86 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar Mahasiswa melalui Lesson Study pada Mata Kuliah Anatomi dan Morfologi Tumbuhan

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    Tujuan yang ingin dicapai pada kegiatan lesson study ini adalah untuk meningkatkan aktivitas belajar mahasiswa di Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi pada mata kuliah Anatomi dan Morfologi Tumbuhan. Hasil akhir yang diharapkan adalah semua kompetensi dasar dan standar kompetensi bisa dicapai. Aktivitas belajar yang diharapkan meningkat terutama adalah (1) kemampuan berpikir kritis, (2) kemampuan berkomunikasi lisan, (3) kemampuan bekerja sama dalam tim, (4) kedisiplinan. Lesson Study dilakukan dengan menerapkan problem solving dalam perkuliahan dan dilakukan dalam 4 kali siklus yang masing-masing terdiri dari kegiatan Plan, Do dan See. Plan dilakukan oleh dosen model dan observer untuk menganalisis kebutuhan dan permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam perkuliahan dan mempersiapkan semua instrumen dan perangkat kuliah yang diyakini mampu membelajarkan mahasiswa secara efektif serta membangkitkan partisipasi aktif mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran. Produk dalam kegiatan plan adalah jadwal pelaksanaan plan, do dan see, RPP, materi, media, dan alat evaluasi. Kegiatan selanjutnya adalah kegiatan open class, yaitu kegiatan tatap muka di kelas yang diampu oleh dosen model dan dimonitor keterlaksanaannya oleh para observer. Setelah itu dosen model dan para observer melakukan refleksi berdasarkan open class yang baru saja dilakukan, mendiskusikan masalah dan cara penanggulangannya agar siklus selanjutnya lebih baik pencapaiannya. Berdasarkan hasil pelaksanaan lesson study selama 4 siklus didapatkan bahwa penggunaan model problem solving melalui lesson study pada pembelajaran Anatomi dan Morfologi Tumbuhan dapat meningkatkan aktivitas belajar mahasiswa pada setiap tahapan siklus, yang ditunjukkan dengan meningkatnya (1) kemampuan berpikir kritis, (2) kemampuan berkomunikasi lisan, (3) kemampuan bekerja sama dalam tim, dan (4) kedisiplinan. Selain itu juga terdapat peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh dosen, baik dalam persiapan pembelajaran maupun keterampilan melaksanakan pembelajaran. Walaupun demikian, lesson study ini masih perlu dilanjutkan dan ditingkatkan agar pembelajaran yang berkualitas tetap terjaga

    Model Sistem Multi Agen Linear Dengan Formasi Segitiga

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    In this paper, a linear model of multi agent movement in equilateral triangle formation is considered. The agents have initial and final state in triangular formation. Along the motion, all agents can not move far away and collide. The agents are steered from initial position to final position in fixed time. For this goal, optimal control with Pontryagin Maximum Principle is applied and the classic difficulty in the optimal control problem is appear. To solve the classic difficulty above, the steepest descent method is used

    Effects of initial-state dynamics on collective flow within a coupled transport and viscous hydrodynamic approach

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    We evaluate the effects of preequilibrium dynamics on observables in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. We simulate the initial nonequilibrium phase within A MultiPhase Transport (AMPT) model, while the subsequent near-equilibrium evolution is modeled using (2+1)-dimensional relativistic viscous hydrodynamics. We match the two stages of evolution carefully by calculating the full energy-momentum tensor from AMPT and using it as input for the hydrodynamic evolution. We find that when the preequilibrium evolution is taken into account, final-state observables are insensitive to the switching time from AMPT to hydrodynamics. Unlike some earlier treatments of preequilibrium dynamics, we do not find the initial shear viscous tensor to be large. With a shear viscosity to entropy density ratio of 0.120.12, our model describes quantitatively a large set of experimental data on Pb+Pb collisions at the Large Hadron Collider(LHC) over a wide range of centrality: differential anisotropic flow vn(pT) (n=26)v_n(p_T) ~(n=2-6), event-plane correlations, correlation between v2v_2 and v3v_3, and cumulant ratio v2{4}/v2{2}v_2\{4\}/v_2\{2\}.Comment: 10 pages, v2: minor revisio

    Data_Sheet_1_Comparative Genomics Reveals the Regulatory Complexity of Bifidobacterial Arabinose and Arabino-Oligosaccharide Utilization.PDF

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    <p>Members of the genus Bifidobacterium are common inhabitants of the human gastrointestinal tract. Previously it was shown that arabino-oligosaccharides (AOS) might act as prebiotics and stimulate the bifidobacterial growth in the gut. However, despite the rapid accumulation of genomic data, the precise mechanisms by which these sugars are utilized and associated transcription control still remain unclear. In the current study, we used a comparative genomic approach to reconstruct arabinose and AOS utilization pathways in over 40 bacterial species belonging to the Bifidobacteriaceae family. The results indicate that the gene repertoire involved in the catabolism of these sugars is highly diverse, and even phylogenetically close species may differ in their utilization capabilities. Using bioinformatics analysis we identified potential DNA-binding motifs and reconstructed putative regulons for the arabinose and AOS utilization genes in the Bifidobacteriaceae genomes. Six LacI-family transcriptional factors (named AbfR, AauR, AauU1, AauU2, BauR1 and BauR2) and a TetR-family regulator (XsaR) presumably act as local repressors for AOS utilization genes encoding various α- or β-L-arabinofuranosidases and predicted AOS transporters. The ROK-family regulator AraU and the LacI-family regulator AraQ control adjacent operons encoding putative arabinose transporters and catabolic enzymes, respectively. However, the AraQ regulator is universally present in all Bifidobacterium species including those lacking the arabinose catabolic genes araBDA, suggesting its control of other genes. Comparative genomic analyses of prospective AraQ-binding sites allowed the reconstruction of AraQ regulons and a proposed binary repression/activation mechanism. The conserved core of reconstructed AraQ regulons in bifidobacteria includes araBDA, as well as genes from the central glycolytic and fermentation pathways (pyk, eno, gap, tkt, tal, galM, ldh). The current study expands the range of genes involved in bifidobacterial arabinose/AOS utilization and demonstrates considerable variations in associated metabolic pathways and regulons. Detailed comparative and phylogenetic analyses allowed us to hypothesize how the identified reconstructed regulons evolved in bifidobacteria. Our findings may help to improve carbohydrate catabolic phenotype prediction and metabolic modeling, while it may also facilitate rational development of novel prebiotics.</p

    Genomic position and surrounding regions of the insertion site of a number of transposon insertion mutants that were isolated based on their inability to grow on one or more carbohydrates.

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    <p>The diagram was drawn to scale using <i>B. breve</i> UCC2003 genome sequence information. White open arrowheads represent the location of the transposon with the specific location indicated as the genome coordinate based on accession number CP000303. Red arrows represent transposon-disrupted open reading frames. Grey arrows represent flanking open reading frames. Lollipops indicate transcriptional terminators predicted by ARNold Web server (<a href="http://rna.igmors.u-psud.fr/toolbox/arnold/" target="_blank">http://rna.igmors.u-psud.fr/toolbox/arnold/</a>).</p

    Transformation efficiencies and transposition frequencies.

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    *<p>Transformation efficiencies and transposition frequencies were determined following electroporation of a replicative vector, namely pAM5, or a tetracycline-resistant TN5 transposome, respectively, into <i>B. breve</i> UCC2003 competent cells grown in different carbohydrates. Transposition events are average of independent duplicates.</p

    Confirmation of transposon insertion events into <i>B.</i><i>breve</i> UCC2003 and <i>B. breve</i> NCFB2258 genome by Southern hybridization.

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    <p>Blots of twenty-six randomly selected mutants of <i>B. breve</i> UCC2003 (Panel I, two blots) and sixteen randomly selected mutants of <i>B. breve</i> NCFB2258 (Panel II, single blot) are shown. Lanes labeled from A to R correspond to mutants whose insertion site was subsequently sequenced as indicated in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0064699#pone-0064699-t003" target="_blank">Table 3</a>.</p

    Strains, plasmids and primers used.

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    <p>Restriction sites are underlined and a rho-transcriptional terminator sequence is highlighted in bold. NCFB, National Collection of Food Bacteria.</p

    Additional file 7: of Comparative and functional genomics of the Lactococcus lactis taxon; insights into evolution and niche adaptation

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    Multilocus supertree orthologues and 16S rRNA genes list. List of locus tag identifiers and predicted functions of 596 orthologous protein sequences which were concatenated to generate the multilocus supertree and list of locus tag identifiers used to generate the 16S rRNA tree. (XLSX 34 kb