26 research outputs found

    A Novel Protein Kinase-Like Domain in a Selenoprotein, Widespread in the Tree of Life

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    Selenoproteins serve important functions in many organisms, usually providing essential oxidoreductase enzymatic activity, often for defense against toxic xenobiotic substances. Most eukaryotic genomes possess a small number of these proteins, usually not more than 20. Selenoproteins belong to various structural classes, often related to oxidoreductase function, yet a few of them are completely uncharacterised

    Simulating Virtual Cut-through and Wormhole Routing in a Clustered Torus

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    Communication with uniformly distributed destinations, with locality and with hot-spots are simulated in a 2D clustered torus using virtual cutthrough and wormhole routing. Assuming uniform distributed destinations wormhole routing has a better performance than virtual cut-through when both have the same buffer size; wormhole routing with a buffer size of one flit has a worse performance. Partial virtual cut-through has a better performance than full virtual cut-through. With uniform distributed destinations a 3-clustered torus network has a better maximum throughput per processor than a 4-clustered torus network. It is concluded that the more locality there is, the lower is the latency and the better is the throughput. If the probability a message is sent to a hot-spot decreases or messages are sent to more than a single hot-spot, the throughput increases, the latency decreases and the average distance a delivered message has traveled over is higher. Keywords parallel co..

    Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the written consent of the copyright owner. The TM3270 Media-processor

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    ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Technische Universiteit Delft, op gezag van de Rector Magnificus prof.dr.ir. J.T. Fokkema

    Performance Visualization of Parallel Systems: The PAMELA VIEWER.

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    This thesis presents the first implementation of the PAMELA VIEWER . The viewer is able to reproduce the execution trace of a PAMELA model, which is built with the PAMELA Run Time Library version 1.6. The PAMELA language is a language for performance analysis of models that simulate a real time multitasking and multiprogramming environment with process synchronization. The PAMELA language allows detailed simulation models of parallel systems. The PAMELA models build with the PAMELA language will be compiled with the PAMELA COMPILER to ANSI-C code. These ANSI-C code is linked with the PAMELA ANSI-C Run Time Library (RTL) by an ANSI-C compiler, which result in an executable of the PAMELA model. The PAMELA VIEWER produces a graphical reproduction of the execution trace from the trace data, produced by the execution of a PAMELA model. The PAMELA VIEWER as implemented is able to visualize all the items that are in the PAMELA RTL version 1.6, these items are the processes, semaphores, resour..