4 research outputs found

    Prospects of Ayurveda through Cell Line

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    Ayurveda is a science of life with a holistic approach to health and personalized medicine. It is a system of traditional medicine developed during antiquity and the medicinal period and as such as comparable to modern system of medicine. Ayurveda gives us a model to look at each individual as a unique make up of Tridosha and to thereby design treatment protocols. Unfortunately, due to lack of scientific validation in various concepts like Tridosha, Prakruti, Mahabhuta, Guna and its affect on body. Hence evidence-based research as highly needed for global recognition and acceptance of Ayurveda, which need further advancements in vitro study. The present review highlights to improve the fundamental principles, drugs, pharmaceuticals and clinical research in Ayurveda through cell line study. In vitro studies permit a species-specific, simpler, convenient and more detailed analysis that can be done with the whole organism. This attempt will certainly encourage to researchers to work on cell line for the development and promotion of Ayurveda

    A Biochemical Approach to Understand the Concept of Snigdha Guna of Ghee and Ruksha Guna of Terminalia arjuna on Behaviour of 3T3-L1 Cell Line with Respect to Adipocytic and Anti-Adipocytic Activity : In Vitro

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    Ayurvedic medicine is a system of traditional medicine native to India. Ayurveda is based on peculiar fundamental principles like Shatpadarth, Tridosha Theory, Panchamahabhuta Theory, Prakriti, Ojas, Dhatu, Mala, Agni, Manas, and Atma etc. The concepts of Ayurveda are expressed with Gunas. The increased elements are treated by opposite Guna. In support of the above concept, an experimental study on the 3T3-L1 cell line is carried out for examine the adipocytic and anti adipocytic activity of Snigdha and Ruksha Guna respectively. The results were assessed with the help of evaluation of sublethal concentration by using XTT assay and lipid assay. The aim of basic research in Ayurveda through bioscience is to explore scientific innovation and opportunities in fundamental concept of Ayurveda. Fundamental research needs to be done to highlight the concept of gurvadi guna through the in vitro study

    Correlation of Griva Parinaah (GP) in Anguli Praman and BMI in Medovriddhi (Obesity) w.s.r. to Cardiovascular Risk

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    The prevalence of overweight and obesity in India is increasing faster than the world average Medovriddhi (obesity) shows the symptoms as increased size of buttocks, breast and abdomen, Shwasa (breathlessness) after slight movement also. Acharya Bhavprakash added one more symptom the oversize of the neck (Griva). Acharya Sushruta mentioned the Griva measurement should be 20 Angul for both males and females with their fingers (self-finger unit). In modern science, body mass index (BMI) is used to find out obesity. Obesity is the foremost cause of cardiovascular diseases. BMI is the generalized metric way but Grivaparinaah in Swangulpramaan is a personalized quantifying anthropometric measurement. Individuals of Medovriddhi having an age group of 20 to 70 years were selected. So, intending to the height the importance of Grivaparinaah described in Medodhatu Vruddhi correlation study having been carried out. A positive correlation was found in GP with BMI in both genders having r-value of 0.3533 (p<0.05) for males and 0.3137 (p<0.05) for females. Using ROC curve analysis GP is >21.63 Angul for males and females were determined to be the best cut-off level for identifying a subject with BMI as cardiovascular risk

    Concept of Dhatri (wet nurse) in perspective of Ayurveda w.r.t. Babylonian Code of Hammurabi

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    Ayurveda, the native healthcare system of India, is a rich resource of well-documented ancient medical knowledge. Although the roots of this knowledge date back to the Vedic and post-Vedic eras, it is generally believed that a dedicated branch for healthcare was gradually established approximately between 400 BC and 200 AD. It is well known and nature’s gift that breastfeeding is the best nutrition for human infants. There are several problems in motherhood so in such cases there is an alternative source for breastfeeding given in the code of Hammurabi and Ayurveda. But in today’s world, there are advancements in the technology through which we preserve mother's breast milk and form milk bank and formula feed for baby. But there is a lack of love, care, and nutritional values that varies in the milk bank and formula feed. Due to advancement in the technology, there is some drawback which affects the baby normal life in term of nutritional value. Anger, grief, and lack of affection, etc. cause loss of breast milk. Ayurveda has a concept of Dhatri from an ancient time in the absence of mother milk for the baby. Dhatri another mother for the baby. Hence this article reviews the concept of Dhatri (wet nurse) in perspective of Ayurveda w.r.t. Babylonian Code of Hammurabi