Correlation of Griva Parinaah (GP) in Anguli Praman and BMI in Medovriddhi (Obesity) w.s.r. to Cardiovascular Risk


The prevalence of overweight and obesity in India is increasing faster than the world average Medovriddhi (obesity) shows the symptoms as increased size of buttocks, breast and abdomen, Shwasa (breathlessness) after slight movement also. Acharya Bhavprakash added one more symptom the oversize of the neck (Griva). Acharya Sushruta mentioned the Griva measurement should be 20 Angul for both males and females with their fingers (self-finger unit). In modern science, body mass index (BMI) is used to find out obesity. Obesity is the foremost cause of cardiovascular diseases. BMI is the generalized metric way but Grivaparinaah in Swangulpramaan is a personalized quantifying anthropometric measurement. Individuals of Medovriddhi having an age group of 20 to 70 years were selected. So, intending to the height the importance of Grivaparinaah described in Medodhatu Vruddhi correlation study having been carried out. A positive correlation was found in GP with BMI in both genders having r-value of 0.3533 (p<0.05) for males and 0.3137 (p<0.05) for females. Using ROC curve analysis GP is >21.63 Angul for males and females were determined to be the best cut-off level for identifying a subject with BMI as cardiovascular risk

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