7 research outputs found

    Integration of Markov Mesh models and ensemble data assimilation in reservoir with complex geology

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    We present a methodology conducive to updating both facies and petrophysical properties of a reservoir models set characterized by a complex architecture within the context of a history matching procedure based on the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF). Spatial distribution of facies is handled by means of a Markov Mesh (MM) model. The latter is adopted because of its ability to reproduce detailed facies geometries and spatial patterns and can be integrated in a consistent probabilistic Bayesian framework. The MM model is then integrated into a history matching procedure which is based on the EnKF scheme. We test the proposed methodology by means of a synthetic reservoir in the presence of two distinct facies. We analyze the accuracy and computational efficiency of our algorithm with respect to the standard EnKF both in terms of history matching quality and forecast prediction capabilities. The results show that the integration of MM in the data assimilation scheme allows obtaining realistic geological shapes for spatial facies distribution and an improved estimation of petrophysical properties. In addition, the updated ensemble correctly captures the production range in the long term

    Grupo de pacientes de cirurgia cardíaca: relato de experiência

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    Neste trabalho relata-se uma experiência de grupo com pacientes de cirurgia cardíaca. A atividade realiza-se no INSTITUTO DE CARDIOLOGIA DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL e tem por objetivo proporcionar aos pacientes a oportunidade de verbalizarem suas ansiedades e conversarem sobre suas experiências relacionadas com a cirurgia e anestesia. Os grupos reúnem-se duas vezes por semana sendo constituídos por pacientes adultos em pré e pós-operatório imediato. A equipe de saúde é composta por enfermeiros, psicólogo, anestesista, cardiologistas e fisioterapeutas e sua atuação é no sentido de auxiliar na compreensão dos procedimentos aos quais o paciente vai se submeter, desfazendo fantasias distorcidas da realidade

    Psychological assessment of obese patients from guidelines to real world

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    Abstract: Major scientific guidelines on obesity medical management recognize the importance of assessing issues such as eating behaviors, motivation to change and psychopathologies that may interfere with optimal weight loss and long term maintenance. However it is an open question if the results of the assessment are really taken into account in the choice of the treatment and which are the most useful instruments in assessing obese patients. At least three surveys have attempted to characterize common practices that constitute the preoperative psychological consultation for obese patients (Bauchowitz et al., 2005; Fabricatore, et al. 2006; Walfishet al. 2007), but perhaps the strongest conclusion is that no practice is universal. Italian guidelines on obesity treatment (LIGIO, 1999) only contain general indications for instruments useful in psychological assessment . In this workshop we will compare the sets of assessment tools used in a sample of 9 eating disorder centers in Northern Italy with those reported in these three surveys The tests and procedures selected for the evaluation depend on the domains the consultant believes are important to assess. Available guidelines do not recommend the use of any specific psychological assessment tool. Since we consider that not only psychopathological but also psychological factors influence the choice of a specific therapy, we will propose and discuss with the participants a set of tools which could be useful to assess both aspects