A PET/CT detectou um novo tumor primário de tireoide numa paciente sem recidiva de carcinoma de ovário. Conclusão: O exame PET/CT foi útil para avaliação da extensão da recidiva de carcinoma de ovário. A recidiva acometeu mais freqüentemente os linfonodos, sendo a maioria localizada na região pélvica e abdominal. Metástases em linfonodos torácicos foram um achado freqüente nesta população estudadaAbstract: 18F-FDG PET/CT is a diagnostic method useful in oncology. Ovarian cancer is the third most frequent cancer of the female genital tract in Brazil, however, it has the highest mortality of all gynecological cancers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of 18F-FDG PET/CT in patients with suspected ovarian cancer recurrence and describe the distribution of metastasis. Methods: Fortyfive female patients with suspicion of ovarian cancer recurrence were included in this retrospective study. They were referred to PET/CT Campinas clinic from November 2006 to November 2010, because of elevated CA-125, clinical suspicion of ovarian cancer recurrence, or alterations detected on ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). PET/CT results were compared with histologic findings (n=15) or clinical followup for at least six months (n=30). Results: Forty-two patients were confirmed with ovarian cancer recurrence. Three patients remained free of disease during clinical follow-up. CA-125 was elevated in a total of 34 patients, 14 patients had clinical symptoms of disease and 23 presented with alterations on US, CT and MRI. Thirty eight patients had positive PET/CT scan, all with confirmed disease. Three patients had equivocal PET/CT findings and in all three, recurrence was confirmed. Four patients had negative PET/CT scan: one with confirmed recurrence and three free from disease during follow-up. Nine out of 11 patients with elevated CA-125 and normal conventional imaging had positive PET/CT scan and two had equivocal findings. There were eleven patients with normal CA-125 levels, eight presented with positive PET/CT scan. Lymph nodes were the most frequent site of relapse of disease, most being in the pelvic/abdominal region (n=30) and others in thoracic (n=16) or cervical region (n=7). Peritoneal implants were found in 27 patients. Distant sites of metastasis included liver (n=6), spleen (n=2), pleura (n=2), lung (n=2) and bone (n=2). PET/CT detected unsuspected lesions in 20/45 patients (44.4%). One patient with PET/CT negative for ovarian cancer recurrence was diagnosed with primary papillary carcinoma of the thyroid. Conclusion: 18F-FDG PET/CT was a useful tool for evaluation of the extension of ovarian cancer recurrence. In the current series, lymph nodes were the most frequent site of relapse of disease, with supradiaphragmatic lymph node metastasis in large number of casesMestradoOncologia Ginecológica e MamáriaMestre em Ciências da Saúd

    Exposição aguda a derivados imidazolínicos em crianças

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    OBJETIVOS: Estudar a exposição aguda a derivados imidazolínicos em crianças com idade inferior a 15 anos, atendidas no período de janeiro de 1994 a dezembro de 1999. MÉTODOS: Neste estudo retrospectivo foram avaliadas 72 crianças com idades entre dois meses e 13 anos, mediana de dois anos (25% a 75%; um a três anos), expostas a nafazolina (n = 48), fenoxazolina (n = 18), oximetazolina (n = 5) e tetrizolina (n = 1); por via oral (n = 46), nasal (n = 24) ou desconhecida (n = 2). RESULTADOS: No total, 57 crianças desenvolveram manifestações clínicas: sonolência (n = 34), sudorese (n = 20), palidez (n = 17), hipotermia (n = 16), bradicardia (n = 13), extremidades frias (n = 9), agitação (n = 7), taquicardia (n = 6), vômitos (n = 34), respiração irregular e apnéia (n = 5), miose/midríase (n = 4), sendo a nafazolina (n = 47), a fenoxazolina (n = 5) e a oximetazolina (n = 4) os princípios ativos mais envolvidos. O início das manifestações clínicas foi rápido, iniciando-se, em 32/57 crianças, até duas horas após a exposição. Somente medidas de suporte foram empregadas, com uma criança necessitando de ventilação mecânica após exposição à nafazolina. Na maioria dos pacientes, o quadro clínico remitiu até 24 horas após a exposição (n = 39/57). Não houve evolução letal. Pacientes expostos à nafazolina (n = 47/48) apresentaram maior freqüência de manifestações clínicas de intoxicação em comparação com aqueles expostos à fenoxazolina (n = 5/18) (p < 0,001). Comparando-se a freqüência de pacientes que desenvolveram manifestações clínicas de acordo com a via de exposição (oral, n = 34/46; nasal, n = 21/24), não foi encontrada uma diferença estatisticamente significante (p = 0,31). CONCLUSÕES: Na maioria dos casos de exposição a derivados imidazolínicos, principalmente à nafazolina e em crianças com menos de três anos de idade, ocorreu, independentemente da via (oral ou nasal), o aparecimento precoce de manifestações clínicas de intoxicação, destacando-se as depressões neurológica, cardiovascular e respiratória, que regrediram até 24 horas após a exposição

    Multiple organ failure in septic patients

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    Multiple organ failure (MOF) is the main cause of death in ICUs, especially affecting septic patients. It is strongly related to number of systems with failure, type of system involved, risk factors such as age, previous chronic diseases, delayed or inadequate resuscitation, persistent infection, immune suppression, and others. The prognoses is worse for patients rather than in elective or emergency surgical patients. The objective of this article is to provide data from our university teaching hospital ICU related to the incidence of septic patients, the distribution of MOF, and distribution of failure among each of the organs. The mortality rate, relationship between mortality and age, and mortality and types of organs affected were evaluated. The main bacterial causes of sepsis were also identified. A retrospective evaluation was done of 249 patients admitted to the ICU in a 4 month period during 1999. Fifty four patients had sepsis diagnosed by ACCS/SCCM criteria. There were 37 men and 17 women; 24 medical and 30 post-surgical patients (9 after elective surgery and 21 emergency patients). APACHE II score was calculated on admission and MOF, measured for the first five days, was diagnosed using Marshall and Meakins criteria. The statistical method used was non-parametric Mann-Whitney test, p61 years 13/19 (68%), died. There were 23 patients with positive bacterial culture. The most frequent bacteria found were: Pseudomonas aeruginosa (5), multiresistant Acinetobacter baumanii (3), Staphylococcus epidermidis (3), Enterobacter aerogenes (3), Klebsiella pneumoniae (2) and multiresistant Staphylococcus aureus (2). The mean value ± SD of APACHE II (mortality risk) for survivors was 21 ± 18 and for non-survivors 42 ± 26 (p<0.001). We conclude that MOF due to sepsis in an ICU is frequent, with high mortality related to the number of failing organs, age and high APACHE II

    Invasive hemodynamic monitoring in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery

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    OBJETIVE: To assess the hemodynamic profile of cardiac surgery patients with circulatory instability in the early postoperative period (POP). METHODS: Over a two-year period, 306 patients underwent cardiac surgery. Thirty had hemodynamic instability in the early POP and were monitored with the Swan-Ganz catheter. The following parameters were evaluated: cardiac index (CI), systemic and pulmonary vascular resistance, pulmonary shunt, central venous pressure (CVP), pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP), oxygen delivery and consumption, use of vasoactive drugs and of circulatory support. RESULTS: Twenty patients had low cardiac index (CI), and 10 had normal or high CI. Systemic vascular resistance was decreased in 11 patients. There was no correlation between oxygen delivery (DO2) and consumption (VO2), p=0.42, and no correlation between CVP and PCWP, p=0.065. Pulmonary vascular resistance was decreased in 15 patients and the pulmonary shunt was increased in 19. Two patients with CI < 2L/min/m² received circulatory support. CONCLUSION: Patients in the POP of cardiac surgery frequently have a mixed shock due to the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). Therefore, invasive hemodynamic monitoring is useful in handling blood volume, choice of vasoactive drugs, and indication for circulatory support