3 research outputs found
Karbonat Tarım Enstitüsü (Bulgaristan)’ndeki Yulaf (Avena sativa L.) Yetiştiriciliğinde Güncel Yönelimler, I. Kış Yulafları
In the 1980s, under the influence of the worldwide breeding achievements, the Institute of Agriculture in Каrnobat launched its program for breeding new oat varieties. 80 % of the breeding program included winter oats, and 20 % - spring oats.
The goal of these two main directions has been to create genotypes combining high and stable productive potential, high quality grain, complex resistance to stressful effects from abiotic and biotic environmental factors. It is necessary to make specialized collections, to create suitable source material, to adapt and apply new methods and approaches to assess the breeding material and to clarify some genetic and biological issues of theoretical and applied nature, which support the breeding process to realize the set goals. The priority areas in the breeding programs focus on overcoming low winter resistance, drought tolerance and productivity, reduction of the vegetation period, high stem and poor lodging resistance, increased grain quality, and others. Conventional, biotechnological, physiological and biochemical methods were used to evaluate the created genotypes.Karbonat’daki Tarım Enstitüsü, dünyadaki yetiştiricilik başarılarının etkisi sonucunda 1980lerde yeni yulaf çeşitleri yetiştirme üzerinde bir program başlatmış ve bu programın %80’ini kış, %20’sini de ilkbahar yulafları oluşturmuştur. Bu iki başlıca yönelimin hedefi yüksek ve kararlı üretkenlik potansiyeli, yüksek tane kalitesi ve biyotik ve abiyotik çevresel stres faktörlerine karşı kompleks dayanıklılık özelliklerini birleştirerek yeni genotiplerin elde edilmesi olmuştur. Özel koleksiyonlar oluşturmak, uygun kaynak materyalleri yaratmak, çaprazlamada kullanılacak yeni metot ve yaklaşımları benimseyip uygulamak ve teori ve uygulamadaki bazı genetik ve biyolojik konuları açıklığa kavuşturmak, üretim programının istenilen hedeflerine ulaşılması bakımından önemlidir. Üretim programında öncelik verilen alanlar düşük kış dirençliliğinin, kıraklık toleransının ve üretkenliğin üstesinden gelinmesi, vejetasyon süresinin kısaltılması, tane kalitesinin arttırılması gibi konular üzerine yoğunlaşmaktadır. Elde edilen genotiplerin değerlendirilmesi amacıyla geleneksel, biyoteknolojik, fizyolojik ve biyokimyasal yöntemler kullanılmıştı
Bulgar ve Türk arpa çeşit ve hatlarının Güneydoğu Bulgaristan koşullarındaki verimlilik potansiyelleri
The study was conducted in 2006-2009 in the experimental field of the Institute of Agriculture, Karnobat. The aim was to identify the productive capacity of the feed barley varieties and advanced lines. The results show that promising winter feed barley lines with the highest yields were CRF 47, CRF 292 and CRF 146в.The study was conducted in 2006-2009 in the experimental field of the Institute of Agriculture, Karnobat. The aim was to identify the productive capacity of the feed barley varieties and advanced lines. The results show that promising winter feed barley lines with the highest yields were CRF 47, CRF 292 and CRF 146в.Yemlik arpa çeşit ve hatlarının verimlilik kapasitelerinin tanımlanması amacıyla yapılan bu çalışma 2006-2009 yılları arasındaki 3 yıllık periyotta Karbonat’daki Tarım Enstitüsü’nde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar hüksek verime sahip kışlık yemlik arpa soylarının CRF 47, CRF 292 and CRF 146в olduklarını göstermiştirYemlik arpa çeşit ve hatlarının verimlilik kapasitelerinin tanımlanması amacıyla yapılan bu çalışma 2006-2009 yılları arasındaki 3 yıllık periyotta Karbonat’daki Tarım Enstitüsü’nde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar hüksek verime sahip kışlık yemlik arpa soylarının CRF 47, CRF 292 and CRF 146в olduklarını göstermişti
Grain yield in barley is a complex character depending on a large number of environmental, agronomical and physiological characters. This research was carried out in Edirne (Turkey) region during 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 growing years. Experiment was set up with 22 cultivars in randomized completely blocks with four replications. Grain yields, plant height, days of heading, biomass, 1000-kernel weight, test weight and protein ratio and relationship among these characters were investigated. According to the results significant differences among genotypes were found based on studied characters. The mean yield was 652.7 kg da-1 and Sitara and Asparuh had the highest grain yield with 697.1 and 694.1 kg da-1, respectively. Analysis of the traits and genotypes showed varied correlations in the two growing environments. Grain yield was negatively correlated with days of heading (r= -0.549**), protein ratio (r= -0.575**), and plant height. Also, grain yield was positively correlated with peduncle length(r=0.549*), test weight (r=0.425*), and 1000-kernel weight. Protein ratio was positively correlated with days of heading (r=0.528**), and plant height (r=0.557**). There was negatively relationship between number of kernel in spike with protein ratio (r= -0.575**), and 1000-kernel weight (r= -0.617**). Generally, correlations between grain yield and investigated physiological parameters were low although a few were slightly significant. A negative correlation between grain yield and biomass constantly increased from GS25 up to GS40 growth stage. So, correlation coefficients between grain yield and biomass were at GS25 r=-0.300, at GS30 r=-0.300, and at GS49 r=-0.300*. This was probably because increased in rainfall and temperature between GS25 and GS49 and caused speed up the development of biotic stress factors which consequently resulted in reducing grain yield. Higher canopy temperature at GS55 and GS69 negatively affected and reduced grain yield. The chlorophyll content showed slightly positive correlations with yield. These results suggest that higher chlorophyll content during heading stage positively affected grain yield